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I have decided NOT to back the HasLab. Why? It's literally Hasbro's fault for 3 reasons:

1) They are not continuing the line. That YouTube interview where they were evasive as Hell tipped it off among other things. If there were more to follow, especially ghosts from GB1 & 2, then yeah I'd dive in and get one.

2) Mondo. We all know Mondo had to raise their prices due to Hasbro. They announced their RGB and stated the 2-packs would be $80-90, then finally settled on $202. You could LITERALLY buy a HasLab deluxe version for the added markup on the Mondos. Quite literally, fuck you Hasbro. I was still willing to get both but you really pissed me off here.

3) Cost. We've all known this was overpriced to start with. I just measured the 1/18 version that was $60 to go with the 3.75" O-ring figures, it was 14" long, compared to the HasLab at 22.5" long, a 62.2% increase in size. That price at a 62.2% increase comes out to just under $100. Sure, nothing is linear especially when adding in figures, BUT that's a 541% increase for the basic package on cost. Fucking blow me, you're massively price gouging, Hasbro.

Bottom line, and I'm sure this goes for others, as soon as I had to start weighing costs of paying $808 +tax for the 4 Mondo RGB 2packs, it had me really looking at whether or not I needed the HasLab Ecto-1. Add in that the line is DEAD after this HasLab if the team's comments are anything to go by, then why bother? I have the Ecto-1 and 1A in scales such as 1/64, 1/32, 1/24, 1/18, so why do I need to pay their price for lights and sounds? Nah, Hasbro convinced me to save my cash instead. I'm still buying the Mondos though. Sorry guys, I hope those of you who want one get yours. But Hasbro made way too many mistakes here.
Forgot to mention, the funny thing was I was debating on buying 2 of the Deluxe versions to display both models. Then I'd decided to just get one and 3d print a body to display the extra roof on later. THEN I got the new o-rings and took another long hard look at the 1/18 version and decided I can just 3d print my own car IF I really need to have one, regardless they're just going to sit on a shelf anyway. MAYBE I'll pick up the figures separately on ebay later, but I already have the old NECA Slimer somewhere and the Matty Collector 6" Slimer and angry Librarian. Hasbro just got too greedy.
I’m on the fence with it, I don’t really think it’s worth what they are asking between having to use stickers and the fact it’s really not even that accurate, but the reality is no one else is ever going to make a 1/12 ecto if this fails, if they can’t get the backers it shows the market is too small. Mondo may make a cartoon version in theory but if they are having to charge $101 for the ghostbusters they’d probably have to charge triple what hasbro is for the car.
>no one else is ever going to make a 1/12 ecto if this fails
Officially, sure. You could literally 3d print your own today if you really wanted to. Hell, you could even make it out of Carbon Fiber if you wanted to spend enough. You could put in a little bit of elbow grease and sand it and use actual automotive paints and fillers to make it look like a screen-used filming model if you're so inclined. I will never again look at this type of thing as "cannot be done" ever again. This, along with the fact I already have so many Ecto-1s in my collection means I have ZERO urgency or concerns of FOMO. Hell, people are already making their own 1/12 GI Joe vehicles in the Classified community.
>Mondo may make a cartoon version
I doubt they will but who knows. Again, 3D printer goes brrrrrrr. You can again print your own 1/12 version TODAY. The old Kenner version has 3d scans available to print floating around the net, you just upscale it.

Vehicles are a breeze, there's no articulation, and so many flat surfaces that increasing size doesn't lose details like a head sculpt would.

I really wanted their Slimer and Librarian ghost, but who cares about her if we can't get any further ghosts? She's more of a reminder of what's missing.
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Thanks for the blog post, what are you gonna have for lunch today?
You sound like a raging faggot lol
Takes one to know one
>They are not continuing the line
You’re wrong. They said they’re going to somehow get the GB1 figures back out there and release a few new figures.
>You’re wrong. They said
They also say they love you and respect you. Kek. You fell for it!
No, they refused to say they would release more figures just a few days ago, NOW they are doing Damage Control after that previous video came out and people complained, and doing youtube interviews with their shills and trying to get sales. The backers literally dropped after the previous video.

I mean, if you're really that gullible instead of asking WHY they never said this HasLab was a prelude to relaunching the line instead of waiting until around the final 10 days of the campaign to finally mention it when they refused to do so days prior, you're just ngmi.
>You’re wrong. They said they’re going to somehow get the GB1 figures back out there and release a few new figures.
You absolute fucking faggot. I just watched the video because of your bullshit and this is NOT what Emily says. You gullible fucking fool. They said they HOPE to rerelease the same GB1 figures with some changes but they did NOT say they would release "a few new figures". That's literally your own ass-pull. Fucking faggot.
>"Hurrrrrrrr a successful campaign shows management there are fans still out there!"
>team proceeds to pat each other on the back about being vague enough


around the 14:45 mark
>You’re wrong.
"we're working on figuring out HOW to do something" to rerelease the Plasma series GB1
>hurrrrr dat means its official!!!!!!!!!
you gullible, gullible fool.
And yet you HAD to post anyway.
OP you sound really gullible and dumb. Also, corporations are trying to make money, not be your friend.

1)Duh. It wasn't obvious the 6" GB line wouldn't continue? Everything they've released has rotted on shelves and hit clearance

2) Mondo is making 6" figures too, so it's probably the licensor, not Hasbro, who required them to price theirs above a certain benchmark so that it rests outside the realm that the Hasbro 6" license occupies. Similar to McFarlane being required to price that Joker Diorama set above a specific dollar amount due to the license holder.

3)This Haslab may be a bit overpriced, but a jump from a 14" long vehicle to a 22.5" long vehicle is a BIG increase in volume and probably a MASSIVE increase in tooling cost. Tooling is the most expensive part of the production process and it's not always a linear price increase when you increase the size of the individual steel molds. The electronics are just thrown into vehicles like these to help justify the cost from the tooling. The lights and sounds barely cost anything.
lol you need anger management. And what's the point of even starting a thread if you're going to absolutely not believe or even consider any other people's opinions or facts presented?
OP, I genuinely hope your entire family gets cancer. I think I speak for all of us.
So you're poor
>Unironically I have buddy IRL who's trying to red pill me on not backing for similar reasons. Plus he said fuck them for pushing this on the fan base right before the end of the year during the time of the year where we should be buying gifts for everyone and not ourselves, just to boost their shitty sales.

To be honest, I'm not poor because I'm buying 6 of the basic ass (no lights or sounds) animated sentinels. I know I won't get charged for a minute on those but the fact they pushed this shit thru right during the holidays makes it a pain in the ass for most people who are buying a lot of gifts for their family plus traveling costs or holiday party costs, etc. It's pretty annoying, because I would've bought 2 if this kick starter ended in September or October. But these goofy faggots having it charge in December is part of the reason I'm debating canceling last minute. I'd rather put this cash towards something more productive and something I can get some instant gratification on, like an 85 inch tv or literally 100 other things, vs something I will most likely resell or not really ever display. Plus the whole sticker decal shit is a turn off - not interested in only getting 1 look with a shitty sticker, when paying almost $500, might as well get the hot toys. Eh, either way I'm realizing (I love me some Ghost busters) I will be ok if I don't waste $500 on this shit during the month of the year when I should be gifting thoughtful shit to my family and fiancé's family. Anyways, hope those who are still buying enjoy their purchase and happy holidays guys. Hopefully we all enjoy it before WW3 kicks off and none of these go into production kek. Thanks for reading my blog post. Merry Christmas you filthy animals.
Your first mistake was considering buying a haslab. NEVER SUPPORT a multi billion company crowd funding project, unless you’re a goy that enjoys it in the ass.
>2) Mondo is making 6" figures too, so it's probably the licensor, not Hasbro, who required them to price theirs above a certain benchmark so that it rests outside the realm that the Hasbro 6" license occupies. Similar to McFarlane being required to price that Joker Diorama set above a specific dollar amount due to the license holder.
That's not how it works.

Mondo is a small company, so they don't produce a billion toys per year like Hasbro does to decrease costs. Since they're smaller, their market is also going to be smaller, so they're not going to be produce as many figures as Hasbro can who can afford to do a shit ton of marketing.

A licensor can't really dictate the price like that, hence there being multiple collector lines for other toylines that don't cost much more than Hasbro's stuff. McFarlane and Jazware's Fortnite lines was only a $5 difference, and McFarlane's were $5 more because they weren't mass market toys being sold in children toy aisles. See also Marvel Selects generally being $5 more than Marvel Legends for almost decades. Also DCD's figures when Mattel had the license.

Most of why shit like online only toys cost so much is generally because fewer people are going to buy it. They're limited releases. IT's the same shit like with SDCC exclusives, where Hasbro sells those for 2-4x more, despite usually just being redecos. IF they only make enough to sell 5000-10,000 figures, they're going to cost much more than if they were aiming to sell 500k+ like they do at children toy aisles.
>Mondo is a small company, so they don't produce a billion toys per year like Hasbro does to decrease costs. Since they're smaller, their market is also going to be smaller, so they're not going to be produce as many figures as Hasbro can who can afford to do a shit ton of marketing.

See that makes sense but everyone keeps blaming Hasbro for it
because they're retarded children.
Why'd that anon earlier say they were gonna be $90, was that stated somewhere?
Do you have any other 1/12 scale vehicles? If so you're definitely underestimating how big these fuckers are, especially with cars. The price jump is understandable not just because of the toy itself but everything else that has to be paid for to make sure it gets from them to you in one piece, and to make sure your retarded ass can go broom-broom with it on your desk without it breaking in half.

Also price gouging? On something as non fucking essential as toys designed for collectors? Come the fuck on.
No, it was speculation.
>subby thread
Little over 800 left to go.
>Mondo is a small company, so they don't produce a billion toys per year like Hasbro does to decrease costs.
mondo is literally funko
Mondo is literally not Funko. They have zero interaction. Funko owns them but that's it.
Source? I highly doubt that
Ecto funded.
You are highly retarded then
>2) Mondo. We all know Mondo had to raise their prices due to Hasbro. They announced their RGB and stated the 2-packs would be $80-90, then finally settled on $202. You could LITERALLY buy a HasLab deluxe version for the added markup on the Mondos. Quite literally, fuck you Hasbro. I was still willing to get both but you really pissed me off here.

LOL What the fuck are you actually mad about here? Mondo didn't have to do shit. They're a company. How does Hasbro make them raise their prices, man? The fuck are you talking about?
>How does Hasbro make them raise their prices, man?
That is literally what happened. The licensor required a certain pricepoint for those toys to be allowed to get made. That's why they're One hundred and ~one~ dollars each.

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