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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

!!!BIG NEWS!!!

>4 new Lego "live action" movies announced at Universal Pictures, one of them will be a Ninjago movie with the original show's creators!



The hero we needed.
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2025 is gonna be so fucking bad its not even funny
Kind of depends on the 3 in 1 sets.
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3 in 1 went to shit when they stopped making them minifig scale in favor or thing: but lego
Are these helmets dual molded, or are the visors interchangeable?
i would had bought a pari of this if they made a boys-colored black one.
also, is there a stud in the back of it?
looks a little like the shape might have a flat part in the back...(?)
anybody have a pic from the back of the new helmet?
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Can we remove the shitty news from the OP at least
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>no dnd 2025
>no zelda 2025
>carshit galore instead
kill me
Looking forward to the inevitable HdS video for that one.
>im a what?
>youre a fucking building block harry!
Had a terrifying dream that all my trans-neon green pieces melted. luckily it was a dream but i thought it was real for a while after i woke up until I actually thought about it and realized that didn't happen. I was about to order tons of trans neon green pieces off bricklink
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Looks dual molded to me, there is no stud in the back.
Cars are superior
Honestly I like the f1 cars more than this wish they did some sets like this one though that came with safety car as well. Also why do they use normal green for aston martin when in real life they are more of a teal colour, dark turquoise is closer to how they look in real life and that colour is in demand it would make them sell a lot better, more accurate for f1 fans and rock raiders fans will also buy it for pieces.
what a weird looking helmet.
F1 obviously gave them a load of money.
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The red bull car looks off as well, though I don't know if there's a dark blue they could have used.
darker blue
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>bought another 6-pack DND CMF box
>mindflayer / bard / barbarian / birdman / vampire / lich AGAIN
>have 5 of each and none of the other six minifigs
are these things fucking rigged or what
Do you guys play with your Lego other than just building them
I pose and arrange minifigs in my sets.
People here don’t buy or play with lego fren this is just a place for miserable assholes to shit on each other.
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What's your favorite childhood minifig that seemingly vanished without a trace from your stash over the years?
I still own this one
are you forced to buy them online? and they send it to you in the mail?

if that's a real story, you might be able to use their customer service thing to complain. that's a lot of money for something that's supposed to be "random" yet is mathematically NOT, and they may offer you pity (it will "feel" like mercy, but it's really their fault, not your fault for complaining) replacements

if you are buying them retail, it's your own fault for not using the camera scan code, (unless you are that one person on the planet who doesn't have a computer phone?)
Only thing I can think to do is keep buying them, scan em and return em until you hit the case with the other 6.
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He was basically the Hero/Link in my Castle universe.
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based aquachads, I'm surprised how well the chrome held up on the other dude
January is gonna be the start to a grim year.
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I didn't follow the story of Space Police back then. This was just a cool looking space suit to my guy in fun space adventures.
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they probably don't want a repeat of the Maersk situation, but that only means alt brands can one-up them
Suck it up, Buttercup. There are good years and bad years. Maybe put some money aside since you won't be buying sets this year for the next time there is something out you do want. In the meantime, get some enjoyment out of what you have already.
The hospital bed car alone salvages 2025, not to mention all the Ninjago kino which will carry Lego as always
Money isn't an issue at the moment, of course paying 200% more for something isn't a behavior I wanna get used to.
stop posting this piece of shit design
Or you could ignore it like everyone else does.
I have two little boys so I play with legos whether I want to or not.
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>Do you guys play with your Lego other than just building them
I play with my nexo Knights a lot. I place them like Lord of the Rings 3 armies and swosh and blast until my field will look like a total broken mess.
Then i will build everything again and store everything away.

I do that once at the end of the week.
selling expensive Lego sets is hard as fuck, I've had a listing for the UCS Barge + Luke Lightsaber GWP + Sarlacc Pit for 500 EUR for over two weeks now with nobody giving a fuck
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Anyone get anything good during the Insiders Weekend sale?
I managed to snag the Boutique hotel and some minifigure series boxes to get both the Record Player and the Holiday Train (also had about $35 worth of points for a discount). I might give the record player to my buddy who gave me his real one a few years back when he moved out of our state.
maybe its cuz its a set noone wants to spend so much on
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I want, like... 30 Mindflayers. When's the best time to buy?
fuck off with this garbage

I've had Rivendell for 340, took two months to sell that. UCS Star Destroyer for 580 no bites, etc etc.
part them out and put it on bricklink. target audience of those sets buys from lego for """insider""" points
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fags at Lego Star Wars finally throwing prequel chads a bone
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>3 in 1 went to shit when they stopped making them minifig scale
>3 in 1 has been making both minifig and non-minifig scale builds since the line's inception
What did he mean by this?

I do agree the amount of objectshit last year was too much though, if it was one or two things sprinkled around alongside the usual animals/buildings/vehicles but there were like five or six.
Fuck you for making me believe for a second
It's believable because half the piece count goes into the base
Whatever happened to just having a single piece flat baseplate full of studs anyway.
I saw Wicked...fantastic film, loved it! So I will buy sets from it.

I already see sets they can make for part 2 like wicked witch castle and emerald city train...maybe.
>fursuit motherfucker taking pics of the medieval human centipede
This anon PLAYS
who the fuck did you give cole's hair to?
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I have yet to see the movie but how do they go through the whole thing and NOT splash water on the witch? Didn't she MELT when splashed with water WTF it's WATER

you don't have to spoiler it, but do they address that at all?
She cries in the film

In the source material, its revealed it is propganda and water cant kill her. The wizard of oz is evil, wicked witch is good.
propaganda? it happened.

I haven't yet re-watched the original Wizard of Oz movie to see if Wicked Witch does any evil stuff directly or if it was just the flying monkeys that ripped apart the Scarecrow
I saw the whole musical years ago. It is fully addressed and will be shown in part 2.
Wtf are those responses, fuck of from lego shillbot
This guy's been on the fence all month.
Remove it.
A lot less humans (or worse, r*dditors) in here. Take a look at the local NJ Schizo for example
afols dont like those, not realistic enough.
There are so many more sets I could see…Emerald city…munchkin land…yellow brick road…Elohaba’s house…that tower at the end when they run away….
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I have never used these websites to buy minifigs so i'm not familiar with their deep lore.
I take it used (good) is better than used (acceptable)?
Yes. Acceptable…beware.
What's the difference?
Cry more
Disgusting troll
You're the troll, you... jerk!
Acceptable may have stains or broken props…good is usually intact. Acceptable…the smell…
Keep seething
dogshit thread
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Reminder that NOW is the time to start heavily investing into Dreamzzz. These sets are going to SKYROCKET soon.
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good morning saars
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just got back from the Target
Captain America Brave New Expensive Sets
on the shelves.

I didn't try to buy one so I don't know if the register will freak out and they take it out of your hand like a sad child (that's happened before at Target when they break street dates)

$55 for 223 pieces! can anybody defend this set? Not even Captain America
Just buy used bulk off FB Marketplace. Great value and plenty of sovvle kino left around. I can't go back to buying new sets anymore.
That's actual fucking insanity
They didn't even give falcon the right shield print, the one that they ALREADY HAD
>Dat red technic pin front and center.
I feel like we need a counterpart to the 3L pin that has a stud instead of the 1L pin side
this instruction manual graphic style makes it look like a cheap knockoff
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>this fucking lot
>nightnonia castle
>jestro's super rock hard mobile
>other stuff
>150+ which i can pay

anons should i buy this?
This could be the best christmas ever
do you like nexo knights enough to spend 150 on all that
if the answer to that is yes, do it
Yes. Also 150 is a fine price for all that stuff. It has 3 of the biggest nexo sets (evil castle + knights castle + that rock mobile). AND also boxes which is important.
+ other stuff like that mech.
this is a steal.
God im so happy that people just ingnoring nexo knights. I've been feeling crazy from what i got from ebay this year.
They're all dogshit. Your bitching fixes nothing.
Pretty good deal even if it lacks any of the chase sets
Friends will that red dragon set go on sale?
have you ever tried having an actual job instead of being a reselling parasitic nigger??? i can't wait for russia to glass your shit country.
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this one?
Oh shit! Ty
I still see it at full price…
Doubt it.
where are you? its on amazon.de
Take a look at the new piece used for those lights, the applications for that will be plentiful.
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that what yall use in america? you might be out of luck then
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Couldn’t pass up the speed champions sets at this price. Bought both of them.
Based klocki bro
I'm suprised they still sell lego in russland, especially at such low prices
it's not russia. The language is different - it's one of those eastern european countries with similar parts of languages/words.
Probably just poland
>it's not russia.
>Cyrillic text on stickers
>prices that would only be tolerable if it was the Russian Ruble
>upside down star
satanic pentagram false captain america
>>it's not russia.
>>Cyrillic text on stickers
It's not russian.

Just because it's cyrillic doesnt mean it's russian.
You absolute fucking dumbass amerimutt.
Holy shit.
Do we know about any black friday sales on the lego site yet?
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there are only two Cyrillic text using countries in Europe outside of the Eurozone (three technically but belarus is special)
and The ruble is the only one in which the price is actually reasonable, especially on sale
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I'm russian (living in europe).
It's not russian language. You absolute degenerate AMERI-MUTT.

shut the fuck up. Geez. I don't understand why some faggots are so retarded.
Like...yeah. i would be lying or something.
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>I'm russian (living in europe).
Sure, and I'm pure blood Italian (I eat pizzas)
it can't be polish, the price is too high to be Zlotties or Euros
it's clearly the Ruble (or maybe that Serbian currency, Dinners)
Could be Macedonian Queefirs.
I haven't used lego points in years, was trying today and I don't see how to use them as money, all you can get is crap like Ninjago stickers. Did they discontinue using VIPs as cash?
The calendar spreadsheet is being updated whenever new info comes out, the guy who runs it said Black Friday says should be like 40% sets nobody wants that are retiring
You do it at checkout now, its better
sweet, thx
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Another epic win. 2025 is shaping up to be amazing!
Ready for autism soul?
This boy
But with Pepper's shirt
And a Blue Lightsaber and a Net from this set

He was my early cope Spike from Ape Escape cause Adventure Jungle gave me several Monkeys and I had the Ruins with Boat set
I got Ape Escape for a Birthday and was entirely consumed and obsessed with it
I ended up using the Stunt Flyer and turning it into a Tornado from Sonic basically for him and a cope Black Mage Mini Fig from Adventure Jungle and Western Bandits I had made
He became my Vivi even tho he had no resemblance because I was insanely into FF9 too
I guess Early Origns story of Vivi cause I hadn't beaten the game so I didn't know lore

I built a Star Wars Emperor's chair style chair with the glowing nozzle pieces under it to make Specters floatin chair and made all sorts of Walkers and Mechs from my bin
But this boy got heavy modified into a Battle Mech for him
In time my main Monkey I used for Spector cracked his hand
So I gave him a Hook Hand on the bottom left foot from my Pirates

Eventually I turned to hearsay
Mega Bloks got Mech Warrior Sets
And I was mixxing parts in
In my autistic headcanon brain Spector wanted to win at all costs
So the Robo Raider became the "X-Raider" to me
With Upgrades "From Dimension X" (Mega Bloks)
Sick Chainguns and Spring fire Missiles added
I was drunk on power
Hit stores
Use the good apps to find them
OR pay more and mass Bricklink
When the video is #sponsored
Kill yourself
Shut the fuck up retard.
You'll get shot by some commiefornian before you reach 30 anyway. So why do you care.
Tom and Jerry will be forever associated with third world NPCs on social media
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I hate funko pop bullshit
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Just picked up this little based boy
>>no zelda 2025
Zelda sets are for another half of year
You're running on pure copium
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Built aliens with little sis picrel
Guessing bootlego amadalalalabingbong
It's Macedonia, retard, their currency is the Denar, дeн.
Actually no dude i got the actually minifig but I broke it apart when I was younger so idk where her face or torso are.
I was psyopd by lego master builders
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They remind me of the aliens from Ogel Island in Lego Island 2. Especially that one.
I'm so glad we're out of the dark ages. Look at how trash that build is.
I bought that red dragon dnd set bros.
Now that's sovl.
The location of the photo is North Macedonia and the price is MKD. Serbia also uses the Cyrillic alphabet. Also while some words are similar the language is not Russian.
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From the 2025 Tumbler
Where did he get these scars?
That's clearly a D, anon, even in those blurry images. You might need glasses.
Some machine printed them on
Why doesn't anyone post their builds or custom minifigs anymore?
It’s just off shot on the table.
There’s a space baby watching too.
Man, I love UFO and Insectoids. Themes wholeheartedly embracing weird alien shit.
I kind of want the Lion knight castle bros...
Are all of Jang’s videos about legos sponsored or just most of them?
Why isn't Cole's hair ON Cole? Fuck you. Put it on!
I told you to kill yourself, so do it.
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I designed this the other day. The parts I didn't have yet just arrived today.
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Built in real life.
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And here it is inside a build I had sitting out
I like it a lot, I feel like the feet are the only thing that could be improved
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Thanks. If you're wondering, the core of the lower torso/hips is a 24078 nexo bot body, which lets it turn in the middle like so. In the stud.io build I originally had it in white, but it doesn't come in thing but light bluish grey (and bright green as some random accessory build in the Yellow Submarine set). I do wish it came in more colors, but I think the grey midsection turned out even better.

Yeah, I worked at them for a while and wasn't really happy with anything that would fit my personal rule of having it stand on two studs to fit in with minifigs. I actually initially used 53984 exo-force robot legs on it and also tried out 15343 hero factory robot legs, but those didn't look right either. Right now each leg is constructed out of 98313+20482+36840, and I also initially had some 49668's on the sidestuds of the 36840's, pointing upwards, but I decided against that. I like making these kinds of minifig-scale robots, so I'll try out more leg designs and see if I can't improve this build later.
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Nobody cares, is why I don't post them. Since the (dead)MOC threads started I only check in here once a week or so since there's even less of the stuff I care about.
I second this motion Jangspammer
PLEASE do so with utmost urgency
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tell me about Hank, why does he wear the mask?
This guy. I later got his clone when they made a revamped gas station but my favorite original guy had nearly all his paint worn off and loose limbs so it's not the same.
I ordered FP Frieza and the SS Goku. Thanks bros.
sometimes when im alone i play with my lego, and then i feel like a stupid manchild failure afterwards
Wrong thread, come back next year
That's transphobic, Jang. I am going to leave comments about minor mistakes in your videos from now on.
Oh shit my bad.
Formula 1
I imagine minifigs with that head shape as gigachads with square jaws.
no <3
after all the 2025 news and leaks my hype for lego is at an all time low. I'll probably stop browsing /lg/ soon. hopefully I'll come back some day
JangNiggers lives another day
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Just bought this guy at a toy store for $5

Very happy, this is a rad dude who will join my Pirate crew
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Why do the superhero sets always get better police stuff than actual lego city thats %90 police?
Designers able to get away with more when its supervillians being delt with vs just regular goons
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>he pays for Lego instead of using five finger brickcount
Glad to see that adventurers early breech loading rifle making a comeback. I have a million of that lego gun lol.
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oh it's used for breaching
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Is this Lego? Seems to be some kind of wind up motor
who buys this slop and why is captain america black now?
Yeah, I have some of those
ufo was so kino that i will try to buy the sets i missed.
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The Hoopty
had like 400 pcs and was $90
looks like they are trying again
how much pain can the fandom withstand, daring idiots to buy any set at any price, it's downright insulting. (there's no "new mold" blah blah nonsense to fall back on.)

I know you are baiting with the "who dis" new-Cap question, but they seriously dropped the ball on that in the lead-up movies. they never really gave Falcon any epic moments, so when he got pushed to the front, we all went "huh?" it didn't feel fully earned

and then they fumbled again with the series, which also failed to give him a single EPIC moment

now they are "stuck" with him, do they even how to make him feel like the hero he needs to be? have him pick up Thor's Hammer or something, it has nothing to do with his skin tone, to be Captain America, he can't just be "a hero", he needs to be "THE Hero"
how affordable was lego relative to wages prior to 9/11?
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That's 47715c01, appeared almost exclusively in Power Racers sets. I have one in my collection that I'm pretty sure came from this set here.
target lets you return opened merchandise, just order a bunch online to get what you want. fuck em
Lego has always been a luxury toy. Aero Tube Hangar was $90 in 2001 which is 160 today. Red Beard runner was 100 in 2001 so it'd probably be 180. Micro polybag and figs were $3 so the equivalent for 5 today is actually not that bad. Cruise through brickset and start punching launch dates and MSRPs into an inflation calculator
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I thought building stuff was playing with them
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Is cabbage girl turning into a wine aunt? Look what she is reposting. Stacy, if you’re lurking I would be happy to move you and your Lego into my basement.
Don’t you have to ask your mom first?
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Entirely unrelated
Mom said it was cool
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Anyone else getting The Endurance this weekend?
Also how are the sails on newer Lego ships?
Gonna pass on endurance. For that price I could just a wooden model kit. May go for Lion knight castle though.
It's glinching time.

Shit, that's the subject of one of my dad's favorite books. Maybe I should get it for him. Christmas is sneaking up fast.
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Hi. Someone put a Bonkle or Hero Factory figure in this car. Show me, please. Thank you.
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lol wtf this is my "moc" made of puny polybag, I thought I've never even posted it anywhere
How do I set up a wishlist, because I still have the wishlist stuff from a few months ago, any help?
No respectable bionicle/hero factory fan would buy this
Also guessing I will try to complete at least one bricklink order tomorrow
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I'll post something for ya.
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>I know you are baiting with the "who dis" new-Cap question, but they seriously dropped the ball on that in the lead-up movies. they never really gave Falcon any epic moments, so when he got pushed to the front, we all went "huh?" it didn't feel fully earned

No i genuinely wasn't baiting, i have not kept up with most marvel movies for like 10 years when every movie started turning into the same slop formula. Besides that i don't live in the USA so Marvel stuff is less noticeable.
she lives in rural Virginia, every guy her age probably wants to talk about how Tim Pool owns the Libs and how she needs to have kids now or else the White race will die off
Will every year be themed now? Whats for 2026?
formula 2 racing
would be slop but the polish text injects sovl
Pirates or Castle.
Return of the boncle
>150 ish usd
reminds me of the classic miniland figures
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>Dear Santa
>This Christmas I want to know which executive at Lego has a vitiligo trans kid in a wheelchair with hearing loss, one hand, anxiety and downs.
Is there any other vitiligo minifig besides the MC from Dreamzzz?
the football table icons slop set
And friends.
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DA VINKI?!?!?!
There's a Minecraft vitiligo fig too
my interest depends entirely on the price tag but otherwise, neat
Holy kek!
do you think lego would make a da vinci tank?
50 dollars
250 dollars
>No new mold for Da Vinky's hat
It's over, they cheaped out
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am I doin it rite
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*farts on this shitty leak*
Don’t forget the colostomy bag as well
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Some dude online is selling the original Mr Gold. One of 5000.
He says they're worth 3-10k.

Should I trade my car for it? If it turns out to be fake or something I will be the biggest fool ever.
why on earth would you spend 3k on a minifig. he's right, they do go for around that much, but unless you are opening a lego museum don't buy it!!!
How can I get him to sell it for 500? That much I could actually pay for it without hating myself
what are you gonna do with him?
I would.
Your car will only ever depreciate. In layman's terms its going down in value. If you are at the point where your car's value is 10k, you're already at the time for a replacement vs continual maintenance costs.

Meanwhile Mr. Gold will only continually go up.
you can't drive a rare minifig though
>Meanwhile Mr. Gold will only continually go up.

How come? Maybe it will forever stay at 3-5k. Past performance doesnt guarantee future performance. This happened to Pokemon cards. In 2021 everyone said waifu cards would perpetually go up to infinity until one day they didnt. My Pokemon cards are now worth 50% less than when I bought them and nobody is left to take responsibility.

Melt him ofc
The hard part is telling your friends and family that you traded your badass car for a single Lego dude and you're not even 100% sure it's genuine.
They'll have you committed
>How come?
Scarcity...demand by collectors. He's a gold.
Pokemon cards were always a temporary fad. Even Nessa will be replaced by a new waifu like Mao was. Lego has a proven track record.
>nobody is left to take responsibility
You take responsibility.
>should I trade my car for some fucking legos
do any of you actually play with toys or are you guys just like the slimy fuckers I keep seeing at every walmart and target that buy all the pokemon cards to turn a profit on ebay
I am one of the latter. Just like I did with Amiibos :)
>slimy fuckers I keep seeing at every walmart and target that buy all the pokemon cards to turn a profit on ebay
Sorry m8 that's literally me.
I also trick kids online into selling me rare stuff for cheap and then I just put it up on eBay for 3 times the price
Have never had a dayjob thanks to this.
I will share my secret. GSC is currently 50% off on certain figmas/nendos. I buy those suckers up on their ebay store and then in a year's time those fools will pay a fortune for them. BWHAHAHAHAHA!
heres your (you)s samefag
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I need this
>go to a bricklink store based on their prices/quantities for a single piece
>start looking around for other stuff while im there
>checkout an hour and a half later
>get a incomprehensible mishmash of junk 2 weeks later, no idea what i was thinking here
>realize I forgot to put the original items in my cart
Every goddamn time
wtf is that
I was born in 2005 btw
i do this too, except i always start by putting the original items into my cart
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Just got Chima phoenix - he's so cool! Also minifigure is neat.
I went to a polish store for their amulet, and I’m gonna leave their stole with some amuletd
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didnt the child phoenix have small wings made from small flame pieces?
lol. no wonder this wack ass theme died, even worse than nexo
Not my thing but hope you enjoy.
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He had.
But it's like if the seller gave me free phoenix wings. (because I already have those fire pieces to use them as wings for lil phoenix if i want him to be "canon")
People cry about /lg/ not posting original content. But when you post it - the shitposter instantly jumps at you like a feral monkey
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The NJ Pedo is a constant pain in the rat after all
New /lmg/ thread
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>lego horizons flops the worst out of any lego games
I wonder how a Lego Battles remaster would do for the switch
>everyone who shitposts on /lg/ is the same fucking guy
By your logic, you're him too. I figured you were a pedo with how obsessed you are with them and I've said you were mentally checked out for many threads, so this theory might even hold water.
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Moc update,
Might put a well in the empty space or something
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Or move up the tree and connect it to a tower or something
Are the black pieces on the road a trap?
VERY comfy anon! i wish i had space for something like this!
>tfw that set had all that and costed only $90 MSRP
>if it were release today it'd be double the price with half of the content
>the boat wouldn’t even float
Lego needs a reckoning
Nexo was kino as fuck.
holy shit leaf bros we finna get a gubbament sponsored discount on LEGO
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>Nexo was kino as fuck.
based nexo chad
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>yet another TTslop game
shiggy diggy
Poor Horizon, it really just can't catch a break. Maybe Sony will finally stop pushing it so hard.
they whitewashed the yellow away....
If so, good. May even make the sets not sell well lol
Nice artwork
Anon post the artist name please? this desing looks cool
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holy crap their art is great
>post artists name
>INSANE amount of AI SLOP of shiba inu pictures
>no artist link
>had to write artist/pictures/portfolio in order to find his IG-page down the page
man...internet turning in a junkyard
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It would be even better if there were a stud on the sides of the chainsaw, because it would be funny
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I like pic related a bit more.
Cool art but overdesigned to hell and back
That's good
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bara Ice Planet when
Not a trap, just pieces laying around >>11245719
thanks anon
Thought they were there to upset a carrige or snag a wheel so it could be robbed easier, but it being just parts is acceptable
>tons of onions wars news
>nobody posts them here
proud of this thread
i saw the leak news on my Phone but didn't even click the link lol
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Apathy towards the brand as a whole, cars are more interesting of a topic anyways
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>always wanted trex and crow to go on sale
>already spent fuckton on Blackfriday and ebay lego
>see this

crow for that price is ea steal
no it's dumbledalf the blue
I'm betting they'll go for less next year.
This crow is what Chima crows should have had as their "big set".
hello fellow shitposting polfag. /v/ is that way ---> /v/
Shouldn't a polfag go to /pol/?
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i like this set because it reminds me of the shipyard set from the 90's
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Chrome anybody?
I wish they'd figured out how to make chrome silver without it chipping off from regular play. Those old mirror-shiny swords were peak when they were new and undamaged. I used to imagine mine were some kind of spectral magic ghost sword as a cope when the coating started to chip.
De-chromed plastic does have a neat texture but yes please bring back chrome
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Have a (You). That is as good as $ around here.

Tiny, 1/18 scale Batarangs can go into minifigure hands. Dope.
They see me rollon’, they hatin’, thats becuz they be tryina catch me riding dirty
Wearing skis inside a car while driving is probably a bad idea.

But fuck yeah throwbots
I kind of want that Notre Dame set bros…

Post more pls I dont have an Instagram and dont know how to get ground their image saving thing
Does it work on videos too?
Should I get it?
I saw the building steps are made in a way so you follow the actual construction timeline, pretty cool desu
Damn i dig that
Maybe. I’m not sure. Okay maybe not
why did you delete my post
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You are now on auto-filter idiot
Please respond…
Maybe, whats your bank account’s amount right now?
Fine. I can afford easily…
So buy it. At most listen to some ambience while building so its not just your thoughts with the sounds of bricks clicking
A good idea… thank you!
You're welcome.
I know certain sets are frowned upon here as dust collectors…I was nervous you see…
All sets are dust collectors, they're lego. The people who say that must think you need to break down every set into MOCs or constantly play with it, the truth is you can buy a set to appreciate building and looking at it and yeah, occasionally dust it. Don't let those retards get to you
I just have to sort my lego bricks later
Thanks brother
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One of the guys who I am going to buy from is on vacation, at least the other ones are fine, gonna try to get one or both orders done tomorrow and see how my orders go. Maybe the prices of the polish shop will get ever cheaper as its closer
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I repainted mine silver, it's not the same but better than that pale yellowish colour.
Weird flex of lego to angle their little girl-toy line to also appeal to architecture fans
that build with a different spookified color scheme and witches or vampires would be kino
what a garbage CMF. so pathetic
thats not the cmf anon...
legos is dead to me,
from now on i play with my Funwholes!
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Looks more like a jugend/art nouveau building than castle. Though for true jugend experience the lower story should use different color of bricks and there should be more ornaments. Random wizard-tower sticking from the side of a building is absolutely classic jugend, though.
New Thread:
the most disturbing lego set
Jugendstil, otherwise you might as well call Art Nouveau just Nouveau.
bro, too soon, too soon.

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