The ToyBiz LOTR line is my nomination. For the time they were OK but holy shit, in hindsight the thick paint and weird articulation really sucked.
>>11244632>For the time they were OK but holy shit, in hindsight the thick paint and weird articulation really sucked.That describes most toys from that era.
>>11244632The detail and sculpts are arguably better than whats put out today
>>11244632>I was there Aragorn. 23 years ago, when the paint skills of Toy Biz's mass produced LOTR figures failed.
>>11244632all toybiz figures aged like shit tbf
>>11245284The Spider-man movie toys would like a word with you.
>>11245292I dont agree at all, they're weird disproportionate messes.
pre-revoltech kaiyodo has been consistently shit everytime i risk buying one. some of the worst articulation ive ever seen and they all break like twigs.
>>11244927>>11245284to be fair, that era of figures were all sculpted by hand still. Engineering articulation was infinitely more difficult to get exact, and sculpting in general was a much slower, harder process. But yeah, a lot of the art direction on many Toy Biz figures (LOTR, Legends, Spider Man Classics) were just bad.
>>11245941Sculpting shit by hand or engineering it by hand doesn't really affect the quality. The reason so much stuff was wonky back then was because companies were doing things differently than how factories were used to.Just like when a brand new factory/toyline is produced today, there's always issues that crop up and need to be fixed for later waves. So back then, washes and weathering weren't that common. McFarlane started doing it in the 90s, but Toy Biz didn't really start doing it until LotR and SpiderMan Classics. So by the time Toy Biz was producing thhose lines, McFarlane Toys had already refined it to where most companies today can't even come close to producing that paint quality.Nevermind most of those LotR and SpiderMan classic figures have action features, which basically cripples the overall look with awkward poses and disjointed engineering to place those mechanisms.Plus, they were continually changing up the engineering. Nothing was standardized yet and it took them around 5 or 6 waves to finally settle on the joints they'd be using. There's a reason why it took until probably 2015 or 2016 that collectors finally warmed up to Hasbro's Marvel Legends... mostly because so many newfags entered the fandom, since 8 years is basically an entire generational shift.Nevermind there were quite a few sculptors working on those toylines. So some sculptors are kinda shit, while others are god-tier sculpts that continue producing great sculpts to this day. Those god-tier sculptors' figures still hold up to this day, arguably better looking, because they had a higher paint budget than a lot of collector lines today (albeit sloppier paint due to QC not being as high).
>>11245284Came here tompost this.
>>11245961>McFarlane Toys had already refined it to where most companies today can't even come close to producing that paint quality.Let's not kid ourselves, McFarlane wasn't much better either.
>>11246052I own 25 year old Mcfarlane toy that would be impressive as a collector's toy TODAY, let alone 25 years ago.
>>11246066>Mushy sculpting>Basic-bitch black wash over basecoats>Crap articulationUh huh.
>>11246052Don't lie.Post something that even comes close to this level of paint and detail that's come out in the past 4 years. Even $100+ figures aren't reaching this point now.>>11246067oh, so it's just a contrarian post, eh?
>>11246075>Post something that even comes close to this level of paint and detail that's come out in the past 4 years.Pretty much anything by 4H. JoyToy's stuff springs to mind too (their Techmarine is absolutely incredible).
>>11246082>techmarines>cartoony sculpt with simplistic paint job that's only high point is airbrushingFor a grimdark toyline, that's a big OOF.Do they even attempt panel lining still? or was that panel lining from before a piss attempt at a wash?And I'll give the 4H figure credit for the paint. It's close, but not McFarlane 00s quality. Most modern lines, like 4H, use a lot of colored plastic, instead of painting it to make it appear more natural/realistic. It's how it used to be done and looked better for it.Also 4H uses shitty plastics to afford that level of paint.
>>11246093>cartoony sculpt with simplistic paint job that's only high point is airbrushingt. has never seen the figure.Seriously, the bare head alone is a work of art. Also>cartoonyWhat the fuck are you talking about? It looks like the miniature it's based on. It's even got some really nice subtle, restrained weathering rather than the overdone slop you see on old McFarlane eyesores.>And I'll give the 4H figure credit for the paint. It's close, but not McFarlane 00s quality.It's completely in excess of McFarlane 00s quality. That pic you posted? Again, just basecoats and washes, nothing special. The skin looks completely crap too; frankly, if they were going to put that little effort into it then matte plastic with a decent topcoat would have looked BETTER.>Most modern lines, like 4H, use a lot of colored plastic4H actually generally does full paintjobs. Though frankly coloured plastic is generally preferable on a toy to a complete paintjob; it won't chip off with posing, it can still be shaded or highlighted with airbrushes or whatever and it won't come out thick and lumpy like McFarlanetrash. Seriously, look at this shit. 20 years later and he still can't get smooth paint coats. Not to mention how stupid it is to do a full paintjob on an anime character where you WANT a flat, smooth finish.>Also 4H uses shitty plastics to afford that level of paint.Hamhands.
>>11246100oh look, it's the contrarian dumbshit who needs to make shit up.Let's see if there's any factual points in your shitpost.........Nope.And this bullshit is just too hard to pass up>just basecoats and washes, nothing specialLiterally is special, because it's too costly in this day and age to do. That's why there's an over reliance on just colored plastics, which never looks as good as painted apps.Even collector companies that charge $100+ aren't doing it as much anymore and most aren't. 20 years ago, McFarlane perfected it and why their McStatues are still sought after today. Still shining stars after 20 years, especially when the majority of companies aren't capable of doing it anymore.>It looks like the miniature it's based on.based on a miniature, thus they're allowed to have simple sculpts and lack paint? Great excuse for Joytoy lack of effort, despite the fact that their figures having different proportions than the minis, and also changing the style and proportions after 2 years.>HamhandsNah, 4H just uses shit plastics. I own thousands of figures from at least a hundred different brands and the only figures that have broke on me in the past 10 years are 4H's and Joytoy's. If nothing else breaks, guess what? These brands have shit plastics, especially 4H's, because their shit breaks just from falling a few inches onto the ikea cardboard desks they're standing on.Again, here's another pic of McFarlane's 00s McStatue that most modern collector toylines can't match or come close to. Again, you'll be hard pressed to find a figure that comes close to this level of quality and that's why you switched over to just shitposting, instead of providing any proof.
>>11245935I bought this because I was such a weeb. Same day I discovered Figmas and revoltechs too in separate stores
>>11245080It really depends on the figure but in general I agree.
>>11246121>Literally is special, because it's too costly in this day and age to do.And yet it doesn't look any better than coloured plastic. More paint =/= better paint.>McFarlane perfected itFuck no.>based on a miniature, thus they're allowed to have simple sculptsThe model it's trying to replicate isn't covered in excessive detail, why would the figure be?>and lack paint?It doesn't?>despite the fact that their figures having different proportionsOh, my apologies, the 1/18 action figure has slightly tweaked proportions compared to the static miniature.Retard.>I own thousands of figures from at least a hundred different brandsNo you don't. Why you gotta lie?>and the only figures that have broke on me in the past 10 years are 4H's and Joytoy's.So you don't own any NECA?I've seen how you chuck your toys into piles and are surprised when they get broken. You are a classic hamhands.>Again, here's another pic of McFarlane's 00s McStatue that most modern collector toylines can't match or come close to.>Mushy sculpt that relies on visual noise to drown out the lacking detail quality (seriously, look at the teeth on the belt skull)>Paint makes it look like it was dropped in a puddle>Shit articulationYeah, the reason "most modern collector toylines can't match" it is because nobody wants to, 'cuz it's shit.>Y-You're shitposting!Sounds to me like someone's butthurt they can't refute my points and just want to discount them as "shitposting".So yeah, it aged like milk.
>>11245284I think the first few years of marvel stuff is good, but then it got too gimmicky for my tastes
>>11246067I own this samurai spawn figure as well and it's articulation range in the shoulders and hips are great because they are hidden by the armor bits and so they chose functionality over sculpting musculature on the armature under the armor.
>>11246075>Post something that even comes close to this level of paint and detail that's come out in the past 4 years. Even $100+ figures aren't reaching this point now.We can tell you haven't bought a toy incat least 4 years.
>>11246121>These brands have shit plastics, especially 4H's, because their shit breaks just from falling a few inches onto the ikea cardboard desks they're standing on.McFartlane figures don't even need to fall to break. Sometimes they just fall apart in the packet.
>>11246359I'm sorry you haven't connected with the collective consciousness of /toy/ yet. This is why we tell you that you need to lurk for at least 2 years. Once you have connected, Subjectanon posts will be obvious to you. We can tell it's him because he has The Toddfather's Canadian cock lodged firmly in the back of his throat.
>>11246075Sorry. I realised that with my last comment I posted a cheap army builder version of the Savage Crucible Lemurian that totally mogs your example. Here is a slightly more expensive "character" Lemurian Royal Guard that is a better example of how out of date you are.
>>11246067>>11246211I know Subjectanonman bad, but you're just nitpicking a good figure. I see plenty of soft sculpts these days even with digital sculpting.
>>11246121You are so wrong about literally everything.
>>11244632It's a joke?Toybiz was the best choice to develop and sell the LOTR figures, the figures from the first movie were crude and poorly articulated but later the figures from The Two Towers and The Return of The King were already highly detailed, well articulated, with accessories and at a highly affordable price, even now many of us look for orcs and soldier figures to expand our collections, without their contribution to the development of figures and the commercial success that the Trilogy projected surely many companies would not have wanted to invest more in this type of figures, yes, figures like The Cave Troll, The Black Door Troll and the Uruk Hai with spears that came with movable jaws and rubber parts wore out terribly and were damaged, some pieces come off because their adhesives no longer have cohesion and compared to the figures of now made by computer with millimeter precision these that were made in the traditional way may seem primitive and horrible, but in aspects that only improved because Toybiz was a pioneer in some of those designs, LOTR is one of the best collections of all time and that's not going to change
>>11247478OK. Doesn't mean they haven't aged badly though.
>>11247478It's likely a troll thread because they got butthurt by a comment in another thread, hence contrarian posts like >>11246211 that deny the reality in most of the pictures and create brand new goalposts instead of admitting they're full of shit.>>11246356>We can tell you haven't bought a toy incat least 4 years.I own more toys than you, hence knowing how bad toys have gotten. You know I own more toys than you and are likely jealous of it, hence you needing to pretend every photograph I've taken is fake and gay.>>11246372>Sorry. I realised that with my last comment I posted a cheap army builder versionI was gonna say... but even your new image shows the lack of detail in paint. All those unpainted rivets. The lack of weathering. Compare that to >>11246121, where all strings braiding the armor are painted. There's AT LEAST 3x more painted details on the samurai than on your dinosuarman.Look at Conan in >>11246093 . All the little studs on the leather strips are painted. There's probably a hundred individual studs that have been painted. You can't spray mask that like the snakes on your dinosaur man. Look at the little gold accents on the silver embellishments on Conan's belt. Hand painted details, individually applied, instead of being given a quick once over and it looks amazing because of that level of detail.IT's paint apps on paint apps on paint apps. At least 5 different types of paint apps too.What you posted has two or three layers of just spray masks.Even in the late 00s and early 00s, McFarlane's Halo line, where McFarlane did budget cuts to the paint apps to give their figures 30+PoA, still looks better than the vast majority of toylines today. Only $8 when they were brand new, when action figures were reaching $12. That Brute in the background easily outdoes Joytoy's WH40k line and he's not even that complexly painted compared to other Brutes and Elites.
>>11247552relative to what, though? They were ~$9 toys in 2001-03 for basic figures. That's about $16 with inflation today. At that price it's certainly better than a lot of things in that price range.
>>11247811>You know I own more toys than you and are likely jealous of itI get rid of my shit every few years because I'm not clinging to the past like you do. >All those unpainted rivets. The lack of weatheringI was comparing it to hamburger head Spawn with the sloppily painted Malebolgia head. You know, the post where you said:>Post something that even comes close to this level of paint and detail that's come out in the past 4 years.But since you want to move goalposts, the Samurai Spawn also has a bunch of unpainted rivets, and also has silver slop on the edges of the red straps. Pretty common with Toddshit. More paint apps =/= better paint apps. And paint apps are a lot more expensive these days than they were two decades ago, which you would know if you weren't trapped in the past. Also a lazy black wash is the lowest form of weathering. If you'd ever painted a miniature, you'd know this.It is also not made out of cheap ass plastic that breaks the second you pull it from the card like those pieces of shit you fellate would do. Pic related is how 90% of Battleclad Spawns are now because Todd loves using brittle plastic.>Look at the little gold accents on the silver embellishments on Conan's belt. I see a bunch of paint bleed on the belt because Todd is a cheap cunt.>it looks amazingIt looks like shit. You can literally see the black paint of his hair bleeding onto his forehead.>That Brute in the background easily outdoes Joytoy's WH40k lineI don't know what a Brute is because Halo was always for pussies that couldn't handle a real FPS. I'm guessing it's the thing with metallic blue armor that has the sloppy gray wash skin? Hard to tell when he's mostly blocked because that's the only photo you've ever taken of him.Also nice pic. You've posted it about 10 times already trying to prove a point that nobody else really cares about.
>>11247952>I get rid of my shit every few yearsMore power to you but that's kinda sad to me. No fault in wanting the best I guess but I can still appreciate a figure even if it's not the most modern. But I'm someone who'd gladly collect 80's sentai mecha if I had more disposable money so I'm sure our tastes are wildly different.
>>11247959I owned well over two thousand 1/18 Star Wars figures and a literal fleet of ships and vehicles at one point. And that was just Star Wars. Add Transformers, GI Joe, Spawn, LotR, the occasional Jap figure, and a Lego city, let alone every other Lego theme I collected, which was nearly every castle and space theme. And I'm not the kind of person to lock shit up in a glass cabinet, because I like playing with my toys, so dusting it became a nightmare. I probably could have almost started a toy museum if I had been more focussed.This is how I know Subby's overhyped praise for 90s/00s McFarlane is bullshit. I owned heaps of the shit from the era he thinks was the peak of Todd quality. It was good. Some of it was great. But it wasn't as perfect as he wants to pretend it was. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and he is like a junkie that can't stop thinking of that awesome hit of H he got that one time that put him in hospital for a week and has given him withdrawal symptoms for 25 years that he'll never quite get over.
>>11245935I dunno about fragility, but pre-Revoltech stuff like Monev the Gale can still strike amazing poses despite him being mostly swivels.
>>11247984>Todd qualityShould be toy quality.
>>11247952>paint bleed>on 100+ hand brushed paint apps on a single figure (plus spray masks, shading, tampos, weathering, etc).lmao holy fucking nitpicking. Even many modelers will have a very hard time doing that shit and they're going to leave it as is, because you really need to put your eyeball next to it to see it as anything but "OOOOH, LOOK AT ALL THAT DETAIL".... that would otherwise be sculpted detail that is barely/un noticeable unless you also stuck your eyeball next to it.Nevermind paint bleed is found on most toylines, except because modern lines have so few paint apps... well, the failure rate is actually higher. Like on this Revoltech.Almsot everything you say is disingenuous and contarian, so forgive me if I'm going to cherrypick the most ridiculous argument you put forth. Just too funny to not acknowledge.>>11247959It reeks of poorfaggotry and consumerism. People who buy above their means just because it's popular and then reselling it because they couldn't actually afford it.It's like looking for happiness and then finding out it wasn't, and then repeating the same shit over and over. It's inane mania.As someone who actually enjoys this hobby, i still love going over my old shit and using it WITH my new shit. It's neverending fun.And there's stuff that i kept from the 80s and 90s, and most of that stuff actually aged like milk. I've given most of it away.BTW, 100% of my Lord of the Ring figures and maybe 90% of my 00s Mcfarlane collection i only started buying in around 2014. Why? Because i was a poorfag in college and was 2 kool 4 kiddie shit, so i missed out on a lot of 00s figures and even into the 10s. So what I have been buying, it's because it simply looks amazing and outshines 99% of modern toys (2010+).
>>11248016>holy fucking nitpickingSounds like you need to make excuses for low quality. >>11248016>It reeks of poorfaggotry and consumerismSays the guy who constantly needs to brag about the thousands of toys he owns but never posts and had to buy his LotR figures after they were well below cost because they, as this thread shows, aged like milk.>As someone who actually enjoys this hobbyKek. You can't even afford this hobby. You got priced out a long time ago.
>>11248016>AlmsotDoesn't your 2008 Alienware computer have a spellcheck on it?
>>11248037>ignores example of paint bleed on overpriced Japanese collector figure that barely has any paint apps, thus having a higher failure rate than something with over 100+ paint appsSure is selective reality to have an argument.Also>had to buy his LotR figures after they were well below cost Sure is third worlder who has never seen the prices for the majority of popular western toys from the 00s.Everything worth owning from the LotR line went up in price by at least double. The only time to have gotten them cheap would have been when places like Kaybee and TRU were clearancing them off... if you wanted the shitty figures. Because the good figures were bought up and have always cost more than MSRP.Nevermind McFarlane's 00s stuff has been at least triple their original price and the good stuff is normally 5-10x. Finding it loose is barely any cheaper too.Pic is one of hundreds of photos I've taken for /toy/ in just the past decade, which you need to pretend isn't mine, cause that's your cope. I bought that Orc new in package, btw. It was a multipack too, so i had to pay for a two figures i didn't even want.Also also, i can tell you're not a collector, because you generally want to avoid buying movie/game/comic toys loose, because 99% of them were owned by kids who treated them like trash. So the paint apps are almost all scuffed to hell on LotR figures and Halo toys generally have every accessory missing. 00s Spawn toys hold up better, because they're mcstatues adults bought to display, but again, prices for those aren't all that much lower than new in box ones.Also also also, check out how bandai and Mafex figures shine Hasbro's plastic toys, because they're mostly colored plastic that looks cheap. The two fully painted figures drink up light and look amazing because of that. Look at that CoD figure. The blood looks WET because it's glossy red, while the rest of the figure is matte. Dat attention to detail and it's from the late 10s.
>>11248054>check out how bandai and Mafex figures shine Hasbro's plastic toys, because they're mostly colored plastic that looks cheap....Those are anime/comic characters, it would make no sense for them to have full extensive paintjobs. Good job posing them in a pose Mezco Darkseid can't come close to doing though, huh?
>>11248058>Those are anime/comic characters, it would make no sense for them to have full extensive paintjobsTell me how i know you've never looked at any comic books without telling me you've never read one before.pic of a comic book company that made toys and spent the extra dime to make them look accurate to their comics with more paint appsCompanies like Hasbro cheap out on the paint because they 're making childrens budget toys. What's Figuarts and Mafex's excuse for their cheap colored plastic look?They shouldn't be following in Hasbro's footsteps, especially when we've seen how amazing manga looks when colored by their artists. They don't look like glossy plastic toys.>ib4 both Bandai and Medicom spent money for a matte sprayand yet, still shiny and reflecting light like the cheapo budget children toys. Mezco's figure has that weird translucent colored plastic for the head, but notice it also doesn't reflect light everywhere, because it has a bunch of super fine spray apps and a matte spray.
>>11248054Posting an image from 2018 doesn't really help the case that you still buy toys.
>>11248063>Tell me how i know you've never looked at any comic books without telling me you've never read one before.Because you're a retard who thinks more paint = better regardless of the character? That Gwenpool in your picture is always drawn in a flat anime style, and the DB characters are self-explanatory. They're not characters that need excessively overworked paintjobs. Hell, I'd argue for 99.9% of applications plastic colour is better than paint. It doesn't chip and you're less likely to have surface imperfections. Or do I need to remind you of McFarlane Saitama and his acne?
>>11248054>ignores example of paint bleed on overpriced Japanese collector figure that barely has any paint apps, thus having a higher failure rate than something with over 100+ paint appsNobody was using Revoltech as an example of the pinnacle of the bestest paintjob ever, unlike the thing you were using as an example.>Everything worth owning from the LotR line went up in price by at least double.That's the thing. None of that shit is worth owning, except maybe Sauron, Treebeard and the Balrog, and maybe a handful of other figures, and the first two could be easily found after the Hobbit Trilogy killed demand for LotR. Look at OP. Gonna say that's worth owning? If so, you have shit taste. Even all the mounted figures could be easily found for below retail MIB, because that's what Mythic Legions collectors were buying up before 4H made their horses. I am pretty sure the only one that wasn't selling below cost was The Mouth of Sauron. If you overpaid for most of your Toybiz LotR all you have proven is you have shit taste and you are shit with money.>Nevermind McFarlane's 00s stuff has been at least triple their original price and the good stuff is normally 5-10x.That's because most of it is made of shit plastic that disintegrates. See >>11247952>Pic isPic is proof that you have shit taste.>Also also, i can tell you're not a collector, because you generally want to avoid buying movie/game/comic toys looseEven right now you can find pristine loose Toybiz LotR on eBay for what they cost when they were released, because fuck all kids bought them back then. So nice lie you are trying to spin to try to justify the fact you're terrible with money.You are so shit with money that you own an Alienware computer, so I'm not surprised that you buy everyone's overpriced shit on eBay instead of waiting for one that is reasonably priced. Every attempted flex just further cements how much of a tard you are.
>>11248070>ignores the fact that comics don't look like cheap glossy plastic toys like Hasbro, Figuarts, and Mafex appear>argues that it's okay for them to look like cheap glossy plastic toys because needs to take up contrarian stanceThat's nice that you needed to create new goalpost, but can you ignore your original argument any harder?>Those are anime/comic characters, it would make no sense for them to have full extensive paintjobsYou're so sad that you don't even know what the comics look like.I mean, even if you want to say that Bandai's figures (completely ignoring Gwenpool) are based on the anime, the anime still doesn't look like cheapo glossy colored plastic lookImagine if Bandai or Medicom spent the extra dime to have as many paint apps as Toy Biz or McFarlane did in the 00s. You wouldn't be spooging over having something that looked like it was straight out of one of the covers, which McFarlane and DCD managed to do for almost a decade?I mean, i know why you need to take up your contrarian stance (because you're absolutely butthurt over me) in your posts, but i never see anyone ask for high quality paint jobs anywhere. Are people's standards really so low they can't even fantasize about high end paint on toys?
>>11248084>Talking about figures based on the anime>Posts a manga coverLmao.>the anime still doesn't look like cheapo glossy colored plastic lookAnd neither do the figures. They look accurate and appropriate.> but i never see anyone ask for high quality paint jobs anywhere. They do, they just have a better idea of what constitutes a high-quality paint job. And sometimes, you don't NEED every surface to be coated in paint- for example, characters from anime (or in the case of Gwenpool, comics heavily inspired by anime).
>>11248077>nothing but dumb liesagain, I'm not going to reply to everyone of your contrarian bullshit, but I'll point out the funniest one>Even right now you can find pristine loose Toybiz LotR on eBay for what they cost when they were releasedLotR figures were $4-6 when they came out. Here's ebay's listings from lowest to highest, starting at the very first figure.You can get a single accessory, half a torso, incomplete figures, and scuffed as fucked figures for the low low price of ~$7
>>11248092>again, I'm not going to reply to everyone of your contrarian bullshitSounds to me like you can't refute his points, coward.
>>11248092>LotR figures were $4-6 when they came out>can't calculate inflation >has to include postage to validate his argumentKek.
>>11248095>b-b-but inflationcan you move your goalposts any more?>Even right now you can find pristine loose Toybiz LotR on eBay for what they cost when they were released>had to buy his LotR figures after they were well below cost Or how about >Those are anime/comic characters, it would make no sense for them to have full extensive paintjobsKeep making up excuses for why you need to drop your posts arguments that are only minutes old>>11248094>you have to take all his stupid lies seriously or you losemeh
>>11248103>can you move your goalposts any more?If you can do it, it's fair game. Try buying loose lots. Then maybe you won't be jacking up each figure by the price of what they originally cost.Or are you too poor to buy more than one figure at a time?
>>11248103>>Those are anime/comic characters, it would make no sense for them to have full extensive paintjobsAnd where's the lie?
>>11245284Shut up you stupid fuck
>>11246066I own a few old ass mcfarlanes, but they were well before this level of detail.
>"aged like milk">this was 20 years ago and before the modern molding tech every company has nowI don't think you understand the purpose of the phrase.
>>11246082>posts something by McFarlane's sculptors
>>11248506They stopped working for McFarlane a long time ago. Approximately around the time of Spawn Series 16, over 20 years ago. Are you stuck in the same time loop as Subby?
>>11248687Um what's happening now doesn't change the fact that they did. This is a thread about stuff from the past duh.
>>11248493>modern molding techHigh pressure injection molding hasn't changed since at least the 80s, if not 70s/60s/50s. It's a relatively simple technology that really can't be improved, hence no improvementsOnly thing that has changed is the fact that McFarlane Toys figured out you can add way more detail than toy companies were putting out, hence a complete change in how toys look since the mid-90s. Besides that, there's more automation.Aside from that, things have actually gotten worse. The plastics they're using are cheaper than ever. Paint apps are almost an afterthought today. Nevermind Chinese factories trying to cut corners more than ever.>>11248151see >>11248063 and >>11248084Manga and comic art that is colorized has way more colors than we see on most comic/manga toys. Even anime toys should look flat, instead of the glossy plastic look that toys have. To achieve a true flat, you need a flat paint (or a higher quality matte spray that Medicom and Bandai doesn't want to spend the extra 1¢ for), instead of relying on colored plastic.Hence the forgotten argument that contrarians needed to create many goal post movements to have an argument.> Most modern lines, like 4H, use a lot of colored plastic, instead of painting it to make it appear more natural/realistic. It's how it used to be done and looked better for it.Toy companies have been cheaping out a lot, despite increasing prices. Even companies who should have always given high end paint jobs, because they overcharge way more, instead of using the same processes of budget children toy companies like Hasbro
>>11248852>McFarlane Toys figured out you can add way more detail than toy companies were putting outModel train manufacturers had been doing higher levels of detail for decades, so McFarlane didn't do anything except realise that teens/adults were willing to buy toys with more detail.
>>11248852They cut molds with tiny robotic tools now sweetie.
>>11248865>model trains>modelsThey use different plastics (and metals) and they're not mass produced like toys are. Tons of models from before the 80s had way more detail than modern toys and they didn't even use high pressure injection molding either.... and if the last point is lost to you, high pressure injection molding is why there's so much detail in mass produced shit. It's basically end tech (for mass manufacturnig), hence companies like Games Workshop lauding it as to why their models are so quality and overpriced. It's very expensive, requiring super durable molds, hence so many model companies not using it and toy makers like billion dollar companies like Hasbro saying they're too costly to always make a new one.And you're completely ignorant of the 90s. Again, McFarlane was the point where toy manufacturers made the giant step toward what we think of as modern toys. Everyone afterward imitated McFarlane, where even Japan stepped out of the 70s to produce actoin figures that weren't shit.The leap is so profound and obviously started by McFarlane, that there's no way you're not a generation fAggot or Zoomer. Shit, McFarlane actually popularized 1/12 scale too. Before that toys were mainly 3.75" or 5"
>>11248942Yes, as in ready to run model trains like Lima, Lifelike, Bachmann etc. Not model kits you twit. >different plasticsThey use styrene, a component of ABS which was used for thousands of figures. Every GI Joe torso and most plastic on Transformers were ABS. The temps and pressure required aren't much different. The biggest difference is it's durability after it has been molded.>not mass produced like toys are. You are a fucking ignorant moron. There is no reason to read the rest of the bullshit you've written.
>>11248942>Lego exists with micrometre tolerances only achievable via high pressure injection molding since the 60s>pretends McFarlane invented it for toysFucking Subby, ladies and gentlemen. Step up and witness the neighborhood retard.
>>11248952>They use styrene, a component of ABS which was used for thousands of figure>styrene>a component of ABS LMAO.I love how you know you're full of shit, because you're trying to equate one of the shittiest, softest plastics with one of the strongest. They're two completely different things and even produced differently, because of how shit the plastic is. And great job at downplaying the MODEL part of model trains. There's a reason why that shit is viewed for boomer dads and why dads didn't want their kids to ever touch the trains in the basement. There's a reason why Gunpla (this is assuming you actually meant polystyrene, because styrene itself isn't an actual firm plastic) is so damn fragile compared to actual toys, retard. You can't use that shit for kids toys, because it permanently bends with just a little pressure and eventually just snaps (or/and deforms) with the same amount of low pressure.Seriously, how fucking retarded are you to even bring this shit up if you know you need to do massive damage control for the retarded shit you say.Also>completely ignoring mass manufacturing with high pressure injection molding and noticeable shift when McFarlane changed the industryAt least i don't have to put up with whatever retarded contrarian shit you'd need to make up... or maybe that would also be hilarious. >>11248967>pretending that was even implied and I didn't explicitly state high pressure injection molding hasn't changed since maybe even the 50s in this post >>11248852more proof that my butthurt fanboys are all retardspic of how shit toys used to look like before McFarlane stepped in... actually, this was probably after McFarlane stepped in, but Japan has always been behind the curve and it actually took Kaiyodo to copy McFarlane, because one of the execs was a giant McFarlane fanboy, before Japan entered the modern age of toy making.
>>11248989What do you think the S stands for in ABS?>softest plasticsCongratulations on proving you can't read, because I mentioned it's low durability after it is molded. Do you know the viscosity of both plastics when molten? Do you know their melting temps? >There's a reason why that shit is viewed for boomer dads and why dads didn't want their kids to ever touch the trains in the basement.My dad let me run his trains. Maybe it's because your dad could tell you were a retarded hamhands that couldn't even keep your He-man figures in one piece.You are seriously convincing nobody that McFarlane was the one that realised that high detail could be achieved with HPIM, because it was already known. It was already being done. This is how every Lego brick has a tiny Lego logo molded onto it less than 1/20th of a millimetre high.McFarlane just realised there was a demand for more detailed toys, because before that, toys were just kiddie shit that only had to vaguely look like the source material. If you could get Todd's cock out of your mouth for two minutes, you would realise how much of a fucking moron you are.
Does anyone else find it funny that Subby waits until the middle of the night and spends hours arguing with people on here? Like it's obvious the man sleeps all day.
>>11249018I've thought it might be because he's visiting SEA so he can pretend he's not a poorfag irl like he does on this board, and looking for Thai ladyboys because he is obviously a massive cockslut.
>>11249013>What do you think the S stands for in ABS?styrene, which isn't an actual plastic. It's a liquid, retard. It's just a component, like carbon is to diamonds. Carbon by itself is crumbly, powdering shit.>ib4 trying to equate carbon to carbon fiberyeah, you really would be this retarded, since you've been equating styrene to ABS, not even understanding that styrene isn't even polystyrene (which is a common component with poorfag modelers because of how cheaply it can be molded).Keep proving you're a worthless retard who has shifted the argument about how McFarlane Toys changing the toy industry to rambling about stuff you've proven you have no idea what they actually are and making up stories about me, because you're upset McFarlane Toys was copied by the entire toy industry around the world.pic of what toys looked like before McFarlane Toys, despite high pressure injection molding and ABS existing for almost half a century.>>11249018I'm here talking about a hobby i enjoy. Yet, you're only here because you need to air out your butthurt.So I find it funnier that you that people like you spend the whole night arguing with me and have been holding a grudge against me for... how many years?Don't be ashamed of revealing how long you've been holding a grudge, because just making up contrarian arguments proves you are. I bet you're too ashamed to even say what toyline i criticized that made you start holding a grudge against me.Do you even like toys? Because some guy here admits he doesn't, hence selling his shit off and just buys shit because it's just a habit at this point.
>>11249040>doesn't understand the common vernacular when talking about plastic and has to Google shit to get ultra pedanticNobody is talking about carbon fibre. You still haven't mentioned their melting temp or viscosity, which are the two main factors for injection molding. You should try googling those.>seething because an anon proved that high pressure injection molding was used for fine details on Lego bricks three decades before McFarlane even made a toyKWAB.You still can't admit that McFarlane never "realised the details that could be achieved with high pressure injection molding" and it was him realising that there was a market for highly detailed toys. You do realise that your pictures are pointless and they prove nothing.
>>11249040I see I struck a nerve. Sorry to point out what an absolute loser you are irl that you spend multiple nights arguing with random people over the most pedantic of things. At least I have the excuse that I have a health condition that makes it difficult for me to sleep, what's your excuse?
>>11249052>you proved that I don't even understand what I've been talking about, but if you don't talk about how the temperatures and other random shit i just looked up, it means you're wrong or something!what a desperate retard>You do realise that your pictures are pointless and they prove nothing.Nah, they're not pointless. You're just deflecting, moving your goalposts, and making shit up, because the fact is that everyone copied McFarlane Toys when they showed the toy industry that toys can have a shit ton of detail and proceeded to be imitated by everyone.Sadly, the entire industry is at such a low point that toys from 20 years ago look better than modern toys, because everyone has cut their budgets. Even 10 years ago they weren't looking as good as stuff from the mid-00s.Stay mad and butthurt. I hope I've only increased your grudge against me so that you shit blood from the ulcers you created from being jealous and angry about toys.>>11249055>implying people get angry when talking about their hobbyCan someone explain this to me? I mean, even being butthurt over criticism about toys that you have been holding a grudge against me... for how many years?I get people can disagree over shit, but to the point of grudge holding? Come on. That's real mental illness. Like selling your shit and just buying the newest, latest shit, which you'll sell again, because you don't actually care.
>>11249062>jealousWhy would anyone be jealous of you? God, if I was you, I would have killed myself years ago. Saying anons have a grudge against you is like saying people have a grudge against mosquitoes. It's not a grudge, you are just extremely annoying and we wish you would fuck off.
>>11249062I love how you just gloss over the part where I ask you what your malfunction is for staying up literally all night and arguing with people over goddamn toys. I told you why I can't sleep, tell me why you can't. Does it affect your job? it does mine.
The longer subby goes on, the more retarded he sounds. It's the same shit every time.
>>11248852That Tetsuo looks absolutely terrible. If that was supposed to prove your point somehow that anime characters NEED to be coated in lumpy paint to look accurate, you failed.
>>11246161I love this guy despite the limitations, his glow is amazing despite the years. And I gave his sword to my gitd Eva, they match really well.
>>11248852I had that Tetsuo. Wrist joint on his robotic hand broke because of McFarlane's cheap plastic, so I displayed him like this. It's a crime that 20 years later, we still don't have Akira figures better than these pieces of shit statues.
>>11249149If you don't like the sculpt, that's fine, but the paint job is better than most statues under $150. You need to pretend the paint is lumpy, despite not being able to see any of that texture. I mean, go see >>11246093 and how smooth the paint actually was during the golden age.And dont confuse the inconsistecy of a wash with physical texture. Washes and dry brushing doesn't add texture due to how thin the paint is. Physically impossible. The purpose of washes and dry brushing is to make shit that is supposed to look worn to look worn and it's used by great affect by most everyone who uses it. It's common paint application by movie prop makers and professional modelers. The only time I've ever seen people shit on it are you rabid fanboys, who need to defend overpriced toylines that cheap out on paint apps.>>11249065>Why would anyone be jealous of you? I don't know, but you're showing all the signs of jealousy: resentment, anger, inadequacy. Hence your needing to ignore and/or pretend all my photos are fake, plus the little stories you need to create about me. So much coping behavior due to jealousy.>grudge against mosquitoesHow much hours have you spent devoting your time to mosquitos? How many stories have you invented about them? Do you need to reach out to other anons on messages board to support each other about how much you hate them after being buzzed/bitten, like with me? How many times have you done this so far in just this thread?You're not even here to talk about toys, so you're going out of your way just to cry.Again, i like how you avoid answering my question about what toyline i criticized and how many yaers it's been that you've been raging against me.Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward mental wellness.>>11249095I like how you gloss over the fact that I caught your bullshit and instead focus on a tiny niggling part, but deflection is part of your cope, huh? And I've talked about my sleep patterns before.
>>11249929>but the paint job is better than most statues under $150Bull fucking shit is it. It looks like it hasn't been dusted in years and you can see how the paint on the mutant arm has orange-peeled.And even assuming the paint wasn't shit, what's suitable for a statue isn't suitable for a toy. A toy will be manipulated and reposed and handled, and being coated from head to toe in paint isn't great for that, as the more paint you have the more likely it is that it'll chip or scratch or whatever. And that's before we get to paint imperfections and QC screw-ups.So when you've got the choice between painting a surface and giving it the opportunity to be fouled up in the production phase and be susceptible to damage over time (both of which increase in likelihood the more paint is used) OR just using the base plastic colour which looks 99% as good but has neither of those risks, which makes more sense to use? Especially for a character traditionally depicted with flat colours like a cartoon, anime or certain comic characters (like Gwenpool)? You utter cretin.
>>11249952>complaining about texture you can't see at that resolution on an arm that is purposely painted to look like it's mutating and growing out of controllmaoFirst the comment that comic book characters don't require good paint apps (despite frequently having shading, highlights, and texturing in the comics/anime) and now this.Holy fuck, lol. Can you even think about this for more than two seconds? You might as well be crying that water is wet.And just to show how amazing McFarlane Toys was, here's what paying 10x more would get you from Japan. Notice all the texturing on the paint, which is actually worse McFarlane's stuff AFTER their golden age. Even then, who fucking cares, because you literally need to put your eyeball right next to it to notice.It's like complaining about specks of dust in my photos. Bitching just to bitch, because you need to pretend glossy plastic colored plastic looks better than looking like it came out of the comic/anime/manga's colored cover to defend a toy company overcharging you.... or are you just doing it because you hate me and need to be a contrarian?Both?
>>11249962>And just to show how amazing McFarlane Toys was, here's what paying 10x more would get you from Japan.Yes, both are bad, because full paintjobs for anime characters are pointless. This is not a Japan vs USA thread, there are plenty of Japanese toys that have aged poorly (Revoltech Fraulein with their utterly nonsensical hips for instance).>because you need to pretend glossy plastic colored plastic looks better than looking like it came out of the comic/anime/manga's colored cover to defend a toy company overcharging you.Orange-peeled paint doesn't look like a watercolour manga cover no matter how much you claim to the contrary (I don't think it's even possible to get a poseable toy to look like that, at least without looking weird outside of like one pose). And given the figures you're bitching about are supposed to look like they're from the ANIME, which they do, your point is completely moot anyway.Like, seriously, are you telling me pic related would look better if GSC used paint for every surface instead of using plastic with paint for details?
>>11249974Revoltech Fraulein's articulation really hasn't 'aged' poorly, they were always floppy messes with nonsensical joints.
>>11249974>both are bad,LOL, you're insane.You've literally been complaining about shit you literally can't see and even IF what you're bitching about did exist, you still can't see it unless you put it right next to your face.You're literally bitching just to bitch, because you're a contrarian and/or a fanboy who needs to justify shitty paint jobs that you can literally tell how cheap it looks from low resolution photos that isn't even a close up.$50-100 toys shouldn't look like they were painted by Hasbro, no matter how hard you need to pretend everything else is worse.>Like, seriously, are you telling me pic related would look better if GSC used paint for every surface instead of using plastic with paint for details?At the quality McFarlane was in the 00s? Literally, yes. >b-b-b-b-but-but but butNo, buts, retard. Your counterarguments have literally been PRETENDING to see something you literally can't see at the resolution posted.Good Smile doesn't need to put washes or dry brushing, since it's not supposed to look worn or damaged. Just bright, flat, smooth colors that will match the anime and any official art way better than glossy colored plasticpic of cheap glossy colored plastic you can tell is cheap glossy colored plastic from the thumbnail. From a fucking THUMBNAIL of a professionally shot promotional image. Yet you want to bitch about something you can only see if it's blown up 10x or eight inches from your eyeball? Be less insane, plz.
Had to repost this because your post was so retarded it fucked up my formatting.>$50-100 toys shouldn't look like they were painted by Hasbro, no matter how hard you need to pretend everything else is worse.More paint =/= better paint. How hard is this for you to understand?>At the quality McFarlane was in the 00s? Literally, yes.What, ugly shit you mean?>Good Smile doesn't need to put washes or dry brushing, since it's not supposed to look worn or damaged. Just bright, flat, smooth colors that will match the anime and any official artYou mean like those Dragonball Figuarts? Retard.>pic of cheap glossy colored plastic you can tell is cheap glossy colored plastic from the thumbnail.It looks absolutely fine. You just have horrendous taste and think that shit like McFarlane's godawful anime figures are good because "M-More paint!".
>>1125001>contrarian nonsense to have an argumentI can't argue against insanity.Again, cheaply colored plastic that you can notice from the thumbnails is way worse than flaws you can only see if it's 7 inches away from your eyeball.Its your opinion that those dust sized flaws are worse than something that's so obvious you can tell at a glance from 5 feet away, but please, don't make insane shit up just to justify your shitty opinion.Pic of cheap glossy plastic look you can tell from the thumbnail alone.
>>11249929>I don't know, but you're showing all the signs of jealousy: resentment, anger, inadequacy. Yes. Your 20 year old Alienware shitbox makes me feel inadequate.Have you ever considered that anons are tired of you because all you do is blabber endlessly about the most pointless shit, constantly suck McFarlane's dick and act like a supreme authority on toys while only ever proving how mentally stunted you are?>How much hours have you spent devoting your time to mosquitos?>How much hoursHoly ESL, Batman.Are you a pajeet? Be honest. I know you mentioned going to college earlier in the thread, but no white person would get through college and still ask "How much hours" at the age of 40+. So you either didn't go to college, or you are some sort of brownoid from a developing shithole.Time to fess up.>You're not even here to talk about toys, so you're going out of your way just to cry.We were discussing toys until you raised your ugly head with a load of Todd's cum in your mouth.
>>11250023>I can't argue against insanity.Read: You know I'm right and cannot refute my points but refuse to admit defeat and so just discount anything you can't actually argue against as "contrarian nonsense". Pathetic.>Again, cheaply colored plastic that you can notice from the thumbnails is way worse than flaws you can only see if it's 7 inches away from your eyeball.Coloured plastic looks fine. Lumpy paint does not.Also ironic of you to bitch and moan about how McFarlane's acne paintjobs are only bad if you look up close, whilst also complaining about Figuarts faceprinting (which is far more consistent and better than traditional face paint by the way) for having dots you can only discern from a macro lens photo. It's OK when Todd does it amirite?>Its your opinion that those dust sized flaws are worse than something that's so obvious you can tell at a glance from 5 feet away, "Lumpy paint that looks like shit is better than coloured plastic because it just is, OK!?!?" -Subjectanon.> but please, don't make insane shit up just to justify your shitty opinion.Like what? Like the fact paint can chip and is prone to defects? How is that "made up insane shit"?>Pic of cheap glossy plastic look you can tell from the thumbnail alone.Looks pretty fucking nice to me, with quite an extensive paintjob in fact. Sounds like you're just mad that your E-daddy's slop isn't the norm anymore and collector standards have moved on.
what a miserable thread to readFaggot N1 has a valid point, old 2000s McFarlane toys mog anything that we have nowadays regarding sculpt and paint, BUT THEY FUCKING SUCKED AS ACTION FIGURES, they worked more as statues.Faggot N2 is a zoomer you can tell by the way he types braindead shit and posts weeb figures, but these are FUNCTIONAL FIGURES, unlike old McF toys, yeah they don't have as much paint and sculpt as these BUT THEY WORK AS ACTION FIGURES AND HAVE BETTER ENGINEERING AND OVERALL LOOKSwith that said, modern action figures suck for the price tag, years ago yes you would get a great sculpted and painted McF that sucked as an action figure FOR THE RIGHT PRICE.Nowadays you get "good enough" figures for premium prices, including turds like Marvel Legends that are reaching $30/$35 and will go even higher with the tariffs, imports? Revo is selling shit for $100+ same shit that they used to sell for $50 just 4 years ago, not even better figures, just the same for 2x the price, and CT toys is showing that producing them isn't even worth $10 fucking bucks because they sell their figures for $20, Revo is earning raw $90 from paypigs who keep justifying high prices with stupid reasons.Toys peaked in 2015/2019 everywhere from domestics to imports, nowadays everything is overpriced shit that doesn't justify the cost
>>11250294I miss when Kaiyodo stuff cost like $40 dollars in the worst case scenario. The first Eva line were like 20 bucks afaik, but nowadays the prices have skyrocketed hard.For instance, this particular character was priced $30 and was considered expensive back then, nowadays Monev would cost like $150.
>>11250316Fuck I forgot to quote >>11247985
>>11244632This piece of shit
>>11250327That thing was crap when it came out.
>>11250288>pretend to see things that aren't there just to disagree and other bullshit>you can't refute my pointsno shit? You can't argue with an insane person.>>11250294>Faggot N1 has a valid point, old 2000s McFarlane toys mog anything that we have nowadays regarding sculpt and paint, BUT THEY FUCKING SUCKED AS ACTION FIGURES, they worked more as statues.I've only been talking about McFarlane Toys to give some history on toy making. This absolutely butt blasted a couple of anons, who refuse to believe that toy makers used to produce better looking toys before and that molding technology hasn't changed since at least the 80s (if not 70s,60s, or 50s).Why do they act like their anus got prolapsed by the father of modern toy making and are devastated he never got put in jail despite all evidence showing that he did? If you haven't noticed, this board has cultish-level behavior when it comes to certain brands, and if you praise other brands, well.. they overreact in the most extremist ways. They hate that other people like other brands.So even amazing toys like this will get shat on and they'll pretend its the mushiest, paint mucked toy ever, because it's not /their/ brand. They don't want to even notice how excellent the paint is, how sharp the details are, and how the paint brings out the smallest of details, because /their/ brands don't come to this level of complexity and quality. 20+ years later, most toy makers can't even come to this level of excellence, despite toys costing up to 20x more and actually using shittier plastics (looking at you 4H and Joytoy).
>>11251048>I've only been talking about McFarlane ToysNow imagine a car enthusiast that only ever speaks about how great Henry Ford is and just posts the same shitty pictures of Karl Benz's three wheeler while commenting "this is what cars looked like before Henry Ford invented four wheels" even though four wheels were on horse drawn carriages, and then constantly complains that the body panels on a McLaren F1 aren't as durable as a 1970 Ford F150.That's you. You're fucking annoying.
>>11251048To follow up, you remind me of the episode of The Simpsons where Homer finds out about Thomas Edison and won't shut up about him. You are a decade long version of Homer Simpson fellating Thomas Edison.
>>11251141I'm sorry, but you're completely coping if you think McFarlane's stuff from their golden age looks worse than modern stuff, muchless the implication of using a hundred year old cars to modern cars analogy.If we're using a car analogy, it's more like how Toyota cars from the 90s hold up better than Volkswagens and Chevys from the 00s.Sucks that you're so massively butthurt with the fact that 20 year old toys outdoes nearly everything modern. Remember when you guys tried to pretend toys are better and used actual examples to denote they're even comparable, and when pointed out how modern toys have 100x less painted, you started to pretend you could see a texture on low res images (despite close ups showing they're not there)? How fast you guys moved from trying to provide any facts and just going into denial mode, because you know your proof doesn't hold up.>b-b-bb-but the paint apps aren't exact, thus they're trash!you realize that applies to 100% of modern toys too, right?You're basically saying "never try" and are actually championing the cheap glossy plastic look 99% of modern toys suffer from that is 100x more noticeable than bleeding or not being exact that can only be noticed at extreme clse ups (if it even exists).>>11251144I'm repeating 2+2=4, because retards are trying to argue 2+2=rock and are resentful they're not being believed. Reeks of Generation Y and Z faggotry, whose parents praised all the dumb shit they ever said while spoonfeeding them baby food all their lives.
>>11251197>If we're using a car analogy, it's more like how Toyota cars from the 90s hold up better than Volkswagens and Chevys from the 00s.My god, you are so fucking dense.The reason I chose a pick up truck vs a sports car is because I'm pointing out that you are comparing a child's plaything that had to pass a bunch of safety tests so that retards like you don't choke on it to an adult collectibles that, by design, is going to be more fragile.The sports car is made to go fast. The pick up is made to move heavy shit. Completely different purposes.As for saying that Gothmog has sharp detail, your eyes are busted. It was nice for its time, but it is completely inaccurate and has a bunch of unnecessary texture.
>>11251197>Sucks that you're so massively butthurt with the fact that 20 year old toys outdoes nearly everything modern.They don't though. Pic related. I've never had as many figures break as I did with McFarlane's golden age shit.
>>11251215>you are comparing a child's plaything that had to pass a bunch of safety tests so that retards like you don't choke on it to an adult collectibles that, by design, is going to be more fragile.oh, so goalpost movement?Since the very beginning, I've been talking about sculpt and paint. 99% of the discussion so far is about the looks, not the engineering, hence the history on high pressure injection molding and the plastics they use.Nevermind there's no reason that level of detail can't be found on children toys, hence Toy Biz' LotR figures having sculpts that still hold up today. So you even trying to limit what can be compared or not is wrong.Also>using a blurry still to say its inaccurateoofWho was even saying it's accurate? The point was that it holds a ton of detail, has a ton of paint to make that detail stand out, because toy companies output back in the 00s couldn't change because molding tech hasn't changed and modern toys have gotten worse, because they've been cutting their budgets hardcore since the 00s.Nevermind that Gothmog figure has over 30PoA, so it's more poseable than modern shit like the brittle Mythic Legion toyline.Are you a zoomer? Because you have no idea what you're even trying to argue about, so not only have you never touched a figure from before 2005, but you probably graduated from HS during COVID. You definitely sound like you were given an automatic pass without ever attending HS level courses.pic of even McFarlane's golden age figures being super poseable, since it has 20+PoA.
>>11251243>oh, so goalpost movementNot really. Consider it a pre-emptive strike. I'm condensing every other shitpost you've ever made into my replies because you won't shut up about Joytoy or 4H being fragile, so it was only a matter of time before you started in this thread.>modern shit like the brittle Mythic Legion toyline.There we go. Predictable old Subby.>hence Toy Biz' LotR figures having sculpts that still hold up todayThey don't. Look at the over 1/10th of an inch depth each armor plates has. That was also what I was talking about when I mentioned it not being sharp and looking inaccurate, let alone the shitty texture and weird thick ridges they added. I just used that shot because it was a better full body shot, but here is one with slightly less blur.>Are you a zoomer? I'm not answering that until you tell me if you are a pajeet or not. Actually, I wouldn't believe you. Post your hand with a timestamp while you hold your broken Space Marine or the Mythic Legions weapon you busted because you threw it into a pile like the toys with gummy accessories your mother buys so you don't choke on any sharp edged weapons.
>>11251243>pic of even McFarlane's golden age figures being super poseable, since it has 20+PoA.By 2008 when that was released, even many 1/18 Star Wars figures had over 20 points or articulation, so big whoop. Also a shame Todd used such brittle plastics like you accuse 4H of.
>>11251256>create a new definitino for goalpost movement becaue he got caught in moving the goalpost just to defend his original argument>making up more insane bullshit to continue arguing>too ashamed of his generation to even give an age range.You keep proving me right.As for timestamp, here's an example of how I'm not a hamhands. 7 years (bought it new in package, maybe 8 years after it came out) of ownership, despite also going into my boxes when not on display and having way more delicate, thin pieces than what's found on a Joytoy or Mythic Legion figure. I don't need to treat it like glass.It didn't break after an hour of handling it like a Mythic Legion figure, because it's not made of shitty plastics like 4H uses. I can post thousands of other figures i own like this, but i won't, becasue you've proven you'll just make up endless goalposts to defend whatever brand you're a bottom of the barrel fan for.And you really need to see the paint job. Shit's beautiful. It's ultra matte where it's supposed to be matte and glossy where it's supposed to be glossy, because it's from the golden age of paint apps in toys. The metallics are metallic too. It's amazing shit that you really don't see today, despite toys costing over 15x as much.And not even any rough textures like youv'e been pretending to see. Look at how smooth it looks with the light shining across the completely painted surfaces in this close up. Only bumps you see were specifically sculpted in.>>11251259>big whoop.Are you purposely ignoring the point or illiterate? Point is that McStatues (muchless the LotR figures) aren't strictly statues like the zoomer was ignorantly saying up there.And that's a nice cherrypicked example from an owner who could have been a kid or some bitter housewife just throwing shit around to resell because her husband played vidya for an hour that day. Mine are still intact, because I'm not a hamhands and the plastic isn't shit like a Warhammer figure by Joytoy.
>>11251284>too ashamed of his generation to even give an age range.No, I asked you several posts ago if you were a pajeet, so by your reasoning, that must mean you are too ashamed of your street shitting, sub 80 IQ heritage.>As for timestampRefuses to show his hands. Just as predicted. Is your name Raj or Sandeep?>It didn't break after an hour of handling it like a Mythic Legion figureI thought the Mythic Legions figure broke when it "fell 2 inches" onto your "cardboard IKEA desk. And wasn't it just the weapon that broke?>I can post thousands of other figuresYou can't. You'd rather post other people's photos of broken Joy Toy shit.>Point is that McStatues (muchless the LotR figures) aren't strictly statues like the zoomer was ignorantly saying up there.>And that's a nice cherrypicked exampleCherrypicks a well articulated McStatue out of the sea of hundreds of McFarlane pieces of shit that were stuck with shitty V-cut crotches and lopsided articulation, and then complains about cherrypicking.Bravo.I can't even tell what the fuck that is because I think your shit colored skin is absorbing all the light.Pic related is the third busted Battleclad Spawn I've posted in this thread, because I know how utterly shit 90s and 2000s Spawn figures were because I was buying them back then with the money I was earning working at a university, all while you went to a diploma mill so that you didn't get sent back to the stinking shithole you came from.In case you haven't figured it out, it's not because you rag on anyone's precious toy company that anons are sick of you. It's because you try to pretend the garbage you like is better when every complaint you've ever levelled at Joytoy or whoever can be applied to Todd's garbage, but because you worship him, you will write essays to damage control the shit made by your Canadian girlfriend.
>>11251284Here, have another broken McFarlane piece of shit. I'm pretty sure I can find a broken example of 80% of his garbage, and the remaining 20% could be made up in broken Battle Clad Spawns alone, let alone all the other shitty QC issues over the years like the loose hips on every copy of Manga Cyber Violator.The thing is, I don't even hate McFarlane, but you acting like he is the Jesus Christ of the toy world and acting like everything he shat out was gold is fucking insufferable. Pretending that he realised high pressure injection molding could give thing greater detail when fucking Lima was doing ready to run train sets in the 70s and 80s with detailed rivets, that were quite literally aimed at getting kids into the hobby proves how retarded you are. He didn't realise that he could make more detailed figures. He realised that there was a market for more detailed figures. Christ, he still can't figure out how to cut the articulation into a figure 90% of the time, and he's been doing this shit for 30 years.
...I think this takes the case for the most INSULTINGLY poorly-aged figure:Jazwares' crappy SDCC-exclusive Omega Zero.Who is the ONLY representation of the character.His swivel-only articulation is shit, his chin doesn't exist, his sabers melt and flake and distort as he ages, and, oh, did I mention he was a GODDAMN SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON EXCLUSIVE?...AND the ONLY officiall-licensed Omega Zero figure?...christ on a cracker, Crapcom.
Have you two really spent the past three nights arguing about this? I genuinely don't know which of you is more autistic.
>>11251385I can tell you this isn't autism, it's a deliberate choice, but I cannot explain my actions. I could explain my actions, but that would defeat the purpose.
>>11251327>Pretending that he realised high pressure injection molding could give thing greater detail when fucking Lima was doing ready to run train sets in the 70s and 80s with detailed rivets, that were quite literally aimed at getting kids into the hobby proves how retarded you are.Not to mention Tamiya, whose early 70s tank kits (which were also aimed at getting kids into the hobby and could easily be built as RC toys) still have wonderfully crisp details by today's standards and are still being released to this day.
>>11251311>thinks posting random photos of 90s toys that some kid owned is proof of anything that was mentioned>showing proof that other toys aren't fragile pieces of shit like Mythic Legions or WH40k toys, and it's not hamhanding that causes toys to break isn't proof cause racismLOL, every single argument/"fact" you're stating is something you created in your head. you're trying to avoid talking about 00s toys, posting proof that toys have even comparable paint jobs, or just outright lying.Considering you're trying to parrot the insults I've been throwing at you, it shows how little you can think on your ownAnd yes, the Mythic Legion figures (plural) that broke by only falling onto the desk counts as handling them. How do you think they ended up there in the first place? I placed them there and due to their shitty QC, their legs gave out and brittle plastic snapped from that ~3" fall. I like to take photos of such shitty issues almsot right away, just to give /toy/ a heads up. Nearly every photo that i've posted that has rankled your ass has come from other adult collectors, almost all of them breaking their brand new toys within the first day of opening their toys.Obviously, you don't see the difference between this and the random photos you're digging up, because you're insane.Pic of why you shouldn't buy Mythic Legion figures. The newest wave came with worse QC than ever and 4H did massive damage control over it, including getting forums to delete their posts.>>11251385Talking about toys on board about the hobby of toys is fine.The problem is the other guy is retarded and has an axe to grind, because he's hates that other brands exist and people like them.PS, I'm white and my fingers have shown up in past pics. The only time they've shown up brown (and female) is when i wanted to prove how easy it is to fake a photo weeks/days later, because some chinese shill thought he could lie he wasn't after learning why i asked for the parameters
>>11251571>And yes, the Mythic Legion figures (plural) that broke by only falling onto the desk counts as handling them. How do you think they ended up there in the first place? I placed them there and due to their shitty QC, their legs gave out and brittle plastic snapped from that ~3" fall.No, breaking from handling them is different from them falling over because you're a poselet, or because you threw them in your autistic shit pile. I don't think you could understand the difference due to English being your second language.
>>11251571>The problem is the other guy is retarded and has an axe to grind, because he's hates that other brands exist and people like them.The irony of this coming from you is palpable.
>>11251571Imagine being such a loser you make this post and include such a stupid image of hamhanding.
>>11251693>making up a definition because he needs to arguethis is insanity>>11251810Brah, there's a world of difference between>these Mythic Legion/Joytoy's Warhammer figures break because they're poorly madeand>Everything you like is shit! Your low resolution images prove there's dust sized specks of flaws everywhere! Look at these images of broken 90s toys! They prove you're wrong to like toys that were made in the 00s! I'm going to move my goalposts everytime you prove my old one wrong, because you're a bad person that disagreed with me!From the Cambridge dictionary>to have a strong personal opinion about something that you want people to accept and that is the reason why you do somethingSo i literally can't have an axe to grind, because it's not my personal opinion that Mythic Legion figures are fragile pieces of shit. It's a fact that 4H uses brittle plastics. Nevermind i didn't even bring these lines up first. Some other guy did and i only stated how they're able to use more paints than other lines, and that's because they cheap out on the quality of their plastics. Despite their higher prices, they need to cut the budget elsewhere to not even reach the 00s golden age of paint apps level.It's also not my opinion that McFarlane Toys was copied by the toy industry, because the toy industry changed overnight to making their toys more detailed and dynamic than ever. They also increased the scale of toys and started including more paint apps>ib4 comparing models to toysAgain, shows the ignorance of the people trying to bring this up. They use different, much cheaper processes (including low pressure injection molding). Since they use softer plastics, they didn't need to use high pressure injection molding. As mentioned many posts ago, companies like Games Workshop started using it for their models and is one of the reasons they justify the high cost of their models. Bandai started uses them too, hence the shift in quality of their kits (late 90s?)
>>11252291>this is insanityYou should just put that in the name field for all of your schizoposts, because it describes them perfectly.>It's a fact that 4H uses brittle plastics. Nevermind i didn't even bring these lines up first.Technically you did. The first mention of Mythic Legions was by an anon 50+ posts ago that was pointing out that Legions collectors were buying the Toybiz LotR mounted figures to use the horses before Four Horsemen made their own mounts, so he wasn't even talking about the toyline.The next mention in this thread was you schizing out about their "brittle plastics" because you are eternally butthurt that they stopped working for The Toddfather.
>>11252308>technically you did>5 days before that and one day before mounts mentioned >>11246082illiterate and insane>-b-b-b-b-but technicalities!desperate and insaneAgain, we've been talking about how toy making really hasn't changed since whenver Toy Biz started making LotR figures and how shit has actually gotten worse since the golden age in the mid-00s. Budgets gotta be cut, despite prices going higher than ever, outpacing inflation and buying power many times over.And here you are, with your shitty mental gymnastics to defect criticism and pretend everything else is worse, because you're an insane fanboy with an axe to grind.>schizingThat implies I'm lying, like you are, and don't have a mountain of photographic evidence, unlike you.pic of an adult owned collector toy that broke within the first few hours of being handled. Same collector has had problems with other figures from the same line, as recently as two weeks ago. Showing its an ungoing problem that Joytoy hasn't bothered to fix for years, despite their high prices. Nevermind other people have been bitching too, so it's wide spread and it can't be hamhands, because people like myself own hundreds/thousands of other figures that don't break even after decades of ownership.
>>11252323>That implies I'm lying, like you are, and don't have a mountain of photographic evidence, unlike you.>I save every photo I can find on social media of broken Joytoy and 4H figures because I'm not a schizoLiterally insane.
>>11252323>Same collector has had problems with other figures from the same line, as recently as two weeks ago.Wait, do you literally stalk people to save their photos of every toy they break, and you claim you aren't a schizo?Holy fuck. That is some of the most psychopathic stalker shit I've seen on this board. You seriously need to be in an institution. Permanently.
>they're still going. >Four (4) nights in a rowYou guys could really stand to get some sleep.
>>11252291>these Mythic Legion/Joytoy's Warhammer figures break because they're poorly madeThey don't though. I have plenty of both and no breakages. You're just a hamhands.
>>11252337>reading threads and saving images = stalkingthat's a cool new definition you've invented. Most of the images I've saved are from other anons, so by their own admissions, they toys they buy are pretty brittle (and poorly painted).Sorry that you're so insane you need to equate things nonsensically, but since most anons are so delusional today, I've needed to save images because they prove them wrong.I like how we're not even talking about the topic anymore, because you're so desperate to defend the brittle plastics that Joytoy and 4 Horsemen use.>>11252479Out of thousands of figures i own, in the past 10 years, it's literally only been Joytoy's and 4H's Mythic Legion figures that have broken on me. If my collection can survive 15 years without breaking and it's only Joytoy and 4H shit breaking, guess what the problem is?Pic of one of the biggest shills from the WH40k general getting replacement parts sent to him, because Joytoy's quality control is that shit. Guy's absolutely disgusting too and probably lives in a favela, based on his 3rd world tier room and wiring. Addendum: the only figure i've broken 15 years before was a Stormtrooper because i just pulled him right out of the package, forgetting there's rubberbands attaching them. 20 years ago? Takara's Microman line from that era had some of the worst plastics ever. Their clear plastics just randomly snapped, very much like Joytoy's figures. So all my Microman figures that feature clear plastic all broke. The Microman figures that only used opaque plastics from the same era still survive to this day.Apart from that, there's vintage shit from 30-40 years that use o-rings suffering from rot, but that's the natural lifespan of plastics. Toys that aren't even a month old shouldn't break day 1 like they do with 4H and Joytoy.btw, my Acid Rain figures from Ori's time are still intact, despite Ori's plastics being problematic. AC ftw.
>>11252582OK lying hamhands.
>>11252582>Most of the images I've saved are from other anonsWell, looking at >>11252291 and >>11251571 that's obviously a lie.
>>11252447Once SubjectAnon gets going he can't stop, won't stop.