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Trunks - GT [Web Exclusive]
Vegeta (Mini) - Daima
Son Goku - Super Hero (Reissue)
Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku (Reissue)

Super Android 17 [Web Exclusive]
Piccolo (Mini) - Daima

Super Saiyan Trunks - Infinite Latent Super Power (Reissue)
Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]

Vegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)

Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]

Son Goku - Daima
Super Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)

Vegeta - Daima

Majin Buu - Good (Reissue)

V Jump 40th anniversary Son Goku + Shenron
Zarbon - True Power [Web Exclusive]

Gomah - Daima

Panzy (Daima)
Glorio (Daima)
Kaioshin Mini (Daima)
SSJ Son Goku Mini (Daima)

Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series

Tamashii Nations Surveys

Previous Thread >>11233319
I ordered FP Frieza and the SS Goku. Thanks bros.
As someone who grew up on Dragonball, has read and watched Dr Slump and is fond of many of Toriyama's works from Ackman to Cashman, Dragon Quest to Tobal, I've sadly officially tapped out of DAIMA. I managed a handful of episodes, but just can't do it anymore. RIP Toriyama. I feel like the magic of DB went with him, and this sad parody will hopefully be forgotten before long.
On the plus side, I think a lot of late collectors will welcome this time for them to catch up on old releases without having to worry about missing new ones.
Why did they make this daima slop that will flop instead of Goten and Trunks?
Alternatively, you grew old and don't enjoy poop-on-stick jokes anymore.
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>a whole year of daimaslop
I can't stop thinking about Panchan
>finally get pan
>cursed with fucking baby barely articulated slop for a year
i fucking hate bandai jesus christ
imagine if turd parties didn't exist to save us from this
>hoping for Android 13
>hoping for Base Form Cooler
>hoping for Garlic Jr.
>hoping for Baby

>instead we get nothing but Dragon Ball Daima shit

...fuck me, guess I'll be saving my money for at least one year, any way
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Anyone else thinks this newer Videl statue (right) looks like shit and retarded? The older one looks more accurate and cuter
Ask /jp/
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>they gave her bigger tits
I hate when they do this. they turned Videl into a slut.
I mean... That's the point of the G&G and Gal lines - sexualizing characters.
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This guy is apparently pbandai and looks like it was supposed to go up on the 22nd.
Base Miniku was still somewhat charming, but SS isn't doing it for me.
it's SHIT
Not a toy you fucking retards
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>p-please buy this cardboard and plastic box. it comes with a bejita figure. you don't want to be disrespectfuru towards Toriyama-sensei's last work, do you gayjin?!
the only daima fig I'll buy is Arinsu and only if it comes with a trans pride flag
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With how small they are they should've came with their adult selves like Chaozu and Tien to save us from more separate releases. The value isn't there for the little guys.
Oh thank god it has a reason to look like shit
are there any good gokus without battle damage yet
only third party
i'm not a figuarts purist if there are better options available
>Daima SSJ Goku is PBandai
Maximum greed
>Naruto line got Hinata and tsunade
>One Piece just completed the Crew
>we got daima
this is the worst line in toys today. imagine if Daima didn't exist. And they showed off SSJ4 Gogeta, Kid Buu, Perfect Cell 2.0, Janemba, and teased Goten and Trunks. Everyone would be so happy. this line is one of the few joys in my life. I hate my job. I'm in constant pain due to health issues. These Daima reveals are robbing me of my happiness
Are they even going to be kids for that much longer? They are already fighting one of the three dudes they need to beat to undo it, and the previews are making it look like the fights aren't going to be more than an episode or two each.
I suspect they'll be kids until the second to last or last episode.
>and teased Goten and Trunks
Lol, you lost me there. Nobody care about them
Daima really is a cancer upon the line, sadly.
got the new tonsen trunks from the boujack movie
it is 90% identical to the previous release sans for the head with the longer hair and the jacket
got no issues regarding stiff joints in the legs this time, very good release
So is there a reason they aren't doing figures of characters fans actually want or is it just pure retardation?
These are characters fans actually want. Step outside your online bubble for once. I was in Japan and it was Diama central at Tamashii Tokyo
Yeah was worth 40 after shipping.
Unfortunately we can't cure Japan of their shit taste.
I think they'll turn back sooner than expected but it'll take longer than we hope. Maybe at the 3/4 point instead of the final 2 or so eps many are expecting. I'm guessing there's some sort of next phase after the 3 boss fight checkpoint where they fight as adults after getting the wish.
Daima is so popular. That's why you can still order everything, meanwhile random Z re-releases sell out in 0.00002 picoseconds.
there is no one who wants Daima slop more than Z stuff
Does anybody even care a about demonical fit slop?
It honestly looks like a custom of the boy from the future trunks.
If you guys don't have a tonsen Trunks i cant recomend him enought
>If you guys don't have a tonsen Trunks i cant recomend him enought
I have both variants of the Bojack/Broly one ordered. Have to wait and see if I actually get them though.
Welcome to the club. I tapped out at episode 5. Maybe I binge a bunch later, but I'm not doing weekly.
>tapped out at episode 5
How bad is it? I can't stand the style, so It's kept me from watching.
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Right looks better imo, but I tend to think of pigtails Videl with resting bitch face because of the old Irwin figure.
It's simply boring and has no stakes. Sure, the lore drops are nice, but it's not enough to stay invested. I'd say wait for a decent chunk of the series to drop then give it a shot. Who knows if it'll stick the landing though.

I wanted to like it, but it's just not what I expected.
Do people actually care about dragon ball lore? it's just retcons on top of retcons
Well my third Trunks figure in a month finally ended up being the reissue. Thankfully was able to get my money back for the other two.
why would you even the shit shf in the first place? The reissue has issues too.
BFTF Trunks is great. Only flaws are the sword strap being annoying and lack of faces for base head.
Well it’s my only DBZ figure besides from Goku. I just really like Trunks. I bought the previous Trunks from years back but sold it cause it was just awful. This one is a hundred times better, but yeah it’s still over-engineered with a bunch of dumb decisions. Mostly revolving around his jacket. Like how the back is cut away so you can see a gap in the rear of his collar from the front if you pose it slightly off. And how the areas under his jacket around his arms are just a hollow void.

But Trunks is my favorite character and I’m really happy with it overall.
Yeah that too. I wish it had at least one more faceplate for his base form, like a smiling face. I’m may get a third party Trunks for that & some other options. It’s a good figure. Not a complete mess thst barely functions like Guts from Berserk.
I do. It was nice seeing more Saiyan stuff in Super Broly.
They're clearly hurrying to get these figures out while Daima is still fresh in the minds of the few people who would maybe buy the figures, because I am sure that in 6 months, or a year, or whatever, almost no one is going to give a shit about this iteration of Dragonball, and the figures wouldn't sell at all. They're barely selling now. That Super Saiyan mini Goku is, I think the first non-EE Goku that has been a P-Bandai in like 9 years.

They did do the same thing with the DBS Broly movie and Super Hero. They churned out the figures pretty quickly so that people would impulse buy them, but at least in those instances you could argue that all the Broly movie figures were actually pretty good, and most of the Super Hero figures were at least good or decent barring Pan and Broly.

Everything about the Daima figures looks like shit. From the toddler-esque art style to the horrid articulation on nearly every figure, these just ain't it.
Okay but Goku(mini) is too cute. The rest I’ll ignore.
Looks like I actually won’t be getting any third party Trunks figures as they’re going for like $200 each now. Oh well!
If you want a bojack trunks DF is making one
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>Sparking Zero's DLC ruined by Daima
>SH Figuarts ruined by Daima
Holy fucking shit I hate daima so fucking much.
toriyama died laughing at us with diapa
Good job I'm a massive One Piece fan, so the elation I'm getting from those reveals had me completely forget about dragon ball.
I'm getting the DF. I got fucked on my tonsen A version order for $50 and now they want $100.
I like that the DF comes with the arm effects. I don't know how those bonuses work with the tonsenshit.
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Anon...you should kill yourself. You are a burden to everyone around you and your parents wish you were dead. I seriously from the bottom of my heart wish that you will never find any happiness in life and that you see how pathetic the little joy you get from these broken shit toys is. I hope your medical bills will rise so high that you won't even be able to afford said toys. You really should kill yourself. Just do it.
2nd payment notice was sent out for octoys vegito headsculpts on 5ktoys
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Daima is good. Fuck the shitposters. As everyone can see they are overweight failures at live. Daima is literally the best thing that ever happned to dragon ball and especially SH Figuarts. Dragon ball is finally good again after the garbage that super was.

I bet if one piss made daima like figures that statue faggot would be all over it and shilling and samefagging nonstop in the shf general just like he does right now with the regular garbage one piss figures.
People still aren't going to like Daima or Daima figures.
Daima > rest of the line
The numbers don't show that.
what numbers faggot? Everyone except you already bough it KEK faggot
Holy shit you are a bitch made nigga. Post the numbers faggot.
>he can't
man what a bitch lmao can't prove shit. Daimagods stay winning. What a bitch LMAO
Daipa did one thing right: vindicated GT.
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Kong's Vegeta has arrived!
It fits my ideal image.
lmao you are got really bitch made. You are pathetic and can't even prove the shit you spout. Go kill yourself bitch. Everyone is laughing at you. Daima won.
I made a very simple request of you sticking daima goku up your rectum, but you keep deflecting, seems you don't really like daima that much, you can't even stick SH Figuarts mini goku up your ass, how am I supposed to take you seriously?
not reading your seething bitch. Prove what you said or go be a gay faggot somewhere else you pathetic fat retard. Daima stays winning and you stay crying like a bitch LOL
>still can't prove it
kek what a homo
>more homo fantasies instead of proving anything he claimed
Kek, faggot. Daima won. You lost homo.
what numbers homo???? Post it. Prove it. You retaded faggot.
Deflecting again, typical, fake daima fan, not even the Power Pole is inside you.
>seething over daima this hard
NTA this just shows what kind of losers browse this general.
>t-the numbers say otherwise
but can't even tell you what numbers when asked lol actual schizo and out of cope and seethe he shits this thread up with his gay shit
Absolute retardation. I'm glad this line is dying. All shf should ever make from now on is daima so gay retards like him rope himself sooner
Sure buddy
He's been samefagging non stop over daima despite multiple anons already buying and posting them last thread. He's just mentally ill and probably part of the 41% soon anyway. Thats the number he's talking about kek
Daima 10/10
Z 7/10
DB 8/10
GT 0/10
Super Gay/10
simple as
Daima made GT look good.
go play with your manlet trunks you falseflagging homo

Daimakings own this subreddit
I'm like Diama.
what did you pay? Best looking vegeta so far
Same. I too am very cute and funny.
i was gong to agree but you put GT above super? GT will always be ass and the shittiest ver of DB to ever existed along side heroes.
we've seen more exciting times, but updated nonetheless
And I thought the Super Hero movie period was dour. Damn.
I got it on AliExpress for roughly $95.
It was hard to paint red hair yellow.
>they still have more Daima to reveal
I love Android 21 so much bros..
Daimogawds keep eating good. You can eat shit.
should i buy her figure? is it a good one?
The line will probably die at this rate.
cope harder fag LOL
at least we got a bunch of hype figures between those releases
>Imperfect Cell
>SSJ4 Vegeta
>Second Form Frieza
Exactly. All we got recently in terms of non-Daima reveals is Monster Zarbon.
The Daimi 3.0 Vegeta looks off to me. When will they get around to a normal 3.0 Vegeta?
When Super season 2.
hopefully never. Normals look even worse
Maybe 3.0 Goku and Vegeta for Z after this because they now have the engineering done.
Although I sure hope a 3.0 Goku doesn't have Daima Goku's shitty knees.
>I bet if one piss made daima like figures that statue faggot would be all over it and shilling
There already are, and it looks pretty based, we just need to know if it's just a one and done or the beginning of an entire line of articulated WCF's. Full crew would be awesome.
>because they now have the engineering done
This is Bandai we're talking about.
thanks for betatesting in advance retard
.... true.....
by the by, for those who own daipa baby goku, is the waistcloth removable without leaving huge gaps?
kek the homo got banned
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literally best thing shf ever made
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I'm gonna buy daima and support the line because it makes gay anons itt sneed and shit themselves
Daima was a failed attempt to capitalize on the massive Goten and Trunks fanbase awaiting a fun adventure show starring them. It's failed because people want the genuine article. They miscalculated by thinking they could replace the dynamic duo with something else
GT failed too. They replaced Goten with Pan and that basically made the show DOA.
Do they really have that big a fanbase? I thought Daima was Toriyama trying to go back to the original OG DB with tiny Goku and friends.
Is there a legal reason why they can't release manga exclusive characters or do they just not give a shit about them?
They're not mainstream enough until their anime debut.
Gotta luck out like 21 with Battle Hour.
Why is this guy so butthurt about daima shit shelfwarming so hard because nobody wants it?
he invested in daima stonks
they did release one. i guess it flopped and they gave up on manga shit
>(right) looks like shit and retarded?
You don't even explain how? It's the same character with the same look with a slightly different pose...
Imdont get it, I've been enjoying Diama so far. What don't you all like about it?
sex appeal frightens him
no goten and trunks
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Interesting. He is a great Goku to have
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>most popular saga
>least amount of focus in the line
Why is the Buu saga so shafted?
How much?
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Nice ass.
I'd grab him if he was 60.
How are you guys enjoying Daima? Is it worse than you expected? Better?
Meh. I actively hate Kaioshin so seeing him on screen sucks
I enjoyed Super a lot. Why does it get so much hate?
Shitty writing
Shitty animation
Shitty pacing
Shitty music until ToP
Awful choreography for the most part
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Videl is busty anon what are you talking about
Also G&G just makes them slightly bustier or with more ass, they mostly are a "premium" prize figure line that are bigger than normal. I own two Android 18's and both don't have Gal proportions like >>11244921, they look like 18 with slightly bigger tits
I want this fig so bad. I want to cum to 18
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Yeah she's pretty hot
Yeah I thought some plot points like SSJ spine tingle were dumb, but I still liked it. Guess I'm a shit, then.
i'm not boycotting it because it doesn't star my favorite characters.
I enjoy all of Dragonball. GT, Super, and Daima included.
He and Innocent Kidku got Japan store reissues yeah.
You can find em.on Ali for around 60
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Will he ever be re-released or given a 3.0 or is it over?
It's over.
He needs a 3.0 bad
He can get in line.
Dragon ball fans (specially super fans) are notorious for their lack of standards and shilling
Who the fuck is goten?
We will get a tonsen soon enough. One day in like 2030, they'll return to the Buu Saga after the Daima sequel movie trilogy is over.
How can you tell if they're legit? Well, legit in the sense that they're the right one.
If you find a link post it. The ones I saw around 60 were for some basic thing and if you select the blue armor Vegeta variant it's 100+.
I hate those listings.
>Thumbnail is of item you want, price is for the crap you don't want.
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Remember when I said Cooler was probably going to be my last figure for awhile?
About that...
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Impulse bought him exclusively because I wanted to do this pose.
I can not be trusted with money, goddamn.
Honestly not bad, kind of surprised more figures don't use his setup for alternate heads.
On the downside though, he doesn't have a neutral expression, or a happy one. Just frightened, yelling, gritting, and frown. Feels weird to not have a smiling expression for Krillin.
Nice to finally have a figure who has an actual, proper attack effect.
It's neat to have the chargeup on the supernova and the kamehameha, but this is something I can actually put on a stand to represent an actual attack being used.
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No comment here, I just have a child's sense of humor.
I'm surprised that he's only my third shortest figure. He's taller than both of my Friezas.
One other thing I'd like to say is that I find it weird how few figures have neutral hand accessories. Just Fourth Form Frieza and Imperfect Cell. And I guess First Form Frieza if you squint? I don't know, just something I found weird.
Otherwise, happy with him. Probably paid a little too much for him, bit over 60 after shipping, almost double what I paid for first form Frieza, but eh, what the hell, who cares.
Probably going to get a Piccolo and a Gohan next if I don't go all in on SS4 Goku, but that won't be until next year.
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I mean, it's a nice gift for yourself and we're almost ending the month anyway. Also I'm sure Krillin is cheap because he's Krillin, who's going to be your next target anon? I'm between buying King Cold now or AY Ryu Hayabusa
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>almost double what I paid for first form Frieza
*Fourth Form.
One last crew shot for the year, hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year /DBG/
Like I mentioned in the other post, a Piccolo and a Gohan, probably Teen Gohan, or SS4 Goku. I might try to round out the Z-fighters and get a Trunks, Tien, and Yamcha if I can, though that's a low priority.
Once next year rolls around, I'd like to pick up a Copy of GT Pan, because I might be the only person on the planet who liked Pan as a character for non-horny reasons, based on what I've seen other people say.
man has an addiction
Proud Namekian seem like a good choice because he has the cape and nice arm parts.
Honestly the only Gohan I care about is Future Gohan, maybe ultimate Gohan too
>SS4 Goku
that's a nice choice and he's cheap. I don't have any of those btw. I only have evil guys in my collection
I do want Bojack Trunks but I have other priorities, maybe if tonsen do a reissue
>Yamcha and Tien
I think you can find Cell saga Tien at a good price and just skip Yamcha, the better version of him it's old and really fucking expensive
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Uhhh i don't have a new pics so have one of Turles with his cape
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from OCToys
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yeah, Proud Namekian was the one I had my eyes on for Piccolo. Honestly I was originally going to order both him and Krillin at the same time, but then a few little budgetary IRL things came up and I decided to just get Krillin since he was the cheaper one and wait for Piccolo
Honestly, both Proud Namekian and Super Hero Piccolo have good parts. I think you can get the best version by having both.
Dragon ball fans (specially GT fans) are notorious for their lack of standards and shilling
why can’t this be a regular release instead of fucking 60 baby gokus
Yeah this set is pretty great
What stands work best for the effects and basic poses?
Ah yes, the critical Buu Anal Vored By Golden Oozaru sphincter accessory, at last.
Ima gunna cram it
Debating grabbing this ahead of time for the upcoming Tonsen Gotenks.
The head sculpts are fantastic and the hair looks good. When you order from 5k they send you either yellow or blue effects though.
What's the keychain for?
If you want to use volleyball buu as a Keychain
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Peak DB right here
Remove saiyaman and then it's correct
Remove saiyaman, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, Krillin, 18 and Goku and then it's correct
peak doghsit
We just need that krillin and 18 in that outfit and then the important ones are done.
Shame the storyline where it happened was warmed over dogshit that makes most of GT and Super look like high kino
Oh, that's cool.
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"You made me very proud, gohan"
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Let's be frank. Goku's figures are shit and all need redos other than like two of them.
That's a sentiment shared by most of the thread other than like 2 copers.
Honestly, the 2.0 "fighting body" is coming up to a decade old, so much like all things, they are beginning to look dated when compared to other releases these days. The face sculpts and digital printing has also got a lot better since then. We could see tamashii take a break for a while and then comeback with a new wave of redos in a couple years.
And so the cycle repeats.
Not sure how many times they can renew them. The biggest issue with 2.0 Goku is probably the shoulderpad sleeve thing that has always been shit and the ab range, maybe?
Knees and legs are up to preference. I myself prefer the SS4 Goku legs, though they need to work out a good way to give backward leg range alongside it.
Oh, and ankles. The 3.0 ankles for Goku and Vegeta are just infinitely superior, or so they seem to be.
The faces look quite bad too.
For 2.0?
OG, sure. But since they're putting updated faces on the 2.0 bodies now, like the event exclusive Goku or the store SS Goku, it gets a bit muddied. I get what you mean, though. The faces that come with "3.0"s (Trunks, SS Teen Gohan, LSS Goku) are my favorites.
>Not sure how many times they can renew them.
Trust me, there is always things they can do. I think the soft plastic over concealed joints is getting better, like storm do and they did for gohan, piccolo. Who knows.
same with Vegeta.
LSJJ Goku is my default Goku now. The rest are shit. Tamashii knows this too, because when they promote the line the only use him in pictures.
>Trust me, there is always things they can do.
Oh, I know. Personally, I'm wondering how many Goku renewals (for example) I'd be willing to buy, though. I'd like to say I'm willing to get 3.0s of characters like Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, etc. in every form they have, and I am. But would I do the same for a 4.0? I don't know if I would. But then I thought the 2.0s were the definitive versions as well back when they first replaced the 1.0s, lol.
Vegeta is in even worse shape. His 2.0 body is just shit in most ways. His ankles are irredeemable, and the 2.0 lacking outward leg range is probably the worst on him.
Yeah. We know it, they know it, the third party companies (except DF apparently) know it, which is why they are churning out 3.0 bodies and not 2.0 ones.
We're literally on the threshold of getting renewals but Bandai just can't stop themselves from milking those necrotized, desiccated 2.0s.
God, I do hope that the 3.0 Z Gokus don't end up taking from the Daima Goku in terms of knee engineering, though.
They are extremely shit. I seriously don't understand how people can like these toys. Bandai is so bad at faces and those diapers are awful. It's quite frankly insulting to keep missing such a simple artstyle this consistently if even bring arts gets the faces right.
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I don't blame you for thinking 2.0's were definitive. The 1.0's were low quality even considering the standards back then. the 2.0s were a big jump in quality.
>They are extremely shit. I seriously don't understand how people can like these toys
>t. Newfag on older toys
Just because the old ones sucked more doesn't make these not shit you dumb drone lol. Besides I swear I had a better looking ssj3 as a kid but I can't find the model anymore. It just looked so right
SROE is 6 years old. He was the GOAT back then.
You only call them shit now because you have something to look back to and compare with.

>Besides I swear I had a better looking ssj3 as a kid
Nostalgia speaking.

Not even disagreeing with you, just pointing out how retarded your mindset is.
Nah man. You see I didn't buy them back then either because they sucked. It just looks ugly. The whole line infact. Monsters and weird looking dudes like satan are fine but rest is so fucked. Sorry but it's not nostalgia. It's an incredibly simple artstyle and they've failed to mimick it since the dawn of the line for every goku vegeta and the rest. It has their shape but thats it.
You think headswaps on the Daima adult Vegeta would look right? The figure looks off to me but maybe a normal head would fix it?
Depends, they're consistently inconsistent with peg sizes. If it's smaller, there's always blutack.
When it comes to Piccolo I think I'm content with proud namekian because realistically I know an updated one is going to have a bunch of stuff I won't like about it. I don't want a soft cape on him. I don't want the Gohan Beast soft torso. I don't want round shoes. Don't need the buttflap. It might have some better faces but it'll probably also have a bunch of downsides to me with their current direction.
>SROE is 6 years old. He was the GOAT back then.
It's true.
Both versions of SS3 Goku were pretty bad from the get-go, though.
no fucking way is the left one really legit?
it looks like a fucking bootleg
Cheetoku is a legend among his peers.
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Anon you can post figures with good looking faces like Turles, Nappa, Ginyu, Tien, SS4 Goku, SS4 Vegeta, 24000 Vegeta, Krillin, Frieza, King Cold, Zarbon or Raditz and he would still call them shit
>I don't want a soft cape on him
You must be really happy with hard plastic shitty capes like the ones from King Cold and great saiyaman
all i own are prize figures/statues of dragon ball but i really like the ssj goku from the frieza saga they released like last year
is that figure any good? does anyone here own it?
apparently his torso is a slightly paler tone but idk if that's widespread issue
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Go get him.
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DF is a bit taller for those that are really bothered by the height.
He's the best Goku you can buy
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Yah get him or wait for the reissue that's coming that 35 dollars but comes with less accessories.
The torso issue isn't really perceptible IRL (I own a first release) and mostly just shows up on cameras, and I think the second (current) release improved on it.
this is the 2nd current edition with the updated colored chest.
Kidku has a big head but that's the only problem.
SROE looks fine
SSJFP looks fine, doesn't bother me like everyone else.
SSJ3 should have had a new hair sculpt instead of reusing the 1.0 hair.

Bodies look fine. Faceplates/heads could be better.
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>Kidku has a big head but that's the only problem.
Daima head on him. Thoughts?
He's peak
Just be mindful of where you get him to dodge the bootlegs
this is cope sorry to say
do you have a link for this version? i can only find the first release
SROE on earth looks retarded and not in a good way
Mine does because it has the fucked up happy face that some of the later releases of it got (I think they fixed it with the most recent rerelease)
It looks so goofy.
I don't mind SROE, but it looks a little bland and non-specific. The old Shodo figure has a lot more personality. SS4 isn't terrible but I've never liked the face sculpt. GT Goku is great. Legendary SS is great. Daima Goku is great.
Legendary Super Saiyan Goku is the best version of Goku and one of the best figures in the line. Go get him.
Why did it take so long to get Goku right? It’s not like he’s the main character right? And Vegeta doesn’t even have a good figure yet either.

Why don’t they have this problem with villains?
SroE and 2.0 Vegeta are pretty old by now.
And they've just been milking those.
>And Vegeta doesn’t even have a good figure yet either.
Ss4 vegeta
>Saiyan Raised on Earth on earth
I decided to continue this with an exceptionally cursed set of images
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Bro, Frieza's got Yamcha as his crush, not Krillin.
I know
But I don't have a Yamcha
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Look what you made me do.
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Buy it.
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And I got you covered.
Excellent. This pleases me
*ahem* Frieza belong to saiyan men
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Frieza is for domming Monkeys
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>*ahem* Frieza belong to saiyan men
DF gave him Henry Cavill hands
What the monkey doin
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Oh yeah, that remind me that I have this cursed image
I'd rather they make stuff from the interesting characters in super.
Wow that actually looks better proportion wise. The face is a different style obviously because daima but still not bad.
You can say cope but you gotta explain why.
Honestly really wanna see a 3.0 Ultra Instinct Goku on the Legendary Super Saiyan body.
>GT slop
doesn't count
The only Vegeta i care about is saiyan saga Vegeta and he doesn't have a good figure
I like redeemed father Vegeta trying to be better from Super. Wish we'd get a good Whis suit Vegeta as I liked the gray with ssb.
the naruto line got another interesting teaser. why are they getting core characters and we're not? We still have so many more characters to go and I'm not getting any younger...
Turles figure is sooo good.
because of daima
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I broke my Bardock's arm. Just posing him normally with his effect piece,not ham handing or anything and his arm just falls apart. He has the same setup as pic related and the little nub at the end just sheared off inside the shoulder joint. Retarded.
By sheared do you mean it got worn away and won't peg back in, or did it break off inside? If it simply got worn down you can try using super glue a little at a time around the end until it builds up to the width it used to be. If it broke off I'm not sure what would be best to do.
My Bardock doesn't have this problem when I've been posing him.
Therefore, this is simply a skill issue on your part
Or your particular Bardock sucks.
Or my particular Bardock does not.
Or yours is a bootleg, I had a very similar issue with a bootleg buffku.
Honestly it could be any of these things. Or none of them. I don't know, I'm not an expert.
My Bardock's only fragility issue is that his entire wrist joint pops out whenever I switch his right hand, but that's easily fixed by just popping it back in.
Broke off inside. The ball at the end was frozen in there and when I twisted his arm it just broke off and is now stuck inside the joint

>Or your particular Bardock sucks.
>Or yours is a bootleg
I'm not sure how good it'll work but as a temporary fix at least, try a tiny bit of blue tack around the peg. Enough so it friction fits.
Bardock was notorious for shearing off his arms on release.
>Broke off inside. The ball at the end was frozen in there and when I twisted his arm it just broke off and is now stuck inside the joint
That is the very definition of ham handing
>i-it's not bandais shit QC i-it's your fault
really makes me cringe to the core. This is why shf will always suck.
>Slowly swiveling the arm 45 degrees in the direction its designed to go is ham-handing
Yeah Bardock has known issues. Atleast it isn't Hit or Saiyan saga Yamcha with their disintegrating joints.
I honestly find it funny that every time Bandai releases a "3.0"-type Z figure, like LSS Goku, SS Trunks, SS Teen Gohan, it sells gangbusters and causes a lot of hype, even when there's QC issues.
And then they just don't take advantage of the momentum because they'll release another 5 repaints and hard-fixate on several releases of another less popular version of a Dragon Ball spinoff or movie (this time Daima) before making the next.
They absolutely know everyone's clamoring for more figures like LSS Goku and Boy from the Future Trunks (sans QC issues), and they're just keeping people on a leash or something while they peddle their less desirable shit like Daima figures and 2.0 repaints.
I understand having to shill Daima. It's a current product. But they went way overboard. We're going to see more people turning to 3P. Those had their fans, but it's growing because they're targeting Bandai is keeping on the backburner.
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>tonsen is also doing fucking janemba too
Why is he the only third party going this hard?
They always go way too hard on [current thing] at the detriment of their long-standing popular releases.
Bandai is resting on their laurels striking on Daima while the iron is hot because they know people will always buy a SHF Janemba, Gogeta, 3.0 Goku, etc.
I'm actually convinced that Tonsen must be, or have nabbed a major Bandai employee because it just doesn't make sense why they're doing such wanted characters while Bandai has been doing dogshit lately.
Where can I buy tonsen reliably? I neeeed janemba
I don't know if Tonsen has any Bandai sculptors on board.
I do believe Demoniacal Fit at least used to yoink prototypes from Bandai.
ham handing doesnt necessarily equate to the speed of which you rotated the joint, it could also mean that you forced the joint beyond the durability of the plastic.
They know once they make that full jump to the new articulation their whole ecosystem of Goku and Vegeta that they restock for $35 become undesirable. Someone there doesn't think its worth making that jump yet, its a really slow rollout of newer style figures. The 2 adult Daima figures seem like they have new stuff going on but of course those aren't the artstyle people want.
We got Full Power Frieza this year.
Oh, I know why they're dragging their feet. I just think they're going too far with it. Some milking before making the step is to be expected; they wanna make all the money they can out of their old 2.0 setups before more or less retiring them, but there's such a thing as too much, and I'm beginning to notice that most DB Figuarts collectors are starting to get real 2.0 fatigue and roll their eyes whenever they see another repaint or another new head on a 2.0 body. Some get a pass, like that Base Goku Event Exclusive that came with the Kid Gohan, but overall, I think they're kind of starting to stretch the milking out for too long and it's wearing on people.
>The 2 adult Daima figures seem like they have new stuff going on
Other than proportions overall aesthetic, which is down to sculpting, from what I can tell, they could straight reuse the Daima Vegeta engineering. We don't have him yet, of course, so we don't know what, if any engineering flaws it has, but so far it looks to perform well. It just has, as you said, the wrong look.
For Goku, I sure as shit hope they don't move forward with those knee joints they got for him. I much prefer the ones we've gotten so far for Super Hero Gohan, Teen Gohan, Trunks, etc.
>Kidku has a big head but that's the only problem.
he’s too fucking big in general. he also looks too lanky.
holy shit i never realized ssj3 2.0 has the exact same face and hair sculpt as the original. no wonder it looks so fucking weird.
like shit. He looks like shit. It's funny you shills never realize how retarded you are or how shit these figures are.
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Arise Cell Explosion Ver.
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Again, a statue..
Wonder if they'll ever make a SHF of this. We still need 2nd form as a figure period.
They could like Porunga. Articulation matters even less for this guy other than maybe turnng his head so a really big statue already does the trick for a display.
I saw a cheaper Janemba labeled Dragon Stars that didn't look awful except for lack of any real torso movement. Are those figures even worth looking at if you have passive interest in someone like Janemba? Like if I wouldn't buy a character as an SHF, would the Stars version be an ok option?
Dragon Stars are basically the Anime Heroes versions of Dragon Ball figures.
Or Marvel Legends/Star Wars Black series of Dragon Ball figures.
I only got Roshi for a buff ver.
I keep contemplating Cell, but he's gotta get a 2.0....
>I keep contemplating Cell, but he's gotta get a 2.0....
One day, when they stop churning out Daimaslop. Trust the plan.
Alongside a Battle Damaged SS2 Gohan 3.0.
>as big as her tits
I'm sure we'll get a new SS2 Gohan, but you know what I want?
A base Teen Gohan.
>Like if I wouldn't buy a character as an SHF, would the Stars version be an ok option?
I would say for some of them yes if that's your mindset. The Gamma, Janemba, Omega Shenron, basically non saiyan/human looking characters don't look too bad.

I only have the Kale and a leftover Cabba which I doesn't want to sell. I sold off the other 5 figures part of that BAF wave without their parts for basically full price but no one wanted this loose Cabba. Not even after the base Cabba memes. Kale was annoying to get and the only of those early BAF figures that didn't get repacked into a single.
>leftover Cabba which doesn't want to sell*
If you mainly collect SHF, Dragon Stars are, at best, a stand-in.
Case in point: we had a Dragon Stars Cooler that was pretty well-liked before we had an SHF one. Everyone, of course turned to it and called it amazing.
And then unceremoniously threw it in the bin when the SHF was revealed.
Same for Dragon Stars 1st form Frieza.
Does he really need to be more than that? all he does is strike that pose and blow up
calm down faggot i wasn’t even saying anything positive about it
I gave up and ordered buff Frieza.
Also I was thinking about getting "rabbit" Kong Studio Vegeta because I'm fucking sick of how bad articulated all SHF Vegetas are.
I'd like that Vegeta too but the price is retarded.
I was thinking of refund a storm collectibles, because I grow tired of waiting, and order King Cold instead. Does someone collect those? I do have a few but I don't know I think King Cold is going to get way to expensive if I wait more
>Does someone collect those?
I'm thinking of quitting 1/10 storm as well. I was only really collecting their sfII stuff and baki, but with jada and their 1/12 line it seems kinda redundant.
I do like the look of cyberblue, cobra and momotaro though.
King cold is ok. Just another gap filled in the display really. I don't even play with these anymore. Just set them up once and leave them.
Cold's generally made to order. In Europe he might linger around a bit longer as they lack the PB model and just get a big batch, but everywhere else nah.
>I'm thinking of quitting 1/10 storm as well. I was only really collecting their sfII stuff and baki, but with jada and their 1/12 line it seems kinda redundant.
I mean storm stuff is better but you can't pose them with many other lines. The only jada I would buy from SF2 are Long, Bison and Dee Jay and that's because he look cool because I don't care about Dee Jay, also cheap
He looks cool, and I do like him. The one I preorder was K' btw. I also want Yamashiro and best boy Kim
>King cold is ok. Just another gap filled in the display really. I don't even play with these anymore. Just set them up once and leave them.
I try to play with them and take pics from time to time. The only thing that bothers me about Cold are his cape and the shoulders, but they shoulders seem ok at least
well I asked if I can make the refund, I hope not to regret it
why can’t it be like this in canada
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Fuck it, just ordered the Tonsen Art Kid Buu. Was hesitating because of the QC issues I've heard about, but I'm tired of waiting for Bandai to get back to the Buu Saga. Got him for around $45 shipped with the Aliexpress Black Friday coupon. Keep going hard on the Daima shit, Bandai. I'm sure Third Party companies will thank you.
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Trunks line-up.
Absolute madness we got GT and baby Trunks before kid.
What a fucked up future does to you.
why do they scrunch the face up so much on the bootlegs?
You are going to get Nail and battle damaged Recoome. We will never leave Namek.
>battle damaged Recoome
can we get Nappa?
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Of course...! Not.
GT Trunks shrunk?
He didn't get enough trauma to grow.
How did Untamed Power turn out?
Didn't have to toughen up enough to survive a constant state of worldwide apocalypse. I mean, have you seen kid Trunk's more recent outings? He's a fucking iPad kid. In Sparking Zero he literally says "No cap"
You think someone like that is going to grow into the Future Trunks we saw in Z?
A figuarts of sorts
I'm pretty sure your height is dependent on your diet and genes. Not the amount of stress in your life
Maybe in humans, but Trunks is genetically, an alien. A half-saiyan. We can already see in Super that, when not in a universe where they're a bunch of war-mongering space slaves, Saiyans are smaller, frailer, and don't even have tails despite being in the same time period as the main universe's saiyans.
But even if you want to remove super from the equation since it didn't exist until after GT and Z, Look at Vegeta. He's much shorter than his father was, and yet Future Trunks is taller than him. He's also taller than Bulma. And both of Bulma's parents. Genetics are, at the very least, very finicky in Saiyans.
And if you consider diet, Future Trunks had to survive on what they could get, probably prioritizing nutrition and general survival. Kid Trunks, who turned into GT Trunks, was a spoiled rich kid. I doubt he had a very good diet
It's funny because Kid Trunks definitely showed higher potential than Future Trunks initially with going Super Saiyan years earlier, getting trained by Vegeta from a young age, having Goten as a best bro and rival, etc. But I guess having the rest of the Z fighters to fall back on let he and Goten grow weak and irrelevant.
I just got the reissued Buffku and there are definitely some changes. I also own the original. Chest color is more even, boots are slightly darker and facial features are slightly darker and pop more especially the eyes.
>But I guess having the rest of the Z fighters to fall back on let he and Goten grow weak and irrelevant.
That's kind of the gist of it, in my opinion. After the Buu saga, it seems unlikely that they would have trained much more or worked on being better fighters. Trouble shows up? Let the other Z-fighters handle it. Can't ignore it? Whip out the Gotenks card. Literally the first thing they did when trouble showed up in Super Hero, and they managed to fuck it up, which shows that they haven't even trained enough to fuse properly. It's really unlikely that either of them trained much more in the interim between the end of Z and GT. Goten is going on dates and hanging around normies and Trunks is a businessman in GT.
Which is kind of weird, honestly. Kid Trunks really just trained to fuck around. There was no real threat to them for basically their entire life. Vegeta wasn't even really there pushing him interestingly enough, and all of Trunks' training was just from him and Goten finding it a fun game to keep up with each other.

Meanwhile, Future Trunks and Gohan were in the fight of their lives, and every day was struggle. If anything, it seems like Gohan maybe held Trunks back, since it seemed like he didn't even want Trunks to have to get involved with in the fight with the Androids.

Even if we do count Super, Trunks had trained enough in preparation for Babidi/Dabura that he was practically on equal footing with SS3 Goku at only SS2, at least in the manga.
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As neat as SHFs of these guys would be, FRS would be the way to go
>It's funny because Kid Trunks definitely showed higher potential than Future Trunks initially with going Super Saiyan years earlier

Not necessarily true. At least in the manga, Future Trunks was able to go Super Saiyan even before Future Gohan died, and we was only a few years older than present Trunks was.

>If anything, it seems like Gohan maybe held Trunks back, since it seemed like he didn't even want Trunks to have to get involved with in the fight with the Androids.

Definitely the most likely answer, for the above reasons.

Personally, I think the seeming gap in potential comes back to Roshi's old edict of "work hard, study well, eat and sleep plenty".
Future Gohan trained himself to the bone and likely never let himself have a moments rest without the constant thought of defeating the androids or death.

Look how much further present Gohan got after a year of training with his dad and a week of rest prior to the Cell Games. Look at how quickly he bounces back to par after his gaps in training.
Look at how much further Future Trunks got after training with Vegeta and, as you said, in preparation for Majin Buu versus the gap between Gohan's death and traveling to the past.

Of course you also have to factor in the means of training and proper sparring partners that were non-existent in Future Trunk's, but the theory still holds. There has to be a balance between slacking and working yourself to death in order to see results.
I just binge watched the last 2 episode at x2 speed just so I can keep up to date. Jeez, that was anticlimactic. I hope they don't waste more slots on these 3.
what are those chinese knockoffs doing here
complete headcanon nonsense
>We can already see in Super that, when not in a universe where they're a bunch of war-mongering space slaves, Saiyans are smaller, frailer, and don't even have tails despite being in the same time period as the main universe's saiyans.
the actual reason for this is toriyama liked to draw scrawny effeminate-looking characters in his later years and didn’t give them tails because he hated drawing them. he never even bothered to explain why goten and kid trunks never had tails.
>Even if we do count Super, Trunks had trained enough in preparation for Babidi/Dabura that he was practically on equal footing with SS3 Goku at only SS2, at least in the manga.
the super manga is so fucking retarded. trunks literally had no one strong to train with in his timeline, yet somehow he becomes far stronger than buu saga goku who trained with a bunch of strong warriors and gods in the afterlifefor 7 years
We don't post bootlegs here.
Princess Trunks in the middle.
How can you tell if it's a reissue? Does it say it on the box?
Didn't they adjust the neck too?
they never let them do anything. every time they try to train and fight, Goku and the others shut them down. weren't even allowed in the tournament of power.
Smaller circle sticker I think.
Rate my collection
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OCToys Vegito prototype
Apparently Daima isn’t doing well. Daima completely shits on Super but because it’s kid Goku, Z fags don’t want to watch it.
I think the problem is that Daima just isn't interesting so people don't care about it.
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Bitches can't handle adventure time.
I haven't started watching it yet since I'm waiting for the dub, but I know GT left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths and the de-aging plot reminds them of that so it makes sense.
Fridays episode is probably the best fight in Dragonball since Super Broly. Z fags should be happy.
DB didn’t become popular in Japan until after King Piccolo and it’s popularity peaked in late Freeza through the Cell arc. That’s what fans want. They keep listening to the fans that say Dragonball is better than Z when in reality most people feel it’s the opposite and want more Z.
I don't watch Daima, but did they ever add a new fusion? People were going nuts over them supposedly hinting at it at one point, but then its been silence since then.
>the best fight in Dragonball since Super Broly
And what notable Dragon Ball anime has there been since that? Just Super Hero and Heroes?
So early on in the demon realm they introduced edible bugs that gave boosts, heals, etc, one being fusion.
Goku got a variety bag and hasn't used any yet.
It's probably being saved for the fight against whatever new Majin they're cooking.
It isn't saying much, but I've enjoyed Daima's 8 episodes more than anything in GT and more than 90+% of Super. I'm enjoying it.
The concept is shit and low stakes. Why turn them into kids? Just should have made it Goten and Trunks show.
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Like: DB, Z, Super
Dislike: GT, Daima

Simple as.
You haven’t watched a single episode if you’re still complaining about the concept. Goku is actually a good character again.

>>liking super

Nothing you say matters
What are the most objectively good figures in this line?
Final Form Cooler, Legendary Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan 4 Goku, Second Form Frieza, Boy From the Future Trunks (second release), Turles, Full Power Frieza
Oh, I forgot:

Super Buu, Dragon Ball Super Wrath Broly and Full Power Broly
I'd add GT Goku to this list.
He's good, I agree. I just didn't know if it was suitable to rank him among the heavy hitters of the line. Up to others, I guess.
Needs Earth's Strongest Man Krillin.
It's not as "major" as SS4 Goku, but I think it's a better figure. The only thing I can fault it for is not including at least one Super Saiyan head/expression.
>ssj mini goku, 40th anniversary kid goku and monster zarbon all coming out in july
>nothing scheduled for june
wtf is this release schedule
Just did the second payment for this

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