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Love the old fabric capes, I have one myself, I’m thinking my forestmen will be ambushing some Dragon knights,
Current update on my latest moc
Gotta build a few more trees. And add like a well or some thing in the empty space
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Was also thinking of bringing the big tree to the front and connecting it to a tower with the a bridge
>what’s going on over here
Looking good! Like that you used old yellow heads too!
Gotta have a brigde!
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Is there anywhere to get free instructions for nice MOCs like this? I don't have the creativity to design my own but I also don't want to drop 15 euro on a pdf file from rebrickable. I swear I'm about to try and just brute force reverse engineer this thing from promo images
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I once made a ship that tripled as a land and sky vehicle, with a detachable vessel
Pay or figure it out yourself.
Would fit Time Cruisers/Twisters.
Nexo Knights if they were made during early 90s.
love it
What's the piece holding the fish to the string?
It's a small broken bar piece.
>I don't have the creativity.
Yes you do. You think you aren't creative but you are. You just need limitations and a bunch of parts in a cohesive theme. It's fine but you can do better and it will be your own. Buy 3 of these sets and get to work anon. I know you can do it.
Nexo kino
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Think I’m done with the majority of the moc. Now I need to build my unsuspecting dragon knights group to get ambushed
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Tried to make it look like the dude is getting his throat cut
looks awesome anon, the landschaping is classic lego but also very elegant, nice work!
Did you try putting the clear neck piece pointing downwards instead?
Also he could do with a dropped weapon next to him.
Thanks anon
I did, but it makes it look like it’s coming out of his chest, I’ll try a few more things
Is that a Lego piece coming out of the tree furthest to the right? The tallest part of the tree. Love your Mocs, I’m kind of biting your castle theme at the moment. Nowhere as good tho!
It’s one of those flex tube pieces
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Made an moc expansion to the dnd set, not finished yet.
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>had pic related when I was a kid but chewed on the brooms like I had an extra chromosome
>decide I want to buy a few sets for nostalgia's sake
>mfw no face when I see the fucking prices
Yeah, those sets had great rare parts and cool colors.
Nice anon, im probably gonna rebuild the tower myself, its got potential to be evil wizard lair, or widen it, dont have any soce to increase the deepth.
Im also very positivly suprised by this set. Pictures doesnt do it justice, especialy brickbuild monsters, some part of build are a bit cluttered, and its not "closed off" on every side, but thats about it whenit comes to its drawbacks.
After changing fleshies to yellow its a superb addition to medieval fantasy moc for every castefag.

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