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>you give love a bad name

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread challenge
Have your glyos build something for you

>Previous Thread
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would you say glyos is light or dark meat?
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dubs and glyos is dead
osm sale!
>items which sold out 10+ years ago still sold out
>prices doubled so you can get 50% off
>nft ffs
>website design by potato industries
>over-priced custom shit nobody cares kys
>discount doesn't apply to your order fuck face
stop being antisemitic
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What I say?
buy an ad brian
and stop clogging up mercari too
Buy something or leave
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>check out Marty cause I haven't been in the glyos game in a while outside the Micronaut repaints and I liked the Mushi stuff
>dressing like a retarded biker and selling shit at flea markets
Damn he's changed a lot from when I saw him at C2E2.
He kinda looks like an old lady in some pics with the hair and eye liner, a nice old lady though. I think he has some new stuff in the works.

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