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Hi all! let's move on to Xmas. take some pictures of some toys!
Honorable Mentions:
RGB poster great as always. yes I call you RGB because of the mood lighting on all your pics.
Fist of the Northsatr guy. Great Pic.
My favorite pic might be the Kamen rider at the end on the tiny bike.
Dark knight poster. That's just one of my favorite toys, from any angle it looks great.
Hurray, the thread is back. Hotdogs for all!
Is this a circlejerk thread?
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Kyodai, it's not even December yet...
Must...break...through....the...hater field
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awesome to know that stop motion content still exists here
I like Dinosnores
How expensive was that?
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I got in on sale from Amazon for about $450 canada monies
Ooh, nice
Ooh nice meant for you. Nice pic
Good lord that's expensive....
Yup, very paint chip prone too. As far as I can tell the whole thing is mostly painted white plastic. I regret nothing and have the Black and Gold version Preordered
Anon no!
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having fun without me?
this one was very good. haha
post anything not a big deal.
very nice.
pretty cool.
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Can't wait to get my decorations out, last year I took a new picture every day and it was very fun.
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Too bad the Naughty and Nice Reindeers won't be out until January, would have liked to have taken pictures of them.
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I kinda regret not getting him when I had the chance, but I'm also hoping they'll do a uniform version of him at some points and I always preferred that look for him.

I had the pizza guy from this line as a kid, my bro had the burger. What a strange time the 80s were.

Plunderkin plundering Xmas gifts!

I do love your set up overall, great use of a mix of figures and excellent accessories. Sadly wife won't let me go crazy with toys in the holiday displays, and even if I did the kid would just want to play with em all anyway. But I still get to sneak my Santa into the decorations!
I don't have any christmasy props
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That's a cozy little setup you got, anon.

All my pictures are from last year, I haven't really taken many pictures at all this year but I'm hoping to contribute to the threads again.
You can find some cheap dollhouse scale props on ebay, they're not the best quality but some Chinese sellers sell a pack of 10 mini santa hats which are neat.
>I kinda regret not getting him when I had the chance
But you can still get him
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first time i bought one of those mini arcades and i LOVE how it fits my toys.
now i want to buy more and make the whole arcade bar!!!
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Yeah I'm glad I started doing it.
For the longest time I've wanted to do stop motion but I always wanted to have a dedicated setup for it. I was using that condition as an excuse to put off actually jumping in and doing it.
I still want to have that setup but its nice to actually have something done, even if they're only small, shitty clips.
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nice, that does look pretty good. only ones I've stumbled upon seemed too wide looking

I really need to buy less stuff but some of the recent revoltechs look great inhand
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Early Xmas present from my best bud. I got Leo and Mickey and he completed the set by bringing me Raph and Donnie.
nice stop motion. I'm enjoying it.
ooooh this is good.
I know what you mean. a few years ago I had to do the same.
What butcher figure is this?
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just chillin

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