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2025 is looking like such an amazing year!


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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>Retiring Set Data

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Previous: >>11246328
Formula 1
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>Shackleton’s Lifeboat no longer available for the Endurance
>set literally just came out today
Thanks a lot Lego, why even bother doing this promo at all? Hell why not just include the lifeboat with the set?
its fucking stupid because the endurance ship is only famous because of surviving the wreck. this is crucial to the whole appeal

disgusting business practise
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I think Lego is done for bros.
I think my interest in Lego is done for bros.
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I wouldn't even buy that for a dollar.
Marvelslop to end all marvelslop...
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how different is that from the previous one? tbqh I really like these minifig scale batmobiles
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Technically its more minifig scale I think
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Superman mech with a cool ass Lex Luthor
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Another Spiderman mech
it's 20 dollars more but you get 7 more pieces and an extra minifig
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I know it doesn't need to be said but come on. Lex should be the one with the mech
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The Venom machine
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Wow fuck this company
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Spider-Man Vs Cum Man.
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>winter soldier without any arm printing
come on lego I know you guys are lazy but jesus fuck
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>Lex should be the one with the mech
He had a mech. and it was a better choice. Not this garbag slop of a mech superman has.
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another downgrade lmao
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I need to see it transformed into smaller vehnicles
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>giant kryptonite mech
>no superman in set
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The GIANT HOGWARTS CASTLE will be stuffed with all kinds of cool minifigures and accessories!!!
Hope you didn't miss the $140 discount for the Great Hall anons!

fuuck im so happy to be at the very beginning of hogwarts collection. Buying all of these sets for aftermarket price will be an ultimate wallet rape.
While now with amazon sales all of them cost usually $20-30 and less than 150 for the main part
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tbf it was supposed to be a part of a 3 set theme, supes is in the lobo set
Unpopular opinion here but speed champions is the best theme right now despite the gay stickers. I could not give less of a shit for harry potter, marvel, star wars, all that normalfag license slop. None of lego's current home themes like ninjago or dreamzzz really speak to me either. Cars are always cool though and I am happy to see more actual racecars instead of just supercars, particularly open wheelers. The DnD set is cool too, but that's a special ideas one-off.
>>giant kryptonite mech
>>no superman in set
Superman was sliced in half by that cryptonice axe obvioulsy.
>golden snek
>Gem pieces
Fuck they are really tempting me
it's obviously meant to be slided inside of those big hogwarts sections. Retard.
is this some ironic spam like nexo knights or are you genuinely in for a world of disappointment?
trash, his portal should have been just holes in the roof and walls
less studs on top and in general, bat signal, three minifigs instead of two
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Of course this is slop shitposter.
What a faggot.

every time there is a stupid-ass post and Nexo Knights assblast - it's always YOU.

Fucking kek.
looks more like the actual Robbie Reyes' car that the one they released ages ago
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Castle minifig packs
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Pirate minifig packs
So, what color is the bow middleleft? Looks gunmetal gray but it was way too early
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town minifig packs
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Space minifig packs!
Brown Minifigure, Weapon Bow, Longbow with Arrow Drawn

>mousecucks are now literally buying the brand logo
Is there any lower lifeform than a mousecuck?
The spear and bow looked straight up a new odd shade of gray, but it may be sunlight damage on the package, thanks
Lex already has two mechs, so I'm glad Supes got one. Gotta have something for when he gets hit with kryptonite and loses his powers (and conveniently the set comes with a kryptonite crystal).

I already combined the two Lex mechs into one giant fuck off one with a trident so Clark's mech will still look heroic posed against it.
Yeah lets get a printed green L instead of the fucking Superman logo great idea
LuigiGODS we got this
fuck and if it was purple it could be used for waluigi
you win this round
Fuck that Sonic X DC bullshit, where's my Lex/Waluigi team up?
>check shop today
>slop wars
>random marvel masks I don't care about
>shit ton of cars I also don't care about
>absolutely no fantasy or castle stuff, not even nexo knights
>only viking set
What the fuck is wrong with Lego and why are there like only two castle sets out?
forgot to mention minecraft trash that looks cheap and ugly
>not even nexo knights
gee i wonder why...

Anon nexo knights died years ago.
That's besides my point. All I care for are medieval/fantasy sets and I don't understand why there's absolutely nothing related to it. Latest thing fantasy related was DND stuff and now it's almost gone.
Prepare for another Castle Dark Age anon. It'll be another 9 years before lego acquires a new license that will give us 2 $800 overdesigned sets and some not!Funko pops.
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>Ninjago, the Japanese themed set, has an entire line of dragon related shit
>they're all western type dragons, no eastern style ones
I guess I'd have to settle for Mei's Guardian Dragon if I want a chink/jap dragon.
I just want to make a fantasy world with cool vampires, sorcerers and warriors man..
hobbiton and elm's deep dust collectors coming 2025
>chink/jap dragon
meds, now.
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>I just want to make a fantasy world with cool vampires, sorcerers and warriors man..

>nexo has many castle and vampire pieces and those are all super cheap and parents selling them on Ebay for peanuts and zoomers pretend to "hate" it so every set is like...for free
>DnD still can be sipped if you can move around
>Hary Potter sets on discount provide you with stone and marble resources for caslte building
>still have the opportunity to save up and buy the DnD castle or 3 in 1 castle
many options to build all that stuff anon
worst Adult Display Set of all time
>red block with words
>le epic minifigures just kind of sticking out from random spots
>no bigfig hulk
>that’ll be one hundred dolerinos please :^)
Same man. Currently pondering a MOC that I'm having a hard time conceptualizing. Want to do some fright knight stuff but I get frozen because I can't decide whether or not I want a modern look or faithful to the original. I normally lean retro but I'm actually not a fan of the set design of fright knights. So every time I go for classic it looks like shit and every time I make it modern it doesn't look like fright knights at all.
Problem with DND 3in1 is that I don't give a shit about dragons and this many red brick pieces, price wise it feels mostly like I'm paying for the dragon. My best bet is to get some retired series fantasy Minifigures and LKC set for moc building.
No set is terribly important to me now and if I wanted some stone and marble resources I'd just get it off bricklink or buy bootleg because I'm not some brand loyal consumer. Maybe get Harry Potter for building Lothric but otherwise not really. I like Dumbledore Minifig tho.
Its called Oriental, and it seems you have been going crazy lately rat
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>Still no Stan Lee minifig.
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>wow cool lotr sets means new helmets and swords
>they are exclusive one-offs restricted to two different $500 sets that aren't worth it
>not on PaB
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That'l be 5 dollars plus shipping plus tip (each)
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here is the original image the box is still sealed
Love those grey shields, comfy.
Very nice, thanks anon
Tell me about what you're building anon!
what's with all the claw hands? What happened to Exo-Force arm fingers?
They got lazy
Are you excited for Lego 2025? Be honest
not in the slightest
Ninjago and Dreamzzz will save 2025.
Lego is just learning from industry bests
>remove a crucial feature, and sell it as DLC later
>collectible portraits
jesus christ
Are the slopes that make the angled parts of the M, A, and V a new part? And another one on the R.
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I didnt mind stuff like pic related because even though its related to the theme it's not actually meant to be part of the set, it's at a completely different scale and the set itself has its own in-scale chest

now with that and the botanical garden entrance looks like they are fully leaning into parting what should be part of the set to begin with. it's scummy as fuck and it saddens me fans are letting it fly without causing a shitstorm
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Too late
10 years too late
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>tfw i bought The Great Hall for super discount at cyber monday
>it costs 200+ euros
holy shit...
Holy shit...
I feel like i dodged a bullet. There is no way i would be buying 200+ set as a part of a bigger set.
>no bigfig hulk
>no hawkeye
>no war machine
>no vision
Those sets are shit, but that's what minifags like you deserve.
Oh, no. That is not overpriced like Captain Marvel's spaceship and X-Jet.

wait that actually looks good
Hey fuck you
So how exactly are they supposed to fight Batman? Punch him out?
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>speed champions is nothing but f1 shit which means we probably won't get any other cars
>prices just keep going up
There's a castle theme, it's called Hogwarts or something I dunno what's up with that.
Harry Potter is bigger of a lego franchise than Star Wars at this point, and I find that funny
Are we getting one piece?
No but I bet we get ~27 Harry Potter sets>>11248951
Trying to think of good HP sets I would want adapted, main thing I want is the return of some colors but thats a high order
Harry Potter is one of the few themes where almost every set is a structure, with select few vehicles. I almost wish I was into Harry Potter because of that.
Old harry potter has tons of cool colors, figures, and animals. New Harry Potter has a lot of good stuff but is expensive, 2002-2004 was a very good time for weird parts and colors
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Oh wow, I just discovered that old Lego kit that I have a very vivid memory of during a snow day in 1996. I'm pretty sure I had a bowl of capn crunch, hugged my dad before he left to work and told me he'd come home early, then I put together the kit and played my Yoshi's Island rental from Blockbuster [spoiler]My dad passed away a month ago and I'm only now getting through it ;_;[/spoiler]
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Darn, hope ya get better anon
>Total of 25 sets
>Different set waves based on newer releases and previous one along with 4 spider man sets and daily bugle
>January - only total of 6 sets, two of them being mechs and two others are just other marvel slop
Marvelbros, why we haven't eaten good since 2021 ? Is it because of recent marvel movies all bombing in box office
Else the fact we only going to get one set based on upcoming mcu movie doesn't make it any better.
Honestly this is a nice little set, but I'm gonna assume it's massively overpriced cause of the disney tax
why the fuck is venom recreating fast and the furious?
These sets could be so good if lego and disney weren't such fucking jews.
So anyone has a comparison pic between this and the previous Tumbler? This looks more simplified and smaller.
Anon Lego sets always have way more than one piece
Lego is getting real fucking uppity with these prices holy shit
I want some classic cars damn it.
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Sorry to hear this anon... I also lost my parents at this point of life.
Such memories will forever be our treasures.
I remember how my mom gifted me this set but she gave it to me at the morning before school.
And the whole day at school I couldn't think about anything other than how I would get home and start building it.
I never run so fast after school - I wanted to return home and start playing with lego as soon as i could.
Yeah it sucks that the only classic F1 cars we seem to be getting are senna and mansell's cars. Rather than doing 10 slightly different cars for speed champions they should have just done the top teams and some classic race cars.
you morons realize you can build your own classic cars right? literally with blackjack and hookers if you want, it's LEGO, you can do anything you want
>with blackjack and hookers
Are you russian?
because only russians use this phrase.
I thought redditors used it. They like doing references to shitty cartoons. Not like us who have patrician cartoon taste.
In russia we instantly started using that stuff (it's from Futurama isn't it?).
Bender became so insanely popular (russians associate with him and his personality) that he was short lived icon here.

You can still hear people around 35-40lvl using "it made me shit bricks" meme when they explain themselves being scared or worried.
youre right, but that doesnt mean you cant criticise lego's lazy recolours
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With a small adjustment, this set is perfect for any Marvel fan!
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Just finished a budget version of the WV Fire Station. Dumped the dark red for red and who doesn’t have a bunch of lite bluish grays lying around. Came out good enough and the little fire truck is comfy.
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WTF no Hawkeye?
why 5 of the 6 original Avengers?
for $100, you think we could get ALL SIX of them? (and maybe even Nick Fury and Coulson or somebody?)
High quality edit
50 usd
60 usd
30 usd
40 usd
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Oh, another new Tumbler. Really? I already bought one few years ago.

But I look my Tumbler is bigger and cooler than new Tumbler. Hmmmmm...
kek, but it’s basically impossible for this to be true
>spiderman spot set is probably 40
>tumblr’s gonna be no more than 50 with only 426 pieces, maybe even 45
>mechs have been 16 all of 2024, 2nd fig could bump this one up but no higher than 25, likely 20 max if it doesnt just stay 16
>car is 30, maybe even 25

all still overpriced but no reason to over exaggerate
Wait gypsyanon is also a fuckin kino moccer?! You’re the best my guy!
Bought 76415 Harry Potter today because I'm still mad at the lacking medieval/fantasy/castle sets. What really got my attention was Bellatrix, Scabior, Voldemort and the colored spells. I must say that I'm quite happy because I'll use the castle as some sort copy of Lothric. I'm planning to turn the Minifigures into both Vampires and Vampire hunters. With whatever I had I even made Voldemort into pinhead from Hellraiser. I like the spells a lot because red feels like blood magic (Vlad from lol for reference) and green gives some sort of healing effect to it, will use it on some healer minifig. Sucks you can't properly attach them to the hands of minifigs and have to use those ugly wands with ends or loosely attach them in a different direction within the hand. Might get Trent Reznor Minifigure (Snape) at some point. I'll post some pics someday if anyone gives a fuck about my vampire fantasy minifigure collection lol.
Also a question, any cool uses for the Harry Potter wands? I've seen people use them as tables or my personal favorite - canes.
Good find anon!
Bellatrix is great and that set has a cool amount of bricks + looks like a nice display piece for fantasy minifiguresn when you "set it together" to make it look like a bridge.
I did set it together, only right way to display the set. What annoys me is that Lego didn't bother to give some spare floor parts for those little holes on the bridge. Also a little more barriers would be nice but oh well.
Is it confirmed that Minifig series 27 arrives late December?
Old top, new bottom

For me old wins because: stud sovl, no stud shooters, bigger/chunkier tyres, no pieces wasted on side build
Why do they hate exposed studs so much? It literally makes the set more playable, since niggas can ride on the roof and shit.
New top old bottom
Sorry, you are correct.

I had to retype my whole comment because of 4chins bs

Shitty phone edit, but on every metric, perhaps bar minifigs, the old is better. Even the box.
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why do the superhero sets get better police stuff than basic city?
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please dont be shit
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>Jang is a Gundam fag
>hates Xeon, not interested in stories where they are humanized
>has said he cares less about the story in Gundam than the robots fighting and the designs
>only got an Evangelion model because it's iconic, activily disliked the anime
>says the only reason the anime is popular is because it resonated with edgy teenagers, there are no other redeeming qualities
>believes the Eva Rebuilds are a complete substitution for the original series
>loves Halo Infinite, believes the fanbase does too and anyone who doesn't is a chud
>wife is a huge Harry Potter fan, apparently Hogwarts Castle is one of the only sets they have outside his basement, but he refuses to review HP sets due to Rowlings transphobia
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>the whole first half
So he’s a /m/aggot it seems
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>new subtheme
it's just going to be another "thing but in lego" set and it won't even have a complete Balrog build
>no stud shooters
there's two of them right there anon
Feather play feature aside, the book playset is better.
Award winning country music superstar Trent Reznor you mean.
>I hurt myself today
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or 2
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none of this shit deserves its own post

we're reaching unprecendented levels of "thing: but lego"
>no new baby rex mold
>dead trigga
Imma get that hey hey.
kek, based

I confess I'd be interested to see someone try to MoC the rest of that triceratops' skeleton, but... that's about it. The rex is cute but too big for a baby.
>triceratops skull
HOLYFUCKING SHIT as a kid i would fucking DIE for something like that
i was such a fan of triceratops and paleontology
Im so gonna buy this.

And that t-rex is what i wish Creator 3 in 1 creatures looked like
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Do they ever make irl minifigs of the Fortnite Lego ones? The upcoming batteppass is is pretty ninjago
Yes but they are like three years behind on characters.
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Has Lego Fortnite even been out for 3 years?
I agree with the first 4
Infinite mp is fine (just fine not great) these days. Never played the campaign because open world meme.
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>finally found a probably good discord for lego fans
>it's worse than Plebbit and swarmed by afols and investors that post stuff like picrelated
fucking christ
is there any place in the whole internet where people discuss/talk about non licensed themes?
an actual lego?

and even here we have a faggot shitposters that spoil the fun
Holy fuck
is internet truly fucking DEAD like people say?

I REFUSE to believe that interest in lego themes actually DIED and NOBODY cares about them anymore
The campaign is really frustrating because they actually nailed the combat but they put it in a bland grassy open world.
I buy random bricks and some unlicensed stuff
Honestly this situation with Lego makes me believe in a Dead Internet theory.

If internet wasn't a ghosttown - there SURE could be some huge communities of people who into unique themes.
But i haven't seen any...

>Inb4 soibois unhinging their jaw because of le heckin axolotl
cheer up emo kid
Damn, I just post pics of my stuff whenever I get it, I have a ton of Aqua Raiders and Atlantis stuff in the basement just its inside storage bins and everything is a bit mixed up. But yeah straight up not many less licensed theme collectors, I’m getting interested in Bellville and Scala parts due to the lack of access I had as a kid, plus other assorted stuff, just biggest hurdle is price for the most part or finding the right set
>Aqua Raiders and Atlantis
I must say i never seen anybody posting these sets online or talking about them...
Damn what is happening... if lego is so huge surely there could be many people that get all that stuff...
I almost got TWO of the big sets but my stupid dumb child self was a bit angey I got a duplicate and I wish I could punch my kid self for that, that shit was great. Literal only guy who talks about a lot of this shit is Cheezy but he’s a youtuber. Anyways I had a lot of mars mission sets, enjoyed playing with the slam things from Life on Mars in them and had a lot of Exo Force as well. Basically I somewhat got a good grasp of lego themes as a kid
I got one of the polar bears from Arctic 2000 this year, for interesting aquisistions, my animal lineup is evergrowing
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Little vignettes of Forest men,
The cockatoo is cute, though the plume isn't right for a pink cockatoo and the wings are the wrong color for a galah.
Fuck you im buying it for the axolotl, I’m going to put a orc rider on top of it and have it raid shit.

>Marvel logo
>It's the current souless one
>All the figs are MCU
Giga Slop.
Not even purple pants for Banner. Truly shameful.
Hell, not even dual-molded legs and it's almost surprising that Iron Man and Widow even have leg-printing.
It's like the cheapest shit they could think of.
Remember you can buy castle helmets/swords/shields/minifig parts from PaB. Or check out Aliexpress.
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>I REFUSE to believe that interest in lego themes actually DIED and NOBODY cares about them anymore
Go to Sluggers discord.
Ninjago badguys are great for any fantasy collector, so I am getting that tower set at least twice on sale.
I love most of new Polybags
I want all those sily spider dinos.

Thats all.
dont you have to be a financial supporter to get an invite link?
Not my call.
im not saying you are, i just dont want to give slugger my money for a lego discord server
Yeah? Why?
because its a discord server
No. It has link under its videos.
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this but in lego
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Found this little guy today and a small batch of a respectable off brand. Little guy has seen some stuff. It’s been a good morning
This is what, the fifth animal set just for this wave? Not even counting polybags.
What Minifigures and sets do you recommend for medieval fantasy world building?
Can even recommend star wars for Jedi robes resembling mage robes etc.
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>What Minifigures and sets do you recommend for medieval fantasy world building?
nexo villains are must have.
it's basically demons from fantasy world.
Also rock monsters (golems)

But don't buy sets - demons and rock monsters are super cheap on Bricklink.
I've been thinking about getting a few demons. Thanks
lavaria is a nice demoness figure
forgot to add - the graveyard from hidden side is still retail price and can be kinda stretched into fantasy set because it has that comfy wooden door

70420 Graveyard Mystery
Thanks I nearly forgot there were female demons. Will definitely exchange the hood with Tiefling sorcerer's hair piece.
Also do you know whats the name of the chest plate of the second demon?

I've got myself bootleg LKC for a bunch of gray bricks and wooden doors, hope the minifigs aren't too fucked up because it would be a charm. Otherwise I don't really trust bootleg Legos.
I went to the manic miners/klavvy's discord and it had a big gay drill logo and was full of troons and ponyfags. Is slugger's anything like that?
The internet has been homogenized for years now. The days of searching for exactly what you're looking for and actually finding that niche thing are gone. You're stuck with the few results that everyone else gets. This place is only good for leaks, complaining, and shitposting.
Couldn't post the pic, I meant the chest plate of "Ash Attacker"
>cut yourself off of >=half the hobby (gay/trans people and liberals)
>le why is everyone shills, ragebaiters, and bots?
sounds like a sad existence :/ luckily you have Xwitter which I hear is very normal without all the woke alphabet mafiosos
>i don't want to engage with multiple people roleplaying as shadow the hedgehog x my little pony OCs and people whose biggest complaint with lego is that harry potter sets exist
>not because harry potter is lame but because jk rowling is a terf
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I think I’m going to name this guy “Chad Scavenger”.
the mods are overbearing and community is insufferable. someone's lego saddam hussein meme was removed because "that wont fly here" and a bunch of people attention seeking with mental health shit
>hussein meme was removed
If i had a discord i would also remove that degenerate shit.

You have to be an absolute sperg to do that stuff outside of 4chan
Surprised no Black Panther
its a pretty big meme though
Hey! Where is pink panther??? I'm so disappointed.
lego pink panther would be unironically based.

I would even buy a black box of it.
Black Panther 2 bombed so marvel is now going to pretend that the character never existed. I just don't know why they didn't just recast the character and give another black guy a chance. (Because they're racist)
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All I bought this for black Friday was this panda thing mostly for parts. What'd you guys get?
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That bamboo print looks familiar

I enjoy Flickr. Its not as active as it used to be thanks to other sites but its mostly just photos and so avoids a lot of social media BS and I like its layout a lot better than something like Instagram.

I also only follow Japanese people on Twitter and set my location to Japanese and followed a ton of Lego guys there. if is bullshit I cant read moonrunes. Its way better now that Elon added a media gallery feature.

Its way lonlier than the internet ever used to be despite billions of people being on here. Even if I try to go to Reddit there's barely any actual discussion. I don't get it.
ive had good experience with some good smallish discord servers, flickr too
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is the median of lego channel watchers that rich now, that they can afford the money, the place and the need of a 3d printer?
also, at exactly 4:35 he says "retard"
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I ordered 31154 fox
I was choosing between fox and 31129 tiger.
I bought it from russian marketplace and it costed me a tiny bit cheaper than official elgo store 50$ price, difference about 5-8 bucks
Oh no, anyway...
Бaзa. Лиcичкa oднoзнaчнo лaмпoвee и лyчшe тигpa.
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I bought the Venator on Black Friday
I don't know why
I don't even have anywhere to put it
the fuck, did that faggot really cut up the baseplate?
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Ninjago summer list

Nexo Knights chads...I kneel
>speed racer 2008 return
>fire KNIGHT mech
this sounds fucking badass
can't wait
>lloyd's transforming jet mech
Hey wait a minute, i've seen that before
>not trans neon yellow
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So does anybody have any of the Scala pieces to compare to a minifig? I wanna see them compared in scale with this
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>no chima
It is though?
Thats Trans Neon Green, not Yellow dum dum
How the fuck is Ninfaggo still a thing? Don't they realize in like 10 years they'll have to remake sets for Ninjago kids and clutter the line up with junk?
The mickey mouse mind control is working
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>kai mech 120$
If it isn't a tiran mech i'm bombing lego headquarters
legos is dead to me , I just play with my funwholes now!
this post sounds sponsored to me for some reason idk why
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New minifig haul
What makes this a haul exactly?
Just that they are new
Yeah, I disgust even myself sometimes
So how do they update you for shipping in the mail for BL, via email? Just curious
Please tell me they're not glued...
I dreamt about some minifigures that could release. In my dream I saw every detail of figs like Luffy, Shanks, Buggy, Zoro and more. There were a lot of new molds, some parts were soft rubber, and the colors were pretty accurate. The legs were dual-molded and the hats were well made. The main characters were pretty accurate but the supporting cast figs were just okay
Yes, also you can check the orders page and it shows the status.
That looks more like Julia carpenter and not Anya! if true that pretty awesome.
what a sad dream
LOL I forget shey in that madem web movie, of course she gets some merch now
3d printer is cheaper than most lego sets nowadays
You'll get a tracking number from whatever shipping method was used normally. BL sellers are usually slow though. I don't expect anything in the first week. If I get it in that first week I generally mention "fast shipping" in the review.
This is coming from all the way in Poland so yeah, it will take a while, though it might arrive before christmas if I’m lucky
Thanks for the tip
You need to get laid. Even if you have to pay for it.
Sex shouldn't be a box you check off your bucket list. It should be with a woman you love.
>still buy the occasional lego set (mostly castle)
>lost all creativity around 13-14 years old
>no mocs, at most replace most of the cringe nu-heads with classic smilies
>build the sets and put them in the closet
Smash everything you own right now mix it in a big pile and rebuild it as one gigantic castle.
>browsing old brickshelf folders

top comfy
Potter anon is gonna cook with this one
Trans coded promo
Another transcoded set
Looks like the days of minifig scale 3 in 1 are over
Back to the basics
Capeshit carshit
any photos of the new blacktron coming soon? We've got images of leaks out in july but im still in the dark on something in january. unfair famalam
Bruh I ain't posting all this friends stuff just see for yourself

More Minecrap here:



I need to finish the full comic of that Johnny Thunder Gypsies comic
Right… Definitely have to pay for it. Take a week off Lego buying and put that towards an Asian massage my guy. Just google what’s around your area.
Tech Nigg:

If trannies lived in my head rent free like they do in yours I'd kill myself.
You probably should anyway.
You're welcome for all my effortposting. Won't be doing it again if first thing I got was hostility. Peace
If you think that's hostile, you're a fucking newfag pussy.
makes no sense you have to take shit off in order to fit the classroom sets inside
Only good thing is the crystal
Fucked up dog
Just draw a penis next time you post here, I welcoke the leaks it whayever
Fuckin' yikes.
The little spartan dude is cool. I really hate this faces they've been doing though.
Wait didn't this exact set already exist
Bring back the maxifigs, this set is begging for one
>r-rent free!
Why do trannies think this is a good defense that doesn't make them super easy to clock?
I'm just an anon who is tired of hearing about trannies.
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>tfw the only upcoming sets that even look marginally interesting are the harry potter and the fucking City f1 sets
just show me the fucking fortnite sets I want more fortnite minifigs
>inb4 the marshmellow plush autist has another meltdown about lego copying the designs without proper licensing
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>dozens of 2025 sets revealed so far
>not interested in a single one
fuck this shit ill just cave in and buy the dnd tower to make up for such a terrible year we have ahead
zblob with a proper mold! cute
Well that is understandable
you got me

assuming there was morality involved with supporting LEGO specifically and refusing to buy rip-off company's sets, by Lego engaging in the immoral practice of ripping off another brand itself, it negates the loyalty, or at least, points out that it doesn't matter

Lego should have the morality to seek out the brand approval, the same way they wish other companies would seek Lego's approval before making obvious Lego bricks

(obvious Squishmallow in set lol)
somebody has to shame them for doing this, right? (rhetorical question, asked sarcastically)
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>gets told they are obsessed with trannies
>seethes and obsesses even more as a response
All I wanted was LKC on sale…
this shit is fucking WORSE than 1st season holy shit
what the fuck is that zblob
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I for one am still kicking myself for missing this. Saw it when I was in bed about to go to sleep, told myself "awesome I will buy 2(1 to sell, 1 to build) as soon as I wake up tomorrow"
When I woke up it was already out of stock. I'm an absolute moron.
If you look closer it implies it's a parts pack to build your own mini-set with some creativity
I don't blame you though, from the looks of it you don't have any left
Dreamzzz is S tier when it comes to villain minifigures because damn look st this guy
Shocked they actually did the right thing and put three pilots in the set.
What's the catch? Overpriced?
>dreamz set
>actually looks good
Me too, annoying how infested by them and posts about them most threads I visit are
I get what they were trying here and no, it doesn't work.
Oh well, at least it has something resembling elbows unlike that pile of garbage.>>11250968
I’m not from New Jersey but yeah that does remind me of Nexo a bit
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more lego shity here:
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>mfw I'm just going to BaP that helmet and the shoulder pads and not buy a single dreamz set
How does the prosthetic hand work? does it just fit in the slot like a regular hand or is it one arm piece?
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nowhere near as cool as the first ultra combo mech
Found the trap.
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even more friends sets:

even more minecraft sets:

even more dreamzzz:


creative box sets:
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I dunno what you would call this kind of aesthetic but I fucking love it

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>heh If you look closer it implies it's a parts pack to build your own mini-set with some creativity
>HEHHH I don't blame you though, from the looks of it you don't have any left
Virus mecha techno cyber roman spartan warriors
This is gonna be like £60 or something stupid right?
I'm just glad they didn't bundle it with something shit that no-one wants
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I keep saying Lego should add some kind of Battle Car gimmick to Lego City. All the Marvel cars with stud shooters would be more fun that way. Without the capeshit tacked on.
I always thought Lego City might benfit if they tried going a little more GTA in vehicle design. Keep regular cars, sure. But throw in some battle cars, or cars that change into a flight mode, or a submarine.
Wolfpack guy looks like he just got kicked in the studs.
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The Wolf pack knight should have a Grey bird ,
There is something magical about the Wolf pack.
They are always accompanied by a Grey Bird
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Hello people
Interesting remake the new giant man is way cooler than the old one
But vice versa for the jets

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