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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
-Scooby Doo
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives -
Evil Ryu (SDCC)
Alt Player 2 Gray Ryu (Paulmartstore)
Red Chun Li (Target Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 Pink Chun Li (SDCC Exclusive)
Violent Ken (SDCC Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 White Gi Ken
Alt Player 2 M. Bison (BBTS Exclusive)

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Fei Long
T. Hawk
E. Honda

Mega Man Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man
Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man
Wave 4 - Gemini Laser Mega Man, Snake Man, Proto Man

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Scooby Doo
The Creeper
The Mummy

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
Flamin’ Hot Chester Cheetah
Tony the Tiger
Fruity Pebbles - Fred Flintstone
Cocoa Pebbles - Barney Rubble
Is Jada doing okay? Been a little slow on reveals lately.
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Still waiting on wave 2 of Mega man on BBTS.
They are now since Cammy dropped
Got mine on ebay. Should be arriving early next week
Didn't realize the factory fucked up Deejay's chest color. What a shame.
Who even gives a shit about crapa if you have SHF
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Honestly Jada seems to capture the classic feel perfectly, whereas SHF seemed to go for a more realistic route… but look very weird.
It takes then like a year and a half to get the figures out after they reveal them. This always was a super small company and will always operate like one.
Yeah we know already. Look at how fuggly that SHF Guile is. The anon above just gobbles it down.
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Bandai just doesnt pick the right people for many of these figures. You get their top of their game people (likely the Toku team) who can do this excellent Ford likeness then you get the retards who sculpted scrotum face Guile and can't even fucking get a 2D anime face to look right.
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Not a fan of the sonic boom but the figures are all awesome.
>Not a fan of the sonic boom
What's wrong with it?
It looks cheap compared to the other effects
I just want Becky and her big fists already
Is megaman wave 2 actually out anywhere? Or is bbts just shit
>Indy with an LA Welrod.
That's rad. Once I get a set of gloved firearm hands for SHF Indy I'll have to try that.
The fuck is Dee Jay doing? Limbo the sonic boom?
In Germany, it's already out
>Cammy ships
>mega man doesn’t
I don’t understand
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Cammy came in so here's some shots.
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Beats the effect that comes with the SHF Guile which looks like it was ripped straight from the tamashii wind effect. I think Jada's design is pretty representative of the SF2 sonic boom.
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When does she come out? I really want her
For a domestic figure it's not a bad butt and her articulation isn't really hindered by it either.
I’m going to nail polish remover that skin on her ass off and hope for the best
Show us how it looks. If it just looks flat out better then I may do it too. Would the plastic have been too thin if they just cut her leotard off where the paint is?
It would gap a lot if they cut it at that line which is why the SHF and this didn’t
Once she gets here I’ll do it for science
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i've seen mods on the shf do this and it looks pretty good
can't mod that dogshit face away it seems. God shf is so trash
Better than the jada face 2bh
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This person sculpted in the bodysuit and repainted the face
Honestly looks worse
Not sure why he'd not show how the back side looks after removing the skin tone paint. It could look fine from the front but weird in the back.

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