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I got this at walmart thinking it was a re-issue of the actual rock em sock em robots and it's some weird shit where you roll a dice and throw a slap that the other player can block
The heads are attached by string, this shit sucks and it's not advertised as a spin-off but rather the real deal
Oh, so they tried to make it an actual game as opposed to just seeing who can mash the buttons the most? I think I'll buy it.
>advertised as the real thing
>reveal is a big fat lie made for a weak generation

So it's the woke edition. Not surprised desu.
Read the box, retard. There's a dice, explicit directions about using a dice, and a picture of the game. None of it resembles anything remotely close to the original.
But you can see the dices and strings in that box. You should check things before buying next time.
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Dexterity games are a thing. I don't care for them myself, but I'm not going to No True Scotsman an entire genre of board games
Buy an add.
there's dice but the red robot is not "slapping" the other robot, he's clearly throwing a punch
also to add to this
the mattel website calls this "rock em sock em robots knock or block" actually labelling this correctly as a spin-off and not the original
>box shows two children of color fighting
What did Mattel mean by this?
There's a picture of the thing clearly on the box. It's advertised exactly as what it is, you're just an idiot who doesn't look at what they buy.
>it's not advertised as a spin-off
Bro there's gigantic dice shown prominently on the box. And they show you the fucking toy.
because theres two robots of color fighting???
It says "KO" (Knock-Off) right on the box.
I sympathize with you, OP. Regardless of the your impulse ignoring the clear and present contents ofthe purchased product, picrel should've been the one on shelves instead. The one you ended up getting can easily be misleading
>cripple next generation by being a bunch of loser degenerates
>blame that generation for what you set them up with
Lol, lmao.

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