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ITT; Want but can’t get for some reason like price or space.
That looks amazing what is it and what scale?
No. It's flat pieces of cardboard. The figures and vehicle are the only plastic parts.
Not making this a proper sculpted plastic set is beyond fucking stupid
Would you have paid like $300 for this? No? Exactly why it isn't plastic. This is a super low run item. Tooling for all of it being plastic would have driven the price through the roof
MOTU Origins did castle greyskull for $80, so it’s definitely doable.
Oh I want this and have it ordered since day 1 but can't get it because they haven't released it, it's been over a year and meanwhile they made and released a 1:12 version within a month after they had it up for pre order. I can't stand mezco.
Origins Grayskull was a mass market release. Economies of scale. A limited run product CANNOT cost the same as a higher production run product of similar dimensions.
So unless the OP product is gonna churn out 10s of thousands of units and be in every Walmart Target and specialty shop, no, it's not "doable" at $80
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The Revogeo gitd Emperor Scorpion, the cheapest one I could found cost around 125 dollars but I missed on it. Whenever I look into the usual sites it always says it's sold out.
Idiot. MOTU is a worldwide, well known IP and that product was carried at major retailers.
Thankfully this guy understands> >>11253251
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I'm so upset these never got made, they look great and my Master Shake feels so lonely without them.
Okay? Just print them. They are all super basic designs and only have cut joints right?
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I absolutely cannot justify the price this would entail.
not everyone has room or money for a 3d printer anone
It's such a shame there's no way to communicate with other people remotely or send currency digitally
although I am attempting to make one of these via mixing figure parts.
These things are brittle barely posable pieces of shit too, do not recommend.
Same, I really want Red Engie as I was too dumb to get any of these but a few hundred for an old toy I KNOW is super brittle is way too much.

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