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I'm sure a lot of people here also grew up on the 80's and 90's OVAs that came out on VHS back in the day. It was one of my first and fondest memories of the genre, but now I want some figures that even remotely resemble those female faces and bodies, and I'm struggling.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. A lot of the females now have big eyes and loli proportions. Are there any more slender/angular ones?
Thanks in advance.
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You're lucky, Figma will make Taijin Jidou Hohei M-66, but is a Freeing figure so it will take a very very long time to get a preorder date, a bit more to be released so you are not so lucky
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Feeling you, OP. Fwoosh was working on Ninja Scroll figures, but I don’t think they’re cool enough to make Benisato.
There are also Battleship Yamato shf girls.
Thanks. Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. Hopefully it won't take much longer to get released. I'm not the biggest Masamune fan, but i'll take what I can get.
Was literally just look at this the other day, along with the lupin ones, but they still look like modern anime to me. The eyes are too big and the hair doesn't feel retro enough. Fwoosh getting ninja scroll before any other manufacturer with a proven track record is just wild.
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Also, SHFiguarts Fujiko Mine
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>The eyes are too big and the hair doesn't feel retro enough.
Not anime but Figma Samus got smol eyes, I don't remember any figure with cool 80's wild hair and not sure if it will translate well to 3D
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Thanks. Yeah, I guess we're pretty shit out of luck. That samus face is really nice and the body has great proportions, I just don't care enough to spend $150 aftermarket for something so specific.
The other line I thought to look at was the myth cloth stuff. Athena would could make a generic character, but those prices....
Maybe buzzmod with save us by doing Kaori for their City Hunter line.
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I definitely feel you, OP. Yoshiaki Kawajiri knew how to design women, that's for sure. It's a shame that the only female figure based on any of his designs is the Leila figure from Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust and it's dated as hell.

Also, top row, left to right:
Space Adventure Cobra, don't know, don't know, Wicked City, Cyber City Oedo 808

Bottom row, left to right:
Ninja Scroll, don't know, Goku Midnight Eye, don't know, don't know.

Can someone help me fill in the blanks?
Top row #2 is Fist of the North Star
Top row #3 is Violence Jack

Bottom row #2 is Urotsukidoji Legend of the Overfiend
Bottom row #4 is A.D. Police Files
Bottom row #5 is Mad Bull 34
Nice to see people identify all the characters! The more I am looking into this, the more disillusioned I become. I feel like anime had a western influence during this era with the men looking like stallone and the women pfeiffer or moor. It was a great time when design looked more really and less cartoony. Sadly I can't even see any good western figures that have this style.
The storm tyris might be ok if it weren't so big.
Why are head sculpts and body proportions like this so uncommon in action figures? This would be an almost perfect base for generic warrior princess, space pirates or alien dancing girls.
#2 will most likely happen as a super action statue eventually
probably 0 chance for any of the rest
It's not so much the characters specifically, but the anime art style. Looking at the female figs in figma and coomer gen, it's 90% mechsuit/loli/highschool/thicc/furfag bodies with big eyes and ahegao faces. Why can't we have more tall, slender physiced bodies with small heads and eyes and chased jaws and cheeks like >>11252821
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An outlier as she's masked but I adore my Figma Lady.
Watch out though as mine was sheared her shoulder off as soon as i took her out of the box and had to jump through some hoops to fix her. Always heat her up a bit.
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Man this thread was made for me. I was forced to collect random figures from IPs I don't even know because there was literally nothing for my favorite 80/90s ovas and anime. Cept for Cobra, Ghost in the Shell, Guyver and Golgo 13.
Gonna buy that figuarts Tekken Nina to fill in that void of lack of retro kino non moeblob anime babes. Mfw figuarts has made Kochikame figures but not the busty blonde bombshells from that show that Id instant buy.
I was gonna say
>tfw Iczer figures never
But then I remembered GSC did/are doing Iczer-Robo for their Moderoid line so maybe there's hope?
I won't lie I'd love a Yohko Asagiri figure from Genmu Senki Leda. She a cute and the movie is fantastic (also IIRC pretty iconic in Japan).
I do so miss the period before the style collapsed in on itself. Unfortunately, Japan has little nostalgia for the past. It's rare to find figures, let alone ones that do the styles of the time justice.
If you are into even older stuff, this doll of Maetel from Galaxy Express 999 was made by medicom way back when. I think it captures the style of Leiji Matsumoto well enough.
I also have the Knight Sabers from Bubblegum Crisis, made by Atelier Sai. They come with alternate heads but idk if they have the eyes you are looking for. Tbh the head sculpts are kind of trash. I mostly got them for the helmet-on option.
Revoltech had a line of Fist of the Northstar characters, which I believe included Yuria.
Outside of that and what has already been mentioned, I'd say garage kits, some of the sculpts were actually decent if you could put them together and had painting skills. Good luck finding the actual good ones though.
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>Iczer figures never
Uh, they exist.
Problem is their questionable quality (Gigabrain was more or less a "garage company") and them being Microman-sized.
Huh, that's pretty neat. I will say the thigh swivel at the knee is kinda clever.
Thanks for the heads up. I just order her and Cobra recently so looking forward to having them.
Nice. This is pretty based. I always wanted to dip into 70's space adventure anime like this, Yamato and Harrlock, but so far only done cobra.
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i have her, she's pretty nice despite her size. feel's a bit fragile though
I highly recommend them, especially if you like great art. If you do watch galaxy express though, watch the show, not the movie. By the time the film came out harlock was pretty big so they shoehorn him and his crew into it, they even remodeled the main character to look more like him. Ruins the whole thing imo.
Don't listen to this guy, he has no idea what he's talking about
I just knoe one OVA who needs a figma
M66 as a Figma? Nice, but... I truly despise the fall-apartiness of the dark purple female movie Guyver I have. Kinda' was my first Figma, and soured me on getting any others.
Like, even removing the O-ring with her shoulder armor, the ball joint will NOT stay in her socket.

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