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Lot's of recent leaks lately, check previous thread to get up to date


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Previous: >>11251126
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I'm really gonna miss 2024. Hope all the carshit flops hard
>ask Marketplace seller for another photo of what's in the bucket
>"it's more Lego"
How do you respond without sounding mad?
"I might recognize some parts from specific sets I'm interested in. It would help me decide whether to purchase the lot."
That set would be fucking dope if it was twice as big.
Seems like really good value for the price and that's without seeing what's in the module. hopefully the "shaft" behind the cockpit also has some extra goodies
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>modular builds are back
>even city is trying modular sets
unsure whether to buy this first, or the lego creator dragon with no ninjago homework.

or the rumored Blacktron Renegade

or bite the bullet and buy all three.
Sounds like someone isn't over 35 and owns a computer.
I wish the tavern looked good in this set
>almost 2025
>still no modular medieval town series for me to waste thousands of dollars on every year for the rest of my life
How did you like the medieval town square?
Dinobros we literally cannot stop winning
Did you know you can make things out of Lego without instructions?
This is pretty cute. The little volcano is adorable.
>$80 Sarlac pit set with padded piece count
>New Jabba fig, only in the $500 set

Lol, nah bye. Fuck 2024 and fuck 2025.
Is jay still evil? Have they just written him out now?
"What you see is what you get. Cash or Venmo?"
I was very on the fence with this one but im on bag 25 and i have to say its very fun and good set, brick - build monsters are way better than i excpected them to be from the pictures, i switched mini heads for yellow heads/accesories and want to rebiuld/expand the tower so it will be a proper villian lair. I got it for 262e, steep for set but still a very good deal when i compare it to normal price.
Lego is a fucking ass, they should do some smaller sets, classic like castle, pirates, space, but no, you need to spend >250e on enormous sets that you dont have space on.
Whats the problem with it? Tile roofing fix is very easy, is it to small? The whole structure looks more like alchemy shop to me, so thats what im gonna roll when i will moc with it.
It looks shit when you put it up with blacksmith tho, ive got moc of tavern which is similar in size to blacksmith and they mog the fuck out of inn plain sight,
>$80 for a modular flagship
SpaceGODS just can't stop winning.

Mousecucks just can't stop losing lmao

At that point I just dip. Anyone that recalcitrant is probably a savvy collector with a box full of bulk 2x4s they're trying to move mystery box style. A facebook mom looking to make space by getting rid of her son's collection (the real mother lode for mixed lots) is unlikely to be so hesitant to seal the deal.
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>get literal trash in your calendar
Is that banana peel piece new?
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No bearded space trannys? What happened to you Lego? You were doing so well for a bit.
Rent free
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vote for kirby please :)
>more brick-built bullshit
Fuck off.
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lego ideas can't submit new pieces
then perhaps his or your idea was fundamentally flawed from the beginning
Just voted for Kirby to make you mald harder lel
Why spend money to make new pieces and cut into their already over inflated profit margin. They'll make you se the pieces they have ready and you'll like it.
You're their bitch, remember that.
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When are we getting new Elves sets?
Is Jang sponsored by TLG?
>tfw we could be getting mechs like these instead of the 15$ rigid piece slop if lego locked on
Why lego
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I think the 2025 Ninjago sets are my favorite since rise of snakes era
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>bro wtf we told you to wear black and pink
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Zanechads eating good
Bonkle joints constantly snap. Glad they're discontinued desu
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anyone ever gone to lego support for a set bought on amazon? the box doesn't seem to have this number stamped on it
This. Most of the Ninjago mechs people complain about are easily MOC-able anyway. Those 20 dollar Elemental Mechs are honestly great value.
Really debating going back for this at a Walmart I saw it on clearance at
$80 too
Yeah they don't give a fuck
Why the fuck did lego stop doing monthly calendars?
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Second time someone copied my post 1 to 1
Werid that it happened twice
nvm found it
That means it was a good post
>bonkle joints
Those were improved with hero factory
And then even later
I have yet to see one snap or even crack.
The way you faggots post about him, he's sponsored by /lg/
Tudor corner has a toilet hidden under the outside stairs.
>has a regular door for access
Easter egg: Hidden disability sunflower lanyard.
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anon they do make new pieces for ideas, you just can't submit projects with them.
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Anons do you invest in lego?
What sets should i start buying??
invest in a rope
3/10 bait

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