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I bought some surprise eggs out of impulse and I find the small size of the figurines neat but understandably they have very low detail. I'm wondering if you guys know any companies that make detailed mini figurines? I'm open to any theme.
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I wish I got that instead of the hot buttery shite my stores stock for kinder joys these days. Who the fuck wants this garbage?
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As for who makes good dinosaur minis? I like these really cute rubber bois. You can take em in your pocket with you on the go and do surprise photo sessions with them when the mood strikes just right.
the dinosaur was more to illustrate the size I am looking for. I mean the same detail you see in those $60+ figurines. And since I assume this is very niche I'm open for any theme dinosaurs, robots, anime, comic book characters... whatever
Check out CAPTIVZ
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Check out Kaiyodo, specificly Capsule Q museum. I know of several Dinosaur lines (Dinotales specificly is very good), but they make different lines as well: crab, fish, prehistoric non-dinosaur animals, fantasy figures etc.
Holy shit i had that little green rex when i was a kid
The soft rubbery Jurassic World Minis that come in those blind boxes (you can still identify which you get because theres a code somewhere on the box) are not bad (not all, some have clown feet sadly) and have a surprising amount of details for such small figurines, albeit a lazy or almost non existant paint job (eyes are sculpted but not painted, claws are not painted)
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Maybe look into gashapon dinos? Even the super cheap Japanese ones are pretty nice.
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Me too, these are tiny shrunk versions of dino toys

Honestly I have no idea how they did that.
D&D icons of the realms.
Oh those are cute
Wasn't some company making so highly detailed minis doe Jurassic world/park?
I'm not talking about the Mattel ones.

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