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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Bug Butt Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11245536
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give them no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Snail Shell: Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Three Wise Monkeys (Feb 2025), Zombie Grisa (Feb 2025), Masquerena (Jul 2025), Nikke Modernia (Jun 2025), Optional Part Sets (Varies)
>Lazy Monster Studio Oak Town Fairy Elf Guard A+B (Dec)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Q4)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q4)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth ~Tanned ver~. (Jan 2025)
>Hasuki Succubus Sister Friede (Feb 2025)
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>Loscont ABA-002 Armed Battle Angels Dark Hornet (Q1 2025)
>CiYuanJuXiang The Primordial Witch Crow (Q1 2025)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)
>Xcocann Studio Street Fighter Quinn Lee & Mountain Moon PJ01 Block Accessory Kit (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Snail Shell Bunny Girl Aileen Sunkissed Ver.
>Crazy Figure Multi Joint Movable 1/12 Scale Female Body
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins
>BUZZmod Gurren Lagann Yoko
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure
>Cang Toys Twelve Wars Little Green Dragon Longji
> Snail Shell Succubus Lustia
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring
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>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
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Reposting from previous thread:
We're getting tantalizing peeks at Polynian peaks.
Hope this one isn't covered up by a mold that suggests it's covered by clothing or armor plates, I need to turn Machaon into a busty futa!

The Sexy Ice mantis is no longer available on Gundamit. Is it worth getting her from Aliexpress?
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What a dumb question
you fucking burgers always feel the need to interject, don't you?
Will she get a ko?
I'm interested but not at that high price
I’d say so
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She is not likely to be bootlegged at this point since she has not been out for too long.
However, there is precedent of romankey being bootlegged as was noted by the buck bodies being bootlegged. As discussed in the last thread
Normally I'd say the Chinese don't bootleg the Chinese since they face actual penalty for bootlegging products from companies in their own country versus any other country.
However, maybe the allure of that sweet toy money has them not caring about the penalties.

Maybe eventually. However, the more complex the figure the shittier the bootleg.
That risk is yours to accept if a bootleg comes out.
I wonder if they are making these nipple torsos for sale for the polys that don't have them. I.e. Every poly except machaon.
It would kill me to buy a replacement for every poly i own, but if they weren't to expensive i'd probably go for it
>Every poly except machaon.
Torin exists. She's got 'clothes' over hers, but she does have visible nipples.
As for the torso in that pic, there's a groove on the side that makes me think it's the same deal as Torin - there's supposed to be clothing of some sort there, so they aren't actually going to be nekkid ayy lmao tiddies. Might be Swimsuit Ianna, or Rosa, or one of the other 'big' girls.
I know the Sushiworks bunny girl had a weird situation in Japan, but Gundamit still doesn't have the full price listed for her. Does that happen often over there?
I've only noticed the deposit price being increased by 5 bucks or so.
Its because good smile are now involved.
I hope sushiworks are happy fucking potential customers over to tongue good smiles asshole.

The price hasn't shown up yet because were all waiting to see what the good smile tax will be.

Sushiworks without goodsmile $50-60 for smug bunny girl. With good smile tax were probably looking at $90 to $100.

I wanted these girls so much but I'm not paying retarded prices for them. Fingers crossed they get koed
You saying it's gonna be more expensive from China then? Japan's post-mess listings are 7-8k yen.
Well fuck, oh well i'm down for torin and any others they put across
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Filthy peasant.
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I am happy we are getting more BSP figmas
I am scared that they have 10 more girls to go, excluding alternate armors
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printed a attack bike for sakura
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She's $49 on HLJ, you nog.
Looks good is it resin or filament?
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And wait till they pull the stunt aliexpress sellers do and send you a request for more money when its actually available. HLJ have done that shit before so if you have a pre order with them then good luck
Did u know that there's an official one of those bikes? It's 1:18, but considering those are made for 5" space Marines, a 6" girl should be able to make do?
Are you confusing HLJ with another company? They won't send a "request for more money" when it's in stock, it would literally just be the money you owe. Because they don't take any payment until things are in-stock.
What are some good loli figures? Are there any smug ones?
haha yeah, that's where i got the idea from a picture of the Mechanist Fiona figure standing near one or on it. i scaled mine to a random marvel legends head i had a file of, so it should fit most 1/12 figures comfortably, if they are able to articulate the waist.
oooh where did you get the file from?
Wait, I thought the mantis girl came out sometime next year. How is she?
Revoltech Queen's Gate Alice is smug and she is easily the best loli figure ever made. She is even cast-off.
I wish they had wings
There was another company doing one with wings. It might have been Romankey.
Forgot about her. I think figma did some too bow that I think about it
Sentinel Jack the ripper
It was. Among many prototypes they showed a few months back.
>HLJ have done that shit before
First I've heard of that.

figma's got two versions of Strength that can be cast off. Also the idolmaster loli and mmaaaybe Shinobu? Not sure on that one.
It's available for pre-order on bbts, if you're into that.
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New renders for Loosecollector "Lara Croft"
>Syrian woman
>Israeli martial arts
We did it bros. We ended the Israel-middle east conflict
Figma bootlegs are never and never will be good.
Krav MAGA Trump
>loose collector
Can we not
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there are bootlegs of the bunny girls too and they look pretty bad too. I don't know why chinks even bother to do them if they suck so much. Probably for the accessoires alone? Still dumb and wasteful but then again some retard on amazon or ebay witll fall for it anyway because they don't know better.
Been trying to buy some KOs off Ali for the accessories yeah, but they keep messaging me to cancel because they have none. It's frustrating.
If your being retarded on purpose.....
Dang, what other figures were like this back then? I vaguely remember things like this that I always wanted to own, but back then there was no way I could have these
>Normally I'd say the Chinese don't bootleg the Chinese since they face actual penalty for bootlegging products from companies in their own country versus any other country.
You should check out third party transformers and you'd be surprised
I got one but GOD she's riddled with QC and innate design issues. Her knee pops apart easily but is hard to push back in together, her wrists don't have ball joints, her head can't look all the way up, her fanny pack knife-rack is mounted on an ass-tumor instead of plugging into her back, and she doesn't have all her knife options.

...if you get one, buy one at a low price, or just scout for her head and find a plain small figma body (like Shinobu's) so you can increase her articulation.
I still wish figure makers today had the balls to do what Revo did with QB. There have never been any mainline big-tittied (and nippled) 1/12 scale figures on par with Cattleya since those glorious days.

...why the fuck isn't QB asking Snail Shell or Romankey to adapt Cattleya as a figure again? Hell, what's keeping the QB makers from using their gacha money to fund a new series?
>low price
Good luck with that...

I have her, no QC issues. I do agree she was an expensive lackluster release. A pair of extra hands, two daggers, and a gigantic base.
I got more back for buck with the Cantis and Stocking years before her, and the latter was half Jack's price. Inflation, Fate-tax and greed, man.
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Her box was also unnecessarily big.
i wish she had more faceplates options.. I want her to smile
Have one of these but she is unfortunately changing colors and her torso no longer really matches the rest of her skin… revoltechs really don’t seem to age well.
>revoltechs really don’t seem to age well.
My old classic EVA 01 and Soltic H8 suffer from I assume dusty plasticizer leakage under their topcoat.
It's like they've got skincancer.
>roided out boulder shoulders
>that face
lmao. The west can't even stop putting tranny shit in action figures
>...why the fuck isn't QB asking Snail Shell or Romankey to adapt Cattleya as a figure again? Hell, what's keeping the QB makers from using their gacha money to fund a new series?
shit, if I still had a twitter account I would ask their account. its a match made in heaven since they are doing their fantasy line now. I would even accept the queen's blade redesigns as long as my favorites got something made.
Second Axe so we get nipples and vagene.
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So...Gundamit has this listed as a model kit but Amiami said it's a completed figure. Anyone know who's right here?

Just go to your local gay bar I guess there's probably a lot of weepy pps there
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Romankey naked men re-issues are up, but these seem to be different. First release pants are gone, and cocks are now stuffed into a box. More importantly, the skin tones seem different, particularly the yellow variant seems less orange than the previous one. Are you guys seeing this? If you have the first releases of white, yellow, & black, bust them out and check the colors with the re-issues. I think they fixed the tones of yellow & black variants for better.
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From what I can find out out, action fig.
Gundamit prolly mislabeled because that company does make model kits as well.
I got picrel from them, whose a model kit.
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Besides there are a few others on gundamit that are labeled action fig. Though the comments from those that own her say the plastic feels cheap - like a model kit.
The 1st release also had the dicks in a box. Can't really say anything about skin tones 'til they release, since romankey is notorious for that being different from what they advertise.
Why would they use a blacked out silhouette to tease this when the actual figure looks like a muscular dude with a pony tail? The proportions aren't even remotely similar. LooseCollector continues to disappoint with every single thing they do
I want my low polygons.
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>"coomer" general
>no Teegra
rename this thread to moefag general
Wish western figures were better
>better at catering to pedophiles
rename to Cheese Pizza general
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Well I do wish everything were better at catering to me.
Seriously though western coomer toys just kind of suck for the most part and Teegra is a great example of why. Just look at her weird flesh sleeves and limited articulation.
It looks like shit unfortunately. I would actually buy a good looking figure of her.
>Just look at her weird flesh sleeves
like this general doesn't coom to giant balls on knee and elbow joints with JP figures.
This looks so dumpy.
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I need hot latinas
how fucking dare you
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>branding this idol of flesh as "dumpy"
we can't be this far gone.
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Which reminds me, whatever happened to pic?
>Posts generic promo picture
>Doesn't even own her
rename yourself to "full of shit"
I got you senpai

I wish they atleast outsourced their heads to some og japanese team

There's another thread up where they discussed 80s and 90s era OVA styled figures and someone mentioned how that era kind of bridged some of the cultural influences between west and east. I think especially at a very small scale, the art of simplification and subtraction is key, wich many easterners are good at but can push to too far extremes in anime to my taste. Meanwhile western faces can seem very muddled because they try to cram in realistic elements regardless of if they fit or come across properly in that scale.

I think it's a fun thought experiment as most of my favourite things are made by easterners trying to be as western as possible in a way. Resident evil games from 2 to 6, silent hill, darksouls all are things I really enjoyed the way they looked and felt. Compared to hyper realistic simulator stuff from the west, grimdark 40k stuff or on the other hand moe anime or busy gacha "perfect and clean" characters.

voluptuous and shapily on the edgy of "dumpy" is really hot to me
but yeah her face isn't supermodel tier, but her body is definately incredible to the point I wouldn't call it dumpy

[spoiler]unless you mean dumpy as in her having a big dumptruck[/spoiler]

Damn, i missed out on the preorder even if I checked it the other day. I must've looked too hastily.
would be nice to see some more western coomer figs, there has to at least be a few of them desu
If I'm looking for explicitly fanservice stuff, I don't want random 45 year old American woman with potatoface.
What's wrong with that head? Why is this 70 year old wearing a wig?
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I don't find anime dollfaces attractive at all, the only good things are the pin up bodies attached to them.
the contrast between face and body detail is hilarious.
There isn't. The one you see is the most decent one and it's OKish
We have to have this same boring ass argument every few threads.
There are no good western lewd figures, companies aren't interested in making them. The ones that are the closest make shitty overpriced marvel legends tier figures and that's it.
All fags like that do is rage against eastern figures being posted here as if any one here has anything to do with that fact. We'd buy them if they made them, they don't fucking make them. So we only have eastern figures to show.
It is a bit more forgivable on areas with joints. There is not reason for her wrists to be that wide when even cheapo Wal-Mart stuff doesn't have that problem.
The Xesray girls looked pretty alright.
Japan isnt the one who made that life sized M3GAN figure...
The scale for female figures is getting ridiculous overall but western females figures are almost always 1/10 scale. Whats up with that? They are equal or greater in height than most male figures.
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I'm sorry but this thing sucks , not only does she not even get a 90 degree bend in her knees among other articulation problems, she looks like Andrew Tate on HRT. I always try to give an honest attempt taking some pics of every figure I buy and this one I gave up immediately and did shit like this because she's such a shit figure
Xesray is Chinese
God I want a figure of this brat. Maybe I should have bought at least the OG.
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It's just a coincidence that an employee of that company has been grooming underaged boys.
>single jointed elbows and knees that barely bends more than 90 degrees.
Gee i wonder why people think it's trash and has no desire to buy it
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>people still falling for the most weak bait
never change, guys
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Long Ji arrived today along with some Hasuki jackets and stockings.
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Nice, take pics when you get a chance

I got my choco bunny from aliexpress today
Absolutely sad state of western toys that we need to rely on the Chinese to make hot western figures.
Understandably the Chinese have a tendency to dollify or make western girls look too asiatic but its trillions of times better than the dei granny design language the west operates with.
Just a shame technology has come so far to make amazing products but the west hasn't got their shit together.
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I'll try to for sure. Grabbed some before heading out. She's looking great
How is the quality overall?
Onore nendoroid!
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I've had my hands on her for like, 30 minutes. I've only done like, 2 hand swaps, a face swap and played with some accessories. Outside of unboxing her. Hard to tell for sure now. She is nearly a quarter inch over 6 inches, so the typical chink "I don't get the 1/12th scale is an actual scale, to me it means 6 inches" bullshit. Oh well. I'll compare to a Figma later.

So far everything feels nice. I love the intricacies in the molding on things like her tail, scales, dress, and sword. Flame effects, all of it. The fan is actually a giant sheath for her fan. The fan can detach from the blades and fold. The base also holds tons of stuff. The hand changes went smoothly. Hands holding the sword was tight. The face swap went well, but her bangs peg was tight and has to go in at a bit of an angle since the scalp isn't straight on and actually has a realistic character in the way the hair is molded out from it. Now as for paint transfer, that's something to wait on. She also has a second part to the breechclothes of her dress that implies you can swap it for a sitting legs crossed pose. Most impressive. Tail is stiff, I like but more testing is required.
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They are wrong. The plastic doesn't feel cheap, the red plastic is typical tough toy plastic and the black is a lighter snail shell style plastic. She has great heft, fantastic poseability and looks amazing. Earnestcore craft's stuff is probably all going to be good at least with their track record.
Oh. Well, shit.
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Have only just started dipping my toes into OCs with Lustia, but I'm really tempted to buy her. She looks good and you get a lot for your money compared to most other figures nowadays. My only real worry is those tassels on her legs. All the reviews I've seen are nervous about posing her without them breaking. Wonder if any customizer's tried replacing them with cotton ones yet.
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I suppose. I haven't tried folding her legs like that yet. Very minimal posing. The tassels are fixed and I think have limited bendability. But they give you another breechclothes part of her dress that they expect you to pop her in half to replace, that's folded to allow a sitting while hitting pipe pose, so I imagine you can get a good pose without tassel interference. She also has those pivoting joints mid-thigh and pretty mobile pelvis/leg joints.

Also, news regarding new figures! The figure came with a little advert that highlights others in the line. As I suspected, there is indeed a mix of both Chinese and Western Zodiac. We knew of the Snake Anahita, the Rabbit, then also the Capricorn and Aries. As well as what I postulated to be a villain with the Lamia mech lady. Everything seems to be confirmed with this as well as a few more!
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Here is the Chinese Zodiac girls. The two on the left appear to be new announcements with the Tiger and Bull.
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And here's the two confirmed Western Zoidac girls we knew about. Hopefully us Scorpios can get some representation with a Scorpion girl. I got my year if the Tiger girl confirmed above already.
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These are the 2 bottom baddies presumably. The left lamia is the one we knew about, but behind them you can see transposed images of the character art to get a feel for how the figures look too.
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And the last two close look to see the character art behind them.
I bet most of you would.
I really don't see the issue with it anons here have, the arms sleeves are a bit unfortunate but it looks better to me than, say,
(no offense to that anon) I know, anime website so tastes will be loaded, but I appreciate the body overall.
I am the guy who brought up the flesh sleeves to begin with but I have to agree that those shoulder hollows are pretty bad.
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>Here the cute teenager I was talking about
>That fucking paint job
man did they made it by directly putting the pencil in the paint ?
Those fucking lines on the arms and legs
They look much worse because of the huge breasts molded around that. When you pose her arms down its better. I wasn't exactly trying too hard with the posing earlier. Also had sick new first build PC parts to check out and unbox.
Underrated post
Nice Manga Cafe diorama.
Reposting my question from the previous thread:
Are these Alibaba saddles compatible with an Arcanadea Elena centaur?
Are they even a safe option to buy or will they start leaching out plasticizer?

> low price
It happens. I got lucky at an auction and got her with a Revoltech Alleyne.

The fucked up part about the Fate-tax is that only a sliver of it goes into Nasu's wallet for his FromSoft addiction while the juiciest cut's being eaten up by Aniplex and Good Smile, and that shit's hardly even used at all for any action figures. Instead it's prize statue after prize statue and noodle stopper after noodle stopper, instead of an ACTUAL action figure.

And what's worse is that the little action figures we get are just yet ANOTHER damn excuse for Takeuchi to make another Saber for his crusty mason jar.
I mean it's not like Fate has a cast of LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE they could make figures of, nooooooo...

Go on, be the change we need in the world. I can't wait for the glory days of Revo QBs again.

...though part of me wonders if Hobby Japan (QB's parent company) would be allergic to such a business proposition with a Chinese company.
Very creative anon. The female gooning epidemic is real.
Yeah, it's a shame we're never going to get good fate shit again. I still blame Nasu and Takeuchi
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How did you get yours so quickly?
Wasnt this and Muse meant to be delayed till jan
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They are their worst enemy after all. Enabling that hack Sakurai to screw up their canon, banking off gachawhales rolling while making completely esoteric stories that lack heart, choosing to use Aniplex and binding themselves to Good Smile...

...god I wish I could just buy out their IP and license all the girls of Fate out for some toylines. Every time I see GodHands or some other garage kit maker (picrel) do what they refuse to do (make actual action figures), I think to myself :

"How can one company be so completely greedy and yet so completely fond of letting money slip through their fingers? Is this what brainrotting yourself on human sciences college degree-tier writing does to a fucker who only got rich because his first eroge ripped off Vampire the Masquerade and second banked on boning King Arthur for shock value, while dropping surprisingly heartfelt interpersonal relations?"

...and then Nasu lost the plot, huffed Takeuchi's arse while he was filling his mason jar of Sabers, and descended into lorewanking schlop while Sakurai poisoned the well.

...plus side is if his franchise ends up in public domain years later down the line (and considering GO's stagnation, might be sooner than we think), that means there's a chance Chinese 3rd-party companies can make figures of them.
>got all excited and went to check
>mine hasn’t shipped yet
Aw…how is she?
I really fucking hate tsukihime remake, you can see the FGO influence from miles away and the redesigns are fucking shit. I enjoyed LB6 but olimpus was fucking shit and I hate all the mecha shit that Nasu loves so fucking much.
Also not only we have good female characters but there a lot of good male designs who would make cool figures like Nagayoshi, Vlad (extra), Robin, etc.
That Boudica... I really want fate figures even if I hate fate and TM now
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I know she's got the mecha legs adding to her height, but she seems damn big at 200mm. I guess she's true 1/10 unlike Snail Shell's 1/12 that's closer to 1/10. Shame since she looks pretty cool in non-coomer mode too.

I almost wish I didn't start playing FGO two years ago so I wouldn't have seen all the great servants we aren't getting figures of. If only all the ones they made nendoroids of also got figmas, then we might have a pretty decent roster.
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This, I hate Caenis but her design is so fucking sexy. I really want a figure of her in her 2nd ascension and casual outfit.
Also all the faes, Medea, Carmilla, Drake... so many things
Innit that the Japan release?
Mine's at customs now I see. Bought it from cooltoysclub.

Meanwhile, at Ali...
>Page I pre-ordered a fig on got deleted
>Store and Order's still there
>Will still take months before release

Apparently it's common for sellers to nuke pages when they run out of stock...?
After 2 months of waiting I finally got my Lisbeth!
If only GoodSmile would reissue WakuWaku Goblins I would be so happy.
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Nasu's love of mecha makes him the ultimate otaku... at the cost of ANY integrity in writing fantasy.

He's already bought into the Ancient Aliens crap, and a cursory read of his lore reveals he propagates crappy misconceptions and fakelore. (Lancer Cu's OG Stay Night profile mentions Brionac, a nonexistent spear that was made up by some really stupid JP telephone game-esque misconception of the name of Lugh's spear, he unironically links St. George to Baal, he lets Sakurai glaze Helena Blavatsky as an uwu widdle pwincess who did nothing wrong, everyone's just a meanie, and god knows what other crappy pseudomythology he's pulled.)

My advice is simple: commission someone to 3D-print heads for your fave Fate characters, then pop them on a Romankey. Make accessories for them and kitbash their armor and soft goods, slap on their decals too.
Nasu began as a simple doujin game maker and somehow rose to fame by captivating an audience, so start small and make a lot of figures so you can become rich enough to buy Fate out from him... and sell it to Tencent for cheap.
Or better yet, some corpo that actually gives a damn about making action figures.
After playing Nioh 2 DLC I firmly believe that Heian could have been really fun if not for Sakurai..
>commission someone to 3D-print heads for your fave Fate characters, then pop them on a Romankey
Maybe I'll do it one day, but I think it's going to be expensive to do that and I prefer to buy a figure with that kind of money
>and sell it to Tencent for cheap.
Or better yet, some corpo that actually gives a damn about making action figures.
I hate Nasu but I'm not that spiteful
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I'm spiteful enough to wanna see Nasu's dream rebooted and repaired... but sensible enough to consider instead selling it to the Koreans. I think Type-Moon could use a good reboot under Project Moon. (Hah, pun.)

And yes, I'm tired of having to run into Sakurai apologists who treat her the way Sakurai writes Helena: little miss persecution complex who the narrative claims was a littol bean who ain't done nuthin' wrong (ignore the actual harms Theosophy did in the world like New Agerism), because those guys willfully bite into the bread-and-circuses she puts out with her fight scenes and crappily-executed characters that they lap up.
Only thing keeping them afloat is their good designs, all style but shitty substance...

...back to action figures: I will agree, Type-Moon needs to make more action figures overall. If they won't, they're just sitting on a goldmine they'll never tap into, and will justify it by saying "Hurr durr only Seibah is profitable," while ignoring the rest of the cast garnering a ton of fanartists and figures like these (picrel). Then they'll justify why they're not making figma with "but muh statues make money cheaper than action figures"...

...fucking Popup Parade and its consequences.
Man I need a caked up Shuten Douji toy.
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You have a literal Japanese Christian descendant tonguing female King Arthur's asshole as her bi awakening, literal cucking being a way to save your Servant in Extra, and an active Redditor and Wikia community that has some of the worst ego-tripping college dissertation-sounding mods/editors to boot and way too many wokies and lore nerds who can't look up out of their arses to see where their franchise's gone wrong.

And that's just the tip of the shaft.

I definitely want a Passionlip with sculpted nipples. Pity about her hands making it hard for a figure og her to be made playable...
Damn, that engineering is impressive. Not sure how the forward rotation on the shoulders works?
Where's this from and is it on sale, or is it just a personal project?
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man that looks bad...
that's neca pre 2019 painting levels of bad
>tonguing female King Arthur's asshole
I don't remember this, what was it in?
How impossible is it go get this?
Nta, but pretty sure that's from the Fate route of FSN.
I don't know the lore, don't watch the show, or care. I just think Oda Nobunaga is cute and I want to fuck her
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I just want Gawain... fuck pops, nendos, sakurai, nasu and mechas. Also yes, Sakurai get a lot of cool servants with good designs and that's a fucking shame.
Gonna tell you the truth I don't remember anything of her, she's just a meme character for me
>Damn, i missed out on the preorder even if I checked it the other day. I must've looked too hastily.

Pre-orders launch on the 11th, so you haven't missed anything yet. I just assume they're getting the page up and ready for future orders though.

I have the Loose Collector Vampirella and she's...alright. But I don't think the FG one will be that much of an improvement over her to warrant spending the 90ish bucks they'll most likely ask for. It's great to see them still going with their figures though, the Darkwolf and Norseman both looked really good and I'm sure their eventual Conan and Death Dealers will be fantastic.
This is a dumb question but is there any chance for a reissue?
i just want an astolfo figma rerelease
I PO'd these two, hopefully the legs can be swapped.
Cute. Post pics when you get them.
Oh fuck; now I need that one too. Really wish I hadn't missed out on those beetle samurai on BBTS a while back to go with these.
>has a tongue out face
extremely tempted to PO too
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I would kill for a figure of this whore
Goodsmile get on it.
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will someone send me an old toy they don't want anymore?
Depends on where you're located.
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You shouldn't call your mom a whore!
Based. Moo Deng will trample his remains.
I don't, I want swimsuit or sailor Astolfo. Femboys should only wear girls' clothes.
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based fellow western toy CHAD
I just placed an order for the figma Venus because of you lol

>There's another thread up where they discussed 80s and 90s era OVA styled figures
Would be so based, unfortunately retro anime chads are a dying breed since most anime fans these days are moetrannies or netflixnormies
any tips or resources for posing? I've been just defaulting to copying the poses from the promo pics and leaving them like that.
The casual version is one I really want rereleased, it was quite a bit easier to get the armoured one.
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Looks somewhat cursed, especially with flash.
>I just placed an order for the figma Venus because of you lol
Hope you like her! She's definately a unique figure.
Figured this might be the best thread to ask
What are the chances the 2B figma has a nice ass? I know some figma asses are amazing, like Gwendolyn for example or KOSMOS or even Mio, even though you can't really look up her skirt or butt is very pronounced. What's the likely hood 2B is getting a good ass?
Her asstech is good it's already been shown. She has ass on legs.
>already been shown. She has ass on legs.
Fuck, thank God! Any pics? I tried looking for some before making the post and couldn't find any
Regardless thanks for the reply! Glad I just sort of impulse pre-ordered her then
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this was posted in the last thread, its a screenshot from a youtube review should show up in a search if you want a closer look. Figma 2B def looks like the definitive 2B.
Fuck yes, thanks anon! Now I can't fucking wait for her, thanks!
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>we haven’t gotten a new Taimanin announcement yet
Pain bros
I’ll take anything
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I preordered a year ago for the "reissue" and got fucking KOs without the holographic sticker.
They're both noticeably more on the loose side especially at the shoulders.
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PSA: Confirmed by Romankey, these are not straight up "re-issues" anymore. Rather, these are now Ver. 2 with slightly different skin color (see pics), and the joint socket pegs are replaced with screw type (whatever that means). Also, no more beach pants since those are previous first run bonus.
Turns out, it's both. Like Act Mode.
Stand's the plamo part.
Very good taste
First ever seamless body nearly at my doorstep. Hopefully it's not already torn. Wish me luck.
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If it comes fucked or if I don't like it, I can just press the refund button on the aliexpress app. They seem to be very lenient and generous when it comes to those
$16 is good for a waifu, shame about the Marvel Legends tier head sculpt though.
Dame, mogs the Figurearts.
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>Teegra arrives
>all three heads have worse face paint than fucking Hasbro figures
Hasbro figures barely even have paint so that’s not hard to believe
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She's looking good. Makes me feel stupid for getting the 1.0 Bring Arts but oh well.
In other news, got my GKM chubby body resin kit today (just as I had to move my shit into a new house, marvelous). It seems like a pretty damn good kit, excellent casting and came with joints; only slight issue is the two-piece thighs connect the thigh swivel via a resin peg and the connection is extremely loose, but I doubt I'll be using those as the one-piece thighs look better anyway, and I reckon the articulation should still be fine.
Fucking hell anon

Which 2B is this??

She actually looks good with white hair and suit
>Which 2B is this??
The terrible one????
There’s no really terrible 2Bs, but the Bring Arts and SHF both have annoying flaws, mostly due to the hair on the BA looking fugly and having some assembly QA issues, and the head/hair on the SHF being Xbox hueg. Shf also wasn’t designed with cooming or castoff in mind.
>There’s no really terrible 2Bs

Shf has a strange ass panel and big head
Bring arts 2b was garbage.
BA ko 2b was better than the official but still garbage.

I had to look up this new figma release. It's taken this long for a decent 2B?.....
They’re still not terrible figures. I’m tentatively looking forward to the figma, though, she looks good all over. I’m almost expecting this means we’re going to get some invisible QC or engineering issue because it seems like a monkey’s paw wish to get a truly perfect looking toobee.
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Nothing a bit of paint can't fix.
The figma isn't out yet, proto was just being reviewed.
You're thinking of the buttplate SHF.

But like >>11259178 said, they all got their quirks so far. figma's one is currently that she might as well be 1/10 scale.
>Heavy makeup fixes everything
Just like real life
>figma upscaling
Aw, you just reminded me about that. The gigantic new Miku next to the original is so weird to look at.
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congrats on the gkm haul, that body is fun to mess with
Shf 2b is absolute dogshit kys shill
>centaur claus is cumming to town
It looks it! Not sure whose head I should put on it. Tempted to try and get a cheap Miku Figma (I have the 2.0 already but don't want to permanently mod it, as it uses a different neck connection to most Figmas) and do some custom work to make Pigku Fatsune. Alternatively I might combine the parts from my 1.0 Bring Arts 2B with it for 2B (Heavy Insulation Form).
I saw the bunmy suit parts in your photo, you going to work those into your custom?
>Alternatively I might combine the parts from my 1.0 Bring Arts 2B with it for 2B (Heavy Insulation Form).
now that I'd like to see
Yep, was thinking of 2B because the bunnysuit parts would work nicely as her leotard.
You know what, screw it, that's what I'm gonna do with this. I think the resin is the exact right colour too.
PawgBros WON
it's always been wild to me that Marvel Legends headsculpts are actually good - the paint apps, shading, face printing, etc just sucks so much ass they always look like russian bimbo prostitutes.
Painting has always been one of the more difficult and expensive steps in toy production. The more complex the paintjob, the longer and more costly it can be. But a good paintjob, especially on a face, can make a world of difference.
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I ordered the legit version of this from booth and the joint sets on buyee. I have the legit bust already so I know it is good but you get so much more for your money with the GKM version. How is the quality?
Not again with the high heels supporting all that upper weight. Not everything is toy worthy
Those are some big ... eyebrows
Anyone know what seamless body this is?
>centaur claus
>no santaur
Anyway, now I want a sleigh pulled by reindeer centaurgirls like picrel but lewder
Where did you gets?
How do people get this good? Like, how do you learn this stuff?
To coom or not to coom? That is the question..
Learning to paint is an entire process on its own even if you already know how to draw, but it's not a difficult process to learn. Most of it comes from higher-skilled application of basic techniques, you just get better with practice.
One that doesnt work.
Beetlejuice mini head
They've been shitting up the figma thread non stop ever since she was announced. They are seething and shilling everywhere but nobody is falling for it. They did the same with the bring arts thread when they god awful 2b came out btw. SHF is trash. Always will be. Can't wait for the updated version of this so the shills can shut up forever. Pathetic manchildren.
The SH one is the worst one, and that says a lot considering there was two other attempts by Square Enix before that. Coomer or not, the assplate was terrible engineering and that was not the only issue.
If I had the energy that the I hate shf crowd poured into going on and on about how they hate shf and the shf "shills" I could probably power a medium sized town for a hundred years.
You guys cant seem to not sperg about shf every opportunity you get and any who doesn't think shf is the largest crime committed to toydom, well then they must be a shill!
Even if you are right about them being shit sometimes, no one outside your retard crew wants to hear it from you anymore
seething shill
>stop telling us to stop shilling
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I’ll take anything I just posted her picture because she is wonderful and we need more delicious brown women
>the I hate shf crowd
It's mostly one dude who's been doing this nearly nonstop for a little over a year now in practically every import thread. Best to just ignore him and let him play both sides and argue with himself until he gets banned or bored.

I don't know if it's because I saw the OG first, but I just can't get into choco Aileen for some reason. Makes me think of Noir on a diet, and then I just loop back to wanting Blanc and Noir figures.
>samefagging because nobody is falling for his astroturfing
Imagine defend shf 2b in any form and expecting people not to call you a shill lol
>instantly gets proven right
I bet they camping every general at this point. Has to be a discord
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I'm not going to buy SHF 2b. You will never make me buy SHF 2b. It is hideous. There is no point in shilling it. Your efforts are completely wasted on me. You don't need to try so hard. You already lost. I'm getting the figma. I might get the Bring Arts too even but I'm not buying the SHF 2b. Your samefagging won't fool anybody here. I'm not buying SHF 2b. It's a bad toy.
The question I have is whether Figma 2B's skirt will come off
After seeing this I'm convinced the 2b figma will be decent. It's pretty obvious that anything GSC related is under constant fire by shf fags on this board but figma still makes better toys overall and that makes them seethe like crazy. I admit I fell for it in the beginning too but it's now very apparent it's a coordinated attack to undermine figma on this board and it's been going on for a while too. All they do is brandwar. Even in their own general.
nobody's asking you fucking schizo
Based same.
None of the marketing photos showed her skirtless, so even if you can remove it, I doubt you can make it look like the game. The Bring Arts required an alternate hip piece to look like that.
I don't care about that mode. I just need them to put A2 up for preorder ASAP.
PSA: Schizo is both the shill & hater that has been same-fagging himself in multiple threads on /toy/. Ignore the troll.
Waiting always pays off. I was begging for a figma the moment I saw that awful Assplate.

Unless it's glued in (doubtful) you should be able to but she never does it in the anime so you wouldn't be able to see the full camisole since it's supposed to be underneath. It will just be her tanga
You are the only schizo here. Just fuck off already to your brandwar general. We are tired of your bullshit
Just ignore him. He's sick in the head
It's like that every time. They've been doing to the revo thread too.
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We literally got a whole thread deleted because of berserkschizo/brucelee spammer this year and you want me to believe this shit and that he just went away? You can try as hard as you can but nobody will fall for this shit retard.

Here are the facts:
SHF 2b is absolute garbage
Figma 2b got just announced and looks world better
SHF tards are seething as always
Anons rightfully smite down any shill attempt of shf shills trying to convince people SHF 2b is anything but garbage

Meanwhile you are here with off topic bullshit shitting up the thread, seething over people talking over figures, just because anons are RIGHT about those figures. You are a pathetic shill and people are rightfully calling you out.
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Once in a blue moon, Figuarts makes a decent figure but most of their output is pure fucking slop. Figuarts haters are usually in the right.
Honestly, it's been like half the threads. In the Godzilla threads, they praise the SHMA overpriced crap and nitpick the Hiya stuff, which shouldn't even be debate because the prices are significantly different. IDK what they think they accomplish by being insufferable.
>Once in a blue moon, Figuarts makes a decent figure
If you know where you're looking for you'd find more but nowadays it's mostly Shounen Jump, not a huge fan of their expansion into it. Most Shounen Jump character designs are 'safe' and the results has been really meh, Tsunade is the only one that looks worth it so far though. Bandai should've focused on either their own properties or their working partner's IPs like Go Nagai's works. I missed the state of the line before its expansion into SJ, it was a lot more varied.
Here we go again
Hopefully figma picks up frieren next. I want proper faces.
Stop pushing that stupid Indy figure. Nobody cares.
Personally I like the Mezco one better too.
It's from a website called GKM. It's a recaster but the quality is pretty top notch.
No it's not

It's got to be one schizo who seethes every time anyone even mentions shf. You could literally say "oh my figure was pretty fucked up and they made a lot of shit choices but I'm just happy they made the character" or something equally neutral and he will go off with multiple posts about imaginary shills and whatever. At this point it's kind of funny to see how much mental space it must take in his brain that he camps these threads just waiting for someone to mention or post a figure. I can't imagine being so invested in what other people do with their money or what a company makes. You'd think he stuck an shf figure up his hole and then shf refused to pay his medical bills when he couldn't get all the parts out or something. Sad.
lol @ the seethe. All you do is prove that you are a shill and he is right. God you are retarded. You are visibly hurt by people not liking that god awful 2b ass and it being an shf. Thats is simply pathetic.
Stop giving it attention
SHF figures are generally more ambitious than Figmam but figma exceeds at anime girls which is this generals bread and butter.
Someone asked before for a pic of my WIP Asra Aoi Centaur Milk Mare Futa. I finally put in some of the work. I still need to blush and paint the horse dong but almost there.
Horrors beyond comprehention
What chest piece is that and where can I buy one off Aliexpress or somewhere?

Also asking again: are these saddles good with Elena?
No idea on those saddles. the bust is D-runipps type δ from 八衣門工匠 on booth https://yaekado-artisan.booth.pm/items/5674123
Phicen, probably?
Skill issue.
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Whew, just got my Choco Aileen from cooltoysclub.
Entire package reeks of the corner protectors though. That toxic new plastic smell.
Which didn't help much in protecting the back of the box.
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Not telling you to buy it. I only said decent.
Figuarts is the one line you shouldnt ever buy from due to shills. You can at least expect a quality and aesthetic standard from any other import line but figuarts is so insanely inconsistent and cheap looking. Even the Indy figure looks unpolished and cheap if you peel away its exterior; just like all figuarts.
You should only buy figuarts if You personally like a specific figure and nothing more. At least 50% of their output is pure fucking garbage and the rest feel cheaper and lazier than even the most barebones Figma.
aren't you the one with those shittily painted green grunts from that netflix slop? either way there's nothing that's ever good a out shf and you still bought a figufart so your a shill, fuck off
This is shf shill falseflag btw.
SHF-shill-schizo-anon, please go and stay go.
See it was falseflag. He'll be spamming non stop in all threads now
yep, that was me since i was curious about other folks trying to make their own centaurs. looks pretty sleek, do you have plans on adding those kotobukiya m.s.g. armor pieces for a bit of armor purge action or nah?

tf are you even talking about anon, you having an aneurysm?
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It's athena, he just found that people started to ignore his chungus posting in multiple threads and found he gets much more attention for his "UR A Shill" posting in multiple threads. Notice he still keeps his penchant for calling people retards and pathetic, also how he ignores any context from responses and just parrots the same thing over and over. Also notice he never posts any toys other than that same picture of 2b and aqua. Buckle up he's going to be carrying on for this bit for a few years until no one responds to him again and he finds something else to sperg about. I anxiously await what ever moronic thing he has to say in response to this.
Who are you trying to fool even? Checking a you is not proof of anything. You are of topic posting right after being called out for falseflagging. It couldn't be more obvious you are the schizo. Lurk moar or even better kys
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pretty rich coming from the king of samefagging

hi athena
Actual mental illness. I rest my case.
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can't help but notice you aren't denying you are athena

but prove me wrong post some OC, surely as a /ctg/ poster you have some figured to post right?
>do you have plans on adding those kotobukiya m.s.g. armor pieces for a bit of armor purge action or nah?
Thanks, and nah. Maybe if i scour up some armor some that are white instead of that standard gunmetal color. I don't really want to paint much more than a dong I can use other places since she is just a side project.
You can make shit up all you want. I'm not your boogeyman and I'm not posting toys for a schizo so he can stalk me like you did in your falseflag here >>11260172
I mean I even predicted this would happen lol. Anyway keep seething. At least you know which toys the schizo posts now I guess
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Ok athena sweetie, what every you say.
Yeah whatever schizo. Thanks for shitting up the thread as usual.
so says the person posting no toys
Hotness. I would.
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Veronica is so hot...
Does she stand up well? Her heels do look a bit spindly.
If I wasnt already biased cause these shounen characters have ugly or unappealing designs, figuarts then proceeds to make every SJ release as rushed and cheap looking as possible. Its telling almost every figuarts release clearances to 50% cause thats what it takes to get people to actually buy this slop.
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Time for another round of bunny comparisons. 3 sophias, 1 black crystal candy, 2 figmas; and 1 figma veronica

>Does she stand up well?
no actually she's the worst or at least as bad as the last Sophia. It took me forever to get get them all stood up to take these pics. Stand is definitely required.
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side view
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and the money shot
I love your terrarium harem, where did those boxes come from ?
Oh fug Jada Lucy is out already?
No that is a romankey female body with a custom lucy head
>I love your terrarium harem, where did those boxes come from ?
Amazon https://a.co/d/hSH3Des
Yeah, can't wait for the figma. Naturally skipped the shf like anybody with 2 eyes in their head.
I don't even have a dog in this race. It seems like SHF 2B is only "garbage" because it has inferior ass tech compared to the figma.
>It seems like SHF 2B is only "garbage" because it has inferior ass tech compared to the figma.
In a thread dedicated to coomer figures, that's a pretty important feature for SHF to get wrong. Might even call it crucial, seeing as she is a character with a lot of emphasis on the ass
don't feed the troll...
It's just trash in every way. Especially for a character like 2b. It's insultingly bad.
I don't disagree. I just think it's overblown to call it entirely garbage for that.
And the large head
Anon...I'm going to call you the s word
If thats the case than the bring arts is a 10/10 figure in comparison.
It is. Shfshills were shitting up the ba general out of cope too. Go check old threads.
>I just think it's overblown to call it entirely garbage for that
Of course it is. Hyper focusing on a single flaw and acting like everything's a Guts/Zoro level disaster is the shitposter's MO. I passed on it because I prefer the game version and I'm fine with my Bring Arts 2.0(BTFO of every other 2B accesory-wise), but most people that bought the SHF were happy with it. Even Anthony, who this guy loves posting when he shits on an SHF gave it a 8/10(he lowered the score to 7/10 because he overpaid) I'd agree the Figma looks better overall, though.
Where did you get that head for custom girl from Cyberpunk?
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>Here we go again
Yeah, I wish there could be a place to report the lack of moderation in this shithole. I don't care about a butthurt fag with a hateboner for a certain line, I'm here for plastic tits and asses, fuck.
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The Atomic Twins have shipped!
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It wouldnt matter. Get in a 30+ post argument with someone samefagging as multiple people for misgendering a toy: A-OK. Make a single post joke reply to someone else which includes an actual original picture of toys: get a 3-day ban. Its why I barely ever even post on here at all, too scared of pissing off the wrong people at this point.

Not to mention having to wait ten minutes for a fucking email verification email for some of the slowest threads out of any board I browse on this god forsaken website.
Can anyone point me to some good inexpensive 1/12 scale casino bits? Like the ones ive seen in all the Aileen photos? Waiting on choco Aileen to go with her vanilla sister and want them to have some nice furniture. Would especially love a pool table set for them. All the ones on amazon/ebay etc dont look like they would be the right size, seem too small in the pics.
any in hand pics or vids?
can't stand these fucking photoshopped creepy faces
I didn't know there was one with a jacket
You actually wrote all of that.
It's not photoshopped. It's a female mask. Look at the eyes
Bros would you date a girl w/this hairstyle
Welp. That's an additional nightmare added to my Chamber Of Many Nightmares (aka my brain)
Got any proof of that? Ive always wondered if it was just photoshop, but if its a mask, id love to see like a video of them putting it on and doing the makeup around it. Im genuinely curious now.
I have one. It's clearly a mask. Zoom in on the eyes and look at the cheeks. It's very obvious if you know what your looking for
Considering her tits and ass, the main deciding factor would be what side of the line on the Hot/Crazy Matrix she lands on. Just having a kooky haircut puts her in the safe zone. Much more than that would probably put her in the danger zone.
If the rest of the package looked like that, she could be fucking bald for all I care.
I got 2 of the romankey bootlegs off Ali since I PO’d them a long time ago and forgot about it
Outside of the shoulders and being full price they don’t seem that bad but then again I never had the originals
>I have one.
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It was up on Bilibili.
I didn't know that either, but it looks like they added the benefit later.
It's required for my job
Cute lil Aryan
Kek I was literally calling SHF low quality and mid and that schizo still seethed about me being a shill. He plays both sides.
this is bruceleespammer btw
the actual brandwarfag
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Beyond tired of you dumb motherfuckers dragging your brand warring into every goddamn thread on this board. Don't like SHF, don't buy it. Like SHF, buy it and discuss it in your own general unless it's genuinely warranted elsewhere. Just get the fuck out of here with this back and forth grade school nonsense already.

Damn, guess I better go back and finish that game. Might pick them up when the usual sites start getting them in stock.

>me vs the girl he tells me not to worry about
I knew that. Never giving that faggot (you)'s. He does that in every general.
Just looked up 2b figuarts to see what the buzz is all about...
bad day to have eyes
This. The shills are just shitting up the thread about boogeymen while everyone else is talking about toys. It's that obvious
Yeah looks like they are popping up in other stores too. I seen them on alieexpress and I grabbed one on Amazon of all places. Super happy since I thought I missed out on her
What is ur job
Is your job sexy bank robber, or sexy serial killer?
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Mistook the hairclips for eyebrows kek
It can also just be that particular style of makeup where they will draw a secondary lower eyelid lower on the face and fill the gap with paler or shiny product to give the illusion of bigger eyes.
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I bought her. Could've sworn she was cheaper on release.
No it's a mask. Your meant to put it on first, then dark eye liner along the under eye section of the mask. Then when you add eye shadow etc you dont see it and it just looks natural.
Asians however do this odd thing of making it more skin colored because they want the impression of bigger eyes but it doesnt work and just looks like a fucked up face/eye lift surgery.
The end result is what looks like baggy skin under the eye stretching and leaving the biggest crow feet imaginable
What is this?
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>The end result is what looks like baggy skin under the eye stretching and leaving the biggest crow feet imaginable
Now I know what always bothered me on those cosplays.

Megami device
Both things happen with these cosplayers, some use masks and some use tape to shape their face under wigs + the “advanced” gyaru eyeliner and THEN draw the puffy undereye on. Then they layer like 4 gorillion filters because they still don’t look like this. Both result in this creepy eyelids-pulled-down effect that I hope dies soon. Most just use makeup and filters as a good looking mask/suit is expensive, and the masks are used more by guys.

>t. used to date a cultivation cosplayer
Darn. Love the faces, but I have not been in a model kit mood recently.
That other guy is him samefagging too probably. I cheched that old thread he got banned it and it's the same image and they are the only ones replying to each other. He's just samefagging and just like he likes to accuse other people of playing both sides, is in fact playing both sides. 100 bucks he is actually athena too.
>have barely touched Alieen
>go to stand her
>heel comes clean off
>the inside of the heel is clean
I can glue it back but it just came off how fucking weird
thats why you open your shit right away to check for qc issues
Now I want a super lewd George Perez Starfire action figure (inb4 kotobukiya bishoujo)
They got those seals on the inner package.
As long as you don't break those and notice shit, you can apparently contact Snail Shell directly.
I dunno what a cultivation cosplayer means. I just know it's a mask because I dress up alot
North Dakota????
Frazetta Girls Vampirella is up for preorder.
Oh no, the knees will be terrible. Shame because it seems her ass is not bad.
Yeah, looks like you might get a max 90 degree bend out of them
I don't hold out much hope for this one which is sad because that is ass is a damn dump truck
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What in the holy hell is up with this knee design? Teela had great knees, why did they go backwards?
Oh god that's even worse
Are you a disfigured crime boss ?
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look pretty good
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I will buy your sexy animu Harley just for the sexy labcoat version.
Pics of twins in someone's hand.
Looks much better than I thought it would!
Anon from a thread about the sexy ice figures had this to say
>>11258238 #
Actually not a bad idea in this case, this is a new company and who knows if they will last long enough to do re-issues.
>>11258549 #
Who knows man, this is a brand new toymaker. I think the spec-ops dudes have the potential to be a big hit, moreso than the niche-interest bug waifu
S-sauce por favor?
sex, instant buy
>Never seen before Lucy custom figure
>Its the spammer!!!
You are unbelievably retarded anon.
I'm not a big model kit guy, but you're getting the parts to make both figures for $60? That's pretty good.

Looks nice. Decent amount of accessories, too. That teeth face is scratching my Mileena itch.
Is this one at least straight
you can make any figure straight when you have it on hand anon
Outfit is bland (hopefully cast off), she otherwise looks great for those two faces and I like the candles/skulls. Don't care for the cenobite skin flag thing though, it's cool but will drive up the price.
Oh sweet, Lustia's twin sister who went deep into tantric dark arts of being Buffalo Bill. Man, I'm considering preordering her now so I can have them duel over who's the better maneater.
(Hopefully she has more nipple detail than Lustia. She already has the advantage in accessories!)
Want this lab coat version but this is a damn model kit isn't it.

Look forward to getting my left twin. Don't care about the lore I ain't buying 2. I was disappointed by the game a lot. But I do like the design of these.

Looks like a 2p version of lustia with a Melena head

What's funnier is that not only am I not the spammer I'm literally OP. Probably should have told him that since if it is athena like I suspect he wouldn't have been able to not stop himself from calling me a pedo like he has in every thread and general for the past 6 months or so.
>slt is the brandwarring shitposter that spams all threads
who could have seen that coming (everyone)
No ones falling for this shit. Why would SLT bring all this cancer into his own general? You shf schizos and chungus pedos need to fuck off. Reminder to everyone that schizos like you don't own toys.
Stable for the milk mare.
Yep that's my post, and that's my Bruce Lee and certainly I'm the only one on then planet with a Bruce Lee figure. And if you take what that post says as some shf shilling then I suppose you should learn to read better. As far as berserk I don't even have one figure from that line, not really interested in it.
But sure I'm athena I went around calling myself a pedo all over the board and suggested some appalling things about myself and my children ... that makes a ton of sense doesn't it?
I'm also zat and crimson commander, and Scott and all the other boogeymen of the board.... all me.. I don't have a job or a family or responsibilities I just post on 4chan 24/7.
Doesn't matter what I say you're going to run around yelling this for while so have fun. Let's see if you can convince any one with 2 brain cells to run together of it. Good luck, here's another Bruce Lee pic to help you along. I won't be responding to this again since it's taken up to much of the discussion already.
Holy fuck, he really is the bruceleeschizo...
man this sucks I actually like this thread but fuck that retard. He still spams the same shit in the figma thread every fucking thread.
You didn't even try
this might be true it's all SLT
Figma, SHF, and Revo threads regularly hit 300 posts with little effort, and all the OPs all wait until page 8 or image limit for a new bake, same as SLT does here, so nobody gives a fuck where the threads are in the catalog, so he clearly isn't trying to keep his thread on the front page.
Your screenshot of your own shitpost attempting to brandwar from fucking June doesn't prove anything, and the fact that you dug that up so quick is telling.
Basically your schizo theory is dead in the water. But you've already been caught playing both sides, so whatever.
Haha this fucking conversation
>gets accused of falseflagging as shf shill
>instantly call someone athena to deflect
>gets accused rightfully accused of being bruceleeschizo
>denies it and tries to save himself by admitting being OP
>is ACTUALLY the burceleeschizo which means he's also brandwarring berserkschizo and probably athena too
>even drops his buzzwords
can't make this up
>captcha KYSDMV
thats when he (you) was FORCED to stop posting brucelees because janny banned him on sight. Thats ALSO probably why that thread got deleted once.
he still spams it too >>11243074 and surprise surprise whole figma thread shat up
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u guys r worse than women w/ all this drama
well I didn't expect ctg OP to be every single schizo on this board at once either but here we are
>thats when he (you) was FORCED to stop posting brucelees
Yes, every anon remembers the EXACT POST that a shitposter was forced to stop posting Bruce Lee's pics.
You are doing a good job of telling on yourself. Keep it up.
You know I have been doing this for years
I'm tired of it
I'm done
Some one else can do /ctg/ now ... or not ... I don't fucking care any more I am so sick of the board's bullshit
Anon...there are only 3 schizo on this board and SLT is all 3 of them. It's just one less persona of his. He's obviously the faggot because not only did the toys and filename match but also the time when the thread got deleted and all of that happened this year not even that long ago. He's constantly shitting up all generals to get people here. And you know what?
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nobody is falling for this asshole
This board is a bunch of ungrateful fucks.
suuuuure thing faggot I bet all threads will be shat up non stop over the next week because you are addicted to shitposting you mentally ill loser
You forgot the # in your shitty Photoshop.
sorry anon....thanks for shitting up all out generals :3 theehee
You cropped out all the hash symbols retard
>Figuarts thread has near zero posting activity for almost days
>Every other thread is shitted up with figuarts turbosperging
Really makes you think... The entire figuarts general is more bots and schizos than real posters at this point.
slt pls...
Im pepesha anon and you are brown.
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>op is a faggot
every fucking time
This. Need to expand my science team of S;G & 21.
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Still waiting for the revo too
slt you should fucking kill yourself
ayyy papi!
Aryan mommy
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going to do one better i am going to finally leave this troll infested shit hole
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no more having to get up in the middle of the night to make threads
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no more getting told to kill myself for my efforts
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no more worrying if i'll get to a thread before it hits image limit
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>get's exposed
>I-I'm leaving
sure thing schizo
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no more spending my hard earned money to do something nice and put on a contest so i can be called a liar and a cheater for my efforts
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no more being called the most vile shit and being told i rape my kids by edgelords
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here is the arcade cabinet link that i shared with every one when i was making arcade cabinets

inside is a folder called ctg, it has the template and the xcf for the banner for the op image if some one wants to make new threads for some reason... lord knows i wouldn't recommend it in this shit hole
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also has the 4 years of op images if some one wants them for posterity
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Nobody cares faggot
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no more having to care
good bye and good luck
I wonder what the janny is doing, fucking faggot who let schizos ruin the board. He only ban people who try to stand up against the schizo
Slt, maybe i didnt care for the discord but you were cool enough to invite me. So i hope you are good and see you around.
>pass user since 2001
Honestly shame on us for noticing it so late when all the clues were there. Fuck you slt.
ohoh slt... was the shitposter afteral??
slt do u have a gf
why are u slt? does it stand for slut?
do u have a youtube channeru?
i miss u
how the fuck you change the feets on the bunny girl/?
>Wake up to 60 new posts ITT
>"Please be a sexo new figure, please be a sexo new figure."
>A bunch of off topic e-drama
I hate it here.

If it's too tight to pull off the shoes, use heat. Either dip the attached feet in hot water or use a blow dryer.
These the WikeeToys ones? I didn't think they'd ever get released.
What a fucking faggot. Honest to god what an absolute schizo.
Fucks sake, this was one of the few good threads on this landfill of a board.
Yes. They will be on my hand soon.
Makes sense. Honestly I'm done with this general. Absolute disaster. Reading what an annoying faggot he is and realizing he's the one that shits up all the other boards with his non stop selfprojection makes me puke. IF someone makes a new one I'll just report it. Fuck off to /trash/. Enough is enough. Want to talk about snail shell on /toy/? Make chink shit general instead and no we don't need a 40yo neet with a trip for that.

yeah because OP shat up every other thread to make you feel that way
No. It's always been Athena the seamonkey.
It's been Chungusfurry's goal to fuck up this thread for a while. They should have rangebanned Singapore years ago.
all same guy and that guy is slt
Only a retard would believe you.
You are retarded or slt samefagging. It's all the same schizo to lure people into this general.
he even edited his post to not get caught samefagging
As OP for another general on this board, I can tell you that the more people that post in a general, the sooner you have to bake a new bread, and nobody would lure people to their thread just to give themselves more work.
Your retarded theory is so retarded that only a retard could come up with, and only a retard would believe it.
Thats the poorest excuse. He got exposed and sperged like a faggot for everyone seeing he's the brandwarring faggot alll along.
>Your retarded theory is so retarded that only a retard could come up with, and only a retard would believe it.
you sound retarded retard
Wheres this gorgeous red skinned honey from? She a custom?
This is why on 4chan everyone can make a thread and we don't need a dedicated shitposting schizo for that. You are trying too hard slt
Hey I want you to understand. Nobody believes you. You are genuinely delusional.
Nobody needs to belief me. They just need to see at his shitposting. SLT was the schizo all along and thats why he pretended to fuck off and is now samefagging here
Source on the character?
He sperged out and ragequit because he is sick of your shit.
Revo general is sick of your shit.
Figma general is sick of your shit.
SHF general is sick of your shit.
Everyone on this board is sick of your shit.
Keep samefagging. It isn't half obvious that your posts are ESL bullshit. The constant typos and poor grammar always gives you away.
>belief me
And there we go. The same sort of ESL shit the brandwarsfaggot always fucked up. Try being less of an obvious seanigger.
Please don’t go, this was really one of the only good generals on here and most of that is thanks to you. This is all perpetrated by one angry schizo who’s had it out for this general for a while now and is samefagging all this hate for you. I hope you know your efforts are appreciated by everyone here. If this really is the end though, I wish you the best of luck. Truly.
He also tried in toku general and robot damashi general.
Im impressed by his autism.
>slt still samefagging this hard
so much for he's gone

I bet he just couldn't hold it anymore. He HAD to start brucelee spamming like the faggot he is. No wonder every thread was shat up again. Subhuman.

It was so obvious he was athena. Schizo in every sense of the word
This wouldn't happen if he weren't protected by the faggot janny and mod. You can't even report him without getting banned
You were one of the ones jumping MY shit over misgendering a fucking toy. Constantly using bullshit culture war terms like "esl", like any of that matters in a thread about sexy plastic, replaceable rubber tits and ass-plates on dollys. Jesus some of you people are fucking broken. Not just the one fucking with multiple threads supposedly, but the ones who fucking respond to it as well. Like I said earlier, people like you make me just lurk instead of ever wanting to actually contribute or even try to help others. The few times I have, I get jumped by some of you turbo autists.
Hope slt hangs himself. Unironically.
Hope slt prospers. Unironically
yeah nobody believes that but at least we now know who's shitting up the generals
what the fuck is going on?
turns out slt (the OP) is 3 schizo at once and the one ruining threads across the board
Just the brandwarsschizo that’s been shitting up the board for the past year at this point trying to frame the OP of this general for everything he’s done. Just disregard it, it’s advanced autism.
pretty much now he's samefagging like crazy
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SLT is an irredeemable faggot for what he's done
It's true. I stopped engaging with him because nothing he does is in good faith and instead began talking around him while reporting his obviously off topic and troll posts for what they were and rather than janny doing his job and cleaning the piles of samefag shitposting, he gave me a warning. Someone on the mod team is complicit in helping this SEAmonkey creatura turn the board to shit.
>You were one of the ones jumping MY shit over misgendering a fucking toy.
Sorry, that wasn't me. I gave my opinion on Bridget, which was slightly outdated because I hadn't played GG since the PS2 era, and otherwise I only commented about how he was the archetype for the trap meme on /b/ back before /toy/ even existed. I did see that shitshow of an exchange that kept going after I commented and stayed out of it.
I see the same shit happen all the time with Yamato from One Piece, and I just roll my eyes.
And the only anon I call an ESL other than the seamonkey Chungusfurry is Subby. I'll let you figure out what they both have in common apart from their shit covered skin.
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You are not fooling anybody here with your shit anymore slt. No amount of your samefagging will undo this.
Not taking any sides in this. The brandwarfag often points the finger at others. There's half a dozen boogeyman names that have been assigned because he samefag manipulates the narrative to make people think the culpable party is anyone but him. Since he sucks at larping, however, he uses the same insults, pictures and ESLisms in the posts where he blames someone else as he does when he's brandwarring
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Does this faggot really thin anybody cares about his poor excuses after shitting up all generals for over a year? SLT is athena. SLT is berserkschizo and slt is the bruceleespammer. He posted them himself. Nobody here made up anything. Everything has been documented over months and is still in the archive. Only thing we didn't know is who the schizo was. SLT fucked up and admitted it himself.

You don't need to samefag anymore retard. It's over.
Yeah, I was even banned for a whole month for posting something that was illegal in the US. I still don't know what the fuck it was because they never told me or bother to answer, this site is fucking shit but I don't know if discord would better. I just want to talk about toys, share pics, experiences and tips
Bro you might wanna change up your typing style and reaction images if you wanna fool anyone but yourself.
Or don't. It's kinda funny.
You might wanna take your meds slt
You forgot to add your usual "kys" and smug/derisive anime girl reaction image

Prove to me this isn't same fagging.
slt your samefagging got already proven
It absolutely is. The same spergy terminally on-edge writing style, constantly sucking his own dick and clear eslhood.
>if I constantly use reaction images of Anya, Yotsuba, and Suzumiya, I'm sure nobody will ever realise that the brandwarschizo constantly used reaction images of Anya, Yotsuba, and Suzumiya. And then I can blame it all on slt.
It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
>got already proven
Holy shit you really are a esl SEA nigger
Didn't this faggot say he fucked off already? Why is he still samefagging and seething?
He seems like a flip or something. Profoundly mentally ill.
just nuke the thread already, i better see actual content next time
Singaporean. He acts like a faggot here because he will get caned by the police if he does it in public.
slt being athena/chungus doesn't even make sense. Why would you purposefully derail your own threads?
I honestly don't know who is behind the constant schizoing of multiple threads but regardless of who it is: you're a tranny. Only trannies are this manipulative and disingenuous.
SLT just fuck off already nobody cares and nobody believes this shit anymore. Most threads were pretty silent while you were busy fucking yourself over.
I was willing to believe it with how slt responded, but the actual brandwarfag's obvious posts trying desperately to scapegoat slt make me doubt it.
slt is trying so hard
Exactly. If brandwarfag had just shut up after slt seemingly left I might have been half convinced.
Nah it's a makeup style in asia to fool the eye into giving you bigger more animu eyes. There are people who wear rubber featureless masks and then use deepfake overlays though.

Source: recently saw it a ton on those girls giving flyers for maid cafes walking around in tokyo and osaka.

The biggest turnoff for me is how the suit looks so amateurishly pasted on a buck.
Both the paint looks off and it doesn't at all give the illusion of actually being fabric. Wich is strange as that was very well done on teegra her bikini.
This is subjective but the darker red is also not my bag, where the very subtle lavender bikini on teegra looks great.

Teegra had issues, but i still like her and was hopeful for improvements of more figures in the future. This seems like a step forward and two backwards sadly.
Still keeping an eye out of their stuff though.
SLT even tried blaming denjiposter one last time before pretending to leave in the other thread lol. What a clown.
>slts discord goons already sucking him off
man you guys are shameless. Why not just stay on discord?
Slt's behavior was suspicious and self-indicting, so I think most of us were convinced. Until the real brandwarschizo came out of the woodwork to go overboard in jumping on the opportunity to throw slt under the bus so he could use slt as a smokescreen. The Anya pic and aggressively ESL typing makes it clear as day.
Still not sure what crawled up slt's ass, though.
Bridget is an imaginary character. She/he/it/what the fuck ever can be whatever anyone wants her to be. You samefagged as multiple people and jumped my shit for like 30+ fucking replies because you had to defend the honor of an imaginary character.

Like I said, you people are broken. And now because of all of your broken troll baiting and troll responding, these threads are probably going to be fully dead.
He's legit schizo. He won't stop until he's on meds and locked up.
When is this being released?
She looks a lot like Lustia so obviously I want her. My only complaint is she has no Demon Horns....yet that Demon mouth is great
This all just tells me one thing: kids don't get smacked enough growing up.
>thread is in full meltdown
>turns out slt is a schizo
>pretends to go away forever
>instead is samefagging non stop
this could have been a good day for everyone if he only kept his word
I wouldnt even bother asking any legit questions right now, the trolls and troll responders are having a hissy fit. I asked a question about 1/12 scale casino furniture last night and got nothing, just let the thread die and maybe someone else will start a new one.
Yeah, it's exhausting but this general is dead anyway. What a massive faggot he is. As fucking if he ever stops shitting up threads.
Im not going to change my language or my views for a bunch of fucking wokies, whether theyre left OR right leaning. Fuck off with the culture war bullshit.

I just want to see/talk about sexy toys, I dont give a fuck about how theyre represented.
>wake up in the morning
>see thread has a fuckton of new posts
>get excited because maybe new fig p/o listed, anons posting their favorites or a prototype revealed
>instead see this incessant shit war
It's because the mods won't do shit about the brandwar schizo and would rather ban whoever tells him to fuck off or reports him.
I just wanted some new casino furniture and a pool table for my bunny girls. Like I said in my earlier post, none of the pics of the stuff on ebay or amazon looks like it would be the right scale, and I dont want to drop a bunch of cash on it only to find out its actually 1/18 or some other bullshit scale....
I'm the anon working on a 1/12 casino atm (and other projects) for my bunny girls. What's your question
Just wanted links to any cool casino furniture that FOR SURE works with like FAGs, MDs, Snail Shell figs, etc. Like a roulette table, blackjack tables, especially want a pool table with the sticks and balls for them.
I found this a while ago. It looks to be pretty huge and expensive.

I never seen anybody post that bruce lee figure that wasn't a complete schizo.
I've found various pool tables from ebay are actually 1/12.
Finding a roulette table is impossible. I was looking for one and couldnt find one anywhere. All I found was 1 seller selling the wheel but no table.

If you want 1/12 slot machines there hard to find as well.

Currently all I have is a backdrop, alcohol bottles, chairs and bar bench
He said and I quote:"I'll leave but the trolling will continue". Which is true to his word since he left the other thread and instantly started samefagging here.
Damn, sad to hear the schizos get on your nerves. Will you post somewhere else? I would like to follow you (on X or whatever).
Hopefully this shit thread get burried forever. Anon is right. He was shitposting so people would come here instead. Just look at all the the "this was the only good thread" posts. It couldn't be more apparent. It's sad really but at least the generals will get normal traffic again and this retard won't shit them up anymore without getting instantly called out.

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