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Well it’s the holiday season, and while I haven’t bought any of the naughty or nice collection, Robo put out a video today showing off the newest wave of stuff (https://youtu.be/TNnbQbEVV40?feature=shared) and some of it is damn impressive, I think they go a little overboard with the reuse, but a few of their Santa’s, some elves, and some reindeer and you’ve got a hell of a Christmas display. They’re doing a new kickstarter type funding thing featuring a few new Santa’s, but more interesting, some kids, and a full Santa sleigh. So you could have the sleigh and all 8 reindeer.

Do any anons here own some of their past Santa’s and other offerings and can speak to their quality? Are you interested in any of this new stuff?
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Here’s the sleigh, it would be $385 for all 8 reindeer and the head accessory pack and then $70 on top of that for the sleigh. So you’re looking at almost a $500 display… but damn would it be cool.
>Do any anons here own some of their past Santa’s and other offerings and can speak to their quality?
I own the first Santa release, I think it's a pretty solid figure and representation of Coca Cola Santa, I only take it out around December though.
>Are you interested in any of this new stuff?
I'll probably get the sleigh,
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I have the first release Santa with "dirty beard" (which I think looks more natural) and I got the accessory set that came out. I'll probably get the Mall Santa here soon. I think it's a great figure, articulated well and can fit with your Marvel Legends (if you've touched a ML you know how this figure functions with swapping parts and articulation). For a company I'd never heard of before all this, they did a damn fine job.
Damn lookit that sexy Santa Centaur.
Those fucking kids are the scariest things in the line
You rape children ChungusPedo, you are the mentally ill one
You rape kids and are buck broken, SEAmonkey pedophile rat ChungusPedo, now hang yourself
You rape kids ChungusPedo, now burn
What was that? I couldn’t hear you over your pedo ramblings ChungusPedo
You rape kids ChungusPedo, you lost.
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>average /toy/soldier
Lol. Yeah, I couldn't help thinking those were some laughably ugly kids when I saw them. And that's without even using the crying faces. May pick up that "checking it twice" Santa, though.
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I may get a kid to use with these guys.
Yeah they're pretty good but one thing that sucks is that the sack you get in the accessory set is a silky material, meanwhile the one shown in the promotional images looks like a clothy material, same deal with the cloak from the same set.
Also it's a shame the reindeer aren't out until January next year and the sleigh won't be out until 2026.
Oh, you weren't kidding
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Isn't it too wasteful for everyone involved to include four heads with each kid?
They did the same with the elves and I don't see how that's financially advantageous for this kind of characters where you're probably buying several if you actually want to use the heads.
Yeah, a head pack with repaints could have been a better idea. They did something like that with the reindeer, but it might just be about budgeting per figure and package fullness. Maybe pack them like the plunderlings with a more articulated kid body and a 3-5 poa sitting toddler body so you have more options for using the heads?

Another set of facial features or hairstyle options would have been nice, so you don't have three mystery meat variations with at least one face repeat if you buy one of each figure. The asian and afro heads look better to me, but that could just be interracial face blindness issues. The lack of a redhead pains me.
>Isn't it too wasteful for everyone involved to include four heads with each kid?
It's almost like these were optional parts or something

>The lack of a redhead pains me.
just buy the black one ;^)
>chungus post
Pedo alert
I'm still bitter about being stuck with yellow beard standard Santa. Now it gets a gray beard. I hate this company
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They released an accessory pack for those that had the OG Santa and wanted the more white/gray beard. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than having to buy the figure again. Preorders are sold out, but will probably come back in stock once it comes out.
>It's almost like these were optional parts or something
Yeah, but I think that most people who might want to buy the option to have a boy or a girl would rather buy a boy and a girl and have each figure be cheaper.
Your pic seems more logical since it's unlikely you'd want to buy more than one Father Frost and it gives you the option to have it normal face or blue face.
I have a white heard santa (friend got it for me) and comparing it next to the yellow beard one, I think the yellow beard looks better, or at least more natural, but I understand the frustration since they never gave us updated pictures leading up to the release.
Hell, as another anon mentioned, they're still using the same picture of the sack (seen here >>11258024
) despite the actual sacks being a completely different material and looking different (seen here >>11254727).
>Individually sculpted teeth on human characters
>Face renders all look like they have 5'o'clock shadows
>laugh lines all over the face of an elementary schooler, making them look like middle-aged midgets

Oof, big pass on the kids. I'm still looking forward to me PO of the zombie deer (gonna use it as a not-deer for the /x/ part of my collection).
Wish we had gotten fully articulated elves rather than kids
I'd like the Santa if he could get his hand to his face. I don't need Spider-Man articulation but at least let me have him eating cookies or putting a finger to his nose.
Double joints tend to cost more for manufacturing, and for a company like this that's putting these out with -heavy- reuse intended, it makes sense to keep the parts limited.
Santa don't fuck around.

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