>Figura Obscura Ghost of Christmas Past shipping now, with two previous Christmas FO figs also available (Father Christmas and Jacob Marley)>Mythic Legions Reign of the Beasts wave (which includes two snakes) available for preorder at Store Horsemen until December 29>Ninian Infantry snake dude will be available in the new year with other less important non-snake non-exclusive versions of Legionscon exclusives>Legionscon Armory Experience figures will go up early in the new year>Retailer Appreciation Wave in stock at the usual places>Necronominus Wave is on the slow boat from China now. Should hit in the new year>Giant fuckoff Dragon preorder will go up in the new year>Lots of other stuff announced at Legionscon like 2.0 versions of Eathyron and Xylona, and Legacies of Mythos subline with updated versions of older characters>Where's the rest of the stuff I preordered? https://sourcehorsemen.com/about/release-statusOther lines:>Yoto Toy Snake Skeletons and Ghost Rabbit Skeleton Mimic up for preorder>TB League 1/12 Medusa in various colors and levels of snakeyness up for preorder>Snail Shell RPG-01 Succubus Lustia hitting most places. Heaps more of the RPG line shown at Wonderfest>SHF Lord of the Rings Aragorn, Frodo and Legolas up for preorder>SHF Berserk is moving to Golden Age with Guts and Casca prototypes shown offFeel free to post other fantasy lines I haven't mentioned.Previous thread: >>11226344
>>11255569I really wish they would’ve implemented a light up feature for her crown… the flames are a big part of that ghost, but they don’t stand out that much.
>>11255599Same, that or some kind of flaming head, as it is the figure just feels uninteresting which is a shame because I think they knocked Marley out of the park.
>>11255688>or some kind of flaming headThat's what surprised me, unless that turns out to be the hidden accessory (do we know what her's is yet?) it seems like such a surprising choice to pass on. That said I still bought her for the new 2.0 part changes and how easy it be to make her part of an undead crew with a few outfit changes.
>>11255739>do we know what her's is yet?I've only watched Dorklair's review and he didn't mention it because he always plays into the whole "no spoilers" rule 4H have for the surprise accessories. The embargo in the Cabal lifts Christmas eve, but hopefully an anon or a reviewer reveals it before then.
>>11255569I purchased her day one in the first drop and she still hasn’t shipped yet, kinda disappointing desu because I was hoping to get her sooner rather than later in time for Christmas.
>>11255569With how fucking weird this ghost looked in the book I was hoping she would be a bit more out there than a generic lady with four arms.As is she is way too boring to justify getting. Maybe if they do an Ogre scale Ghost of Christmas Present next year I'll go back and get her to complete the set.
>>11255739>>11255771I doubt it’s the hidden accessory, the past few ones have been random things not really to do with the figures but more customizing stuff for mythic legions. If anything, the eventual repaint edition may go with a flame paint job. Not sure how that would work without additional pieces coming off of her though.
>>11256001Yeah, adding two arms was not enough to represent how it “shifts” or whatever in the book. If they really wanted to hone in on that, I would’ve included more legs and possibly even more arms. Maybe a way to have two heads on it at one time too.
>>11255739>>11255771>>11256006Whatever it is I think it will be head related and it's under the larger spiel here. They hid Jacob Marley's Iron mask in a safe. Perhaps it's a clear fire accessory that covers over the head.
>>11256016I don’t think the extra accessories are in that, when dorklair was looking at the lamppost, there was a black bag in the background. He doesn’t say anything about it, but I’m assuming the extra goodies are in that. Hoping and praying it is something fire related.
>>11256001I'm just using the retailer version of Santa as Present and plan to have Maxillius fill in for Yet To Come during December, which is why I was hoping Christmas Past would be more interesting.
>>11256379Yeah, any grim reaper type works as future so that was my plan as well. Present only works for me as a giant though.
People have begun receiving their ghost of Christmas past... need to know what the bonus is, as the Facebook fags have vowed not to share until Christmas.
>>11256848It's very unlikely whatever the bonus is will entice your purchase. That said don't expect anyone outside of the core club to get their hands on her this weekend. They said in the last email they have just started processing the orders from the very first public sale meaning at the earliest is next week after sales are closed. Same way Jacob worked last year.
>>11256848The bonuses are rarely that interesting. If you want the figure, get it. If you don't, then wait it out.
>>11256949I think the Iron mask was interesting but it wasn't like that would have made someone buy the figure vs not. I feel the it'll be the same here where the candle head (or whatever it is) will be neat, but wouldn't have been what makes a person squeeze $60 out for it.
>>11256873>>11256949This figure is interesting enough for parts but I still don't need the bloat.If the bonus is on par with the iron mask that would change everything.If it's just another knight helm then I'd pass.
Well I just got shipping notification and It's a Wednesday delivery. Likely won't share the surprise since it was already stated this Sunday was the last day to order her and they won't be offering her till next year so it's not like knowing is going to do anything.
>>11257336>Likely won't share the surprisePost it anyway. We aren't bound by the rules of the Facebook group, and those fucks can't post it til Christmas eve.
>>11257336I ordered her too the first drop and haven’t gotten shipping yet, ugh. But I’d like to see the surprise when you get it.
>>11257662>>11257666Not that guy, but I got mine today. They actually hinted pretty strongly what the secret piece was without outright saying it. Another hair piece and the most obvious head for a female ghost/banshee theme. Alternate hair is black, and the teeth are well done. My phone camera is crap for toy photography, so wait for someone with an actual setup to post it.
>>11257821>Alternate hair is black, and the teeth are well doneI’d take even a shitty pic if you’re willing, but damn I was really hoping for some sort of flame head.
>>11257821>Another hair piece and the most obvious head for a female ghost/banshee theme. Alternate hair is black, and the teeth are well doneFuck yeah! Sorry for everyone that was rooting for the flame/candle head but this is perfect timing for me and making my undead space crew. Can't really afford to shop for myself during the holidays so the Christmas drops were the only thing I could talk myself into getting this month. A Banshee communications officer will be a perfect fit.
>>11258079That's a cool idea, anon, I was planning to do a similar thing with that skeleton head pack, making a skeleton crew
failing to get this to upload rightThird time is the charm Here's the surprise item thanks to ebay sellers https://www.ebay.com/itm/335589396242?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=a6df6Z7fTdO&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=afFaco9KTS-&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
>>11258319Getting more Brides of Dracula vibes from that than banshee
>>11258319oh that’s honestly kinda lame
>>11258319For those that don't want to go to the ebay link. Not a figure seller for me, but still cool addition none the less. But now it makes me wish that they didn't waste one of the faces on the "decayed" look, as it's really not that much different from the half decaying look. I feel they could've gone with a completely different face or something and used the secret one for that more off putting effect. Either way, I'm sure we'll see this face used again at some point.
>>11258547>Either way, I'm sure we'll see this face used again at some point.yeah, that'll definitely get used for a banshee in mythic legions somewhere down the line.Maybe Hagnon can get a gf.
>>11258547So is this hair usable with the other faces as well?
>>11259292yup it's completely removable like her other hairs. It's a black version of the white she comes with. Very happy with that outcome.
>>11259315Looks like my ex. Amirite guys?
>>11259315That's hot.
I ordered her. She's not that interesting, but I would like to have all the ghosts in the end, so, here we go.
>>11258079This is as good as the undead space crew is going to look, at least for the next month or so. It's just obscura pieces mixed together but it's the best I'm getting until after the holidays. >>11258190I'd love to see your Necro company when it happens. Skeletons in space suits are somehow both cool and funny at the same time.
>>11259831Nice use of the Headless Horseman stub.
>>11257821How do the arms move?
>>11259916Thanks, it's a spare I got from a friend that has been crudely modified and painted to be able to fit 2.0 bodies. I need to sit down and do more work to it. Doesn't look quite right without a big collar around it.
>>11260002the back arms? Pretty well with the piece it's given, they have full range and it's not to tight on the joints to stuff or damage them.
when will they put for preorder the new various colored knight figures? by january?
>>11261735Most likely, probably waiting for the end of the current Pre-order wave. After this the Dragon Pre-order starts up, and they'll probably drop the in-stock Knights and other Con figures while that's going or shortly after. I can definitely see them going up along side the new Snakeman and the two Con sets. I kinda hope they do a build a figure thing next year, as if finances are better I might try to go. It is nice to see them going to more shows though, them going back to SDCC is cool and them actually going to Wonderfest is pretty crazy. I do hope they have more of a presence at NYCC though, this year it was just one of em at someone else's booth. Which is cool and all, but not the same as actually getting to see their stuff in a decent display. In entirely unrelated news, I finally managed to open my Egyptian Gods. Other then Bastet having a tendency to bifurcate herself if I hold her the wrong way, they're both super nice. Not sure how I'll fit all of their accessories into a display, but the two main figures work perfectly for a cheap Egyptian-ish chair I stole from some cheap Mcfarlane DC figure. Still kicking myself for missing out on the Creature though, especially after seeing how nice these two turned out.
>>11261735And just for the hell of it, a reminder of which knights they'll actually be offering. I'm honestly disappointed they didn't offer one of the green Knights with the leather armor, as that set up looked way better then the full plate green Knights. The green armored ones just don't match anything else released in Legions so far and it makes them kind of awkward. But all the others are fairly solid choices.
>>11261840>I'm honestly disappointed they didn't offer one of the green Knights with the leather armorIt's especially annoying since we are getting two gunmetal knights with leather armor. I would have preferred to get the other plate torso in gunmetal.
>>11261840I hope they do an Armory experience with female knights too
>>11261840I want the purple and green variants
I’m getting kinda pissed, I ordered the ghost of Christmas past, Father Christmas, and Jacob Marley all in the first drop of past and they still haven’t shipped my order…
>>11262489I'm not sure how they sort things and what not but to give my experience I got my order in four minutes as soon as they opened orders for her on November 30th and it took shy of two weeks to get ship. I'm not sure how they do things over there in terms of packing and shipping.
In all honesty, I don't even remember what convinced me to grab these two, but I guess I'm glad I did. They didn't really wow me as much as The Creature, but they are good figures with really fun accessories. I hadn't realized it from the pics, but each jar is it's own unique two piece mold as each one has different hieroglyphics carved into em. They could've easily just used the same jar with different toppers, or just printed the writing on there. But they went and actually made four differently molded jars and I appreciate the extra effort. >>11261873I also just noticed none of em have the cloth limbs. Those new Knight limbs are great and all, but I was hoping to make a rogue or two out of some of the leathered up guys. I plan on using em for part fodder anyway, so it would've been nice to have some extra cloth bits to add to the mix. >>11262450I wouldn't expect anything with the female knights any time soon. The 4H seem to actively avoid using 2.0 builds for some reason unless they can hide it under robes. I looked back and I realize we haven't had a single 2.0 based Mythic Legion Builder since the actual AoD kickstarter wave. Only Cosmic had a new one outside of that and they re-released the Gob Legion Builder once. Even the Gob Builder 2 had 1.0 body parts. >>11262486The Purple one on the far right is a nice throwback to one of the original prototypes they showed off when they announced the line. But I feel the purple one in the middle should've had the evil helmet. Though honestly, I feel all of these guys should have at least one extra head. >>11262489Didn't they say it could take up to four weeks for people to actually get figures? I wouldn't panic just yet.
>>11262917>The 4H seem to actively avoid using 2.0 buildsUnless it's full coomer bait they don't sell that well and even the coomer bait ones don't move that much better.
>>11255569i got my Jacob Marley today
>>11263252How bright does he glow in the dark?
>>11263252Nice I really dig that ghost blue. is the Iron mask any different in color?
>>11263262He doesn't they removed that
>>11263274Sorry forgot pic
>>11263252He's Winter Fresh!
>>11262917>Didn't they say it could take up to four weeks for people to actually get figures?Yes, some think they are trying to fuck with scalpers and shit
>>11263609I just wanted to be able to display them this Christmas, but it seems like that won’t be happening
>>11263610unless you live out of the US I wager it won't be much longer until she is in your hands. Then again, there is also weather issues that could slow things down.
>>11263252Take some picks out of box when you can, I'm very curious how he looks in more causal light with the chains on. Also >>11263266 what said about the iron mask.
>>11263643here ya go
>>112624894h takes forever.This has always been normal for them.
>>11263786Ghost Daddy Destro
>>11263786fantastic thanks, I keep waffling if I want to double dip and have both versions, that baby blue with the green skin is fantastic. >>11263912Honestly using that figure would make a great set piece of Destro getting haunted by his ancestor
>>11263976>I found your GIMP mask Scroooooge!
>>11263786I can't tell if this would've been better with the glow feature or not.
I am just struggling on what I want my skin to suit ratio with these two undead astronauts. No pants? some pants? I'm limited on their sleeves where neither Christmas Past or Creature's arms have forearm swivels and it appears their colors are too distinct to steal from other sets (assuming I could even find them), so it doesn't look quite right unless it's a full stripped arm. >>11263976>>11264070Considering in the Carol everything attached to him was physical manifestation of his regrets and the burden of his choices, you could imply from the mask being there is that he regret buying it but could never let it go, making it even funnier. >>11264230It would have been great and it's a tragedy the error happen but I think only GitD enthusiasts will be really grieving the loss.
Well my order finally shipped, estimated arrival for Wednesday. Glad I’ll at least have a week to display them.
>>11264312glad to hear anon, imo you could keep her out longer into January
>>11264241Also: What Sci-fi/Spaceship diorama 1/12 scale stuff would you all suggest to get for this crew? Or even ideas to display around them?
>>11264455One trick I saw was to take an old PC Case and turn the inside into a sci-fi apartment or ship interior or something. You could add platforms so you have different heights to display figures, the walls themselves will already have an industrial feel and you could just run some lighting or add some pipes and computer equipment around to give it a more techy feel. Otherwise, any decently scaled backdrop will be stupid expensive unless you start scratch building one.
>>11255569>>11256016Mythic legions does soft goods? Also is this figure nakeable?
>>11264623Been doin soft goods for a while now, pretty decent ones at that. And yes she's pretty naked under the robes, but she has a white bra and white undies. The undies can come off technically, but then you're left with a basic bare bones crotch joint that does not look good on it's own.
>>11264623Have for a while, but they've gotten especially good in recent years.
>>11264623They started to up their game with the Illythia wave, but they have gotten even better since then
>>11255569NiceThe accessories are spot on. The crown, the laurel, the belt and the stopper.I'm not sure about the body. But, To be fair it's the hardest of the spirits to depict as a static 3d object. In the book it's constantly changing age and size and shape and number of limbs and eyes and mouth, etc.I'm really looking forward to their renditions of the final two spirits.
Christmas past's pantsu seem to fit well with other 2.0 bodies. Even the smaller ones. for how flush it fits you could paint it to match a mid torso part and make a leotard look. Or just make it match parts to give someone combat panties.
>>11265249When I first saw the panties, they looked more like they had a male bulge, but your photo looks more like granny panties with a reasonable pubic mound. I regret not buying her now.
>>11265249>>11265392I kinda regret not getting her for that one piece as well lol. I'm sure they'll use it on other figures, but I really doubt it'll be white. I guess there's always next year.
>>11265392>>11265515People seem to really want that hip/crouch piece of her and explains why most parts sellers are not spiting up the body into different sales like they usually do with other figures and just making you buy the whole thing.
I got my Christmas Past in. She looks really great in hand, and more interesting than the pics let on.
>>11266407That seems to be a common occurrence with 4H figures. More often then not they just look and feel better in hand then in any pictures.
Zolocon 2025 expo Legions figure for March.
>>11268637Is this based off a he man figure?
>>11268693It's either inspired by picrel which is a Zoloworld OC, or it is based on an older Realm of the Underworld figure. It's in that Galaxy Warriors area of "He-man knockoff" lines that were big in the 80s and have been making a comeback in recent years with companies like Formo.
Dragon will be a crowdfund, but on Store Horsemen like the doomed Powerlords crowdfund. Still no final price.
>>11268721This will definitely fund though.
>>11268637that's definitely getting repainted with purple clothes for Scareglow, right? Even has the halberd already.
>>11268723For sure. It's already gotten more publicity than the Powerlords crowdfund.>>11268749I hadn't even thought of Scareglow when it first got posted, and then I read your comment as I was fucking around with my Origins Scareglow. I would kill for them to do that. Preferably with glowy plastic with black paint, so that way the factory can't forget to add the glowy paint this time.
>>11268721Dragons are sexy. Instafund
>>11268721On the one hand, I am glad it's being moved back to march, on the other I don't like that it's a "crowd funded" campaign now. Guess they absolutely need to hit that minimum window afterall. Also, not happy about the idea of there being stretch goal figures involved, unless we can order them specifically without needing to get the dragon. And it would be *really* nice to actually know the price of this thing already. >>11268749It pretty much already is Scareglow, just steal the cloak from the goth chick in the Poxxus wave.
>>11268721>>11268723>>11268762Still really smart to push it back. I wasn't committing to the furry wave because this thing was next month, having two extra months gives my wallet more breathing room
Finally got around to opening Poxxus, with the last Horseman only a few weeks away I felt I needed to get the others all set up. I will say the difference in build and quality from Arethyr to Poxxus is crazy, all the new and unique parts make Poxxus far more interesting and impressive. I do wish he had leather boots instead of the plate feet, but that's something I can fix myself once I get the right pieces. Also, I much prefer Illythia in full armor, and her parts match the old Vampire Legion builder almost perfectly while third part soft goods give her some needed color. I can't wait to Necronominus in hand. He easily looks like the best of the bunch.
>>11268721This kinda sucks. I was going to wait for the Red Dragon, but Red Dragon might never happens if it is strictly crowdfund. Now FOMO really kicks in if I skip the green Dragon, we never had offering as crazy as this in my 15 years collecting figures. What do?
>>11272492I would wait for the Red Dragon you want, though it might not be this dragon but in red. I doubt this Crowdfunding will fail, but even if it did your additional order wouldn't miraculously save it either. Save your money...and space...for the one you really want. Chances are the next dragon they release will be an improvement anyway. After handling all three of the Horsemen, there's a clear progression in quality and details the longer the line goes on. I'm sure the same will happen with these dragons as they drop em.
>>11272492I was planning to do the exact same as you because I want a Smaug-like dragon more than Pete's Dragon, and I'm not going to have room for several dragons.Hold the line. Let the whales fund this one, and wait for the one you want. I have no doubt this will fund anyway.
So is Cosmic Legions Slugg parts compatible with Trolls? Or does anyone have shot of the two together? I like to make a troll with space pants
>>11272525>>11272807I'm not worried about the Green Dragon would fail. I'm worried that the 2nd campaign about the Red Dragon will fail because people have already spent their money on the Green Dragon, and don't have the shelf space for additional dragon, especially considering that the Red Dragon will have some parts reused.If the Red Dragon campaign fails, then I'm stuck with insane scalp price on Green Dragon
>>11273271I'm confident red will fund, especially if the build is different enough. Black will probably fund too. Anything after that might be pushing it.
>>11273271>>11273320Presumably, the first campaign is just to make the tooling right? After the tooling - which is the most expensive part of the production is done, presumably a repaint/small retool will cost less. Hopefully Red, Black, and other dragons will be regular offering instead of campaigns
>>11273487You're assuming all the other dragons will just be minor retools like the Trolls. I can see the 4H just going balls crazy and making each dragon an entirely new mold. I mean, we already know one of the dragons is asian inspired, and that would take way more then a retool to make.
>>11273521I'm guessing that the dragons will share some parts. Like if the red one is a wyvern, they could probably get away with reusing the wings and rear legs from the first dragon. Even the Chinese dragon could get away with reusing the legs and tail. They won't be just plain head swaps like the trolls, but I can see them being smart about part reuse.
>>11273243Definitely not. Slogg is a thicc boy, but he's nowhere near Troll size.
Welp, finally got my order in for the current wave. Decided to not get the snake lady and just go with the snake guard dude, the Gnoll and the Ifrit guy. My nephew has also gotten into this line, so I grabbed some figs for him too. Hopefully he's still into em by the time they actually arrive, and if not I guess I'll have two gnolls in my collection. Also trying out the pay over time option to see how I like it. Never been a fan of credit or pay later stuff, but four installments seems fairly manageable to deal with. Mostly though trying to save some budget because I'm sure they're gonna drop some sort of instock figures between now and the dragon crowdfunding.
>>11274937I ordered my set. I wanted to get multiples of the hyena, but I think for now one of each will do. I'll order a couple more off BBTS when they put their orders up.
>>11274937The hyenas look interesting, but I'm skipping them for now. I was on the fence for Bassylia, and she'll probably just be a base for a mashup Medusa with the Ghost of Christmas Past and a custom hairpiece. I'm most excited for Leodysseus.Got my Frazetta Girls Norseman in after Christmas. Not sure if the articulation is improved any from Darkwolf, but it's great everywhere excepting the elbows and knees. I'm pretty happy with it, the skin shading is fantastic and his accessories are good. Shield is overwashed and you might want to be careful of paint transfer with the full head of hair since it's a very secure fit on the heads. Face paint could be a bit better, but printing could easily ruin the effect, so I can live with it for their price.I don't think I'll get their Vampirella, but if they do Dian/the Huntress or Dejah Thoris I'd preorder them day 1.
>>11278445Same. I got the set but will likely pick up an extra snake guard, hyena, and Lion legion soldier from BBTS.
>>11274937I'm waiting for local retailer prices, but I'm likely in for three hyenas and one sorceress of the dragon.I'd be super hyped for the snake folk, but their tails are deal-breakingly short. I can't buy any of them until/unless they make add-ons or characters with much longer tails.
I thought 4H had lowered the retail price, at least for basic figures. Back when the last Cosmic wave went up, all the basic figures ended up being $45 at the other retailers like BBTS. But the gnoll and the Roman are $50 on BBTS right now. I'm pretty sure the deluxe didn't have the same price drop last wave, so $55 for Bassylia and the snek is no surprise.The biggest kicker is Leodysseus who is $20 over his Store Horsemen price. Glad I got an all in.