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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

Some line art:

Previous thread:>>11229605
I'm going to build a mega scale model next year, should I get the 79 or the unicorn? I only have room for one.
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Pre-ordered. What did you think about the show? It was better than cowboy bebop.
The Fat, Rancid dump I took was better than the shitflix cowgoy beslop.
Which new Gundam? The one with the zaku that has tires all over it?
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Why did no one tell me you could just use an eraser to remove excess panel liner?
You mean I don't have to crack out the knives or chemicals to clean up a bit of spill??
Makes me want to see the live action gundam already. Also this model came out already, I have one unbuilt.
Like a pencil on paper you can just... erase it
The show was nothing special. It was entertaining and I didn't hate it, but it wasn't mind blowing. The seething about the female protagonist or "DEI female infantry soldier" confuses me greatly, but I don't strongly desire to purchase a kit from the show either.

Different panel liners are chemically different, and will work differently on top of different painted surfaces. When I tried to use Gundam Marker on top of gloss coat (floor wax) for a hand piece, it wouldn't remove at all which is what caused me to switch to enamel panel wash for the rest of the kit. Yet Gundam Marker will remove with saliva and finger rubbing on top of bare plastic.

A lot of your knowledge will unfortunately come from trial and error, because there's so many possible combinations of ways to paint and panel line your kits and not everybody will have committed their thoughts and experiences to easily searched R*ddit posts and YT videos. But at least tried and true techniques can be readily found almost everywhere and reliably duplicated.
My Babygirl <3
Mfs who call full grown men "babygirl" need to be shot
just because you are in the closet doesn't mean we have to act like squares and can't joke around
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You are in luck
I just finished this few months ago

In term of issue, it is the pegs/pegs holes. A lot of them are way too tight. I would recommend cut the side of peg holes with with nipper so you can push the parts in. But don't over do it

Besides this, I did not encounter any other issues.

As for what you are saying about Amazon. no that's not a western release.
That is the new anime accurate version. They switch the black part on the bodies to show accurate red

I really don't know why they did not do this in the first place.
i also goon to quadlegs.
Unicorn has a lot of presence. It looks like you got the PG but not as fiddly.
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>tfw can't stop buying scratchbuild materials off aliexpress
what is this disease called?
Don't you have to buy large quantities for them to be worth shipping?
Not really. Flexible spring (the kind you can use for energy cables and such) costs about $2-3 for a meter with free shipping if you buy $10 worth of it (doesn't have to be all the same kind).
Now compare that with the HQParts spring length and price.
I just use cheap bass strings
>use eraser on pour liner smudges that's over a matte clear coat
>it actually erases
Though I can't tell if it rubs the clear coat off as well.

Build/paint a robot with a loadout focused on melee combat! Anything from shields to swords to lances to axes to bare fists is fair game. There's no room for ranged weaponry here, however, so anything resembling a rifle, rocket launcher, cannon, pistol, or any other ranged weapon is a no-go (Small ranged weapons that are built into the kit itself like head vulcans are ok, however).

More clarification here:
>If the body part has a built-in ranged weapon (head/chest vulcans, claw beams, etc), then that's fine. If it's a separate part like the Alex's arm vulcans it's best to leave those off.
>Melee weapons with in-universe ranged capabilities (Like the Kimaris's lance or the Gyan's shield) are fair game too.
>Any scale, any brand, and any type of kit is fair game here. That means anything from Gundams to girlpla to miniatures are all free to use.

Send your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com with at least 5 photos of your finished build along with any WIP photos and a description of your entry.

START: 12/8/24
END: 3/31/25
>There's no room for ranged weaponry here, however, so anything resembling a rifle, rocket launcher, cannon, pistol, or any other ranged weapon is a no-go
I don't usually take part in group builds but what about using a gun like a club?
You'd want to check with Groupbuild Dude himself, I just copy/paste his stuff for the group builds these days.
Eh, I'm curious but so curious that I'd go out of my way to find out.
I think they'd accept that entry as long as it was clear the gun was not functional or being used for its intended purpose. Could have a busted barrel or something to really make that clear.
Any idea for a color scheme for a gundam mk2 ? I'm lacking of imagination
Ehhhh, I'm honestly not a fan of the idea. The idea is to build something specifically meant for melee, while using a rifle as a club feels more like a last-resort kind of thing. It'd be like calling the Ez-8 a Melee suit because it used it's arm as a club the one time. If you could tie the story together more like what >>11258750 said then that'd be more alright I feel.
i know this is kinda out there but:
titans colors
you should be adding another layer of clear coat ontop so it shouldn't matter
What im worried about is my paintjobs
It's already a titan color one, it's a gift cause "hey anon I saw you liked those japanese robot so here one"
I already have it, both aeug and titan color
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how about zero-shiki colors
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Can the gun come off? Asking for science.
zeon color
amuro ray color
char color
real type color
by the youtube videos, yes.
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g3 colors
Bit new to this, have built some entry grades and a few 30MM kits.
My next box is picrel and I'm unsure what the best panel line color would be.
I know for red soles on gundams brown is the preferred color. But for a kit mostly comprised of red, should i stick to a brown pen all over?
I got some tamiya accent in black and grey along with the trio of panel line markers.
Brown on red is generally my preference, though on smaller amounts of red I do tend to use black.
use black on this one
i swear its going to look much better than brown
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Finally done
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Guess who (should be easy)
I like the backdrop! Model is good but you knew that already.
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Not finished, but I love the Jegan suits so much. Maybe I will find a Stark Jegan for my birthday.
Man, I need to grab that chunky Gundam one day along with MG Virtue.
looks like atlas colors
I just wish it were easier to get ahold of MG Virtue for less than like $90 USD. I understand why they don't want to sell it for any less than that, but it's also the last one I need to complete my collection of 00 S1 Gundams.
I will give you a hint: blonde pilot
Big Goose
Is that the Pbandai red leo?
The vengeance hg kits look cool. Should I get them?
You got it.
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The EW MG Tallgeese has a working Dober Gun that cycles with a spring. PITA but neat kit, especially the vernier assembly.
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I'm thinking the Leo is the suit for this display.
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The Goose is loose.
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>he doesn't thrift
I have thrifted before, actually. Bought a couple of opened and partially built kits from the /bst/ thread that are now sitting in my backlog.
Nice. This is the first gundam I've found.

I picked up a warhammer set recently for $3, and the avg ebay sales price is ~150+. Decent legos too.

Legos are a good store of value imo.
Is this a chain store or somewhere local? The only place that stocks Gunpla is Barnes and Noble here. I could try Hobby Lobby but that's much further away.
How many times do you go before finding anything good?
I use to thrift hint everyday, never found anything gundam, made alot flipping old video games though. You could check goodwill auctions but they tend to have old mits. Or half assembled or half the parts lost. So be aware of that. But you can find some cool stuff there.
Boys, this shit has got to be a scam right? It's too cheap even for a knockoff
yeah that seems too low
the daban bootleg is on mofiho for 93 usd + $36 shipping for a total of around 130USD or 200 AUD.
Are those worth pursuing? What makes pbandai the shit?
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>smol resin nipper
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My GM Sniper II came with a little buddy.
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Vantage point
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I would like to use the christmas time to build the Heavyarms but I already know that the chest stickers will suck so I would like to buy a gundam marker to paint it instead before the holidays screw over shipping.

I would like to know which blue you think would fit better.
Personally I'd go with 06
06 would be more likely to be useful for other Gundam, the metallic might look out of place but then again the base blue might look bland
Why would it be a scam? Daban PGU costs 75 AUD in China. They charge you 30 more for shipping without the original box. That's normal pricing for Aliexpress.
Is there any alternative to tamiya panel line accent that doesnt eat plastic? I don't want my kit to break apart in a few months.
>I don't want my kit to break apart in a few months.
If it breaks at all, it will break right when you apply the panel liner, there is no delayed action.

Mr Weathering or any artist oil paint thinned with odorless turpenoid will not damage plastic.
you make it sound like some violent sudden cracking action that you will definitely notice. panel liner can seep between assembled pieces or into crevices and eat it from the inside out without you seeing it or noticing. I have had this happen several times.
>assembled pieces
That's why I panel line before any assembly so nothing gets in any micro fractures. I also don't drown the parts in panel line liquid.
Swole af
can't you make an acrylic wash / panel liner just by thinning the fuck out of acrylic paints? probably not with water though due to surface tension shit
>eat it from the inside out without you seeing it or noticing
_Crack_ it from the inside, specifically the areas under stress (peg/hole connections etc). Cracking happens within minutes (before the thinner evaporates), the fact that you fail to notice it is really your issue.
>can't you make an acrylic wash / panel liner just by thinning the fuck out of acrylic paints
You certainly can, but you will regret it when it comes the time to clean it up. Unlike oil, acrylic washes are not easy to clean after they are fully dried and sitting there and watching them like a hawk for just the right moment is not really fun.
>06 would be more likely to be useful for other Gundam
I have zero ideas where else I would use it other than maybe try painting over stress marks on my first gunpla kits.
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Hello anons. Can anyone recommend some static alternatives to RG GaoGaiGar’s hands? I’ve got a printer so any purchasable or digital file you know of. I fucking hate these things and they detract from what is otherwise actually an extremely playable figure.
I would like to know this too. The hands on mine are a complete nightmare.
buy from someone who built it already
But half the fun is building.
fantastic panel lining
Is it true that kits with the red bandai logo are straight up bad?
It’s me again but I did find this
Gotta look at it more closely but this seems to be literally what I was after
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This is my crown jewel of the collection. Hardest one to acquire so far, my final wish is to get one of the big Neo Zeongs from a long time ago. I can't justify 1k for a dust collector.
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I went to a new weeb store that recently opened in my city and near the gunpla displays they had these big ass mecha sets. They kinda look more like Legos than a model kits, but I'm curious about them. It seems like some shit you'd find on Temu but I'm wondering if it's just cheap chink shit or is the quality decent and fun to build.

Anyone ever look into these or am I in the wrong thread here?
Definitely knockoff Lego. I recognize some Exo-Force building techniques, actually.
don't know about that company in particular but there are knockoff Lego companies who offer better quality for significant less money than Lego.
I might pick one up out of curiosity just to see how the plastic quality feels and if they're anything decent. For that piece count, the price doesn't seem terrible compared to Lego, but they honestly look like more complicated Bionicles. They had a bunch of them, probably 8-10ish of those larger sets and then probably 20-25 separate, smaller sets.
it's worse, they are bootlegs. Only blue label are original.
Building exo force as a kid is probably what ignited my robot passion. I wonder if it's cheap enough to be worth get any of those old sets and building them up in current year.
you see I know you are lying
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What is your favorite gimmick that you have seen? For example, this RG 78 has the jet fighter built into it even though you will never see it.
what a swell jim
what model is that? looks like the white dingo beam rifle but it's not the color for that
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He's from the 08th MS Team
This is like my third kit, should I do black or grey panel lining, do you think? I wanna do it as I go this time, seems like it'd be easier
Paint it in trans colours
I like black on white personally, stands out more.
Man, I wish I could get my hands on that GM sniper Mk 1, I can't even find a store that sells it.
what do you mean? The Aerial looks great like it is. No need to paint it outside of just panel lining.

Grey on the white parts and black on the colored parts. Be carefull with the yellow knee parts, they refused to take the color from my pen.
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Friends, is it possible to purchase these hair parts alone? I have only found them as part of a $50 muscuto parts set MGM-70. I don't see it on their hair parts sets.
white parts take grey, colour parts take black, yellow specifically takes brown
Are you in the US? How much are you willing to pay?
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Thanks, lads. One other question: it gives me an option to use either these ABS pices for the patterned chest piece or use a piece of transparent plastic with the pattern on the inside of a sticker, but it seems like they look pretty much identical--what's the difference? I ised the ABS pieces because that seemed like less work but I started wondering if there's some downside I'm not aware of
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They are not the same at all in practice. The printed ones use a new Bandai printing tech and look much better than using the stickers (shines brighter, closer to the surface, and more visible). They only give you the sticker option so you can do the deactivated black version, I'm really not sure why they even gave you the lit up option as a sticker.
I heard the stickers might be a bit challenging or bad for a kit built out-of-box, how is it so far?
transparent plastic also allows you to paint your own shit underneath or make custom decals or some shit
No problems so far. There are definitely some small ones but I got them on just fine with tweezers.

Gotcha, thanks
Alright, thank you. I've had an easy time with HG stickers but not for SD World stuff. Hopefully it's also going to be insanely obvious which ones are the powered and deactivated stickers. Here's hoping your build goes well!
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I'd like to retract this statement because holy hell these are the size of a mosquito's dick and one of them flew off the sheet while I was trying to pull it away from its neighbor and I'm pretty sure I will never see it again
I missed the Dragon Gundam on P-Bandai. I know the Rose and Maxter went up for a second order, does anyone know how long it was between those runs?
That really sucks anon, I hope you're still somehow able to find it, or at least marker it
So in don't build model kits, but I just discovered that Good Smile made two kits in the MODEROID series from Gunparade March. One of my favorite mecha series.

Does anyone here own these kits, can you tell me how they are? And what the difficult level is for a beginner?
I'd say youre better off googling a review. There aren't many people in this thread clamouring to get their hands on moderoid kits.
> There aren't many people in this thread clamouring to get their hands on moderoid kits.
Oh how come?
They're pretty expensive for what you get because they are made out of more obscure mecha with smaller numbers of customers than say, gundam.
They aren't often bad kits, they have tight enough joints, usually need a small amount of paint. But for any given kit you would be hard pressed to find someobody who has built the specific one youre looking at.
It's honestly one of the weaker ones, like, a 5/10 at best and that comes from someone who fucking loves Moderoid kits.
It's relatively small like most of GSC's real robot Moderoids, has rather basic early-2000 engineering and absolutely fucktarded ankle-joints.
Seriously, I have no idea what they were smoking when they made those.
They're Revoltech-esque balljoints but the pin that goes into the foot is square (and therefore fixed) and not in the center of the joint so even if you sand it round it doesn't really do much.
You can only rock the ankle back and forth a bit with a different joint below the calf.

It's basically one of those "well, it's not like you have many other options" kits that you probably only begrudgingly buy.
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>go to the office for the first time in two months (game company)
>there was apparently some kind of in-company event a while ago and coworker won an HG Dilanza
>she doesn't give a shit about gunpla but knows I paint minis so offloads it onto me
Gonna try painting it in desert camo this weekend. Picrelated is my only other gunpla kit.
Pull a stocking over your vacuum and sweep with it around the room. The stocking should catch the bit.
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Could go for something like this, one of my favorite desert schemes.
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Love me desert camo
the goose is kino
are you using it as proxy for something?
Was thinking something like picrelated. I like the stark contrast.
Thanks. I got the kit just to check out the differences between gunpla kits and 40k minis, so I don't use it for anything. It just stands on my work desk at the office.
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How are some of the weird Zeta mobile suits? I've been eyeing them for awhile, but they're older kits. I have The O, which didn't get a remake, but honestly isn't bad. Minor gripes like the hands, but overall fine. I also have the remastered Quebley, which might be my favorite MS, and I even managed to get a funnel effect kit. MG of both are on my wishlist, though I doubt I'll get my hands on an O for a reasonable price. I have the PBandai 3set of Zeta, Hyaku, and Mkii ordered so that side is covered.

It's the things like Palace Athene, Psycho Gundam, Asshimar, Messala, ect. From what I can tell, they're older kits, so I'm unsure.
Any tips for sanding down nubs?
Glass file.
Oh shit that's a great idea
Don't press in very hard, be gentle to reduce the stress marks
Don't be afraid to fuck the surface up a little then sand it out. If you're gonna make it truly flush, the file is gonna hit the part, it's unavoidable.
I find I have the best results by like... "petting" it with the file, only dragging it in one direction
Remember that you're super zoomed in and most likely no one is ever gonna notice a small mistake when they look at the whole model

Personally I go File -> 1,000 (sometimes skip this if it's clean enough -> 2,000 -> 4,000 -> 6,000 -> 8,000 -> 10,000 but that's probably overkill (and I don't paint my models)
Accept that you can make it look as perfect as possible to the eye but as soon as your take a photo you will notice every imperfection.
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>Personally I go File -> 1,000 (sometimes skip this if it's clean enough -> 2,000 -> 4,000 -> 6,000 -> 8,000 -> 10,000 but that's probably overkill (and I don't paint my models)
(optional) chisel -> 400grit (if priming)/800grit(if not priming) -> done.
These are also awesome: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32892739169.html (same as Wave polishing sticks but without paying for the brand) and you can even use the white side to polish clear parts.
>6 separate steps
oh god please get a glass file and save yourself some time
holy fuck what a pain in the ass. cut off nub -> buff with fingernail -> done
Why a glass file specifically
specifically a nano glass file, not just any random nailfile
it's because they have very high grit, the equivalent of ~12k grit sandpaper. so you can file nubs away and leave an actual polished surface behind without needing to do multiple sanding steps. but they cut a lot faster than 10k+ grit paper so it won't take 10 years.
>leave an actual polished surface behind
Which may or may not be something you want if you plan to paint. Also, the rest of the kit plastic (aside from clear parts) is typically not *that* polished.
Huh. Dolores was a lot more difficult than Machinedramon and I made more errors like breaking a finger of her hand, stress marks, and scratches. I could pretend Bandai kits must be easier, but more likely just a skill issue. Feel fear to try painting her even though there are insets for where I need to apply colors to be more accurate. She's cute at least.
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Still waiting... for the rest of my squad
Don't waste time with low grit sandpaper. Low grit glass file around 400 to 600 will remove nubs far quicker wile leaving no to minimum scratch marks. If there are some scratch marks. Use sandpaper in grit 1000 and then 2000 then nail buffer will remove them easily. You will then have a surface that's almost identical to a non-sanded surface. This is probably the quickest way to get rid of nub marks. Don't waste time with 6 different sandpapers. It's a waste of time and the result ain't better.
holy shit that's a big fish!
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Those scum keep sending scouting probes!
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>HGUC bolinoak sammahn

The lines are grammatical correct, it but they read awkward as fuck

Did they fire the guy who did the translation and used software translation? I do not recalle when they started having English in the manual it reads this bad.
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Oh shit, the Cyclops bois came through!
I use lens if I want to read moon runes.
Has anybody painted up one of the One Piece Grand Ship Collection kits?
that doesn't read any more stilted than IRL descriptions of military vehicles to me
Bought some Zoidpla after years of not modeling. I'm still as shit at it as I was back then. Got a Shield Liger and Liger Zero. How did I do choice wise?
Toesy woesys
My first models were Zoids, actually. They had little wind up motors in them and it was kinda neat. I've thought about picking up some kits, but they have to be the right ones. I'm picky. Shield and Zero are some icons for sure, so that's a good choice. I wouldn't mind a Zero-Panzer kit, but I'm sure they're totally oop at this point.
Same here, first ever kit of any kind was an OG Liger Zero. The panzer could always get reissued, apparently the Liger Zero I got is a reissue.
Just doing some dots because that's all my skill allows for.
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Built the thing and decided on the pose.
Gonna glue the joints and prime/start painting it on the weekend.
anon I want you to know you are the most based person in this thread right now
Yea, I was eyeing it. It's so nostalgic. I also want that metal Berserk Fury, but at the same time it's a smaller scale
They reissue the kits as repackaging with different stickers and shit. Sometimes the pilot figures are different, reissues tend to have generic pilots instead of anime ones. I've been tracking the armours the past year to no success, so I'm hoping the coming year has some reissues since the Liger Zero kit got a reissue in the last two years.
I was going to buy sazabi ver ka but found this bad boi for less than $70, it's the limited edition
do the pour type gundam markers also eat plastic?
Will MrColour be fine over Citadel primer? It's the only primer I have left over right now and I don't know if I can use lacquer paints on it.
Yeah, both are the reissue with extra marking decals. Never had luck with them so I won't use them sadly. I hope the ones you want get reissued Anon.
Just finished gluing everything down and it's as solid as a rock. Shield Liger is 10/10 in my eyes.
when I do sanding with glass files, do I dunkt the whole thing in water, just put a few drops on it or wet the plastic instead?
That's thrift price? Lol
Can I post non-gundam snap fitted chink model kits here? Also they're not even robots.
you don't NEED to wet sand in the first place unless you're working with resin, but just wetting the file should be enough
>gunpla/PLAMO general
>not /m/
ouch. post them anyway but if someone runs you out of town there's always the threads in /toy/
But this is the plamo threads on /toy/ and not /m/.
Personally I'm fine with anything being posted here. And it's not like anyone ever complains about the guy posting his ship railings or 3D printed Rei labia.
drank too much eggnog already clearly
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Guess I'll post them. I didn't really know where to post these right now, so I figured this was the best place currently on /toy/. I bought some of those cheap knight model kits off aliexpress. They're pretty fun and cheap enough to army build with, costing less than 4 dollars each.
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Posing them is super easy because they're mostly just on ball joints. They cannot put their arms down by their sides. They are only limited in the arms because there is no swivel anywhere. They can still pull off a lot of poses because the wrists are on ball joints.
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I bought the other colors too. Comes in silver, black, white, and butter. For some strange reason, my black one was missing it's arms and legs. I still have like 12 more silver ones I need to build.
it's just a plastic shaving, nothing is missing
The one with the guns goes kind of hard
What scale (or rough size) are they?
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Yeah they come with an assortment of random accessories, with a glock being one of them.
They're like about 5.5 inches, so 1/12.
Not bad. I expected smaller at that price
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run an air hose out of the claw or hinge the head so it'll be like one of those clam/treasure chest decorations
Those are hg right?
yes, i dont think there are any other versions of the hygogg
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No new gunpla, but Santa has gifted me my first foray into panels. I'm nervous, actually.
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About to start a PG after this RG.
How much longer am I in for? Would like to do just OOB and maybe leds. I'm usually a mg, top coat and paint missing details kind of guy.
>use before assembling
huh I always use them after assembly
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Are there any sites or shops that you can commission to create custom decals? Working on my group build entry and I really want to give it a unique OC donut steel ace pilot emblem. I bought blank decal paper to potentially create my own, but of course my fucking printer breaks just when I have the motivation to use it.
Got the MG westenfluss for Xmas and he is gorgeous.
Well, I now have the trio.
Once I get back home I'll put this lady together.
Do you not have a convenience store nearby?
...what kind of convenience stores you got that will print decals for you?
You can print black decals using transparent waterslide decal paper with consumer grade printers, which are probably available at your nearest convenience store.
Are you in Asia or somewhere like that, with actual good convenience stores? 7-11s in America ain't got that shit.
Damn okay, I thought they would at least offer normal text document printing services.
there are separate print shops like fedex/kinkos which offer print on demand services
also printers in public libraries, but i doubt they'd have decal paper
You can just bring your own paper?
I've had to print stuff from a nearby store once, Walgreens I think, and they wouldn't let me bring my own paper for whatever reason. They could only print with their own paper, which of course wasn't the kind of paper I needed at the time.
Guess your country is just nicer than mine.
yeah, painted in highest quality apple barrel craft paint
still need to build my 1:150 convenience store
I will build my first gundam in months today.
Way back in 2018 I bought an HG Astray Blue, an RG Astray Red, and an HG Astray... Gold? I forget the name. The black and gold shiny one with the wings, it uses parts from the Blitz Gundam I think.

Also got some of the gundam markers - panel liner and the basic colored set.

Wanted to paint the Astray Blue but never got around to it.

I'm not touching those old kits again because honestly they're fucked from being moved several times.

After painfully searching for an e-shop that doesn't have buttfuck insane prices and shipping rates, I bought several 30 Minute Missions sets and got a free HG RGM-79G GM COMMAND as a bonus.

Still need to get paints and shit.
How long do you think before the McDonald's repaint Eva kit drops?

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