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I thought something was up so I snapped some pics at the store but Christmas is soon so I just grabbed them for my nephew
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Somebody is doing Chris Chan customs
Hello ChungusPedo
>instantly exposes himself as being the ESL pedophile at a moments notice
You lost ChungusPedo, yep yep
>ESL Pedobabble
You lost ChungusPedo
>ESL Pedobabble
You lost ChungusPedo
>Pedobabble by a convicted projecting ESL pedo
Yep Yep, ChungusPedo lost
>Pedobabble by the ESL Singapore Pedo
ChungusPedo lost, Yep Yep
Were they considered funny or interesting there?
Mark you were not even allowed to keep these much less return them to Walmart for store credit. These are company property. We also want the chair, laptop, and coffee machine you grabbed on the way out the other day.
Why is the law in Virginia so shit?
Virginia is for virgins.
These ARE Chris-chan's transformer customs. He just took his customs and put them on a shelf in Wal-Mart. (The gray and red Cyclonus is real, it's a Wal-Mart exclusive.)
Damn, what a loser
You think you could sell them on ebay as a cursed artifact or would that be too risky
Who does this mother fucker think he is?
He's out already? interesting
He's gonna be a father anon
Chris-chan had sex before me, feel bad man
i thought that was debunked?
I thought he fucked off to Finland or some shit

i take it he didnt leave them there then huh, real shame i would have bought one if it was still there
He "metaphorically had sex" damn dirty trolls
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Chat is this real?
this guy managed to find one lucky bastard
Following Chris Chan is some next level brain rot
The sonichu car turning blue in car mode is kind of genius, blue sonic to yellow sonichu, but I know it's because his family car is blue.
id rather watch every chris chan video in sequence than go on tiktok or watch some gay ass streamer pretend to be my friend and shove sponsors down my throat every 5 minutes sorry
He’s the most historically relevant figure of study alive in a long time, the documentaries made while he’s alive are only the short of it vs whats gonna come post mortem

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