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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>11228948

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

>Places to get army men:
https://bmctoys.com/ and https://victorybuy.com/
Fresh thread! Re-posting an old photo, Tuesday looks like the day I'll be able to do the first photo set for flight 556, and at least one additional set.
And very honored to be the starting image for this thread.
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If there's a small silver lining to the two week bump cap on threads, we get to have more OP images heh. Those bucket-o-soldiers troops have seen too little action in my armies, think this photo from 7 years ago was their last deployment. I have two of them but I'd trade one to have kept my original bucket together, the one I got from K-Mart (or was it Zellers by that time?) in '96 or '97, back when the first movie was still new. It used the classic Timmee Vietnam boys, still have the individual soldiers in my armed forces but the bucket itself is long gone. The two paratroopers' chutes got messed up so I snipped off their rings and converted them to groundpounders.
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It is fortunate the King's barons on the Grail quest only encountered amateurs of the dark arts, such as that wizard and the newb necromancer of the Grievous Graveyards. The time may come when conjurers and sorcerers of far greater skill and malevolence reveal themselves...
Sounds like they need to be bought back into the fight! The bucket-o-soldiers in my army have the dubious honor of being slung into the fight. When the Greens need a forlorn hope to assault a location and all other forms of transport are too slow. The buckets get brought air borne and hurled at the problem. The soldiers know that once the sudden stop happens they're to charge anything and everything. Helps on the way, but they're going to have to hold the line.
I've heard the older buckets had Timmees in them, I wish I would have paid more attention as kid. At the time I was more dazzled by Buzz and Woody.
I pray that those brave knights and men-at-arms shall be able to rise to the occasion and fell the foul conjurers of damnation.
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She's cleaned up and ready to go!
The crew is running their flight checks.
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Was a little touch and go when one of the barons accidentally an invasion of dragons, but the "Grail" turned out to be a suitable remedy. Unfortunately it was a single-use macguffin; next time they may not find such timely succour to their woes.
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They are indeed ideal shock troops, fairly heavily armed for their small numbers. Armchair plastic generals still debate to this day whether the first wave sent in against the Greys would have carried the line, had they been comprised of this or that formation in place of the men who did make that valiant charge.

One thing is certain: there will be more chances for glory when the campaigning season comes around again.
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A thing of beauty, makes me wish my big bird was in so good a state. She sits currently in long-term storage, awaiting a call to arms.

Also checked.
Timmee still sells fresh prints of these, so if you ever need parts, you can buy a new one, as they're shipped completely disassembled.
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There are times I long for the carefree days of running those outdoor rinks, plenty of time to muck around with toys and stuff. Not great pay, hours or job security though.
But the pics are great.
LOOK at this damned thing.
I bet this sucker caused a lot of burns..
and "well ventilated" probably wasn't even a thought.
I dunno if it's on ebay or not but I also don't know where the heck you would get a similar type of plastic.
Wow. That would have been a cool gift to get under the Christmas tree. I'd make myself a mighty Comanche horde with that thing and reenact the Great Raid of Buffalo Hump where whole towns were leveled to the ground.
Always wanted these guys.
These guys are really bright shade of green.
The lady bug isn't afraid of anything.
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Was literally crawling with them during those fall shoots, there's at least two visible in this picture.
as long as they are the good ones and not the orange African asshole bugs.
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An early Merry Christmas from the living room prairie...
Are things with joints allowed here or is it just molded army men toys?
Warband vibes picture. I was only able to spot the one in the bottom right.
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Flight 556 anon reporting back in. Got the first shoot done. Work threw a wrench into the plan as usual. Going through and sorting the pictures now. But here are some helicopter teasers.
Damn, I was hoping the Grail might provide them more aid than that. But I believe in them and the righteousness of their cause. Good shall triumph!
I eagerly await to see how the brave plastic soldiers handle the next conflict.
Your old bird still looks like she's got a lot of flying left in her! I honestly didn't realize they had made a version with maple stickers. Nor did I realize I got trips. XD
Thanks for the heads up, looks like I have something to add to the list for Santa. I could use a non-helicopter based gunship.
Such times are always special, and slip through our fingers before we even know their gone. But as long as we share our memories and stories those days can live again.
By all that's plastic! A rootin-tootin production mold! I don't know if it was a good idea to market it to children, but hell what the worse that could happen?
Looks like that elf walked into the wrong toys territory. The spirit of Christmas will not reach their plastic hearts.
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The first forays into the basement from the patio entrance is under way! Flight 556 and Task Force Corduroy work together to bring green to the four corners of the house!
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Task Force Corduroy's venerable Chinook brings in a payload of veteran soldiers. eager to establish a foot hold and drive the Tan and Grey menace from the House.
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I would say sure, as I use a lot of different toys to play with/ make photo shoots. Though I would make sure you also include some mold plastic guys. Whether they be army men, knights, western folk, etc. As this is the general focuses on them.
I'm just one guy, so best to wait until some of the others chime in.
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There are some army men type toys with limited joints - the homemade cowboys and indians a few posts up would fit under this. I think the line is where you would more likely consider your toy an action figure than a figurine, if that makes sense. No strangers to overlap here all the same, Mega CoD figs are basically army-men sized action figures.
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They were overly friendly but otherwise harmless photobombers.
The second one is barely visible on the other side of the siege tower's ramp - there were actually two of them side by side at the time but only one is visible from that angle. Had to gently re-situate them prior to storming the battlements.

Going back to the dragons photo, there's an additional critter just visible atop the left head of the big guy, some kind of fly or wasp.
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Awesome shots, that is one cool heli. Really hope to see those make their way up here, not likely if there's a Dollar General exclusive though. Yeah the "Grey L" was a single warhead device and the poor peasants living close to the now-Radiant Green Line are rather the worse off for it, though slightly less worse off than they were with the dragons incursion of course. Still mulling over how to continue this side branch of the Colour Wars, hopefully by spring I'll have fresh ideas. Same goes for the main plotlines - really keen to expand the lore with more colours.
>maple stickers
Back in the day Timmee either directly or indirectly sold the Herc and their big flattop up here with Canadian decals, got the latter for Christmas one year - grandma shipped it overseas to us cuz we were living in Belgium at the time. That brave warship made the Atlantic crossing twice more before being unceremoniously scrapped, still regret the loss to this day. Managed to hang on to both big jets that came with it and those of the crew not lost to breakage over time, they're the blue guys in pic. Together with the other two groups they're formed into a Specialist Company, ably supporting military operations with their combined skillsets.
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Those all-too-familiar indians and the fun scene going on make for maximum comfy.
Thanks man, I was stoked when I found the heli. I swear some other autist is running around buying them up before I get a chance.
Which ever way the plot of the Colour Wars goes; I'm here for it.
F for the flat top. But I'm happy to see the crew still in the fight.
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Welcome to the Flight 556 lore dump.
>It is the Age of the 5th House, big calendar reckoning puts the time of year near the end of summer.
>Flight 556 was tasked with transporting armor and support materials from the upper deck to the lower patio.
>With the payload delivered to Task Force Corduroy, F556 would depart the patio. And return the upper deck, on a route that would take them near the garden wilderness.
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>The skies had been clear of Grey interceptors and fighter bombers. Unknown to the Greens this was due to a surprise Tan offensive launched from the air vents of the Master bedroom. The homeland of the Greys.
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>This same offensive would draw many Tans away from the basement living room and by extension the patio door. Allowing Task Force Corduroy to infiltrate the basement with ease.
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>The operation went smooth and by the numbers.
>Under the leadership of Colonel Green-brier TFC would establish the first permanent Green foothold in the basement. Ultimately leading to the expulsion of the Tan from the house.
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>The squad that was tasked with recon, swept the welcome mat with diligence. Turning up several tan bottle cap mines.
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>Fearing an immediate Tan counter attack, TFC had set up an fire support over watch on a nearby stool.
>This humble stool would eventually be over ran during the Tan bull rush to escape from the house. But that is a tale for another time.
>As with any military operation, some things get delivered to the wrong place.
>TFC would eventually come up with a use for the wayward ordinance.
>With the last truck of supplies unloaded it was time for Flight 556 to return to the air.
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>The engines roared to life, slowly lifting the monstrous cargo hauler.
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The crew safely buckled in congratulated each other on a mission well done.
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>With a groan the plane lifted ever higher from the ground.
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Last one for now. Still have couple more to post for later.
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It's also possible the set is proving popular with the kids, maybe we'll see a new age of plastic warfare generals someday... can only hope. Glorious sequence of Flight 556, always a pleasure to see Greens on the march. Don't believe I've seen those deuce-and-a-half trucks before, or that rack of bombs. Was trying to figure out how you did the last shot of the Herc in flight... are you a wizard?
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If plastic warfare makes a come back I'll be really excited. I'm hoping to indoctrinate my nephew into the cult use he gets old enough not to stick the little guys in his mouth.
And as for how I did the last shot. It all comes down to patience, fishing line, and working the angles.
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Haha yes, I am no stranger to such arcane practices. It has been quite some time since my last attempt, kudos for pulling it off so nicely!
It took some work. But next time I do some more flying shenanigans it will be easier thanks to the experience.
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>And so the crew of Flight 556 took to the skies. The fighter escort staying behind with Task Force Corduroy to even the odds should the Tan try and hit them with a bombing run or two.
Does anyone else like to do scientific excitements/war crimes with their soldiers? Ive been on a Unit 731 kick with my captured soldiers lately. Horrors you can’t unsee; will upload when I get home
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>The banking turn across the lower yard was text book.
For me the Tan commit the war crimes, and Greys are on the cutting edge of science and exploration. Which at times has led to disastrous results.
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>Unbeknownst to Flight 556, the Grey weather detection service facility in the bathroom window despite being under Tan assault just blasted an emergency broadcast to all nations.
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>A vast tempest was rapidly approaching the house and would hit in minutes. Any toy outside of shelter was in severe danger.
>Task Force Corduroy would escape the ravages of the storm under the Patio, and those Greens on upper deck pulled back into the House for safety.
>Flight 556 would catch the full force of the whirlwind. And as strong as the Hercules cargo plane was. It would buckle under the sudden and mighty storm.
And that's the last of this round of Flight 556 story time. Next up we'll check in on the Tans, and the Greys.
Godspeed Flight 556, they take those planes into the eyes of hurricanes, you'll make it through.
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Just about all sides produce and deploy various weapons of mass destruction; the Greys by far are the most prolific in making and using them.
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Indeed, during the most recent conflict with them the Greens quite literally stared nuclear annihilation in the face.
That guy looks absolutely menacing. Great picture!
I was going for that. As mentioned a few months ago, I was lucky enough to save most of my figurines from the downstairs flood, but I wanted the chance to do a Christmas-themed deal. The Alamo and Boonesburrough ideas were too expensive, but a miniature Elf on the Shelf and an over-the-top Wild West scene clicked in my mind as the perfect thing for the season. Also, some music to go with it...

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>The Tans having been banished to the outdoors, waste no time in coercing wild toys into joining their war effort.
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The Tans care not for causalities, only results.
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>New soldiers can and will be molded to replace losses. Dinosaurs on the other hand....
A true dilemma for an aspiring Tan. Let the dino savage his officer and rise to his rank? Or help save him and hold it over his head?
Next up we'll check in on the Greys.
That's a lot of arty

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