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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)
>Misc. Gashapon (3mm)
>Misc. Shokugan (3mm)

Toys Alliance
>Archecore (3mm)
>Toy Notch Astrobots
>Acid Rain B2Five

>Hexa Gear (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Frame Arms (3mm)
>M. S. G. (3mm)
>HMM ZOIDS (3mm 5mm)

>Beast Box (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>AMTS series (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Beastdrive (3mm 5mm)

>Assemble Borg
>Emonster (3mm)
>Forging Soul (3mm)
>Joytoy Dark Source (3mm)
>Maru Toys collabs
>MFT/DMH Diaclone KOs and OGs (3mm 4mm)
>RIHIO MultiAbyss (3mm)
>MoRise Hobby No57 (3mm, 3.5mm base joints)
>Earnest Core Robot Build (4mm)
>Snap Ships
>and many more...!
*(Xmm) are peg sizes

Previous >>11229242
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I was trying to come up with an Egyptian-themed version of the previous OP pic but it's like
>No57 Trio above
>Robot Build Anubis/Horus
And maybe the Beast Box 7cm Camel.
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Don’t forget the Egyptian themed Moma from 52toys
I've noticed this for a while with most Bandai kits like 30MM. Rectangular handles are usually fine, but circular ones are prone to rotating in the figure's hands or otherwise being loose. It's gotten to the point where I'm considering just researching if there's a modification I can do or if there's some 3D-printed handles I can order somewhere.
Bandai's RG kits usually have a peg setup to hold the weapons on the hands so I'm surprised they haven't just used that on nearly everything else.
A lot of my stuff recently has been girlpla (or 30MF, which I guess is boypla), so I'm really excited for Sobek
I just ordered the wander soul model kit from the same line as OP's pic. I wasn't aware that the line was modular, that's neat.
This is going to be the first model kit I built in more than a decade.
Wish me luck guys.
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What kit is this? I reverse searched it and the results don't show this exact model.
Fuck. I'm dumb.
>Bandai 30MM eEXM-17 Alto
its just a normal 30mm alto green
They are modular, but they also feature a lot of set-exclusive parts that you won’t be able to easily swap. The hands/claws from pic related will be easily swapped, but other parts won’t.
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So I figured I’d give a little mini-review of these things, since I received them this weekend. Great packaging, as you can see.
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Built one in full and one frame before taking these photos. You can tell how much wider/taller the new frame is at a glance. It really makes this new frame feel like the “bigger and badder” version of the original, and judging by the new armor sets, they seem to be embracing that aspect with more intimidating armor sets. This has some positives and negatives, which I’ll explore.
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There’s really just one or two more bits and bobs of articulation on this new frame- double-jointed elbows, toe joints, shoulder crunch, and a slight upper torso tilt, but it’s all very tight and impressive. I don’t know if I prefer it over the original, but even as I was posing these two, my original had his arm legs popping out, which reminds me of the weird production quirks of that frame.
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So another odd thing is that the new frame loses height in getting armored up- it’s really because the frame head and feet sit higher than their replacements. Even so, the end result feels a bit strange when put up against the military/scout armor, which was one of the bulkier sets for the original frame. Why is a police robot more intimidating/better equipped than a military robot? More on that in a bit.

One thing I forgot to mention are the hard plastic hands replacing the originals.
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All that added articulation doesn’t really amount to much on the fully-kitted robot, but I have to highlight arguably the best change about this new frame/armor set- things (mostly) stay on pretty well. The older frame had a tendency to pop armor off of the thighs and torso, but everything is snug and secure… the exception being the top parts of the shoulder amor (some glue will solve this) and the shield port on the side falls out pretty consistently.
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I think the real culprit is the hole being too big in holding hands, because the handle just follows usual 3(?)mm compatibility requirement, plus it fits really nicely with the soft c-clip you can use as weapon holder too (excuse the nub marks).
The hand thing feels like deliberate design choice that I don't fully comprehend. All they had to do was making the hole slightly smaller.
I already don't like the way 'gundam' hands work, so this is extra annoying. I guess I'll have to wrap some tape around the handle or something.
There IS another method, but it's more time-consuming and needs girlpla: you could swap the joints of the hands out for another type of joints that fit the same type, then use that to pop a Kotobukiya/figma/Figuarts hand set on.
Check this chart here for reference: the 30MS wrist joint sizes are the same as the 30MF ones, so you just need to find similarly-sized joints to swap in, and make sure they can accept other hands.
Posted this last thread and from experimenting after, I found that the joints from a Nuke Matrix kit work perfectly for connecting to the forearm. As for the hands, you'd need to experiment for that, but the Nuke Matrix socket for the hand works for popping a Kotobukiya hand on.
The answer already exists, and in the same kit, even: just make the sword hilt rectangular like the last third of the shield handle. The whole thing doesn’t need to be rectangular, but the Spinatio Knight did this shit and it already worked.
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Pic as evidence, it’s rounded at the corners so that it doesn’t look like an absolute block, but it sits way more firmly in the hand as a result.
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Honestly, it looks great as a sword for the 30MF guys.
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If you can’t find a place to get 30MF stuff and you’re jonesing for knights, the Spinatio is doing a lot of the same stuff and could work as a nice accessory packs/squires for your knights in the long run. I might break out my Ceilnovas and axes for some more comparison pics.
Fair point, ya. Looks like Lancer and Priest likewise have rounded handles, but Assassin's got rectangular handles on its knives. Even just squaring off some part of the handle like you're saying about the shield would solve any issues.
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was the Veloce designed by the guy who did Xenoblade X's mecha?
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Mephisto is awesome, all the fun of the girls but bigger, and most sturdier. His butt cheeks still like to pop off like the others though.

It's by the guy who does the Bird/Binary designs
How is the wrist articulation without the goofy 3 sides joint?
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Fairly standard, just the single joint
It sure looks like it could be, but I don’t think so. I pray that we get more Skell/Doll kits with the release of the definitive edition. I love those designs, the Wels specifically.
Nope, Xenoblade X dude Yanase is working mostly with Bandai.
>It's by the guy who does the Bird/Binary designs
oh yeah, I see the resemblance now.
that's cool. always wanted some of them but denied myself because they weren't plamo.
Wondering if I should just buy the top two modules since I still have the initial version. Battles 03 and the legs are identical right? Aside from the Dianauts.
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>Turns your bullet core into power suit for just 1000 yen
The new 30MM Exa Vehicle seems real useful.
I was thinking about picking up the same kit, definitely post pics when it's arrived and built I'd love to see it in hand.
Need new kits to fill the void, I have all the gunpla I ever wanted and need to expand my horizons
The head, shoulders and arms remind me a lot of that gunmetal Vixen Armored Core kit Koto did years ago.
How is the neck articulation? For far can he look up? The neck articulation was the one thing that was lacking for the Principal.
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About this far, might be able to go further if you took off some of the clear parts on his back.
There was a 52toys stream on douyin on the 10th about 2025 items.
notes and screenshots: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9321738155
slide version: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1NTqkYfEvn/
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>Bonus for Cobra turns it into a winged serpent
>Bonus for mythical beast combiner are rubber pilot figurines
>4cm Penguins already shown at WF were the normal and chimelong repaint versions
>Giraffe is 5cm, very soon
>Modular Base is planned for H2 2025
>First wave of 4cm 1-step changers are Shark, Bird, Bear and Gorilla. May come with lanyards.
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>Ant is confirmed 5cm even though its beast mode is almost as large as the 7cm Scorpion
>Ant has a tread-vehicle 3rd mode. Bonus is a 1/4 box crane. Combined together you get those crawler crane vehicles.

>3cm partsformers are on hold and won't be made in 2025
>Waiting for Tsuboshima to finish CAD of Vermilion Bird
>Marketing team considering adding Infinity box and Beastdrive into VIP voted figure selection, production team has no opinions on the matter

>5cm Xenomorph 2.0 has no bonus
>VIP version is still undecided
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• The ant looks good and it’s nice that it’s so versatile, but I don’t collect bugs
• Not at all interested in the snake, mostly due to the big lump in its body
• Beastdrive cat looks mostly good, and I see what they were going for with the colors (orange/white is a classic combo for both cats and robots). I wish the eyes were a pale blue-green—either by painting them or swapping all the clear plastic
I can't tell if the cat is using random prototype plastic colors. The Chinese guy compiling this info missed the beastdrive segment because they weren't interested in the line.
I wish there was more interest for the beast drive line, it's really cool.
I find it hard to get invested in any of their lines with how quick they dropped Beastpunk.
A fully printed part might be able to give it a more solid handle, but that it wouldn't match (unless painted) will probably bother me. Once I finally get one maybe I'll try to design a handle and see how it goes. The store is claiming Bandai didn't fulfill their allocation...
If the tolerances are improved then I might pick up a few cop bots, they look pretty cool.
alt head
Alternate link in case the other thread is deleted.
Ow, they already deleted not just the 1st link but the 2nd one too. Same poster i suppose.
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giogio slideshows
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want to pick it up since its like a third of the original price (and I didnt buy it fuck me)
but is it worth it anons
Xenomorph throwin it back
God damnit, they really had to do a new version of Esis after I already bought it
>no brand
I was skeptical of unbranded KOs when that TM carrier KO was announced, and I'm even more skeptical with that looking like it's not coming together. Still pretty cool if someone does make a full KO of Battle Convoy

How much is it? Price isn't listed yet on the site where I found it.
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not sure where the price is from but some online stores in my country lists it at $115 ish
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Still wondering if I should get the teal workmech and dianauts.
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Revisiting Landbreaker since it fits well with Cyclops, their orange plastic actually match.

Dianauts V2's shoulders are too broad to fit Code 1 on the right. Their fit Code2 is alright, though not too surprising since it's more spacious.
Femnaut fits in both fine.
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You can see her tiny butt from outside
Can't see shit
u gotta IMAGINE
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Still not sold on Psychotrain. Usually trains are instant-gets but apparently this one doesn't even have functional wheels. May be that'll change when the mantis comes out, apparently you can swap both the head and armor parts around.
So I guess it doesn't have the bike compartments in the trailer trees? Still tho, looks like they did a pretty good job. I think this is the first time I've seen someone doing KOs of the 2.0 dianauts. I think I'll go ahead and put a deposit on one
*trailer treds
I'd be much more interested if they released it without the trailer. That thing is just too big.
New to all this and the Chinese market, so i figured I'd ask here. Is AliExpress any good for Chinese produced toys or do they KO their own stuff as well?
Are they really going to use the name 'Original Optimus Prime' wouldn't 'Original Convoy' be more accurate and less inviting of a lawsuit?
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Seems like the Chinese have gotten bolder as of late
I think it's just a calculated risk. "Optimus Prime" has better SEO than something generic like "Convoy". It's kinda evident from some of the comments on showzstore, where some people actually found out about Diaclone Reboot FROM the KO listing. As long as they can sell out before someone tries to shut them down, they come out ahead. That might also be why the pre-order window is so short. They want to reduce the amount of time that the lawyers have to react.

I have some personal complaints about Ali. And more than that, there is the problem with alot of sellers not speaking fluent English, and I feel like you have less financial protections if an international seller tries to fuck you over. Although I'm sure most sellers are honest enough and I'm just overly critical.

But as for your specific question, sometimes yes. Some things do get reduplicated, but that typically only happens to smaller, low effort things. Fucking no one is going to go through all the effort to rip off something as big and complicated as Original Optimus Prime. But I'm kinda convinced that people are recasting some of the smaller power suits
>do they KO their own stuff as well?
Depends on the item, no good general answer unless you specify which toy lines. Niche model kits relevant to here like no57 and rihio are already cheap enough to not be KOed, Beast Box has KOs but they are obvious with different branding.

Outside of this thread, you have things like INART's $300 Black Myth Wukong that has KOs passing off as originals, imitating it down to the extra postcards and pamlets in the special packaging.
Finally broke this stuff out, probably what this guy will be rocking henceforth. It only took a bunch of accessory packs form across numerous lines but it was worth it.
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…of course I forgot the picture.
The option parts really look better on Rosan than Liber when unpainted.
Not too surprising. Darker colors on darker colors rather than lighter ones. I find that most of the non white or gold option parts look better on the darker model.
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These wheel chocks are slightly wider than 5cm when you rotate them outwards.
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Got a question for Megalomaria/Kotobukiya-familiar anons:

I saw that in the upcoming Mephisto Prototype kit's promo photos that he's wielding a Holonic Arms set... but one cast in blue as opposed to the purple tones of the original set.

Does anyone know where that Holonic Arms variant comes from? I know Koto sometimes recolors their Modeling Support Goods as exclusives for new kits, but have they announced transparent blue variant as a standalone or as part of another Megalomaria kit?
I'm only seeing the standard violet one, so either it's something that hasn't been released yet or someone modified the color saturation of that image when touching it up for the ad (which may mean the other colors seen there aren't accurate, either). I'm assuming the moon runs in the lower left are mentioning exactly where the part is coming from, but I can't read 'em.
>I'm assuming the moon runs in the lower left are mentioning exactly where the part is coming from, but I can't read 'em.
Nah, that's just the usual "you don't get shit apart from the (main thing)" disclaimer.
>Holonic Arms set
Well, yes, but I'm assuming it says something along the lines of "Image shows product with the 'Holonic Arms X version', sold separately", with the X denoting exactly what variant or where the weapon came from. Of course, I could be wrong, but still.
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It might just be the lighting. The official Koto blog says it's a clear blue, similar to two other sets they've done.
Such cool weapons, but they don't fit into the hands of Bandai kits, right? I remember buying a weapon's set and they were all too big, was planning to arm some Spinatio..

Also just finally got and built my first 30MF kit, and what better one to start with than the Liber Knight. It does not disappoint. Articulation is really good, joints are solid, and maybe it's because of the number of parts, or their thickness, but it has a bit more weight to it than say an HG or 30MM. We were discussing the weapon handles not being squared earlier, and that's still an annoyance, but the grip is quite tight for now, but it being secured in there would be even better. Looking forward to more, and also eventually painting or at least panel lining this guy up.

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