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What are your favorite lord of the rings / hobbit / tolkien toys? I have a basement room to decorate a bit and I may place some middle earth things to display. I wonder wether it's worth to invest 500€ into Lego Rivendell. Looks damn amazing on photos. But the price is brutal and I wonder if there are better looking things (non Lego). I know there are those Games Workshop middle earth figures but they seem better to play with rather than decoration.
What will you do with Rivendell? Just display it? What is the play functionality?
Rivendell is probably the crown jewel of my collection. I haven’t quite gotten around to Barad-dur just yet. I completely endorse Rivendell sir!
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Fix your shit
Non, no toy or movie has ever captured the magic of the books.
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This Galadriel.
There's something so charming and special about merch that isn't based on the Jackson movies.
Most people would never know who that is supposed to be out of the box.

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