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Well, with the massive success of the new game and the Mezco Indiana Jones getting into people’s hands, thought it was time for a thread. The Mezco turned out okay, maybe not as stellar as most were hoping for, but it’s definitely passable. The SHF might still be the best though. Curious, has anyone else been picking up the adventure series on discount? It honestly was a good line, cut short by poor sales. Wish Dial of Destiny performed better, but oh well.
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Mezco be SHF
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Here’s a closer look at the Mezco
The SHF absolutely mogs the Mezco lmao.
Can you swap the heads or is the Mezco body too big? I feel like it could have done with molding certain parts in plastic like the holsters, too. The shf heads really do look good in comparison.
The heads are certainly bigger, but I’m not sure I’d say it mogs. The soft goods actually look quite good on the Mezco and he’s essentially looks seamless besides the neck, I was never a huge fan of that chest cutout on the SHF.

I’m not sure, those were just pictures I found online. I ordered mine on BBTS so it’ll probably be a while till I get mine.
Unlike the pallets of Marvel and Star Wars trash, it looks like only a case or two of Adventure Series showed up at Ollie's, unfortunately. Kazim (who I did grab) and Phoebe Waller Bridge's character are all that's likely to be found, now.
I'm happy with my SHF Indy, but I might grab the Mezco plinth once the figure gets parted out on eBay.
Why are Mezcos so tall now? I thought they used to be undersized
>massive success of the new game
>Mezco pleather jacket
Yeah it's living on borrowed time.
Has Mezco pleather deteriorated in the past?
I've owned several Mezcos with the plether for a number of years and I've experienced no real problems with mine. I know some experienced issues with the earlier figures like the Mutant Leader but I wanna say, as long as you're not a retard, they should last just fine. Now at the same time I live in a fairly dry climate with central air that keeps my stuff at a reasonable temperature, so that may help.
I don't care what fags in this thread say, it's not living past 5-6 years. Pretty much every Mezco Dread has deteriorated.
>as long as you're not a retard
Yes as long as you don't pose or otherwise handle the articulated action figure, it should be fine
not him, but my Judge Dredd is still holding up.

This isn't to say pleather won't deteriorate and it is a matter of time before it starts to crack. I generally stay away from pleather goods, but to pass up on a great Judge Dredd figure? Couldn't.

I also own 3a's Judge Dredd villains and they're still in perfect condition.
I've kept mine in fairly dynamic poses for years at a time, and they've been fine. I won't say that there aren't issues, but on any of the ones I own, I haven't experienced any. At least with the plether. I've had other issues on various figures.
>massive success of the new game
There was a new game?
It just released. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
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>Massive success
It's another flop actually.
you realize it’s free on gamepass on Xbox and PC right? so most of the players are going to be there. Not to mention it got stellar reviews across the board.
Journo reviews don't mean shit, they slobbed on Dragon Age's tranny cock as well, and they gave Concord 7s and 8s out of 10. Game pass isn't going to make an AAA game turn a profit either.

Not even 50k players on release-day for a game that costs hundreds of millions? FLOP.
The clothing on the mezco looks good but I can't get past that face. They really seem to have trouble with actor likenesses more often than not.
Movies flop, game underperforms, expensive Hasbro-license IP figures underperformed. The alleged video game action figure you guys SWORE was coming obviously never happened. Give it up. Be thankful you got a half assed 6" line because I don't think you'll ever see any mainstream Indy figures at regular retail for another few decades.
Which of the Hasbro Indy's is the best?
So glad this boomer shit is dead
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SHF is not only the better Indy figure, but the grinning face it has gives it big gigachad energy
Too bad it doesn’t look anything like Harrison Ford
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Looks more like him than the Mezco does. Not looking like an Irish Jew might be a plus though.
still don't understand why people can tolerant the silly proportion of mezco
The proportions look completely fine to me.
Mezco will always be better than shf. What kind of cope thread is this even. This is the most unrealistic shill attempt I've seen yet.
weird bait but I’ll allow it
same dead eyed stare as retrobuttblasting
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I actually think the headsculpt is quite good, I definitely see Ford there
Was pretty fond of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull line from back in the day.
it objectively does, dummy.
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I’m not seeing it, it’s close in some aspects but completely misses on others. Not to mention the SHF makes him look way older.
I dunno.. maybe with a better paintjob..
Y'know, with some parts swapping, we can make it even better.
I hope you’re joking
Well the game has reinvigorated my love for the franchise after 2 less than stellar games, what toys should I pickup? I’ve been eyeing up the adventure series and it seems most of it can be gotten pretty cheap so I’ll start there.
That stubble looks rough

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