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Previous: >>11229249

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Mythic Legions Reign of the Beasts pre-order up till December 29th
>Spero Toys Animal Warriors of the Kingdom wave 4 shipping
>Fury Toys Angryler finally up for preorder on 5ktoys, both colored and translucent versions
>Xesray Studios Balathu up for preorder on 5ktoys
>Jakks Streets of Rage Roo and Altered Beasts Weredragon showing up at Walmarts
>Nacelle Biker Mice from Mars now at Wal-Mart!
>Rage Toys "Not Bebop" up for pre-order
>NECA Cryin Houn, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, Archie Mondo Gecko, Mirage Triceraton Gladiator all in stores
>Earthworm Jim figures showing up on AliExpress
>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection
>FuRay Planet Kensai the Nameless One 1/12 Scale Figure
>Abyss Force Sharks are up on 5Ktoys in singles and a 3 pack
>Fury Toys Azure Lion
>LADo Toys 1/12 Wolf Girl Liya up for preorder on 5ktoys
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Mondo Buzz-Off
A stretch, but some are into it... Krampustaur
>Don’t kink shame
lol why is this even a rule? Its not gonna stop anybody
That looks so crazy cool. But, way too expensive.
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That JoyToy Splinter is kinda cute. Waiting till we see NECA's 2012 Splinter though. The sexiest of the Splinters finally getting some figure justice...
You will die of aids or suicide
So you can tap the sign when reddit niggers bitch about loli (if we ever get Li Li).
It's not bad. Not the best looking one I've seen though.
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Glow in the Dark Captain Carrot. It's a thing...now. I guess.
Just realized he's got two fists now. Good that he's got a couple more hands now.
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Got my event exclusive angry angler in today from 5ktoys… I got the other version as well but for some reason only this one is shipping right now. He’s a big, beefy boy. A lot bigger than I was expecting. The translucent gimmick looks okay, picks up better in pictures with light.
That looks cool as hell man. He move pretty good?
So, anyone here want a 3D printable Thylacine girl with a modular 'choose your furriness' feature?

Yes but I will never pay for any kind of digital content. It's must be free. Otherwise it's just don't exist to me.
Totally forgot and never even saw the previous one, and now it's sold out. This looks like a second chance
I don't give a shit about power level. Her price is crazy for how good she looks. She's gonna be my mechanic/electrician/carpenter in whatever displays or photos I want to take.
Y'know, if she scales well with the Kemopla lineup, you'd easily have a whole mechanic fleet of foxes and cats working on Arwings and whatnot.

...or a small town of them. I like the idea of getting Re-Ments for her so she's got more tools to toy around with.
Yeah, I hope the figure actually feels good in hand. I love the face, it's the right amount of anime and furry.
I been rereading some fantasy manga over the past few weeks and I've been getting a burning urge to build up an anime figure Adventurer's Guild display or something. I don't know if I'll ever put the effort into actually doing it, but I do know this fluffball would be a perfect addition to that kind of set up. Here's hoping her decently low pricepoint doesn't mean her QC is crap when she finally comes out.
Based as always. I should seriously try printing one of your figures on my resin printer, the resin I have should be up for the task.
Yeah, I was gonna get her from her great look already
But the price point REALLY sold me on it. Still really surprised by how relatively low she is
Plan on getting the kemopla girls too, so helpfully they scale alright and look nice side-by-side.
>you'd easily have a whole mechanic fleet of foxes and cats working on Arwings and whatnot...or a small town of them.
now I really want this
already planning on having her sitting with my veteran williams, working on his shotgun
Any idea if she comes with alt pawpad feet? Not a footfag I just think they're cute on anthros
Nope. What you see here is all she has.
That being said, it's worth noting that she is specifically called "Liya (Repairman ver.)", which implies there's going to be another version of her released at some point, assuming she sells well enough. Maybe if we're lucky we'll get a "Liya (swimsuit ver.) in the future, or something to that effect.
I wish all the eyes were blue.
They are movable so they probably aren't terribly difficult to pop out.
Oh, is that what that tool is? Well that's interesting.
The tool isn't for popping the eyes out - it's for moving them around. The back of each eyeball has a small slot, and the tool plugs in like a key so you can rotate it around in the socket.
>Well that's interesting.
It's not exactly a new concept. Most figures by Snail Shell, for example, have been using it as the standard for years.
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Rage Toys Samurai Force has a female turtle comin' out. For all your Turtle titty and booty needs.
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Imagine the toejobs.
Now that's a camel toe.
Kind of hot.
Is she going to be Venus or that chick from the comics?
The weapon in >>11264944
looks like one the Venus figure had with it, so it's probably "Totally not Venus."

A little disappointed "Not Raph" isn't next, but she looks good so far, definitely getting her.
"Not Raph" is coming soon, according to the 5Ktoys post. Surprised we saw this one's sculpted proto already though.
Very nice, but the ONLY Motu character I would pay Mondo prices for is Clawful
Axytoys Dinosaur Battlefield certosaurids are going to be Roman-inspired.
Really cute. How much are these usually? Kinda want her even though I'm not into TMNT like I was when I was a kid. I'd love if this company did a not-Mona Lisa. She is best girl.
Damn, those look nice. I got the Carno but wasn't a fan of how the Rex looked. But these guys look far more streamlined and way better to handle. If I had the cash I'd easily build a small squad of em, but as is I'd probably stick with the basic soldier because I love me them giant shields.
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While the cloth skirt doesn't look as sharp as it did when it was plastic, probably for the best so he doesn't end up a traffic cone. Might be my first in the line if I don't break down and pick up white Weng first.
I'm really getting tired of chinese armor.
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I am already tired of it from Dota.
said it before but, as much as i like maestro's stuff in general, i like this guy more than their tigers, if nothing else but the fact i don't like the chinese theming so much
and this dude comes with that kind of stuff as an extra, so you get the best of both worlds
I just like the face on this one, feels like there's a ton more personality in it.
Where did you find this information about 2012 Splinter from Neca?
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Neca has the 2012 license, it stands to reason we'll see a Splinter eventually.
2012 Splinter was sexiest Splinter.
Protected from aliens.
These guys are cool and all, but I'd like it if they made at least one hot chick for their lineup; maybe a female Parasaur or Raptor, since they seem to be doing an Herbivore vs Carnivore thing.
There was some concept art of the different Dino species they plan on making in this line and one of em was a female parasephalosaurus. However her style didn't match the rest of the concept art at all. Everyone else was detailed and realistic and textured but she just looked like a basic anime girl with a tail and cutesy parasephalosaurus styled head. I'm hoping they change her to better match the other characters though and not just make her a "sexy girl with dino head" type figure.
>There was some concept art of the different Dino species they plan on making in this line and one of em was a female parasephalosaurus.
Well, that sounds great - especially since, coincidentally, it happened to be a parasaurolophus.
>she just looked like a basic anime girl with a tail and cutesy parasephalosaurus styled head.
...I take it back - that sounds terrible. While I'm all for making any female dinos less bulky than their hyper-muscled male counterparts, they still need to match the aesthetic - detailed scale textures, saurian hands and feet, muscular or at least toned (maybe a bit slimmer than their Carnotaurus guys, but definitely not as bulky as these ceratopsians), and so on. It can most certainly be done, and it can still be made to look attractive if that's what they're concerned about, but 'generic anime chick with animal head' ain't gonna cut it with this line, and I hope that if they do get around to making her, they alter the design.
Are there any toys of cute wolf mascots?
Don't know anything about mascots, but there's a wolf girl coming out for Kemopla, and a fox girl up here >>11263894 who's pretty cute.
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As cute as those digitigrade paws are, I get the feeling she's going to be a real bitch to keep upright without a stand.
Are there any cheap anthro figures with good articulation and guns like picrel?
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wutabout these guys?
that original meowscles is like $50 to $100 now, it’s crazy
Yeah, I imagine it will be fiddly at best. It really only works with big feets.
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also the new Nacel Biker Mice from Mars do have space pistols
>>11270103 Too expensive
>>11270331 Never liked their designs

Forget about the guns. What are some cheap furry figures with good articulation?
Good God do we need Beastars figures. This last season is spiking that need more than ever.
cheap furry figures are probably going to have to be whatever is in the TMNT lines I think. Anything made for general consumers and not for special interests should be the cheapest, articulation is going to vary. Maybe best would be Fortnite if they have any current furry characters on shelves.
shion moriyuki release pushed to january
Not really surprised, and apso now all my December preorder have been pushed back to January.

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