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File: 20241211_190316.jpg (323 KB, 1952x1376)
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Came in a lot of random figure parts and accessories. The seller didn't know.
hmm idk . maybe ask the seller?
Reminds me of Mr. Potato head shoes, but I couldn't find a match on google
How big are they?
Tech Deck Dude? Did any of those have removable shoes?
Show the underside so we can see if there are any markings to help identify it.
Not seeing one
Yes there is post a pic.
There is nothing on the bottom
yes there is. that's why you're not posting a picture.
You got a ruler so we can have some sense of scale?
You've got one person saying they're for Tech Decks and another saying they could be Mr Potato Head's.
About 2 inch scale
Post another pic of them. Why won't you? You're a liar.
Not Tech Deck Dude / Dudes / SK8.
These look "slip-on"... Thought they were Mr.Potato Head, like to a gay Boba Fett thing or something, but no, those have a spike coming up from the center... maybe a girl's line of some sort.
File: peppa pig connected shoes.jpg (477 KB, 1589x1372)
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Hmm... Peppa Pig, connected shoes, open slots in back... ...we do need more pics though.
My best guess is part of a kinder egg.
There's usually something stamped into the bottom like a year or manufacturer

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