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>The World of BIONICLE
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with BIONICLE
Sets: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=S&catString=273
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2


Previous thread: >>11230020
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His writing sucks.
True, but at least he wrote something
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At least in Germany we got 2 Barraki books (& the Universe of Makuta)
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Something that has proven to be a blight on this fandom and their incessant need to have everything explained to them by this retard.
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Hordika minifigs were originally intended for pic related
I hear fatdaka anon was spotted on /v/
Nobody bothered to tell Greg his shit stank when he was writing dumb shit.
That /v/ thread was a doozy
Good times though
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Is there a way to mod stuff into the game, like mor attacks, weapons, enemy, graphics, whatever
Battlefront 2 is an old ass game that people keep on modding an adding stuff, one could imagine people modding Heroes too
I'm honestly surprised nobody's made like a Mahri mod or something. I feel Bionicle generally has weirdly few fan-games considering how iconic it is as a toyline.
Wait did Irnakk show up in Heroes? I don't remember that at all
Either way I'm shocked we haven't see more mods in general. Usually you see people doing Bionicle mods for other things, like Skyrim or God of War.
There is a way, but you have to create it. Battlefront 2 was massively popular so it has a robust modding scene, random licenseslop generally does not have the same support. In these cases it's usually the passion project of 1 dedicated autist and anyone else he can strongarm into helping him.

Are YOU a bad enough dude to be that 1 autist for Bionicle Heroes?
Chunky pedophile chungusfury.
You rape children ChungusFurry
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that's a custom model apparently
Was he an incel?
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If I sacrifice one slizer I'll have all the pieces I need to build everything here, not the same color but I can probably get a consistent color scheme for them.
which one should I build first?
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im thinking the snake
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>Heroes Edition
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thank you hero factory for part 92215
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I found some SocketBall masks online. I actually ordered one a couple years ago but it never came. At least now I can finally make Damek. Not sure what I'm going to do with the ignika though.
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I built the Kewa recently just to get a good look at it from the front. Funny lil guy.
Bionicle is dead. Let it go.
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I have that same piraka store display at the bottom left :)
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made the kangaroo
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no animals were harmed in the production of film, except a slizer who got butchered and onua who got decapitated
So rockabilly. Glad this shit is dead lmao.
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Looks like a powerful punch, cool colour scheme
You did not seriously pay the stupid price for those on mercari
S O V L is back on the menu, boys.
you just know bro on the left has lost buckets to her
Whats this??
2025 tho!
They did, back on BZP when he posted there. He just told people to stop reading his stuff if they don't like it.
Rob is my favorite Techos
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>they put in fucking Galidor
>left out Bionicle
>all cmfs, most from this year
>Nick Bluetooth out of nowhere
Oh god we're getting a Nick CMF next year, aren't we?
We’re getting a Galidor remake, at least we get some colors back
>Galidor gets a Gen 2 before Bionicle Gen 3
it's so fucking over, bros....
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I was listening to that recent longfomr bionicle lore video and I realized I wasn't having fun with the story anymore around 2008 and 2010 onward was just a slog of confusing bullshit. The multiverse really is the death of storytelling.
Thankfully Bionicle's multiverse is entirely inconsequential to the main plot, it all gets a lot more comprehensible if you just gloss over everything in the serials as "some shit happened".
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How do you guys even get this stuff?
I like robots on an island.
Story stopped being good after 2008 and it just descended into Greg jerking himself off
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>[BIONICLE] revamp
>removes the play feature
>looks worse than the original
except for AU Teridax coming back to call main Teridax a retard gorilla nigger
That was also entirely inconsequential.
The video was only one third of the way through when the guy talked about the 2005 stuff, which is about the halfway point of the franchise. So the second half of Bionicle had nearly twice as much story content as the first half. And most of it was pointless, directionless side story fluff that didn't add anything substantive, just retcons and Greg's own idea of what the lore should be.

>The multiverse really is the death of storytelling.
I still think back to some of Greg's old posts where he said he wanted to avoid time travel because it cheapens the story. He actually used to show some restraint and thoughtfulness in his writing. But then he went crazy with alternate universes.
lorelet here
is there an explanation to what the top of the makuta mask is? I always saw it as the fusion of makuta and takanuva
There are a few mods made


Now what it would take to install, let alone make a mod, I have no idea. Personally, I'd like to see improved models (while still staying true to the game's aesthetic)
I think it's supposed to be their fusion
>I always saw it as the fusion of makuta and takanuva
that's cuz it is
A quick eBay search for "Bionicle store display" suggests they probably just buy them. Prices are high, but like anything else, you can find deals if you look hard enough, for long enough.

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