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File: ealy 2010s toy.png (3.29 MB, 1920x1080)
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To me this is right when toy collecting kinda peaked
>classic franchises like GI Joe were making great quality and being very generous on accessories in their lines
>video game merchandising was just hitting
>The high quality brands were still kinda new on the scene, definitely not in US stores, and it was extremely special when the likes of Figma/SHF made a toy of a western franchise like Marvel
>1:18 scale golden age
>Toys R Us was in its last dying days and had crazy sales on all the stuff i liked whenever i went
>Crazy ebay arbitrage at the time, where some toys were $5-$10 at gamestop/TRU/Target but $50+ on ebay

Anyone collect a lot in this era? What do you miss about this era? Post pics of toys in your collection from this great era
The "modern era" Joes were, by and large superb, and the 4" Marvel Universe figures were great before they started corner-cutting.
for the price of the 4in MU's, i thought it was a steal

Huge variety of characters and you can get them for like $5 at TRU
>the hub
oh to go back before hasbro lit everything on fire.
I picked up a couple of Omega Reds and Professor Xs when they showed up at Five Below. Great value at $5, especially that Prof buck. Think that came from the G.I. Joe line, actually.
>>11262148 (OP)
The thing I miss the most from back then was having the time, space and energy to actually play with all the cool toys that came out.

The Hub got screwed hard, it was a decent idea for a family channel with a good variety of shows but it launched at the very worst time. There was no way it was ever going to survive the coming Streaming apocalypse.

I think the only 4" line that doesn't cost $20 minimum these days is the Fortnite stuff (is it even still going?). Most 1:18 figures would be *cheap* at 20 bucks these days.
Got my first Figma (the original Black Rock Shooter) in 2012 at a convention, which got me into "proper" collecting, so the early 2010s definitely have a lot of nostalgia for me. Also a lot of toys from that era still hold up pretty well.
Imports were in a golden age of quality/price.
But this was a pretty bad era for American figures overall.
The best era
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vidya toys were on the rise. D-arts, Figma, World of Nintendo, and Tomy retaking the Pokemon license in the US. I went from making a MvC collection to Smash
what are you, 15? 16?
you were barely shitting in your diaper when these toys came out that now that your voice has changed, you can be 'nostalgic' about shit that is barely 15 years old at MOST?
only some toddler would think toys that wouldn't even be old enough to drink, or go to war, would be "peak."
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>This guy needed to wear diapers as a teenager
i don't think you know how to read
The joke.

Your head.
Marvel Universe sucked. They had a handfull of very good figures, sure, but they were trashy toys with barely functioning articulation. All the Spider-Mans were bad, and fuck that web string every one of them came with.
The era of toys in your pic is exactly when my hobby transitioned into an unhealthy obsession
same lol
>huge halo fan as a millennial teen
>was the height of the "RECON ARMOR" era right before Reach came out
>scrambled to get all the Recon halo figures
>had tons of MU and GI Joes, like a little army
>had over 100 McFarlane Halo and another 100 MU/GI Joes

i agree some of the articulation was criminally bad but for the price i never cared. some of the 3.75in GI Joes of this era were amazing articulation, tons of accessories, beautiful design

i had the GI Joes as my "gun soldiers" and only really collected MUs who were extremely powerful characters who transcended gun combat

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