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Previous Thread: >>11219378

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy
>GSC Online Shop - some figmas only are available through their online shop
>Amiami - usual place for buying, to some people, shipping is a bit higher due to packaging
>Hobby Link Japan shipping is usual lower, but their prices are a bit higher, private warehaouse is available
>Hobby Search Japan - items stay in stock the longest
>Mandarake - search figma or フィグマ
>eBay/Amazon - only if you hate having too much money. Avoid bootlegs, you can spot them as 'Chinese version'
>http://jungle-scs.co.jp/ - Seems like you can fine some good deals here
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection for any offer/deal

Here's a link to the buyfag guide list of shops:
If you're getting into the hobby, there's plenty of other useful information to find on the wiki.

In case someone is interested in the printable backdrops/dioramas & other papercraft stuff that Max Factory have in the download section of their site:
here is a back up, Enjoy!

Short illustrated posing guide by Max Factory
>http://ameblo.jp/figma/entry-11564427757.html (in moonrunes)
The S shape is always good advice though. The basic idea is that straight lines tend to look stiff.

Tomytec's 1 inch scale section (1/12 stuff, little armory, vehicles and others)

For 3rd party accesories/diorama pieces just look for 1/12 stuff (for other scales just ask in the thread)
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>Release schedule: (your favorite will probably get delayed)

>Dead Space Isaac Clarke
>Veronica Sweetheart
>Takanashi Kiara
>Gridman (Universe Fighter)
>Persona 5 Joker

>Kazusa Kyoyama

January 2025
>Raging Wolf
>Nakayama Kinni-kun
>The Milkmaid by Vermeer
>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.
>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.
>Ciel & DX Edition

February 2025
>Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.
>Sakamata Chloe
>Yuuka Hayase

March 2025
>Armed JK: Variant A,B,C,D,E,F + Loadout Set 1,2

April 2025
>Gendo Ikari

May 2025

June 2025
>Ganondorf: Tears of the Kingdom Ver.

July 2025
>Skull Knight & DX Edition
>Special Forces Member

August 2025
>Mika Misono
>Snow Miku: Winter Delicacy ver.
>Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ver.
>Akira Sato

September 2025
>Sakura Miko
>Hoshimachi Suisei
>Doom Slayer
>Shiroko Sunaookami (Cycling) & DX

October 2025
>2B (YoRHa No.2 Type B)

November 2025
>Ninomae Ina'nis
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>The following release dates have been confirmed:

>Shipping out from the 7th of November 2024
Dead Space Isaac Clarke
Persona 5 Joker

>Shipping out from the 11th of November 2024:
Little Armory Tactical Gloves L Size Tan & Black

>Shipping out from the 21st of November 2024:
Gridman (Universe Fighter)

>Shipping out from the 25th of November 2024:
Takanashi Kiara

>Shipping out from the 27th of November 2024:
Veronica Sweetheart

>The following products have had their release dates changed:

>Delayed from October 2024 to December 2024:
Kazusa Kyoyama

>Delayed from November 2024 to January 2024:
Ciel & DX Edition
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>Shiroko Sunaookami (Cycling) & DX

>Doom Slayer


>Ninomae Ina'nis

>Special Forces Member

>2B (YoRHa No.2 Type B)


>Hoshimachi Suisei

>Sakura Miko

>Akira Sato

>Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ver.

>Snow Miku: Winter Delicacy ver.

>Mika Misono

>Skull Knight & DX Edition



>Ganondorf: Tears of the Kingdom Ver.

>Gendo Ikari


>Yuuka Hayase

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>Reposting from the previous thread

>Smile Fest Prototype Gallery

>In hand pics of a few of the latest releases and some older figures

>In hand pics of E.M.M.I

>LittleArmory is making male versions of their Tactical Gloves

>Armed JK Variants Reviews

>Mona Lisa Review

>Sumire Uesaka Review

>Wonfes 38 Gallery

>Review of JSDF soldier
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Good Smile Company website renewal (https://www.goodsmile.com/en) is complete
The new website combines the main site and the shop into one, you must reset your password to access the new shop.
Orders done in the old shop will be processed through the old website.


And fuck the autosage
>linked the wrong thread
fuck, actual previous thread
Thanks for the new thread, NotFigmoe.
I wonder if we'll get A2 or the new Solid Snake anytime soon. When's the next event? Winter Wonfes 2025 in .. February, I suppose?
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Kazusa at the end of the month!
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>new thread
congrats for outliving /ctg/, if only figmoe were here to celebrate...
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Did the chungus/brandwar guy finally run all the posters there off? Shit sucks
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What are his chances?
looks like a guy with a fat ass
Is it not a guy? Bummer.
You would know.
>new Solid Snake
Hopefully soon considering it's just a new head and paint.
I wish guys had an ass like that
Apparently the guy who made the OP was a schizo.
I'm hoping Delta might lead to more MGS figures.
Bros…I think this Mona figma is my favorite. Oh my god. I love Mona so much!
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Mona loves you, too.
God…did you know I make her and figma Ryza friends! Oh my god bros!!!
>make Shiroko
>fully expected Hoshino or BA Asuna next
>back to Shiroko
I want to know what they’re thinking with these choices.
Next we'll get swimsuit Shiroko.
You forgot about Yuuka
I approve as an Abydosfag
Holy shit you’re right
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>Holy shit you’re right
Cute pic
Great, now if only the furfag general could get permabanned too.
Post like this is how we know you are the guy he's talking about.
There’s a suspicious amount of posts talking about how much of a saint and awesome CTG’s OP is it’s the funniest shit ever.
Are there any side-by-side pictures of the new Revoltech Ochacco with the old Figma yet?
>discord is better
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do we know if she have any thigh swivels at the boot top? I know the SHF and Bring Arts ones have it and honestly considering how many action poses 2B has that would kinda be a deal breaker for me
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It's a ball joint.
Why post here if discord is better?
If yuuka is doing the raping I’m ok with this
If you're ok with it it stops being rape. Such a conundrum.
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can't wait for mine
wish they'd make a reisa nendo that I could put with her
next they're gonna make swimsuit, kuroko and finally 1st year
They gave her sorta Revoltech-esque thigh ball joints to add a bit of extra range that her knees don't seem to get by default. It's pretty neat (even if I'm confused with all the somewhat limited knees for 2b figures for no reason).
This shows off the articulation a bit.
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>reisa nendo
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She doesn't deserve a nendo... she deserve a figma!
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>thigh and waist peek
It's the small things
Hello I'm not familiar with figma, I want to buy the Elden Ring Raging Wolf one made by Goodsmile Company. It was on preorder like a year ago and it releases in january 2025. How do figma prices work? Should I buy it from a store now for 120€, or wait for it to release? Are figmas cheaper or more expensive once they release?
He won't get more expensive until he sells out in most places, but there is a slim chance you might find him cheaper once he releases.
It's still available for preorder on HLJ and Hobby Genki for way less than 120€. Genki have him for 12482¥, which works out to be roughly 77€ before shipping, but I understand you euros get fucked on customs fees sometimes, so if your option includes postage and no additional tax/customs, that might be the way to go.
Higher than Zero but less than 100.
they already made ganondorf lil bro
Is there a chance of a golgo 13/duke togo getting a reissue or a new release? It's the only anime i ever watched back as a kid but it seems like the last figure made was a decade ago
Sounds fucking gay.
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pre-orders for the snake renewal starts tomorrow
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Nice desu ne
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>Box isn't a bonus this time
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>The UV printer facial printing technology that has been accumulated since 2016's figma "Leonidas" has been implemented in this Snake.
God damn, if the promo shots look this bad, just imagine what the production units are gonna look like.
You're getting what you see
>As of 2024, the factory's mass production environment is now in place, using UV printers, making it possible to mass-produce facial parts using almost the same process as the demo masters created by Max Factory staff!
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Note it's zoomed in macro.
Only the most autistic of eyeballs like my own will notice the pixelface. From a normal distance it'll be fine.
Does it have a GSC bonus?
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Still better than what we used to have.
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Extra gun
You gotta be fucking shitting me...
Nothing similar in Little Armory's arsenal?
I'm not familiar enough with LA, but that's the SOCOM Mk23, his main gun from the first game. The non bonus handgun looks like it is the M9 tranq pistol, but it's hard to tell from such a small pic.
Dunno how it will scale with Snake 2.0, but the newest Action Force weapon pack (supposed to be out this month) has a SOCOM in it. Might be a viable option.
It just sucks there's like a 20 bucks difference between retail and GSC Shop Bonus ver.
If they just applied the same pre-order discount, they'd be more enticing.
in my experience, face print tech never looks good in promo photography and it comes out looking fine in-hand. Camera lenses are too precise in capturing the detail while the human eye is capable of blending all of the "pixels" into a cohesive texture
Cheers. Just had a look for it. The "India" pack. I've got a feeling it might be a tad big, but I might grab it anyway just in case. Worst case, I end up with some more weapons to give to Classified figures if I ever buy any more of them. At least the fire and muzzle flash effects look cool.
Still, fuck you Good Smile. Couldn't make some shit like the EZ gun the exclusive bonus, could you? It's the equivalent of including a bow and hook shot with Link, but making the Master Sword the exclusive bonus.
Oh yes. I dig this.
His lips are a little too plush and luscious but I'll absolutely be happy to get a good MGS2 Snake.
Gritting teeth face is still a little awkward. It has just never looked right. For as awkward as it is for an expression, I guess they did well. I wouldn't use it.
I rarely buy figma but I am a massive consoomer for MGS. Tell me why I shouldn’t be considered he’ll end up like he did last time >>11265845 because I still feel the sting from last time I bought him.
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cant be unseen
oh naw
Possible Gurlukovich soldier reissue?
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So what's the best place to get the GSC bonuses from? Didn't GSC US have a credit card breach recently?
Yeah, US is fucked. Dunno if US uses same as Global, but EU uses shopify or something for their store so they're not affected.
Depending on the price, might just go with NNG or HG.
>Didn't GSC US have a credit card breach recently?
They use stripe now for payment so they shouldn’t have that issue anymore. They will probably be the cheapest way for US residents to get the bonus.
I just tend to use Nin-Nin Game for exclusive (GSC, Kaiyodo, P-Bandai).
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screw the soldier, where's the twink
>because I still feel the sting from last time I bought him.
Yeah, I dont buy realistic figures from gsc for that reason, the grainy face prints looks like shit.
Him, but from MGS4.
>I dont buy realistic figures from gsc for that reason, the grainy face prints looks like shit.
He's not referring to that.
He's referring to >>11265845
Now that you mention it..
Was trading cigs and movable eyes worth it?
From the GSC website you dumb faggot.
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The original Death Stranding Sam sculpt was great. Then they removed details like the eyebrows and facial hair in favor of le printing technology.
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Face printing is such a fucking gamble.
I remember years ago someone was using the Archetype He Next for a custom MGS2 skull-suit Raiden. Don't have a link or the pics anymore.

Models Resource has the game-model of MGS2 Raiden I think, so if you can do 3D printing and modeling there's the only option right now.
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>Cheapest: HG @ 8800 yen
Yay? Or nay?
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We gain The Orange box, but we lose the cig hand. What's up with that?
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also missing a few more hands
I still have the original so it's not a big deal to me personally, but it sucks for newcomer.
No adjustable eyes as well, so no more ahegao Snake. Bummer.
Gets bit cheaper in local currency, because their conversion is nicer.
I went with the standard release. I just can't justify spending 26 bucks more for 1 extra tiny accessory. Least it wasn't a face.....
Kazusa christmas release
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I'm mainly getting him just to round out my Smash roster (Now just waiting out that Mexican Wario reissue to go global and I'm good), so I'm not too bothered about missing the cigs. It sucks for those that do though. I got a few ciggies with Revoltech Wolfwood, but still missing the hand for Snake then.
Before the update reveal I was looking for the knockoff that everyone was selling (but not delivering, because they had none). Thought though he looks like shit, can at least do legs poking out from under the box. They eventually started taking down listings.
Checking out reviews it was still chance whether it actually included the orange box or even the cigs.

Now that I don't have to rely on a knockoff, I can do some shit with him and Zero Samus, I guess.
69eur for snake seem a pretty good deal

i would prefer a revoltech snake tho
wait, nusnake doesn't even come with a cigarette holding hand?
No cigarettes, no hand.
Max's No Smoking Campaign.
Meh, that sucks.
I thought if the hand was at least there, I could easily get a ciggy off some other figure.
Well, it's not like I'll pose him smoking much, but it's still a part of his character to be a smoker, so on the one hand it's not a dealbreaker, but it is a bummer.
Nevertheless, I've been looking forward to a good MGS2 (and 1) Snake for so long, and the first Figma was a dud, so I'm not going to pass on this one. You win some, you lose some, I guess.
Hopefully the colors still match so I can just use that part from the old one.
I think the old snake in general (other than skintone) looks a bit more greenish, while the new one is more blueish. So there might be a slight discrepancy.
I'm hoping I didn't lose all the cigs from the original release.
Main accessory being a GSC exclusive is very Goodsmile.
>Mexican Wario reissue
The what?
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so is this guy worth getting?
but his hands are black!
He is. Go get him, while you can.
If you're a longtime fan, absolutely. His only con are the visible shoulder-arm joints
From the Jakks line, a "gold" release. Apparently it's only sold in Mexico at the moment.
We get them on EU Amazon sometimes, but it always takes ages. Is how I got a Bowser Jr.
Re-issue when?
Beg the overlords daily.
He's pretty shite, but like with the Doom Slayer, he's probably the best you're gonna get for a long time if not ever.
>Max's No Smoking Campaign.
That's a thing?
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someone isn't happy over her new body
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she's turning around on it though
At least she's finally useful for something.
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not really no
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How likely is a reissue of the old Golgo 13 Figma?
Get a new anime started and beg GSC.
I’m sure you guys will call me a retard for not ordering from GSC directly but, has anyone preordered dogmas from Amazon before? 2B is about the same price on Amazon as it is on GSC and it has free shipping with prime.
not preordered but I've bought figmas off there, they're really rough with them nowadays in my experience and the packing is awful, you're probably better off eating the shipping because GSC will at least pack it better, unless you can really deal with the package potentially getting scruffed up and in worse case so dented the figures get damaged
Or better yet, a new Golgo 13 Figma.
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i am holding out hope
For Dead Space 2 remake? Only way that has a chance.
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Why is figma the only GSC line that never gets any song-specific Miku variants? I'm sick of snow and racing themed Mikus. I want things like Vampire, Mesmerizer, Rabbit Hole, and Matroyshka.
Because Max Watanabe is retarded and his company will make model kits at best in the near future meanwhile GSC pockets will be filled with bills.
Scored a Figma Eris on clearance for $30 here locally. Don't know anything about her but a modern figma for so cheap feels good.
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>making Ugly Retard from Overrated FOTM Shounen Slop
figma is so back
this is pretty sick
i'll take anything over vtuber brony slop
why do they have both shf and figma making the same cahracters?
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>yet another limited exclusive release
cause' they're the main characters you fucking donut
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Wht doesn't she have a figma yet?
What is Atlus doing?
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figma Okarun, limited release.
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They learned from CSM lol
THIS is the main character from an anime my friend won't shut the fuck up about? This looks like shit.
>i'll take anything
Average shonen fan.>>11268554
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Most are watching it for the main heroine that looks like a JK slut.
not what I said but okaaaay
I would buy this but she doesn't have any funny or over the top expressions
Based. Shf is dead to me anyway.
This doesn't look that good and after the Gabimaru fiasco and the scaling being whack I'm just gonna pass on this one.
Nobody asked
Nobody needs to be asked. :)
Learn to code.
Not that impressed but I will say I'm glad that Figma is doing the eye plates like Yamaguchi does/did on some figures. I want it to become more of a commonplace thing because it sure as shit beats getting faces where the eyes are looking to one side, and then no forward facing face with the same expression.
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Any ideas on a head that looks close to Yukari? Seems like an easy custom with this body
No thanks.
People should just buy the one they like most. Or both. Idk what Dandadan guys are into.
So far I prefer the colors on the SHF - looks more ghastly, but figma's got the extra bits in accessories and eyes. But that'll also be reflected in the 10k+ yen price it'll probably be due the Limited Release shit.
I'll wait out a review of the SHF first I guess.
Don't forget there's also the size element. I assume the Figma will be considerably larger as per their push to scale their newer figures higher. I also think the SHF has more face/face options, while Figma has the eye gimmick (which is based btw the toy industry needs to pick that up).
For the SHF it's gonna also depend on the articulation since we don't see a lot of pictures showcasing his range, as well as his finish. Looks really good in these promo images but that's because he looks really matte, which could end up not being true at all for the final product.
Meanwhile the Figma has pictures showcasing the range (which is really good) but we have no idea if he could end up like Gappimaru either.
tl;dr: I blindly trust neither company.
Well, this came out of nowhere. Glad it comes with Turbo Granny unlike the SHF, but that 160mm height again is a problem. Puts him completely out of scale with even a lot of recent and upcoming Figmas and the same height as Snake.

Feels like opposite day because the SHF looks more detailed other than the mask while the Figma looks more articulated. The SHF's missing the windblown hair as well. Still not sure I even need figures from this series yet so I might just hold off until they're both out.
How tall is the guy even supposed to be?
>tl;dr: I blindly trust neither company.
Most sensible stance to take.
No official height afaik, but he's short normally and gets a little taller when transformed, though definitely not 6'0. Should probably have been 150mm like Yuji and Denji. The saving grace I guess is that most people will either display him slouching or running.
Thanks for telling me. I'm not following Dan Da Dan (or however you spell it) and he looked like the tall lanky type, in which case having him be big could be a plus. But if he's not meant to tower over people, then yeah it's absolutely a bad thing.
I think it's really the only con of recent Figma. It's the only "negative" I can think of for 2b for example.
Shonenfags will eat any slop that's shat onto the pages of shonen jump
Both look like shit because that is an objectively bad design.
Agreed. Looks like a demonic Dr. Stone character.
holy moly, I wish there were zoos that had people like you in them where I could gawk at you in real time
:S erm....
Figuarts objectively better in appearance but the figma comes with more stuff. Probably getting neither though because I'd only get him if I was getting Momo too and I'm skipping the Momo figuarts because she comes with next to nothing too.
Well, you could wait to see if Figma makes a Momo, but she'd probably be far too tall if they did.
>made by the same guy who made Gabimaru
naaah lmao
Tasteless shonensloppers
I'm going for Okarun figuarts, but I think I'm gonna hold off and see what figma can offer with Momo. Even putting aside the figuarts lack of accessories the figure itself just looks super plain. Just feels like there's a lack of energy or charm in the expressions.
You probably could, but >>11268981
Remember Figma now on average scale larger, so it might look out of place.
I suppose I don't know quite know how tall we're talking, as my latest figma was Gura. As far as I know figma girls still tend to be pretty small and Okarun is a short fellow anyway. I don't mind a couple extra inches on her height if it means a livelier looking figure.
Well, 2b's 160mm (6.24in), and she's definitely not meant to be that big. She's about 15 inches too tall afaik? But yes, if that's not a problem for you, you can spring for the Figma that I assume is inevitable.
>15 inches too tall
>and Okarun is a short fellow anyway
his figma's 16cm. shf is 15. average girl figma is 13-14cm, which shf momo also is.
As always, the SHF is better. demon slayer, jjk, now this; i have zero idea why GSC continues to release figures for characters SHF is already doing because they get destroyed every time
can't figma go back to doing cute girls and seasonal cgdct lines? they haven't even finished the yuru camp cast, they completely skipped bocchi... i hate modern gsc
no need to bait
you are right though that they should've done more seasonal cute girls
uzaki, bocchi, nagatoro, marin, etc.
Sadly no, unless you're able to tweak one of the existing Persona figma to get a general approximation of Soejima's style. Her hair would have to be sculpted/3d printed though. I was actually thinking of Yukari when I first saw her design so good catch.
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Also in agreement about seasonal girls. It used to be so nice watching a moderately successful series and anticipating the likely figma announcement. I miss optimistically filling out wonfes bingos. We'll be lucky to get the announced Dunmeshi cast, let alone the cat. Hate the absolute fucking state of this shitty line.
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You forgot Chainsaw man and MHA. I'll let them off Berserk and HxH since the original Figmas are so old.
At this point the only franchise GSC have left that I fuck with is Guyver. Hope we see that Gigantic painted soon.
Kaiyodo was mogging the MHA figma long before SHF came into the picture.
Man, that dude is a chunky lad.
Sorry, just used a very specific phrasing that a common shitposter uses.
Vampire Miku is a peak design.
After seeing their 2b and how dogshit berserk figures were I just lost all intrest in bandaislop. They can't make toys. I mean look how hard figma mogged their 2b. Ruthless. Even the most adamant shf shills bent the knee. The seethe still hasn't died down. Almost makes me yawn watching them shit up the thread each day. Pathetic and impotent just like shfslop.
Yeah, and Buzzmod were mogging the Demon Slayers ones. What's your point other than Figma are getting mogged by multiple companies. Their One Punch Man figures are just about to get Giga mogged as well.
kek, faggot
>shinier than shf
HOW. Are they trying to save money by doing the thing Bandai do which is just use coloured plastic with little to no finish? Whilst simultaneously Bandai are making their plastic more matte?
To be fair, all of those got "mogged" because they were half-assed.
I don't think you should base your opinion on that figure on the promos. There's almost no way it'll end up that matte on release.
And I say that as someone who likes SHF.
Even so, that figma is shiny. SHF glossiness is hit or miss but I just expect it from them on their shounen figures cause they’re probably expecting more play from the younger shounen demographic, but I expect a figma to be nice and matte. Especially cause it’s so much more expensive.

I’ll have to see their vision for Momo before I fully judge, but this is just another annoying figma shrinkflation thing.
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I am going to preorder her today.
Sorry, not sorry!
So the dude that maked revo Ochaco and Mirko developed this Okarun... huh. Besides the nails (less fag the better) it has more paint job that the bandai one, sure the semigloss finish its bother me but overall and the palette colors of the figma are more my taste.

Not a collector line so I don't care about scale.
what's his powerset? can he punch good? does he need weapons or whatever that aren't included?
You didn't already preorder her? Weak.
I'm an animeonly so I wouldn't doubt he gets more powers/forms, but as of now his only powerset is being really fast.
He was also the one who worked on Figma Gabimaru.
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I got these two for a good price during black friday. They are my first Figmas. They’re neat but I’m scared to mess with them too much because I feel like something will break. Not sure if I’ll get any more. Maybe if I was rich.
Does Kuzuma still have the wildly discolored knee joints?
Aqua look bootilicious.
>Does Kuzuma still have the wildly discolored knee joints?
Yeah you can see them in the pic. I was surprised because the official images had matching joints.
That's wild. The first release had them and then the rerelease as well.
Sorry to hear. But both of them do look otherwise look good.
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figma are certainly not like your average figure you can find at western retail, but you shouldn't be scared to mess with them, its fun and they won't break unless you hamfist them or try and force shit thats clearly not gonna work.

I will say consider getting the rest of the konosuba crew, Darkness is getting a rerelease soon and Megumin is the real issue since she is the most popular but I've seen her for decent prices.

Or you can just replace her with Yunyun, usually way cheaper and a much nicer body (to pose)
I thought about preordering Darkness but I don't want only 3/4 if I can't find a Megumin. I would actually love if Rem from Re:Zero got reissued, I really want her. But desu other than that, there's not a ton of characters they've made that I like or recognize. Maybe 2B and Marcille.
Didn't Megumin just come out?
she did get a reissue but Megumin is by far the most popular Konosuba character so she sells out pretty fast and get really high aftermarket prices, granted, this is the third release so it shouldn't be as high.
I get you, I didn't preorder the others until I could secure a Megumin, she is good though and if you're not paying too much over MSRP she is worth it just for the crew, also depends where you are in the world I guess, I'm from europe and I've seen her still be in stock here and there
shes cute but now im waiting for figmas version, compare the options.

yeah, was disapointed to see the lack of funny expressions. they been doing these more for other characters so it felt like a huge miss here.

legit wish we got song specific designs. or updated figma of the other characters. i need a new Rin and Len
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speak of the devil
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>or updated figma of the other characters. i need a new Rin and Len
It's a Miku-Miku world out there.
Though maybe now that they're tagging them more with the Piapro rebrand, they have a chance.
Along with a PUP, of course. Guess which'll release first.
Gotta ride the wave, lest the consumers start thinking you stop at Okarun.
>Along with a PUP, of course. Guess which'll release first.
The one that doesn't require tolerance testing for the joints? No way! Who would have thought that an articulated figure takes longer to develop than a statue?

Momo too basic, gimme Shiratori.
>tolerance testing for the joints
You can't possibly believe they're doing that for the same joints they've been using since 2008. Sarcasm better.
Any Aussies bought from the goodsmile website recently? What are postage charges like?
Looking at PO'ing cycling Shiroko. Given its exclusive sale, I figure direct from GSC makes sense, for the bonus.
Unless postage is anal rape, which it may be if it comes from America.
Postage is $18 US from Japan, and I think that's a flat rate. And it's superfast. My Kiara came less than a week after I got the shipping notice, and I'm in the bush these days. I've had shit take longer to go between capital cities with Auspost.
The worst thing about the site since the update is that you can't pay in yen anymore. It has to be US dollarydoos. But sometimes the way they convert the price works out cheaper than it would in yen. I don't know how they calculate what the burgerbux price will be.
Appreciate the answer mate. I feel your Auspost pain.
Alright, well at $18US its probably ever so slightly more than Amiami would be, but a couple bucks for an extra face is worth it.
And yeah actually i see what you mean, the $68 US is currently a few bucks cheaper than 11000yen, so its kinda a win there too.
Cheers again
your missing meiko. :(
just hoping we can get some updated ones, especially rin, len and luka are in dire need of some updates, kaito would be really nice aswell.
just really annoyed that rin and len are still stuck with those early eye style and dont match with anyone unless you get the earliest miku.

please give her a funny expression and maybe an effect part.
Much better than the first one, even ignoring the paint. Just a much improved sculpt.
As far as reuse goes this mostly seems justified, but I still wish they did a total update. Here's hoping they'll do a Naked Snake for Delta or something.
>Here's hoping they'll do a Naked Snake for Delta or something.
I hope this is basically their entry into Delta figures.
Like they want to do Delta releases because it's new, but they're like "well, we do have this MGS2 Snake already that will probably sell well since the first one was garbage and we can make slight adjustments to this one and do face printing and make people cream themselves over it."
The timing is suspicious. I doubt this is just an isolated decision to suddenly redo and reissue Snake.
Noice. Bring on the moe shit.

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