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File: neca.jpg (1.82 MB, 4284x3123)
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Have 2 NECA figures with stuck joints. White one has a stuck elbow, blue one has stuck knee joint on both legs. Tried boiling water method and lubrication, still stuck. Almost feels like they're fused somehow. Any ideas to get them unstuck?
Are these from AliExpress?
>Any ideas to get them unstuck?
They won't anymore.
Why did you make a new thread for this? Just use heat. Literally all you need. You can pop the elbows out of socket easily too once heated and work the peg that way if you have to.
They won't what?
I tried using heat, didn't work. And I made a thread because Reddit auto-modded my shit because it's a shitty website for fags.
Then try the freezer trick. You literally only need a hair dryer to get those things moving.
Why is it that I’ve owned plenty of toys, but I’ve only ever had to heat up NECA figures to get them moving?
Then you're lying. Because I've had to heat up Marvel Legends, DC Multiverse, Hot Toys, Figma, Revoltechs, Super7, and on and on... It's incredibly common.
Maybe you live in a very cold climate. I live in California, and I agree with the other anon; NECA is the worst of them all.
Ohhhh, okay, you're just dumb.
I live in Arizona, no, you are definitely full of shit.
NECA is notorious for shonky QC, especially with fused joints. Chances are they'll just explode if you manage to free them. Sorry man, I'd steer clear of NECA in future.
Get a heat gun and blast them with it
If that doesn’t work you’re going to have to get a closer look and see if the joints are actually fused together or someone returned it glued
NECA absolutely is the worst of them all about this. It's an anomaly to have to hot water/heat up anything else, but it's step 1 with every NECA figure I've ever bought.
Complete bullshit.
>and blast them with it
I agree with you about heat, but I prefer a blow dryer, not everyone would be able to do something else with a heat gun, or wants to mod/customize stuff. If you do, then yes, a heat gun is a great investment. But you can find blow dryers for like $5 at any thrift store. And still have other uses you can find for them at home.

>I live in California
I live in California, and while it's often second hand, pre-owned loose figures I'm doing it to, I've also gotten brand new, factory sealed McFarlane, DC Directs, and even one Hasbro ML I had to apply heat to on, generally the shoulder or one knee. Probably had an elbow once or twice.

>I tried using heat, didn't work.
You might not have been patient enough. Only time it didn't work for me was a second-hand, pre-owned figure and I assume the seller superglued it and that bitch didn't want to own up to it.

Also, make sure you cover your figure with a loose, thin (tee shirt probably) fabric - towel to start but you will likely need to go thinner. You don't want to diminish the paint with too much heat. That's another reason I don't agree with the 'blast it with a heat gun' anon.
Try 3in1 lubricant on the joints then heat with a blow dryer. Then when they're loosened wipe away any excess lube.
Hot water and then put it in freezer.

Sticking it for 2-5 minutes hot water loosens the plastic/paint that's causing the stuck limb. Way better than a hair dryer, because the hot water goes into the joints vs just blasting the surface of the figure with hot air.

Freezer then makes the plastic/paint contract, which frees it from the surrounding area.
Let figure thaw out for 10 or 15 minutes (never try and move a figure while its still cold) and then try and move it.

If it doesn't move, dip it in hot water again and then freeze it. Thaw. Move the stuck joint.

never had to do this more than twice.

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