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File: Tama_UNI_1500_x_1500_jpg.png (1.47 MB, 1200x1200)
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If you could make one improvement each to a Tamagotchi you like and a Tamagotchi you don't like, what would they be?
I would add more male characters to the iD L and add physical buttons to the Smart.
Human/Lovelitchi breeding minigame to every Tamagotchi
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lovelitchi only cares for melodytchi
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make the 4u capable of downloading content with any type of nfc and not just that specific type it uses.
add physical buttons to the pix
still waiting for tamagotchi plaza.
And my dick
when is the angel coming out
is there a simple one a 4 year old could understand and use? i haven't seen one of these in 30 years.
remove paid dlc
the "gen 3" ones? I saw some at walmart the other day.

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