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What is the ultimate batman to add to my display?
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I’m pretty sure that’s just Affleck’s lower half horribly photoshopped onto that cowl for some reason.
Thats slt
>Hide Thread
Easy. Now he can spam himself indefinitely and nobody cares.
Nice try slt but thats also you
Zat is his own brand of schizo. SLT is just a big baby drama queen who takes the internet way too seriously.
It you want to trigger Mr French, shit on Rogue One.
Why do the mods let this happen?
This shit is an awful look for Batman, he looks like an out of shape 50+ dude with a bad back and dodgy knee
I’m pretty sure that’s the point, it took a lot of inspiration from TDKR Batman
Rogue One is the worst film of the Didney Wars era, which is no small feat.
People were questioning it during his live stream and he was flipping out. It looks like he deleted the live stream, which is fucking hilarious. People were calling out scenes from trailers and he was sperging out about their 'misunderstandings', and that the film would've been better with Disney fucking with it. It was JANG tier.
okay, you got a good chuckle from me.
I find Batman figures super disappointing the comic style ones are all cheap ass mcfarlane figures and the imports are always lame cinematic costumes the best is probably mafex hush or dark knight returns I’m really fond of the Mezco Patterson Batman but it’s mostly because I really like that movie and hated all the other version of that Batman like holy Fuck both shf and mafex dropped the ball on that one
Kitbash one that suits you
This is the only Batman in my collection. I'm very happy with him and I think he's got a very unique look and build. It's quite difficult finding him atm, his reissue seemed to have been cancelled. So if you can find one at a decent price, grab it.
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I would assume one of the Mafex Batman figures, if you've got the money and can find it. I don't own it but I am partial to the look of pic related.
Is this the same mold as the Carrie Kelly 2 pack?
>ultimate batman
depends on if you want LOOKS or loads of articulation.
I personally prefer these.
I believe it’s the same mold, but the damage is actually sculpted in not just painted and then the busted lip headsculpt is new
>got a very unique look and build
That's Frank's old man falling apart Bruce.
There are Chinese KOs available, on eBay so presumably the usual import shops also have them.

McFarlane has a tendency to do weird things when he retools even a former design for resale, the Bermejo Superman has a cleaner, better torso even if it has less articulation and even the cape looks better and Todd prides himself on his capes, due probably to his Spawn crap.
Yes, but the paint on the 2 pack looks a lot flatter. The horse one also looks odd. The only 2 worth getting are the original standard release or this the Triumphant ver.
Miller does have a stockier style, but I meant in terms of 6 inch Batman figures, particularly Mafex, it's something very unique to the point of not really scaling well with other 6 inch figures, including (non-TDKR) Mafex ones.
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I mean I do appreciate a unique look but I also am going to look at something every day. I'm not a fan of McFarlane and am actually trying to sell off this particular Batman, but anon might want something that he can pose a lot, and that certainly is Todd's stuff, or hemight want to match modern covers, or be like the people who want say the Aparo or Adams look from whatever they read while growing up, or not care about comic book accuracy at all. Since OP hasn't really chimed in, who knows.

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Love these repaints and Batmen. They should do a Joker painted like Batman painted like a Joker painted like Batman. I mean just go crazy why not?
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you'll never need another batman in your collection after this
no one NEEDS any batman
You need help.
this will look dope in any collection
I'm too busy making money, why don't you go in my place and describe it to me?

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