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>Nothing is available
Same with the target sale. They are holding back all the new preorders till the sale is over.

Check out this product I found on GameStop!

Check out this product I found on GameStop!

Only thing good will be statues and figuarts.


good character to use with the deal desu
Why do toy sales always exclude Lego?
I was under the impression that Lego specifies that.
this is why Mega Construx is cool
Target is the worst. Their online inventory is regional, so if their stores don't have anything, you can't buy anything from them online either. Really defeats the purpose of having an online storefront. It's like, imagine eBay, except it only has local flea market vendors on it. What would be the point?
>Their online inventory is regional
What do other regions get that's even necessary? The missing Sonics? Other than that, the only oddity I've seen are these Brawl Stars action figures that ive never seen again in two stores

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