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Why has there not been a high-quality action figure line for World of Warcraft? Are the McFarlane figures of satisfactory quality? However, I am aware that they lack significant articulation.
I really want a thrall fig
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Look up Memory Toys/Mety Toyz and Mithril Action on the chink sites like Gundamit. They might be IP thieves, but those chink companies are delivering some quality stuff.
McFarlane figures lack ALL articulation. They're essentially statues. As other anon mentioned, your best bet is 3rd party stuff. It seems the less Blizzard is involved the better.
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I wait for Todd to make him
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You got one. The problem is no one bought them
This line was sooo good, despite being Breaka. Mine haven't broka yet, though.
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Time and time again it must be said that just because something is popular it doesn't mean it's popular enough to create specific merchandise for it.

I'm so tempted to get one of the Orcs, specifically their Samuro since he was a favourite of mine back during WC3's height.

There's a 1/12 Lich King by a 3P company coming. Don't know when the release is but it looks promising enough. Alternatively you can get a 1/6 figure from a different company that also looks pretty cool.

I was only ever really in it for Arthas. He's not the greatest he could be but damn if it wasn't a childhood dream come true to finally own a figure of him. I still love him even now.
Wasted IP if you ask me
I wish lego made sets
Are these out yet? Haven't found any in stores

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