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So I found these toys in the store and did buy them (Dragon Ball super).

Surprisingly I can not find information online about this toy brand is it monster flex or what?

What is others experience with them?
Looks kinda cheap, hope you didn't pay more than 5$ for it
It is fine.
They are filled with sand or something, nice fidget toy, can not stand.

Why do you think it is cheep?
>5$ for it
It was something like $4

Why is there no information on this other then this:
these are massively popular in europe from what I understand. i've followed countless italian manufacturers of these various stretch toylines. over the years they began to export them to south america, but for whatever reason they never made it stateside. Diramix is responsible for the Monsterflex line, but there are others out there. Elastikorps recently made a bunch of Luffys.
>these are massively popular in europe from what I understand.
I'm from europe BTW.
What surprises me is that there is almost no content about these things on YT even if you type in the company name.

To be fail I did see them (Dragon ball) in a corner stores onions section and got interested.
Since I like fidget toys I did give it a try.

The humans (Vegeta, Goku) Look autistic since the anime anatomy of their head is problematic however the aliens like Picolo and Jiren look good. In contrast the fidget potential of them is very good, that is a very satisfying sand that is in them.

However no info on these things?
Other then 100s of YT shorts saying
>Look at this crap Dragon Ball super toy!

In contrast GOO JIt zu has lots of YT content while being more questionable since they are far less satisfying to fidget around, however this is me as an adult.
>that there is almost no content about these things on YT even if you type in the company name.
what is there to discuss? these are cheapshit western toys meant to calm down kids with a cheap trinket. the adult fandom for these franchises doesn't care.
>the adult fandom of children's media
>what is there to discuss?
Yet GOO JIt zu gets like lots of reviews.
Pro tip GOO JIt zu are objectively worse in quality and sculpt.
hi athena
Yeah its largely just commercials of the toys themselves uploaded by the companies responsible. You're lucky to come across video reviews of any of them. Interestingly enough alot of these lines end up merging together once released in foreign markets. I even saw some series make it as far out as japan, where they seemed massively popular with young children.

I do agree however, some look better than others. I know one company that made stretchy MOTU characters and they came out wonderfully. As for why they arent more popular, it might just be the lack of any media advertising them. Goo Jit Zu has had an ongoing youtube animated series for the last few years by comparison. Now they're getting a full animated series by the creators of ben 10. By contrast, Monsterflex and Elastikorps (as well as their various peers) seem to have gotten nothing. Mostly they appear to just feed off the popularity of the brands they license (as they've done with stumble guys and fall guys).

If you want to go deeper down the stretch toy rabbit hole, look into mexico's "Flexors" toyline. It's a giant combination of a bunch of different euro stretch lines with some original and licensed characters thrown in. The way they handled scooby doo, bugs bunny, taz, ans beast boy is very reminiscent of the monsterflex dbz stuff
i have the character toys stretch scooby, and its much more similar to stretch armstrong in its construction, but something about an entirely rubber doll seems much more appealing. I suppose thats why these are so popular with mexican kids. I saw one guy build an entire channel around one of the characters (subjecting the little martian to mr bill styled slapstick).
>adult fandom for these franchises
There is no adult fandom for Dragon Ball. There are children and brownoids like (You).
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flexors proved popular enough to get officially licensed school supplies made. in this respect it has beaten goo jit zu to the punch. there's a backpack in the set aswell. they did something very clever in making the gorilla character's arms double as means od holding the lunch box. Giving a backpack of all things a play feature just seems so inspired.
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i compiled a few video examples for the thread





i meant to share this instead of the batman link
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I don't like this fad of stretch armstrongs. they're all just stretchy toys that can't stand up. then when I have fun stretching them, i just feel like im breaking them slowly
you post this in every stretch toy thread and its never once been funny.
Goo Jit Zu have incredibly short life spans even if you don't fuck with them.
They all eventually harden until you can't even play with them. Ones from three years ago are already starting to harden.
harden eh? that almost sounds like a good thing
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ChungusFurry? More like ChudgusFurry.
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>If you want to go deeper down the stretch toy rabbit hole, look into mexico's "Flexors" toyline.
Red pill me here.

>By contrast, Monsterflex and Elastikorps (as well as their various peers) seem to have gotten nothing.
What surprised me is that voltromas has shit loads of videos however no one decided to review this toyline?

I'm a 23 year old white man, and I fucking love Dragon Ball, I've loced it since I was a kid, same with most of the lads I grew up with they still love that shit.
well I've said alot already. the toyline even has a youtube channel. they've even incorporated some original toys into their offerings.


im open to further questions if you have any. i'll leave you with the de agostini site for now.

Stretchy Luffy toy makes so much sense.
i appreciate the fact they made all of his super forms but its odd they didnt bother making his original base form. back in the day they did just that.
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im crossing my fingers in the hopes that jakks reissues the stretch homer and stretch dude bart dolls from the 2000s
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there's always this
>I'm from europe
>To be fail
you are from china
>its been twenty fucking years since we last got a stretchy mr fantastic toy
>meanwhile every other marvel character has gotten multiple in the last 5 years alone
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>every other marvel character

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