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File: geaterdemon.jpg (68 KB, 1280x720)
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Sometimes it can be difficult if I'm just looking for a generic demon or a generic soldier or samurai with no preference to franchise, brand, manufacturer, etc. I'm open to any suggestions on what to call this general

Anyways what toy looks the most like an OSRS demon
The closest match is probably also the hardest/most expensive and it's the Union Creative Ghosts n Goblins Arremner figure. Pictured

Other ones with some similarities:
-Biblical Adventures Red Devil
-Mezco Cryptozoology Jersey Devil
-Mattel 2016 Ghostbusters Mayhem
-Super 7 Reaction Iron Maiden Beast
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maybe this guy?
Never suggest this line, ever. loose and fragile joints all around
Mine is fine, calm down
This fucker needs a reissue yesterday. I want one of these SO GOD DAMNED BAD but they are nearing the $300 mark now with late tax and were like $80 on release. I learned it existed way too late.
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Always wanted a good Wat figure. It's like a big black T-Rex bitch with skin on the mouth peeled off.
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Looking for some figures that can be stand ins for Nomu. They mainly just need to be blue and sort of have this general look without being a really known character like Venom.
All of these posts seem like they are only possible if you want to get custom work done on your figure, so maybe this type of general doesnt exist because these posts would just go under customs general

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