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>Here's one of those Star Wars action figures you asked for, son.
I used to fuck a bitch that looked like her, but she was Mexican, not Asian.
fake: anon had sex
gay: girl looked like rose tico
While her character wasn’t anything special, she was massively overhated
she was so useless and unimportant that her role was reduced in 9
That was more due to fan reaction of 8, JJ wanted to go back on everything everyone hated from TLJ
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5POA? Why do you hate me, father?
>she literally crashed Finns redemption arc
They said in the movie that him crashing into that laser wouldn’t have done anything to it anyways. He would’ve just died for no reason.
meant for
i really liked that gun but never got around to getting the figure just for a weapon
I don't know why Rim Jobson dressed a relatively attractive Asian girl in a potato sack with a bowl haircut. I mean, she's not as hot as her sister that died in the opening 10 minutes, but she's not bad looking, and she has a decent rack. I swear moon head got friend zoned by the Asian girls and bullied by the Star Wars nerds, and this movie was his final revenge.
>I still stand by episodes 7 & 8
Terrible taste. Both movies are just slightly remixed cliff note versions of their original trilogy counterparts with better special effects but worse scripts. 7 was slightly better than 8, but herpes is slightly better than syphilis, and I'd prefer to not catch either of them.
I honestly wish I grabbed this set, with a simple headswap you'd have an entire mechanic crew ready for any kind of situation.
8 is the worst for being filler. Forget Rose being unimportant, half the movie was two ladies arguing because they couldn't escape the villain. The other half was a pointless sabotage quest that lead nowhere.
Fuck yes! Thanks, Dad!
>relatively attractive
Anon she is literally fat, why do asian girls get such a halo effect when it comes to white people
>Terrible taste. Both movies are just slightly remixed cliff note versions of their original trilogy counterparts with better special effects but worse scripts. 7 was slightly better than 8, but herpes is slightly better than syphilis, and I'd prefer to not catch either of them.
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>While her character wasn’t anything special, she was massively overhated
If anything she was underhated. A frumpy no-point character who added nothing and has one of the worst lines/moments in the franchise history. And the way Rian talks about her is really weird, like she was his highschool crush (and he paired her with a black guy, go figure).

The actress didn't deserve the shit for it, sure but that is something I am tired of too.
>wahhh social media abuse
Really that translates to:
>I can't control the narrative about myself
And to some extent that is something you just have to get over.
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Nobody white has ever been friend zoned by an asian girl. They are the most desperate white chasers on earth and will fuck anything white
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>Here's one of those St- Star...Wars..?
You joke but I'd be happy to get this as a gift today. I regret not just getting her when she was like $2 on clearance at Walmart when she was released.
Don't forget the slowest space chase in the history of cinema.
She is definitely thick by Asian standards, but she can get away with it in America. I'm not saying she's a model like the chick that played her sister, but the potato sack and bowl haircut didn't help.
If they had tried and failed to destroy the nu-Death Star in 7, I could have forgiven the blatant plagiarism in the rest of the movie, and it would have set up for a more interesting trilogy.
I'm sure that bowling ball noggin motherfucker was. I doubt many people have been bullied by Star Wars nerds either, but both theories would explain a lot.
I got one at my local toy/comics store two years ago. I like seeing articulation on body types that aren't the usual athletic or in-shape physiques, and for now it's probably the most articulated fat woman figure out there that isn't a custom, BJD, or 3D printed figure (some anon in the customs thread made a printable 'blank' fat chick figure for sale on cults3d I think). That being said, compared to modern Vintage series that Yarna is still limited on posing capabilities, like how the hips are just simple swivels which was pretty standard back then.
>why do you have a box of Rose heads?
>Don't forget the slowest space chase in the history of cinema.
What were they seriously thinking making that a plot at all? Everyone hates Rose, but that whole shitty moment was the worst thing I remember from that
definitely would, Kelly got fucked over with a stupid script and a terrible sculpt
Jj didn't sabotage shit, he was left with a wobbly house on mud for a foundation, and had only shit to finish building the 3 story house with. So in fairness, that movie was fucked, regardless, but he himself DID have a hand in setting the mud as a foundation as well, so he both got screwed over, AND screwed himself over.
Fucking holdo was shit because she is actually a bad leader that not only LET a mutiny happen, which means that she was doing such a bad job, everybody was WILLING to turn on her at poes request. And that's ignoring the ass-pull that is "the holdo maneuver".
Finally, if everyone disagrees with you, then YOUR the one with the shitty opinion.
Why won't Hasbro just ditch Disney already?
I'm pretty sure Disney has enough money to have their own toy company anyway.
My theory is that Rose was a cynical attempt to get tumblrina girl nerds to stop shipping Finn and Poe by creating a character they were supposed to identify with
>Don't forget the slowest space chase in the history of cinema

The worst thing is that whatever tension Rian was trying to create with the chase is completely undermined when it's shown that you just leave at any fucking time to go on pointless side quests. I mean why even bother with Canto Bight in the first place? Just send some guys out to call for help or buy fuel. That entire movie is just fucking stupid.
She pretty much did what Gambit did to Rogue in X-Men 97.
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Hasbro is fucking retarded. Kenner knew how to sell a movie toy. If the character looked like they would make a shit figure, then Kenner would just redesign it into something cool a kid would want.

Kenner Rose would have a giant fuckoff robot claw gun that shot sparks and said had amazing electro stunning action. And Rose would have some overdesigned space mechanic costume with cyborg legs or something. It would never be bland girl in beige coveralls.
The movie would have been at least a little better if Fin and Rose were successful and saved the Resistance. I really don't understand what that had to fail making 40% of the movie totally worthless and all for nothing.
Aaron Archer worked on that line, and basically lamented that the industry's changed and decisions are handled more on the studio side for toys than the toy company. They can't get away with the deviations they used to be ale to.
The irony of the 'only the racist alt-right chuds hated TLJ' narrative is that TLJ is actually the most racist Star Wars movie ever. The whole point of the Canto Blight subplot is that spics, niggers and gooks need to unquestionably obey their enlightened white leaders and if they try to do things on their own they'll act like drooling retards and fuck things up for everyone.
"Son, its okay, you can just sell her in a few years to win 4 more dollars"
Wow they deleted my original post so I’ll reiterate episodes 7 & 8 were good movies and I’m glad the internet with all its shitty opinions disagrees with me
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REALLY gotta' ask if anything you liked about them stood out. Last Jedi, I mean... what.
Anyway, my Tico met a fate deserving of her poorly-written character.
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(Had to SHAVE off her entire backside, just a sliver of her frontal area remaining... lol, yes, I know it had issues). It was a BAD batch of resin.
IIRC Johnson had this habit of putting a frumpy asian girl on all of his movies because he had a crush on one or something. Not surprising since Rose is written almost beat by beat as a manic pixie dream girl.

However, I'm not too sure because I haven't watched anything else from him. TLJ was really bad.
>and he paired her with a black guy, go figure
In my limited, trust me, experience consuming interracial porn you go for pairing the girl you're fapping with a black guy to emphasize the race mixing aspect of it, at least if you're still self-inserting.
Your reptile brain might interpret the white or latino guy as an upgrade or an equal when it wants to revel in the sense of conquest and betrayal of her own kin and take you out of it or make your imagination work extra.

Despite saying this, Johnson very likely is the type to not self-insert and place himself as the cuck.
That’s explains a whole lot.
How was Rose a manic pixie dream girl?
She's quirky and teaches Bongo a bunch of shit so he can be more motivated to act.
Under-hated. The only thing helping the character is how forgotten she is now, as evidenced by the boatloads of toys still on Ollie’s shelves.
Being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Faggot.
No one in SW is allowed to be seen as attractive or have any sex appeal.
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Thanks dad, but I already have this one
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>reverse image search
>0 results found
Eventually I like to think that they would at some point in the future take note that a bland figure of some boring person, in boring clothes, with no features is ...fucking boring and no kid will want that.
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Collectors have been bitching about the lack of screen accurate figures since like the fucking 70s. Toy makers need to be the ones in control of making toys again and ignore collectors for at least a decade for this to be fixed.
We need more Final Factions and less Super7s.
transformers with false parts always make my stroke my chin. Optimus has a car grill on his stomach AND his knees
Why are they all dirty?
>mommy, mommy
>daddy is being a major dick
He literally said she is based off a girl he knew in highschool.
Doesn’t Rose wear the same thing as April O’Neil?
Except April shows cleavage.
April wears a form fitting yellow jumpsuit.
Rose wears a jumpsuit that makes her look like a sack of potatoes and is the colour of baby shit.

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