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idk what it is but I'm obsessed with these atm. anyone got any cool ones?
I need this slime
All figuarts mentioned outside their general
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It's a gachapon toy :3
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Have both of these. The Scooby is very cool, his eyes and dog tag light up
woa :o I have to assume that the hands and face glow up?

have ya tried getting photos of them in the dark btw? these look pretty dang cool
I looked it up, it doesn't glow.
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One of the few Buzz Lightyear toys that has actual glow in the dark green paint, but you need to "charge" it first by placing the toy next to a light source for a minute. Can't take pics of it glowing in the dark right now, though.
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Not sure if this is how it looks under UV light, or if it's just digitally enhanced because it's a promotional shot. Also couldn't say how long it would glow after a "charge".
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also, guys, if you need to "charge" a toy faster, just shine it with a flashlight, it's how I got the OP photo so well done.
How old is it? What series of gachapon? Were there other GiTD monsters?
Not my pic, got it off reddit just now lol, but I have one and it's one of my fave glow in the dark figures. Also have a bunch of glow in the dark beetles due to a mushiking obsession I was dealing with last year
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I’m getting some Aliens from InsistCreation, there are two versions of glow in the dark ayy lmaos, they just have different accessories and additional heads.
Those looked cool, but, oof, that price.
I got it this year from japan, so 2024, and it's an entire set of GiTD slimes :D
they're squishy rubber, too.
apparently the name is "Dragon Quest Glow in the Dark! Phosphorescent Punipuni Slime A slime has appeared!" so there's that.
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strongly tempted to get this
oh that is fucking cute
Damn, I need to get me some of these
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GITD has been my Jam for a while now. They also did tentacle slimes as well. I don't like DQ, so don't know whet they're called.
Damn, this thing looks amazing! More information requested.

here's a pic of my GITD wall from a while ago. It's increased since then, but it's also day time now... so... Ya know

>also, fuck this captcha bullshit
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Very nice, what's the one under Scareglow there?
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I just found that there is a glow in the dark Scratch figure
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>Also have a bunch of glow in the dark beetles due to a mushiking obsession I was dealing with last year
..may I see it?

do you know if the GiTD stuff would work for a plushie? never seen it before.

dude this is fuckin GLORIOUS. I adore it so much. also you have some of those slimes too! :D
the tentacle-y ones are called healslimes btw -w-
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Nta and I could be mistaken, but the other one is from the Masters of the WWE Undertaker
>Jizai Okimono skeleton
Fucking based
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nta - but look fun
how much per?
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I got this glowing kodama at the Ghibli Store in Japan
That's neat
think in the machine it was like 300-400 yen?
but online they'd be a lot more expensive

I wonder why most GiTD stuff is green when other colours can and do work? this is pretty cool :D

is adorable :D
I wish gitd toys came in other colors too, the average green is still a great one mind you.
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I bought something similar off ali for like $1.79 2 years ago. They don't come with a base though.
do they look as good as they do here?
Probably cost or chemical/powder availability
that.. makes sense.
thanks, satan.
I think green shines the brightest. Idk why though. Can anyone explain?
What are the absolute brightest glow in the dark toys out there?
Of course not.
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From my collection, the one that glows the most is based Origins Scare Glow.
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I took a picture of my glow niggers for you. They look better in the photo than real life.
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gotta post the classics
depends on how much pigment is in it, I think?

THE GLOWIES! they actually look kinda decent here :o

the lego ghost. can't go wrong with the classics!
4 of them can't stand on their own so I cut up a card to make bases for them. One of them's bottom wasn't flat and would tip over and it took a lot of shaving and sanding to fit. The worst part is that like 5 of them arrived decapitated. Luckily, they came individually bagged and I was able to glue their heads back on. I filed a dispute and got them all for free because of that.

If you see it on Ali for a few bucks, it's worth a shot.
dang, ngl that sounds like too much a hassle for it to be worth it. they're still pretty dang cool though.
Based, the original Lego ghost is the best one. Still have mine.
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Oh fuck I forgot I owned this
Anyone remember Crazy Bones?

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