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Gemstone's Megalon is getting his own Bandai MMS figure.
Previous thread: >>11240986
>Gemstone's Megalon
What the fuck even is this? Never heard of it
You haven't seen the Gemstone short vidoes? You are in for a treat. Here they are in order:
Great stuff! I didn't even know these existed. Thanks.
Glad you enjoyed them! They made Move Monster Series figures of the Godzilla and Gigan Rex too. Sadly the Gigan Rex hasn't been re-released so it is kind of pricey (hope Bandai fixes that alongside this Megalon release). I think there is an X-Plus of that Godzilla too.
Was kind of bummed out we didn't get another gemstone film this year with possibly Godzilla vs King Ceasar or something since I doubt they'd do KG or MG due to the Gemstone films being implied to being set after the Heisei films. Maybe next year they make one with Godzilla vs Titanosaurus
Here's a quick update on the Godzilla related Bandai Movie Monster Series figures calendar. With two surprise drops a week apart, there is a chance this may be outdated by Christmas. Either way, hope this helps anyone else out there! It's getting harder for me to keep track of if I missed anything if I don't make something like this.
>Ballot winners delayed until January just for the bundle
Guess they flubbed the Christmas release in Japan eh?
>giant condor
This will never not make me seethe. Fucking reddit ass fanbase.
All kaiju deserve love.
Except Gabara.
Who did you vote for?
Mothra leo, desghidorah, and orga.
Orga shouldn't have even been on that list, that was bs. That was like when they put Super MechaG on the list- like get that out of my face, you are going to make him anyway Bandai.
Eternal Mothra would have been my second choice.
Desghidorah is cool, but we already got a great version of it in vinyl form (that they probably won't be able to beat).
Giant Condor is never ever going to get a figure otherwise. It is kind of lame of yout to diss him like that. Both Japan and America voted for him.
That said, they better give us Eternal Mothra after putting him as an option.
I was really hoping we'd get a Gemstone Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla and then King Caesar would've come to the rescue in the Godzilla/Jet Jaguar vs. King Ghidorah short. It's so weird that Toho went all-out for Hedorah, Gigan, Megalon, and Jet Jaguar and then completely ignored Mechagodzilla of all characters.
The Minus One getting released in February looks really nice. Prefer a dynamic pose like that.
BBTS Just sent out the processing email for Evolved Godzilla. My guess would be Jan 2nd he's available since Christmas and New Years are gonna be shipping hell.
Thanks brother, you're awesome for sharing.
Good on you dude. I've had this preordered for like a year. So stoked. My birthday gift to myself, glad it's finally coming.
It's good to know Junior is kicking ass
Don't be mad just because your favourites didn't win, this is probably the only figure the giant condor is ever going to get.
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Heeey pretty nice
getting the band back together
Looks like they made him blue all around while the regular was all black (with the pink tag 2005 release being more close to the 8 inch original paint wise.). I'll at least get this one since we never got a 6 inch version.
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I take back the pretty nice i was multitasking and didnt look closely at the tail, fucking hell.
Who would you rather have, anon? Another Godzilla/Mothra/Ghidorah/Mechagodzilla? Giant Condor has never had any worthwhile merchandise. Oodako should get a MMS figure, too.
>didnt look closely at the tail, fucking hell.
To be fair, they didn't paint the other versions tail either. The older one had paint on the tail however.
What's the "giga" series? Is that supposed to be some larger scale series of toys?
Looking forward to KAIJU-DOU Godzilla?
I don't buy stuff with gimmicks. You play with it for 5 mins and then you stick it on the shelf.
He finally came in. I've had it on preorder for nearly a year now. Very stoked for this.
I had them preordered twice and canceled them each time. I like them but wasn't sure if I liked them enough to spend 90.
Only gripe with this and the rest of the P-Bandai MMS figures is they always come in boxes with no tags. Which sucks since that basically means the Blue Ghidorah and Super Godzilla will suffer the same fate.
can you redpill me on mms and tags? i'm new and when i first saw mms i thought they were suppoed to be cheapish sort of figures? but sometimes i'll see them for almost 10 times the price and people are always mentioning the ugly tags sticking out. i bought a few for my son and cut the tags off immediately and he ran to play with them in the garden. are they not supposed to be played with or tags removed? i am confused because there is articulation and they dont look to expensive or high end.
Unless you intend to collect the figures, don't fret. If you do collect or someone who intends to sell them in the aftermarket, then tags do matter to most collectors. If you're strictly buying them for your kid to play, then that's on you and or kid if he wants the tag to remained attached.
And most times MMS figures tend to cost between 15-30 dollars depending on seller and the figure in question. Things like that, YSMF, Marusan etc tend to sometimes cost the fuckloads due to many outcomes such as the following
>G-Store exclusive
>Theater exclusive
>P-Bandai Store exclusive
>some other event/store/bundle exclusive etc
Normally MMS don't intend to be too expensive, but with those green text applies however, thing's can change in which it could go up no higher than say 40 or 50 dollars, or you can have actual what the fucks like the 1000-2000 dollar Minus One Staff version. TDLR, I wouldn't kill yourself over things like that unless your kid want's to become a die hard Godzilla collector for the sake of collecting like I said.
Like >>11269558>>11269564 said. It's mostly just me being movie monster series purist. I like tags since I treat it like a feature for things like Movie Monster series like a baseball card on a bobblehead or some shit like that. Boxes take up space while tags tend to not to.
>And most times MMS figures tend to cost between 15-30 dollars
yes, i think i paid $15/$20 max for most them. i used amazon japan it seemed to be the cheapest place.
>G-Store exclusive
>Theater exclusive
if you don't mind me asking you to explain these 2 for me please? i think i picked up one of these for $20. it was the minus one with blue metallic paint slightly crouched and leaning forward. is g-store just one actual store that you have to physically walk in to get the exclusive? and the other for example at the movie theatre?
might be a bit off topic but i also saw an older ichiban kuji earth godzilla but in red and i think it was called a post office exclusive or version.
i don't think we'll be able to sell them the way he's playing around with them. thanks for the info otherwise. they seem good value for the price and fun that's had.
G-Store is Godzilla Store Exclusive, meaning it only can be purchased at the Godzilla Store be it US or the Japan one (You can get it off Ebay from aftermarket sellers). Theater exclusives were figures sold in Japanese theaters whenever a film came out over there which usually was translucent figures (basically monotoned see through colored figures). The Minus one you got is indeed a Godzilla Store exclusive. All of these can be bought online obviously be it first hand or aftermarket resellers on Ebay etc or amazon jp in your case.
>an older ichiban kuji earth godzilla but in red and i think it was called a post office exclusive or version
Not familiar with that since I personally don't buy things like that or X-Plus since they're expensive, an also basically statues so couldn't tell you on that front.
Oh MMS figures can be fun to play with for a child. I say since I played with some myself about 20 something years ago whenever my folks got them from a comic book shop near me when that shop imported many japan things. I would say MMS are better than say Playmates since they're soft vinyl and not plastic so it be harder to break/tear.
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I ripped the tag off my first MMS. It was the gold Minus One. Hella mad at myself because instead of cutting it off like I intended, I tried blow drying and pulling it out after falling for the dumb "collector" meme and the plastic insert ended up making a hole in the figure when I pulled it out. It's as thick as a needle. So not terribly big, but still noticeable. Thankfully the figure is so textured it's not noticeable unless holding the figure up close.

Any thoughts or ideas on if it's worth trying to touch up and fix, or leave as is?
Can try getting a clay that's the same color as it and fill it in. Think 3d printers can do something like that now.
New light-up Goji from Hiya
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$79 bucks
it looks like the lights dont go up the spine very much
We need a figure of him.
I'm a sucker for gimmicks, so this is tempting.
Is this like an actual light up Hiya figure akin to that one 1989 Godzilla SHMA made?
I hate gimmicks, so I won't even look twice at the pictures.
Unless it's glow in the dark. I'd have my whole house glow in the dark if I thought I feasibly could.
They make glow in the dark paints.
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Got my meowzilla today. I was expecting it to be plastic, but hes actually cast in resin. The swappable heads are on little glued in magnets which is pretty sweet. Makes them easy to switch out. Its the only part on him that moves, so its basically just a statue that can change faces and turn the head side to side. I dont mind it because of how good it looks. The heads even have tiny, TINY little whiskers.

The ONLY thing I dont like is that the flame piece doesnt really tab into the mouth at all. It just kinda barely hangs in there resting on the fangs in the mouth. If you wiggle it at all it just falls out.
If preorders are sold out does that mean there isn't a chance it will be in stock? I've seen some stuff be sold out on preorder but then be in stock for a long time after.
Just got my first Hiya. It's alot bigger then I was expecting to be honest. Is Ghidorah as bad as people say? I'm tempted to pick it and a regular Godzilla up.
Ghidorah is fine as long as you arent a hamfisting sperg
A two pack with him and the woman.
I thought about getting him, but he's way too small for my liking. The size PLUS no articulation kinda killed it for me. He is cute, though.
Pretty sure Ghidorah comes with stands if your worried about the wings. I can at least tell you the Hiya Ghidorah is better than its SHMA counterpart due to the wings not being a giant fragile paper weights.
I mean it sounds like you answered your own question. Sometimes things on pre-order will change to in-stock once their shipment has arrived and they have extras.

He's on Mandarake if you'd rather buy now: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1282298237&lang=en
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Fuck now i have to get him to go with my zilla
What the fuck
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gojibros can translate plz?
My Google-fu says:
"Toho 30 cm Series Yuji Sakai Sculpture Collection Godzilla (1995) Last Scene Godzilla Store Limited Edition 35,200 JPY (tax icluded) Pre-orderst start today, December 22nd (Sunday) at 4pm at the Godzilla Store! Scheduled for release in June 2025"
Based ゴ
>Is Ghidorah as bad as people say?
I have the first release. Bad points first, articulation is absolute garbage, everything that should move a lot only wiggles a bit (necks and tails) and everything that moves really well looks bad unless you fiddle it just right (wing flaps are a pointless mess, jaws open too wide and membrane bits get stuck out and you have to work them back in). I'm afraid to move it too much because the plastic/paint are both flimsy around the tiny joints and it will wear down even with the most casual of posing. Good points, the details are very neat, especially the heads, this would make an excellent statue. He also stands perfectly on his own, I've never had to use the stands for support. If he does fall, those stands aren't going to do shit to stop him anyway.
danke! finally i can own one without having to sell my liver.
Glad you can get it!
Not to fear monger: but I'd totally go pre-order it from the Godzilla store JP right now if you really, really want it and if you can afford it/etc.. I think its common for bots and other resellers to try to buy out Godzilla Store exclusive X-plus related stuff from what I've seen in the past. It may be relisted on the US Godzilla Store site though. I guess my point is to not wait too long for pre-ordering exlcusive X-Plus stuff.

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