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This is a thread for toys that appeal to kids aged 0 to 12.

What are you getting yours for Christmas?
>transpride color coded kids toys.
a fuzzy bear with a bell in its ear
lincoln logs
red ryder bb gun
pinewood derby car kit
crystal radio science set
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Without the white, it's just vaporwave/cyberpunk colors to me. I will forever associate magenta and cyan with GTA Vice City, Hotline Miami, and BR2049. Even then, we shouldn't let freaks claim colors.
bro are you colorblind?
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If this is a serious thread, I will recommend these
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Pic related, the dude on the quad from Paw Patrol, some coloring books and finger paints and a potty training set because diapers suck.

I'm sure there's more stuff I'm forgetting, and other family are getting her even more toys so this kid gettin spoiled this year. But she's awesome so she deserves it.
Gift cards

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