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Skibidi Toilet General
Posting this after the Fortnite announcement?
Finally....Half Life toys.
Who gets the licensing fees for this? Like is there someone that's considered a "creator" for this since it's all based off Half-Life models and shit?
We don't need a general for every single toy.
Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
Gabe is just waiting for the movie to make billions of dollars before he decides to sue
It's shit.
It's time for your knee surgery diddy hagrid. Now off we go to the chamber of gyatt.
the 20's really are a soulless decade
nothing comfy or cool about any of these, they feel so forced/tryhard/contrived
I genuinely don't understand the appeal of this franchise(?)...
they had some tsunamis at work today, i should really get one theyre funny
Goddamn monkey paw!!!!!
I don't even understand the pun there
The guy that made the animations on youtube, I think its legally distinct enough to not use valves copyright not like they care about their IP anyway.
Like, I'm guessing this is assets from some game, and a toilet has a character pop out doing some "Skibidi skibidi skibidi" type deal or something... but FUCK me if I actually have any drive to find out what the origin of this is. NO idea what this's about. I've intentionally stayed away.
something happened around 2020/covid
feels as if i''ve blanked out and woken up years later to a whole new generation of memes and injokes
i feel so lost and confused nobody was talking about skibidi or putting fries in the bag or gyatt like2 or 3 years ago seriously wtf is happening
It started as a shitpost by an SFM animator, then he got carried away and made it into a full series which then got watched by kids far too young to be seeing it and accidentally caused a brainrot pandemic. The irony is that the animation, cinematography, visual storytelling etc is genuinely good (for a shitpost) and if it had stayed with the "Gmod/SFM nonsense" demographic of late teens+ (and people who enjoyed such things when they were that age years ago) it would have been fine, it's just that 7 year olds started watching it and it cooked their brains.
I dunno, I don't think it's actually the series/creator's fault. Like, if the uncut version of Robocop was being widely watched by unsupervised small children the results would be equally awful, I feel. The problem isn't Skibidi Toilet itself, it's neglectful parents leaving their kids in front of screens all day. That and the algorithm.
Congratulations. Welcome to old age. I've been through this a few times.
>I wake up and don't understand new memes or language
>I learn through Urban Dictionary, knowyourmeme and Youtube
>I continue shitposting
>I go to bed
>I wake up and don't understand memes
I don't even try to blend in with the younger generation, I just want to understand what the fuck they are talking about. The worst thing is that 80% of alphie newspeak seems to be co-opted from some ghetto nog streamer.
I agree with most of your assessment. It's a solid shitpost, and no worse than YTMND or Youtubepoop.
Though we all watched the uncut version of Robocop back in the 80s, but usually with supervision and endorsement from our fathers. I saw it when I was 8 or so and it came out on VHS. Good shit.
Murphy being blown apart haunts me to this day. I still had the action figures and would skip that part of the movie lol. Robocop was too cool.
I was completely fine with all of the violence in the first one, but the scene in the second one where Cain "scares" Duffy the corrupt cop absolutely fucked me up. That was when I discovered I have a limit.
Remember YouTube poops made with Gary’s mod?
It’s just that ok. Stop acting like it’s the devil
Skibidi is the new pootis
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When are we getting Lego Skibidi Toilet?
All the builds of the toilets would go hard.
I bought one, i got the toliet head on the far right. Of the two toliet toys i own its my least favorite.
>kids far too young to be seeing it
You think a goofy head popping out of a toilet and singing a silly song is inappropriate? That's the exact kind of dumb shit that kids laugh at.
To be fair I'm 28 and thus too young to have experienced the 80s myself, also our parents were generally pretty strict about not letting us see things that wouldn't be appropriate for us (on the whole; Blues Brothers was a family favourite).
But yeah, Robocop is such a fucking good film.
>the uncut version of Robocop was being widely watched by unsupervised small children
Hey, I was supervised by my dad when I watched that as a small child.
Valve is a real one for not suing these people desu. Nintendo would have sued skibidi toilet to the fucking afterlife if it used nintendos property like this does valve

Yeah and all the shit nintendo also shuts down is legally distinct but no one is going to try fighting them in court.
They would have sued Skibidi just for having guns in it or some shit, if it was Nintendo.
what is your settings and why does it look ass
>supervised by my dad
Yeah, same here. Movie nights were wild as a kid.

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