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Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11242667

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

Fixing frizz:

Dealing with glue seepage:

Materials for customizing face, hair, and clothes:

Sewing pattern books from Google+, reuploaded:
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new pixlings that will be out in Dec 22
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next year's MGA doll releases, compiled by SeeingMount
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nEver After High
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>All I have to add to the description in this graphic is
>-The MF Drac comparison seems more accurate
>-Cakes are tiered
>-There are boxes for the cakes
>-Also the regular dolls are 24.99 Clawdeen with the cake playset is 29.99
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if you guys have a twitter I recommend following seeing mount for doll news
>The Mattel Creations launch calander has updated for the last month of the year, December 2024.
>There is no Monster High release so we should be safe this month.
>There may be a Monster High related event like a Fang Vote (Not a hint just speculation) to carry momentum into the new year.

people were complaining about dead thread last general, quality posters have left already
I wasn't baiting though
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Always bratz vs going out face comparisons.
Goin' out >>>>
nobody got sasha yet
>Hop to it! Meet the newest addition to the FR: Nippon lineup, “Moody Bunny” Misaki. Designed by IT designer David Buttry, this bunny can’t wait to hop into your collection.

>“Moody Bunny”
>Misaki Dressed Doll
>The FR: Nippon Collection

>Misaki is a Japanese market exclusive.
>Our favorite influencer is back! Designed by the incredible, David Buttry, Tulabelle and company are headed to the hottest celebration of the year—the launch of Tulabelle’s new Prismatica collection for True.

>Tulabelle True Dressed Doll
>The Tulabelle True & Co. Prismatica Collection

>Available to W Club members.
>Designed by the incredible, David Buttry, Tulabelle and her friends are headed to the hottest celebration of the year—the launch of Tulabelle’s new Prismatica collection for True.

>“Three Of Hearts”
>Hollis Hughes Dressed Doll
>The Tulabelle True & Co. Prismatica Collection

>Available to W Club members.
>Never one to shy away from the spotlight, Tulabelle insisted that Lark attend her launch party. Lark created some viral social moments from the event when she started blowing bubbles from a wand that spelled out “TRUE.” Designed by David Buttry.

>“Bubble Up” Lark Lawrence Dressed Doll
>The Tulabelle True & Co. Prismatica Collection

>Available to W Club members.
>We’re excited to share this stunning fashion set by Jason Wu inspired by his Fall 2022 Ready-To-Wear Collection.

>“Down For Glamour” Fashion Set
The Jason Wu Collection

>This is a fashion set only—no doll is included. Available to W Club members.
Integrity doll fashion packs no longer excite me.
There's a Chinese doll brand called Xian Xian that makes detailed clothes for integrity doll bodies for cheaper. Sucks that Xian Xian doll feet are barbie sized..
Gonna post those
>fantasy core
So Storywood is dead and the concepts are getting reused for RH?
God dammit, I might actually have to hunt one of these down if there's a black licorice one coming

>Licensed OMGs
So the line isn't completely dead then?
Color and create is wearing thin, and the other dolls are already released. Man, this shit is dead. What a shame. Just a crumb of SH release, please.
None are LOL OMG size are they? They are all the smaller dolls.
has anyone restyled the wicked ariana grande doll with the barbie not-ari outfit? curious how that'd turn out.
most are tots and tweens, there's 3 licensed lol omgs in the bottom.
SH is dead.

seems like it. i thought storywood concepts were given to RH when it turned isekai
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new 2025 fearbook pics
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I'll buy the licensed OMG for the outfits for RH and toss the dolls. I hate the OMG dolls.

RIP SH, we barely knew ye
>new tweens
Straight up thought they were discontinued. I still I haven't got the the Taylor one.
There was a winter line and an another one that comes with an inflatable plush this year.
Kitty K and NotTaylor were walmart exclusive I think
Any new from Miniverse?
G3 Abbey hasn't looked good since her core doll.
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>A new Fang Club doll will be released next month on the 17th!
Who do you think this is?
A new character like Lenore Loomington?
A collab like Off white and Harris Reed?
Or a collector of existing characters?
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LOL tots had a lot of fantasy lines this year too.
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found in the wild
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>Spring 2024 (Jan-Jul). The Basics are $30 and the Clueless $50.
Will fang members will have early access to the Corpse Bride collab?
Not a MH collector but I love the film
I would have prefered clueless to be a bratz collab, same with Aaliyah. Barbie as a brand don't stand for the values those collabs represent anymore like being unapologetically fashionable.
I hope the rest of the iconic chick flicks like bring it on, jennifer's body, scream queen will get bratz collab.

The Inspiring men series is such a slap in the face for what this Barbie line stand for, when it could have been a random celebrity line. What's next ? Straight pride barbie and white history month barbie ?
Corpse Bride is a good match for MH.
mattel is just another corporation in it for the money. They're selling pride merch when they're also making harry potter toys
>Creepy Cools
Isn't this just Alice? Curious they didn't do a Queen theme.

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