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File: Kinoplex screening.jpg (134 KB, 723x500)
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Robert's Kinoplex is currently running a 4chan boards marathon where we show films related to each board. Today is /toy/ night and we're showing LEGO Movie, Transformers: The Movie, Toy Story 3, and Child's Play

Enjoy your kino frens
>not Toy Story 1, Small Soldiers or Jingle All The Way
C’mon, OP…the last one is even seasonal.
all already shown before
lets not forget about cormona a latinx thats a registered pdf and has more than 5gb of naked black dudes on his drive. guys a closeted faggot
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>nearly 2 years of shitposting in the threads
>still hasnt changed shit
I really wanna know if youre gonna do this on christmas cause that's gonna be super sad (for you)

Robert's got the right idea ignoring your stupid ass
And so… it was back to what it was 2 years ago… kino
You lost.
That's a horrible choice of movies, except for child's play.
I love small soldiers so fucking much, I want good figures of them. Also Toy' Story 2 would have been a good option
3 is still one of the cool movies. cool toys were introduced, and the lesson of learning to let go but still keeping the "set" complete as possible.
2022 robert showed Toy Story 1-2, Small Soldiers, Boncles, and Puppet Master so it makes sense he chose 3. Plus we got TRANSFORMEEEEEEEERS
show's over. Owari da
2 years of kino, and heres to many more years
Oh it's the animation? The one that scarred a lot of childrens? Then it's all okay

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