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File: msedge_MRaeQyO1vI.png (762 KB, 961x789)
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Are any other Zillenials pissed that LEGO turned to such garbage just as they got old enough to play with them? I remember going to older kids' houses and seeing incredible detailed and creatively inspiring sets from the Late 80s and Early 90s and as soon as I was their age all we got was shit like this that was not only incredibly dull and unappealing to look at but also made entirely of giant specialized pieces that eliminated any satisfaction from the building experience and did nothing to challenge your mind. I swear it almost feels like it was some sort of psyop to make kids stupider. Only long after I was far too old to play with LEGO anymore id things start to improve, around the 2010s. Please share any experiences you have of disappointing LEGO builds below/ Let's heal together.
I hate how things like heads have to be brick-built now. I remember when something like a dragon or T-rex head was just a specialized part, but now we have to build the mouth and everything. I want to save parts dammit
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Absolutely. And the all specialized animals were always stylized appropriately to fit in with brick-built sets. Nowadays if there's a pre-made part for a creature of some sort it looks inappropriately rounded and realistic.
I was never into castle or any fantasy theme but lego city in the 2000s wasn't good
It’s depressing how much better mega blocks are than Lego now with unique parts and actual printed pieces, I don’t think I had a single set with stickers as a kid.
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What are you talking about? It was always that way to brick build animals. And i guess the specialized brick is too expensive for the limited usage. And limits the design.
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>LEGO fandom has unironically turned into people complaining about brick built stuff and preferring pre-molded specialty pieces
lmao, the gymnastics you faggots will engage in just so you can be continuously outraged is hilarious.
There was still enough good stuff as a kid, you use Knights Kingdom as an example of bad stuff but it was literally the worst castle theme ever prior to its end. It was followed by the much beloved fantasy era which was really good.
Brick-built animals is one of the few soulful aspects of modern lego, a lot of the time it's worse than the actually good 90s animals like this dragon>>11269573, but can also be more varied like the DnD set monsters or the good 3in1s. The prebuilt animals/monsters in the 2000s were mostly trash, the dragons of that period were especially bad
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Yeah, and look at that waste of 1x2/2x2 slopes I could be using for the rest of its body or some other moc. If I wanted a horse, then I'll collect actual horses, then ill have more parts to give it turret mounts or some such things

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