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So...when are we getting a figure of this guy?
He was an accessory with that chick figure in the Strong Guy BaF wave.
I kind of hate the fact that Rivals is bringing so many tourists around the Marvel IP. It feels even worse than when the MCU was popular.
Are you excited about the Rivals ML variants? I know I am.

what a faggot
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>I kind of hate the fact that Rivals is bringing so many tourists around the Marvel IP

Marvel belongs to /v/ now becanse nobody reads comics and all marvel movies are shit now.
And you couldn't post this in the capeshit containment thread because?
We need more gatekeeping to exclude little faggots like you
I need Rocket with his sexy mohawk
As if it wasn’t already filled with them from the MCU? What are you even talking about.
Grogu 2 - Electric Boogaloo
Unfortunately, PoPs ar the only thing that will ever get made of this game. Hasbro and Disney are idiots when it comes to popular IPs. Like Grogu. By the time they rolled out anything for him, everyone had already moved on and shit just clogged the shelves for a while. It's going to be at least 2 years before Hasbro realises, oh this game is popular, we should make stuff for it, than it takes another year of concepts and design and another year for production. By the time the first figures hit retail, the game is long dead with only 10K concurrent players.
There's literally a Marvel Legends of him that comes with Shiklah. You can get a new sealed Shiklah with all her accessories, including Jeff, for like $14 on eBay.
>We need more gatekeeping to exclude little faggots like you
eat my dick you wont gatekeep shit.
Right, and it lokks exactly like the Rivals design too. All these tourist coming up in here and shitting things up for us true toy soldiers.
I’m assuming this is a joke because they look nothing alike
I think you may be blind.
who the fuck cares
the designs are great compared to mcu slop
Most of people that like Marvel Rivals actually hate marvel slop.
i personally hate marvel movies and think people who collect marvel legends/mezco/other stuff are retards.

But the game is super fun and i wouldnt mind the in-game design figures.
So dont worry little old nerd - our worlds wont collide. I wont be sitting in your stinky thread.
I will create M.R. thread if figures of rivals will arrive
Cringe. We need to gatekeep more people like you.
Once again this proves the marvel games are what keeping marvel alive, just like they did in the late 90s to early 2000s with MvC
>Keeping Marvel alive
I actually wonder what world some of you live in.
Where did I even say that? You guys are fucking retards.
In the 90s i was playing sega and snes marvel games. I didn't read a single comics lol.
Nobody likes marvel comics.
Marvel movies are shit.

Only good marvel things are video game and Lego sets.
Based. Can't wait for Spider-man 3 game where MJ says Peter is so selfish saving the world as Spider-man and should let her fuck other men.
>i personally hate marvel movies and think people who collect marvel legends/mezco/other stuff are retards.
You're no better than them lmao, pathetic cope
I thought Spider-man 2 WAS Spider-man 3, because the second was about Miles solo
What do you mean this isn't Orcane? I mean what the hell, Orcane's game is even called Rivals (of Aether). This is some grade-A plagiarism bullshit.
I want him and the thick squirrel girl. I was thinking who'd do a best Jeff. How good are Nenderoids? I've never owned one but maybe their chibi style would fit well with Jeff? It's not like Jeff would be a lot of plastic. I could see his articulation being limited though. As long as he could get in a dog sitting pose, chase his tail, that'd be good enough for me. I don't really trust the ML team to do him that well.
That was DLC released as it's own game.
Are you implying nuSpidey games are good?
The first one was
no one cares about some wanna be smash indie slop
Marvel is literally the most mainstream comic studio besides DC, complaining about normies getting into it just makes you look like a massive neckbeard.
That doesn't make it okay to steal from it.
It's more mainstream than DC at this point
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Thought about modeling one, but I just checked on cults3d if anyone already had done it and kek, get a 3d printer.
I remember when Marvel sold anything because it had a hero in it. Now every Star Wars and Marvel thing since disney needs a cutesy character like Groot.

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