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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

I like how they still made Long Haul the chunky fatass of the group.
>New threads are made on page 9 or 10 or at image limit
It was image limit dumbass
touch grass, gofag.
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>two deluxes and a combiner chunk
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>It was image limit dumbass
I'm aware. OP keeps leaving the disclaimer out. It was there for a reason.
Nope, not him. The disclaimer is there to prevent people from pulling his shit again.
Lead by example, please.
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I don't appreciate it. This is small dump truck erasure! Small dumpers exist too!
I like how new Long Haul is fat but not ridiculously fat like CW, it's a nice middle ground.
Who cares who makes the thread you retard?
>>second attempt at engineering them
>>all still have little baby forearms

what is even the point anymore
>what is even the point anymore
milking g1fags for money (again)
two deluxes and a block of kibble that doesn't do anything else shouldn't be a commander price tag.
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New one's too skinny
I liked when Long Haul was a based fatfuck. They generic-ified him.
Already answered you in the old thread retard.

He's still fatter than the original G1 Long Haul, not quite as generic.
Who says I care about who makes the threads? All I care about is not cluttering the board with 20 million unused threads, which means not making them too early. /toy/ is a slow board, and more unnecessary threads means you're bumping other, slower generals off the board - generals that some of us here also use. Either show some board etiquette and refrain from cluttering up the place, or have the mods create a Transformers containment board that you can spam to Kingdom Come all you want - but while you're here, you would do well to respect the other generals you're sharing space with.
I didn't make the thread asshole, cry to someone who cares.
plus two more voyagers and two more deluxes
all for a seperate block that doesn't do ANYTHING ELSE.
Yes, it's lazy and too expensive for lazy. now eat shit and die you fucking Hasbrocuck.
the damn truck doesn't even have a open truck bed this time
I didn't say you did. Do you completely lack reading comprehension? All I said is that you need to respect board etiquette, and not get pissed when someone insists on keeping the disclaimer that reminds others to do so. If we didn't have a history of ignoring that, I'd let it slide - but we DO have a history (and currently still have two older generals still on the board - the other one only recently finally died off). Hence the disclaimer.
Why does the block have to "do something else"? I really don't get the logic here.
>why does a giant hunk that costs 1/3 of the price actually have to do anything.
>transformers should actually Transform?
fuck, even the combiner pieces on the 40 year old toys attached as attack modes and didn't raise the price.
>All I said is that you need to respect board etiquette,
Or what, faggot?
Here's what I suggest for board etiquette instead: we let threads that have run their course die with dignity and fall off the front page. Once we've hit image limit and you have to scroll down to page 7 or 8 to even find the latest thread, it's time to let go. Your precious slower generals won't fall off the front page THAT quickly (because the board is slow, dumbass) and if they do, maybe you should post in them more.
>b-but muh disclaimer!!
You realize that isn't some sacred text ordained by the heavens right? Someone can always *gasp* CHANGE the disclaimer, understand??
It's so annoying opening a new thread and see some giga-autist (probably you each time) trying to derail the conversation like 3 posts in with your "New threads are made on page 9 or 10 or at image limit" hall monitor act.
>>transformers should actually Transform?
Devastator is formed by transforming, isn't he?
You're just going to have to deal with it. Every thread. Oh well.
apparently not. the 6 transformers can't form him without a giant cheat piece. we used to call this shit lame
More like you're just going to have to deal with new threads being made.
One of us gets really upset about this stuff, and it isn't me.
Anyone saw 86 Megatron tease on the "commander" box?
>Anyone saw 86 Megatron tease on the "commander" box?
What commander?
Long Haul/Hook.
On the side of the box it looks like you can sneak a glimpse of Megatron from the scene where he orders them to combine in the movie.
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forgot pic
Huh, interesting. That definitely doesn't look anything at all like the animated movie leg, so I'm wondering how far of a redesign this is now. Unless this is some other part of his body?
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Word is that box art is not final and just bad AI. The constructicons don't even look much like the new toys, so I wouldn't read too much into any of it. Think there's a some pareidolia at work with a lot of fans online today.
>we used to call this shit lame
Well sure, now you're getting it. Devastator was always "lame" by this metric, so which version of him wasn't for you?
>OG G1 worked this way
>CW/UW worked this way
>even Bayverse (essentially a different character) worked this way
>86 now works this way
Why be upset over this? And if you hate the concept this much, what are you even in this for?
I like how SS86 Devy will combine the worst features of CW and frame technology into one shitpile
>OG G1 worked this way
Standards have improved in the past 40 years, dumb faggot
>CW/UW worked this way
Much of CW/UW was internal; in any case it was less than either G1 or SS86
>even Bayverse (essentially a different character) worked this way
There's 1 (one) piece with Overload, you disingenuous faggot
pls be intentional troll.
Please try to understand, two deluxe and that block of kibble is simply too big to fit in a standardized leader class box. Hasbro had no choice but to sell it as a commander class.
dude dont reply to goanon
Everything on the CW was extra bits what are you talking about
>Being made fun of for liking TFs is what encourages bad writing and goofy (official or otherwise) explanations?
no, it makes you care more about looking like you're enjoying it on a higher level, not just as a dumb kid that likes anything colorful
>And no, no one has ever made fun of me for liking TFs as an adult.
that's fucking astounding dude, where do you live and how high is the rent
>blah blah bad comics choices
anon you good friendly man, I give zero shits about what the comics do. you were criticizing people who care and pay close attention to fiction as if it were homework, and i've explained why that's important. The fact that you're criticizing the comics writing means YOU are one of those people that "Cares about the writing of a children's franchise" too.
i'm sure they just fired the artists because no money
The transformers do transform, into a dump truck and crane. The kibble block transforms into a crotch.
Not saying you can't analyze stuff you like on a deeper level, or that you can't explore deeper themes or subjects. You can enjoy things on different levels. Just that writers creating overly convoluted and unnecessary lore reasons for the equivalent of the curtains being blue is stupid, and doing it to receive imaginary validation from a school bully who made fun of you for liking optimus prime decades ago, that you never got over is unbelievably pathetic.
okay, one of us completely misunderstood the other then. I think we are on the same page.
>enjoying it on a higher level
Do you not get it though? The "higher level" that many people try to ascribe to it (regarding some of these lore explanations) just makes the whole thing even MORE ridiculous, not less.
>that's fucking astounding dude, where do you live and how high is the rent
There's nothing astounding about it. The reason no one makes fun of me for it is because I'm not a nerd, autist, or manchild. I'm just a regular cool guy who happens to like TFs. If someone says "you like transformers? you mean those robots?" I just say "yeah" and that's the end of it. Most people will either change the subject or say "really? that's pretty cool!" It's all in how you own it, and honestly it has more to do with who likes the TFs more than anything about TFs themselves.
>I give zero shits about what the comics do
Then why were you even arguing? The whole thing came about in the last thread because a few of us were snickering about "empurata" and other comic faggotry.
>YOU are one of those people that "Cares about the writing of a children's franchise" too
That's the thing, I don't dismiss it as just a children's franchise. Plenty of adults like TFs. I do, presumably you do as well.
>The kibble block transforms into a crotch.
And fists and forearms and head and back. So it's really a huge, shitty weaponizer.
>Standards have improved in the past 40 years, dumb faggot
Obviously they haven't, retard. They couldn't conjure up extra Devastator parts from hammerspace within the individual robots 40 years ago, and they can't do it now. They won't be able to do it 40 more years from now either.
>No drill hands
it's over
Check out Mecha Invasion's Giant legion, or whatever MMC's calling their Devastator, because they're both managing to make actual good Devastators with zero partsforming. The real issue isn't that engineering hasn't improved in the last 40 years(it has), the issue is that toy designers, being human, are lazy, and will usually take the path of least resistance. And when most collectors don't care much about the actual engineering of a combiner as long as it looks right, partsforming becomes the accepted standard
>conjure up extra Devastator parts from hammerspace within the individual robots
I like how you're defending lazy Sunbowfag engineering by comparing it to magic.
>And when most collectors don't care much about the actual engineering of a combiner as long as it looks right, partsforming becomes the accepted standard
Well, yeah. If you think partsforming is "cheating" and therefore inherently bad, 86 Dev will never be good to you.
Me, I care more about having a good looking Devastator on my shelf than whatever steps I had to take to get him there.
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Ah so now "sunbow" means "toys". Got it.
Yeah, it really sucks.
Well, that's literally how they do it in-universe in the cartoon, so if you're looking for your toys to replicate that you'll be disappointed, even at commander class.
alright i'm beginning to think i'm being trolled
Shows how far gone you are then.
>but muh third party
Will never be a valid argument. No shit they can pump out better things more consistently, they don't have to deal with meeting quotas, limited budgets, making things kiddie friendly, and then mass producing it to be shipped to shelves all across the world. They make specialty products with much more lenient restrictions that have to be special ordered internationally. These are two completely different industries and you're very free to indulge in 3rd party with your adult money, instead of the budget option.
MMC is also literally the only company doing G1 accurate combiners with no partsforming. And ACTUALLY accurate, not dogshit like hulkie.
Speaking of combiners, I wonder what they're gonna do for Nexus Prime.
THEN GO BUY THE FUCKEN THIRD PARTY JESUS CHRIST. Enjoy your shitty(ier) plastics that fucking break and fragile hinges or whatever. I say this as someone who buys both Has/Tak AND third party. We can always "grass is greener" this shit all day but at the end of it all, everyone has their drawbacks.

We have 76 thousand fucking iterations of every G1 character and none of them are ever going to live up to everyone's expectations, but we act like it's the end of the fucking world every time another one comes out. If you wanna complain about partsforming shit and the like, if anyone comes to mind, the CW one is the biggest offender for its size and price. Absolutely no fucking excuse for the dinky fucking little joints on the individual bots for what you're paying and how big they are.
Wasn't he called Nexus Maximus at one point, temporarily sharing a name with a vibrator?
I own a third party Bumper because I like him and I didn’t wanna spend 200 dollars on the G1 one

Yes, yes he was.

Just like Straxus once (almost) shared a name with a European black gay sex website.
I can see it going two ways:

-Bruticus retool that works with some aerialbots and combaticons.
-Dairugger situation where he's a commander class (about old leader size) formed by various vehicles that have no individual robot modes.
More power to you, and honestly SS86 Devy is a lot less egregious than some 3p examples(Newage comes to mind...). I still don't like it, but I can acknowledge that much. I Just take issue with dismissing non-partsforming combiners as like, physically impossible, when there's literally multiple examples proving that wrong. I'm holding those up as an example to say "hey, these things are actually possible, and it'd be nice if we got more stuff like this"
>We need a name that says we're gay AND racist!
>What about.. Darkmount
>That's a bit on the nose, isn't it?
I’m still not a fan of 86 devy’s proportions despite that, I think I’d genuinely go with combiner wars devy for its size if mmc didn’t exist
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Depending on if we're getting him before or after Bruticus, I could see him either being a pretool for Bruticus(they said that none of the primes would be retools or repaints right? But they didn't say anything about pretools).
Or, my preferred outcome, a box set of anywhere from 6-10 little dudes that combine into something resembling the CoP design. We never got any official designs for his individual components but they look vaguely military-vehicle esque, gives them some freedom to work with. I think I see some planes and tanks in there.
see I have to think it really genuinely is impossible.
you can change the designs from the familiar, or you can partsform. Because in the end this is a cartoon adaptation of a very silly-looking toy that separates into a bunch of other very silly toys, plus extra parts.
and because of the demand of articulation, stability, and non-overstressed plastic, it is literally too much to ask for to have, yknow, 13 toys in one, as it were. It CAN be done, but not with these designs and keeping them as recognizable vehicles and decent robots.
>box art is not final and just bad AI
they're just straight up using AI in their box art now
they did it with age of primes
I will give hasbro 10k if they give me a self-transforming, self-combining constructicon set.
>using ai as boxart
Nta but really? I havent looked at the box art. Where is the ai stuff?
er, look at it >>11271040
Alchemist Prime has dragstrips legs, alpha trion has tarns crotch, someone, I think it was prima, has 2 right feet.
People are just used to seeing web-sourced AI so they didn't realize it. But big companies like this have their own internal AI that pulls from images they have rights to, so they tend to be far, far more accurate to existing.

They probably just used photos of toys to generate the overall shape, then used a "paint" style based on their previous box arts.
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>Hook doesn't have his iconic club foot
you know we make fun, but i'm amazed G1 was able to be as good as it was back then with no cg help

Thing is, the Commander slot is probably already taken up by Onslaught in 2026. Maybe he'll be the 2026 Titan? Unless we get two Commanders a year, but thats unlikely.
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are you just joshin around or would you actually prefer they tried to match the toys
I like both, I'm just posting a silly image.
Looks like 2025 is going to be the first year that the Commander slots aren't going to fantastic figures.
Should I even bother with devestator? I don't have any and I doubt I still have my G1 version.
My money is on Pulse boxset
Nah man, the 13 are all mainline, thats the gimmick for this line.
>the Commander slot is probably already taken up by Onslaught in 2026
2 commander slots a year now.
so far it's been 1 studio and one generations, but there's nothing forcing that
they said all the primes will be new molds, not unique molds, yes
which means as long as Nexus is out before Bruticus he would fit.

but other options are:
Leader Class 5 pack of core class.
New main bot, Nexus, designed to let you hook any of the existing combiner limbs onto it.
An entire wave of 1 leader class nexus and 4 deluxes (risky move, but maybe fitting for the final line of the wave) so he's a smaller, bulkier combiner than the rest.
>2 commander slots a year now.
Yeah, Silverbolt and Hook & Long Haul
Thats one for each toyline. Anon means two Commanders in AotP.
It really doesn't look much different from the combiner wars one.
>he keeps posting 40-year old toys to cope

>he keeps coping by referencing a 40-year old toon
Still the same franchise, 3 commanders would be too much for the shrinking store shelves, unless its a requested retail exclusive like sg skyfire.
Both look the same cause both tried to represent the same model, main difference its on the size and articulation.
Sacrificed to make titans good again I suppose
what the fuck are you talking about the CW combiners didn't work that way. what little add on pieces they all had DID turn into something else, guns, armor. and people STILL complained about it back then,

Now they've gotten even lazier. So if I'm gonna upgrade to another version, yes I want a fucking improvement, not something more expensive but even lazier you dumb shill.
so then they don't actually combine. something the characters are supposed to do. Hence the complaining
We're all fans of a 40 year old franchise, that doesn't mean anything.
Who made you the God of combination?
or, or, you know, not do a fucking cheap lazy ass block of kibble, but put some effort into the engineering.

let review
2 deluxes
2 voyagers
1 commander
for six deluxe size figures that can't even combine without massive cheating. I'm supposed to be impressed by this, why?
>just buy the slop, bro.
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Just don't buy it
I'm not.
>So if I'm gonna upgrade to another version
Well here's the thing anon: you don't HAVE to upgrade. Keep your CW version then.
I might have kept CW Dev, if I ever had him. I only got into collecting a few years ago, so yeah I'm in for the SS86 version. If you don't want him, great. Vote with your wallet and just don't get it then.
>I only got into collecting a few years ago
and there it is, there it always is.
someone who JUST got into this, but wants give ereyone else shit for daring to have an opinion.

I HAVE gotten a couple earlier versions so if I want to bitch about the new one, I'm gonna. and if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. there's YOUR option.
>what little add on pieces they all had DID turn into something else, guns, armor.
Those extra pieces not only were also partsforming, they managed to be terrible feet/hands AND terrible weapons. Good riddance, at the very least the new ones turn into a compact thing that is compatible with the vehicle modes and actually improve the stability and articulation of the combined robot.
didn't I say people complained about them? Can you not read?

and a even BIGGER hunk of kibble that doesn't do anything but take up space in 2 of the 3 modes and jacks up the price is not an improvement.
>didn't I say people complained about them? Can you not read?
I did, but you were trying to pass that as something better, and I disagree.

>and a even BIGGER hunk of kibble that doesn't do anything but take up space in 2 of the 3 modes and jacks up the price is not an improvement.
That's the thing, it is. Because now the combined modes are not wonky shit with bad proportions that can barely be posed unless you pay a 3rd party for more partsforming pieces.

You can hate the method they're using, but the end result is clearly and improvement. Give me Legacy Menasor before the absolute disaster that was the Combiner Wars one any day.
It's not an improvement if it has to cheat like all fuck AND be more expensive.
Shit you could buy a complete Devastator that doesn't turn into individual figures at all and it would be even MORE stable and articulate but kinda defeats the whole fucking point doesn't it?
>I don't have any
Then of course you should.

Especially since G1 Dev is a lame duck.
seething bayfag detected
i feel like combiner kibble should at least be able to turn into its own little drone thing that looks cool
if the kibble trailer could at least store stuff inside like a real trailer, I might be more forgiving of it. turn into a base or something
>someone who JUST got into this
Make no mistake anon, I just got into collecting the figures. But I've been a Transformers fan for probably longer than you've been alive.
>so if I want to bitch about the new one, I'm gonna.
Yes yes, you're going to bitch like a woman and I can't stop you, weird flex but okay.
>if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. there's YOUR option.
I wish that were the case, but unfortunately your feminine venting is very visible on my screen, responding to a post I made no less, so yes unfortunately I do have to read it.
Kinda sexist ngl.
you can leave the thread anytime. and I don't give a shit how long you've been a fan but actually haven't collected anything because you're in a thread about toy collecting giving other people shit for having standards.
I mean who are you trying to convince? You're gonna eat the slop anyway so go eat it.
At least the the last time, it turned into a jet
>It's not an improvement if it has to cheat like all fuck
Its "cheating" is a subjective criteria that not everyone shares. I don't mind partsforming or consider it "cheating", so why do you want me to share your anger here?
At least the pricepoint is an objective complaint, but no one cares about your subjective taste anymore than I care what painting you like to hang in your living room. And yes I agree, the Hook/Long Haul pack as it stands should not be $90. We'll see if the trailer kibble does anything else they haven't shown yet.
It might not, but the fact remains you need Hook and Long Haul to finish Devastator either way. If that's not worth the money to you, skip them by all means, just like I said.
see? that is acceptable.
What's wrong with being sexy?
wait are those thighs immobile
I don't care if you share my anger or not. But I guess I'm not allowed to even have anger because you keep giving me an argument because I said I don't like the damn thing
Micromaster combiners were bricks with only swivel necks and shoulders.
I don't think so, that was a micro master version of the constructicons, though it's very much the same approach the new one is using
it's annoying how good that looks when it makes thighs unable to move.
even real life armor does that.. and sure enough, you can't do much in it.
>omg new Devastator sucks!!
>idk I think it looks pretty cool so fa...
Stop being a thin-skinned little bitch and you'll be happier in life anon.
Ah yes, can't forget to tie it altogether with le epic 4chan buzzword du jour!
>>I just said I thought it looked cool whaaaat.
sure thing. fifty posts just of that one sentence
and slop is a buzzword now.
is telling you just to fuck off a buzzword too?
I really like that pitch I did last thread
NTA but how does saying the Long Haul/Hook pack will be less than fantastic suggest >>11271233 is a bayfag? I'm not following the logic here.
Lower your cortisol.
says the faggot pretending he's just an innocent victim when he was the one calling people names for not sharing his faggy opinion
Really? So, by that logic, if this Devastator combiner kibble had its own cockpit that would be acceptable to you?
cockpits help a lot. doesn't have to be a clear canopy, but... gimme something. make it look like something.
You mean the random AI generated shape? Yes, I saw it.
Sure anon, I totally believe you're not really mad right now.
Not a real combiner, I the God of Combiners say it's not real.
Didn't tfc and maketoys do decently proportioned waisthauls like a decade ago?
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I want Mastermind Creations Nickel, but I don't want to spend $120 on her. Hate that she only came in a 2-pack.
I am mad. you acted like a little shit for an entire thread and are now putting up some kind of faggoty innocent act like you weren't insulting people because they complained about a toy. "I just said I liked the toy take your meds tee hee"
You fucking homo, go kill yourself
you have to be a fucking Hasbroshill or something. what is your problem?
that's pretty cute. is she based on something from transformers?
IDW character
No anon, that's the other guy. I know it's difficult to tell the difference when they're both massive faggots.
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She's from the IDW comics and serves as the tiny medic/mechanic of the Deception super killsquad.
it is really irritating how not everything they do is terrible. I want to hate it completely, but I can't.
How many releases until the new "titans" are the same price as the older much larger ones? I give it maybe 2 more.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing it by next year
Fuck you you dishonest little rat, this all started because you answered my post >>11270928 in this thread and not the thread I posted it in hoping I wouldn't see it. Unlike you however, I didn't burst a blood vessel over it.
I get that how the original toy did it, but I do wish they would've had the upper body transform a little more in base mode. Made the arms do something beside just sit there. At least they make some effort at hiding the face this time.
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forgot the pic
Nothing wrong with picking and choosing the parts you like. I like Nickel, I don't care for the DJD. I'd buy a toy of her, I don't need a Tarn.
because they started this thread you dumb shit. why would I answer in a thread noboby would would be in?
you were the one calling people retard. did you forget that while your weren't bursting a blood vessel you lying asshole?
what if every time they need some faux parts or kibble to complete a combiner, they just turned it into a new guy instead of having it turn into nothing
I agree. that's not only silly, it was easily avoidable.
The face is hidden in that pic though.
Nickel is cute, I love Sakamoto's original designs. Shame core class is dead, she would've been perfect for it
see this guy gets it
it can be an "Armorizer" or whatever.
i feel like this is easier for like, predaking, than it is for devastator. hands turn into a crab REAL easily, as 3P has taught us. feet could turn into a turtle or something. but construction equipment, not so much
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Yeah, thats the new one. The original toy didn't
Can't wait for someone on ebay to sell a huge exkaiser style matrix-sword for him.
Sounds shitty. I don't want OCs shoehorned with the real guys.
You think Hasbro would have figured that out. It's not far removed a concept from the armorizer/weaponizer thing they've been doing for the past 7 years.
Here's the problem: you posted it again in this thread after I responded in the other one, while ignoring my response there after you saw it.
>b-but no one was in the thread
Exactly, and you wanted an audience to make sure everyone saw your attempted "owning" of me.
Dishonest little rat, just like I said. You're probably the same guy complaining about a new thread being made every time also.
Ignore me, my reading comprehension apparently sucks. I thought you said "They could have at least made some effort at hiding the face this time."
I posted in this thread because this is the new thread I assumed everyone INCLUDING YOU would be in AND YOU WERE?. What the fuck are you talking about? Are you just retarded? Why would I think you aren't in the new thread with the rest of us?
what the hell is wrong with you?
What if they use it to give deep-cut forgotten members a reason to exist?
you can still choose not to use him
either way you're gonna have a pile of parts that form the hands, feet, sometimes even the goddamn lap. just let it be a guy -if you want-
And yet my rebuttal in that other thread is STILL unaddressed by you, in either this thread or that one.
I see through your act anon.
I honestly would be happy if they just turned into additional weapons for the guys. we always get screwed on weapons anyway
because we're all in the new thread now-I-
forget it. You really are just a fucking retard. I'm done.
It's amazing how quickly two faggots can shit up a thread
yeah but they tried that. a good foot, especially with a nice solid ankle joint, makes a fucklousy gun. at most it could make... a jetpack?
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Me Slash say you go to hell
It was kinda stupid that the didn't make her able to connect to Volcanicus somehow. turn into a gun or something.
Should the block of kibble be free? It's still part of Devastator. If you're expecting all of him
to be born out of the 6 constructicons with no extra pieces, it's not gonna happen, ever. TFs, let alone combiners, transform and combine in the cartoons and comics with mass shifting, subspace, and all kinds of other cheats. Our toy technology isn't quite there yet, hate to tell you.
Devy has worked this way since 1985 so I don't know what you were expecting.

Hoping "certain individuals" can address this.
I bought slash because of people on /co/ showing how cute she is.
Then Devastator the first combiner is not a real combiner, so decrees the God of Combiners.
Hmm... Put the disclaimer and replace the or with and. Nobody's waiting for image limit anymore at this rate.

By the way, is it me, or is Long Haul's trailer feel like it could become a frame body similar to what Menasor and Superion did?
I don't mind it, and I like
>>11271427 's idea.
Thing is cartoon accuracy is the name of the game this time around, so trailers and boosters make more sense, and if that's the route we're going in, and we end up with a new Predaking, I hope he gets a "battle chariot" ala PR Zeo/ Ohranger.
she is great, and she is also kind of a zoid
man that was such a copout, having the legs just be pillars, but i have to admit.. they picked pretty good ones. Mythology theming, so one is a dogu and the other's a moai statue... that was the last time I bought a megazord, and I was not unhappy.
Unironically 1000x better than SS86 Devy
>to be born out of the 6 constructicons
But we don't
>transform and combine in the cartoons and comics with mass shifting
Cartoon model impossible to make a toy of without being shit? Don't use it or change it
>Devy has worked this way since 1985
Action Master Devy didn't, checkmate retard
Yeah, and the following year 86 will probably be done
So either another regular studio series commander, which... There's not much of an option left, or just 2 for Age of Primes
To add to my post:
>Defensor's extra bits could turn into a trailer and med bay
>Bruticus's parts could be a howitzer for Onslaught to man (and easily hitch in vehicle mode)
>Computron might just get a booster like Silverbolt, but it turns into a tactical computer station
>Abominus... gets a jetpack that turns into... a canon powered by sparks?
>Piranacon could also get a "battle chariot", but have it set up to accommodate any of the limbs' weapon modes
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Quick comparison, new torso guys are an ok update, so far Bonecrusher is the only dud.

>Cartoon model impossible to make a toy of without being shit?

Not in a mainline budget, there are 3p options that make witchcraft.
>Not in a mainline budget
SS86 isn't mainline, it's a premium line.
I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not looking at RotF Overload in classic Constructicon colors whenever I see the new Longhaul with his trailer.
SS86 is a dumping ground for cartoon accurate g1 characters so they don't gum up Legacy.
Considering there have been a few SS86 figures to make the jump to Legacy, I think you're really overestimating how different the budgets are.
Meant for >>11271478
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>premium line
MP is a premium line, Missing link is a premium line, SS86 is not even close to be one.
You keep making a lot of excuses for this turd
>Action Master Devy didn't,
>hurr durr
And he was from 1990, my illiterate friend.
So what's been happening with Haslab Omega Prime? I thought we were due a new update video a month ago. The last video already came out super late.
Every Transformer is an OC
>>Abominus... gets a jetpack that turns into... a canon powered by sparks?
Hun-Grr getting a "trailer" that upgraded him from 2 headed dragon to full blown hydra would be pretty sick.
i am so into that
Probably just gonna release him early and announce the new one soon.
>SS86 isn't mainline, it's a premium line.
Kek. It's just a way to pump out more G1 characters, some of which are literally the same figure as their Legacy or WFC equivalent (Galvatron, Starscream) or actually WORSE (Bumblebee)
>SS86 is premium
Then why is it priced the same as Legacy?
Yeah! And have it make him look like Mecha King Gidorah!
That's a fun thought but I'm not picturing how you turn what I guess is the new standard gestalt frame into that
Maybe the Abominus frame limbs could be hollowed out extra hydra necks or something.
SS86 is just generations lol
Huh. While most of them are "Player 2 Iron Man" recolors, the one crossovers War Machine that seemed to be unique was an airplane instead of a helicopter like expected.
i'm looking it up and they were apparently all jets.. and the best one was canceled, was gonna combine with an iron man motorcycle..
Well this was a surprise, ordered the leader Thundertron set from walmart since it was $20, they mailed me 2. Either it's a major goof or they really want to get rid of excess stock but hey, free toys
Heh cool I'll take that :^)
Anyone wish we get Japanese commercials again for Generations? Age of the Primes would be rebranded for the Japanese market, so fitting commercials could be a thing.
SS has never been a premium line and I don't understand where this misconception comes from
I got Ferak for $10 and now I'm trying to figure out how to turn him into a fembot (I'm obsessed with them).
New chest and head. Maybe lean into the Cyclonus rabbit ears joke and be a playboy bunny.
>Age of the Primes would be rebranded for the Japanese market, so fitting commercials could be a thing
Why would it? They've switched to using English names like Autobot and Optimus Primes almost a decade ago. Also their Generations/SS imports are only marketed to adults. They only push TF on kids when there is an accompanying movie or cartoon
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Thinking about getting a resin printer to make some upgrades for my figs, anybody got experience with them and would you recommend to buy one?
i dont have experience, but i've talked at length with a guy who does, and... it's a lot. It's like getting a sick pet. The ONLY thing that makes it not ridiculous is that, if something fucks up, you can recycle the uncured resin. Only once it's UV-cured does it last.
You have to like, have your printer in a place that has a sink, and ventilation, but no windows to let light in. You have to put on gloves and carefully wash the hell out of the piece before putting it under the UV to cure. Whatever model you make or buy, you have to add little support struts or the whole thing could collapse 90% of the way in. and the printing success rate is like 25% at best.
Unless it puts Ginrai front and center in a rehash of the Power of the Primes story. Nobody even cared about whatever the Prime Masters were anyway, but if it's a human who gains the knowledge of the Thirteen Primes with the Thirteenth personally giving away his Transtector to the man he chose as his successor, Ginrai would be given an opportunity to reassemble the Thirteen with an upgraded Master Brace.

Different story here, but do you think we'll only get the G2 Devastator through Generations Selects, Hasbro Pulse, or SDCC, but make Scrapper, Scavenger and Bonecrusher orange to be closer to their original Diaclone colors? G2 Devastator is a miracle to exist because of their return to Diaclone colors.
I assumed that much. I feel like I'm crazy enough to handle it though.
I feel like they might just throw random g2 constructions into the mainline, like with stunticons
The option to pick and choose 3 packs for diaclone/g2 devy would really fucking cool though, but I doubt it would happen because nobody gives a shit about diaclone constructicons, only G2

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