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You guys buy your Turbo Man doll yet? At this point they'd be impossible to find.
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Nothing like waiting till the last minute. I got a Turbo Man for Johnny months ago. It's nestled safely under our tree.

By the way, they say it may get icy later. You might want to wrap some chains around those tires.

>You might want to wrap some chains around those tires.

I’ve never actually seen any one do this
we have ebay now anon
shit movie and shit toy
the whole point was that he got it last minute, ebay wouldn't help.
A lot of people hoarded and kept them MISB while thinking they'd be future collectibles. They weren't.
I wonder if there's a Black Series Jake Lloyd Anakin I can put with a Mafex Terminator for a pseudo-Jingle All The Way display.
FB Marketplace or whatever, online you can definitely get something on that day, you can bet you can find it easily as long as you fork up the cash which didn't seem to be his problem like this anon suggests >>11271556
literally a second after that he pays what he was told to pay. this isn't to count all the money he had to pay through out his adventure to get turbo man,clearly money wasn't the issue unlike Sinbad the mailman who really didn't have money. He didn't buy it because he has a high profile job that takes all his time. What he lacks is time, not money.
It's not really done anymore, a lot of places made it illegal. Might still see it on bigger trucks from time to time, but even then, it's gonna be in places with actual packed-in snow on the roads.
As a matter of fact....
Who told you that you can eat my cookies?!
Same faggots who collect Funkos
funny enough the most recent release of turboman was in fact a funko product.
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Shit figure with hideous body proportions.

The Turbo Man by Tiger Electronics had better proportions and looked closer to the prop from the movie. I don't know why anyone would buy the Funko version
I want an SHF
I want a neca
So it can fall apart like the mexican one in the movie?
"Some assembly required!"
AY Turbo Man when?
>chains around those tires.
Do Americans really
Because Funko buyers aren't people at all. They stripped away all sense of humanity to become a total mindless consumer. They need to buy anything Funko shovels out because they NEED it. It's sad, really.
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Never forget, shit was hilarious.
Because it destroys the roads. It's only done in mines or quarries where they drive on dirt/mud.
Morgan looks like the type of Wal-Mart trash I would bring home to mom for a hot dog and Mac and cheese casserole.
When I was a kid we lived in the country and I remember my dad stopping at the edge of town to remove the tire chains because that's where the paved road started.
Glad to see /toy/ has kept at the same level of shit for at least 7 years.
I would take that over the fucking nothing I have right now.
Yeah, what a shitty thing to do. /toy/ cannot fathom prop replicas.
You obviously weren't on that thread, the guy just made it to gloat about his exclusive limited edition movie-accurate prop and then he got extremely rattled when he saw nobody was jealous for having missed on that thing or thinking it looked like crap. Not only that but he challenged people to actually report the Kickstarter thinking nothing will happen, worst thing he could have done.

A shame for anyone else that got fucked over this, but at the end of the day that anon just got what he deserved. If anything, that was the last time I saw anons actually getting something done on this site like in the old days.
>gloat about his exclusive limited edition movie-accurate prop and then he got extremely rattled when he saw nobody was jealous
Would have rattled him more if everyone ignored his post.
Sure, but you know that's completely impossible in this site.
It's been like this since 2010 when I started browsing.
>OP constantly calling everyone he disagrees with a child, acting like the most knowledgeable person on the board, and daring anons to report the project
I am 99% sure I know who OP was. That combination of arrogance and insecurity is still prevalent in a few threads to this day.
So was this the last Sinbad movie? I don't know if I remember him being in anything after 97 or so.
Pray tell Anon? I don’t browse many generals here
Does it matter? Anyone buying this is buying it for the novelty. There's barely even a reason to remove it from the package since the package is part of the novelty.

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