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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Santa Baby Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11262949
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give them no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Snail Shell: Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Three Wise Monkeys (Feb 2025), Zombie Grisa (Feb 2025), Masquerena (Jul 2025), Nikke Modernia (Jun 2025), Optional Part Sets (Varies)
>Lazy Monster Studio Oak Town Fairy Elf Guard A+B (Dec)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Q4)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q4)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth ~Tanned ver~. (Jan 2025)
>Hasuki Succubus Sister Friede (Feb 2025)
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>Loscont ABA-002 Armed Battle Angels Dark Hornet (Q1 2025)
>CiYuanJuXiang The Primordial Witch Crow (Q1 2025)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)
>Xcocann Studio Street Fighter Quinn Lee & Mountain Moon PJ01 Block Accessory Kit (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Snail Shell Bunny Girl Aileen Sunkissed Ver.
>Crazy Figure Multi Joint Movable 1/12 Scale Female Body
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins
>BUZZmod Gurren Lagann Yoko
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure
>Cang Toys Twelve Wars Little Green Dragon Longji
> Snail Shell Succubus Lustia
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring
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>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
As I’m sure most of you are aware, the OP that had been making these threads since the beginning has left and created a discord. I respect the work they did for this general for years and their decision to leave, but I would prefer while we’re in this transition period that we refrain from discussing the discord here as I believe it will only attract unwanted negative attention. Remember, we’re here to post toys. Thanks.
Thank you anon
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hope you have a merry christmas furnitureanon
Can you tell your pedo discord to fuck off already?
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Hoho.. Why not Whoro ourselves?

You'd have to drill a hole for the tail on a naked body, but least that's on the easier side.
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This makes me uncomfortable.
What's this from? Called and what scale
Toy Story 5 hits a bit different, huh.
I want to see MORE of this
Mark my words, this is the future of action figures.

Like most of the Nikke figures so far she's on the pricey end, but damn she looks good. She's also practically my main in game so I feel obliged to get her.

Red Hood from Nikke. Hyper x Body 1/12.
>Mark my words, this is the future of action figures.
I remember some discussion of whether people would buy digital figures, back when NFTs were trendy. General consensus was "heck no". It would be fun to have downloadable animations of figures accompany each purchase, though I wouldn't pay much extra for it.
Adult Toy Story is looking good.
Anon are you retarded....
NtA, roughly 5.9".
Ok heres an easier method for you. 1/12 is 3 times larger than your penis. So take that and add it
>we refrain from discussing the discord
That would mean they refrain from shitting up the rest of /toy/
Are you?
1/12 is a ratio, so you need to know the original source height to know what a 1/12 would be.
1/12 means they're one twelfth their real life scale.
i.e. for regular human characters, that's usually between 5,5 and 6 inches.
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I definitely wouldn't buy digital figures myself and don't want that sort of stuff bumping up the prices like Square tried to do with the Bring Arts FFVII figures either. I was thinking more like a program that could animate figures in general and also create cool AR scenery like Microsoft's hololens made it look like it could do competently back when it was previewed. Something like that might make me actually play with my action figures again.

That wasn't even me who responded to you. But you literally asked for the scale. Do your own research next time, lazy.
Everyone knows the size of 1/12. You got your measurements. Take your 2 inches and times it by 3
He's a midget IRL, he needs to know if it is 1/12 based on normal human height or his midget height
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I like Hood but after seeing how Modernia is a straight downgrade from Snail Shell’s I’m not so sure
Yeah, I am personally thinking about waiting for the Hemoxian kit. It has bigger tits anyway
Do i have to build her like a plamatea?
Some parts will be plamo. They just rebranded Act Mode because they forgot about the plamo part for most of it.
I believe so. Unfortunately, I don't think Hemoxian makes pre-built figures. I don't like having to build waifus, but I just like the look of this prototype sculpt more than the Hyper x Body one
what body is that???
Damn, I hadn't seen these side by side. The head really is much better on the Snail Shell. I wonder if they'll do her standard outfit too or just stick with the extra costumes that Figma/Hyper Body won't be making.
They're not real 1/12 scale unless the characters they're depicting are 7ft+
That’s because Storm are morons
At this point we got Japanese 1/12, US 1/12 and Chinese 1/12 - latter both heading to JP 1/10 or taller territory.
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I want Snail Shell to do Rapi or Anis personally
Figma is already doing Scarlet and Alice so I do wonder what characters are going to be split for what brand.
Snail shell bache please :3
I want them to pick up more YGO.
Labrynth pls
Storm also put morrigan in giant lady diapers and gave her a downs syndrome face. So your point is?...

What's this one? Her tits are fantastic
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I think they’ll end up doing Ecclesia next
Well, that's a pain in the ass because I don't want to build or paint
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Hyper Body's making an Anis as well, though she hasn't been painted yet. I could definitely see Snail Shell making her swimsuit version. Blanc and Noir, and Maiden are probably my biggest wants.
Is this just a statue?
Sure, why not
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This HAS to be a fucking troll. Ill give you a 1 and a half out of ten, at least for changing up the methods from the usual bullshit drek.
Can't you see the joints there, retard?
>Hyper Body's making an Anis as well
Nooooo I don't want to pay the hyper body tax!
I can see joints
Looking forward to seeing Anis painted.
>Blanc and Noir, and Maiden
You seem to have a type. Good taste.
Centi, Crow, Nero and Noise for me. Add Rapi, Emma and Jackal too. There are a lot of designs that activate my neurons for various reasons.
>hyper body tax
Considering that so far both have only been 1k yen more than Figma Scarlet's big hat tax, and even on HLJ they end up being the same price as her, I doubt it will get much better. Shit, even the latest racing Miku is in that price range.
>What's this one? Her tits are fantastic
Red Hood model kit by Hemoxian. Still only the unpainted prototype, no word on release date
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That's Frieren's ass-eating mimic, you homewrecker.
I want ryza but the butt isn't what I hoped it would be. Is she still a good figure despite this?
now that's a pretty good toy ass
She ended up less stellar than advertised.
The vials aren't as vivid and many suffer from an arm tumor that requires an arm replacement request (peg hole is slanted instead of straight, making the joint push the plastic)
That's actually another prizefig that comes with half a barrel.
Silly anon, look right beneath the first pic.
I'm not going to tell you what you should want, but Reisalin's thighs should make her ass look small in comparison. Like her shorts are so tight that it squeezed her ass meat down into her thighs. In the first game she had more of a bubble butt, but by the third game the thighs are taking on a life of their own.
I want ryza but not at that asking price.
Why wasnt she koed so I could get her at a decent price?
Some stuff gets koed within a week of official stuff being released but this hasnt been touched at all
I blame the top half filling my entire screen kek
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It's only a matter of time until the thighs consume her.
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Speaking of thighs. I dream of a day something like this can get a poseable figure.
Do they go about the asses better than Figma?
Hot damn.
That Lab fanart was drawn by the artist that designed the Sand House sisters. It fills me with copium that Snail Shell might make her.
>That Lab fanart was drawn by the artist that designed the Sand House sisters
Hot. See a lot of Blue Archive/bunnies art of them too though, and that's still a quiet front.
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I really need to get around to taking more/better pics. My healths been absolutely shit this year, though its kind of always been shit....
Revoltech Cattleya/Figma Sonico/that Japanese Shadman demon queen have thick thighs.
Based. You're the only husbando who bought your waifu presents, therefore I crown you Best Husbando 2024.
>this is the future of action figures
so just another vr coomer game?
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>looking at some scales
>noticed they put Yukikaze back up on native
I already have her but if you were looking to get her she’s up for PO
It just keeps getting better.
I just wish i could get her bonus parts...
by june 2024 I assume the mean june 2025?
I just ordered one off amiami for $40+shipping
I hope they paint the shiny part
Act mode is still yhe same jank act mode. Hyper body is goodsmile china's even more jank version.
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Find a flaw
It's seamless
Are there any non-seamless Cammy figures that look this good?
>seamless shit
Small tits
Small eyes
Ugly face sculpt
The skin material will rip after time.
Not if kept in a well-controlled environment, idiot.
Pleather boots and straps
Non-functioning vagina and anus
I think the face sculpt looks decent. It doesn't have that soulless thing that many chink lines like Frontline Chaos have going on.
Doesn't need to be for me to find a flaw. That's an entirely different discussion
>That's an entirely different discussion
Yes, that's why I asked. I wasn't trying to disprove your point.
And if you don't move it at all lol.
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Memes aside, she's seriously beautiful. Why hasn't anyone thought of giving these figures regular jointed arms and legs whilst keeping the rest body in silicone? Best of both worlds.

Better yet, why don't these studios make 2 versions of the same figure. One jointed and one seamless? Would satisfy both camps
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Does she have a molded pussy?
It's not mine and I'll pass on both.
Apparently not. Only a sculpted butthole.
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Yeah, she wasn't on the same level as R. Mika. But she does have camel toe, so that's a bonus.
She's pretty. Sorry anons are so enamored with the anti seamless meme. I will also never get anything seamless but this one looks good. There is a Chinese company that does what you're saying though, they have a mecha musume with seamless thighs is all I can remember.
>I will also never get anything seamless
I just don't dig the anime style. No offense.
In that case, no. Cammy has unfortunately not had many good figures. The "least bad" is probably the SHF, but even then the ass is disastrous as can be seen here >>11274661
Although the Storm Collectibles Cammy's ass looks alright in some pics, probably entirely dependent on posing.
>realistic maymay
much offense taken anon
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Is this seriously her ass?
This is almost 2B levels bad
>Sorry anons are so enamored with the anti seamless meme
It's not a meme, you dipstick.
Seamless is literally a walking time bomb. Who's going to invest in that?
There are people who put them in a dynamic pose then hydrogel the silicone after it gets torn. Yes, it literally turns them into a statue, but at least they look and feel lifelike.
Perhaps this would be called sacrilege, but I wonder if her figures would look better if the skin above the glutes/groin was covered with the one piece, then you don't get that obviously seperate painted piece of skin.
>Although the Storm Collectibles Cammy's ass looks alright in some pics, probably entirely dependent on posing.
That's the situation in literally every "uoohh this ass look so gud" "no it's le bad" pic argument. One side poses it and takes angles in the most flattering position, the other does the opposite. Newsflash: a poseable figure with joints isn't going to have a perfect dumptruck in every position
Had a friend spend about 800 on 3 seamless figures. Warned him against it because of everything I'd heard about them. Didnt listen to me and he spent an extra 200 on a 4th figure.
2 years later they've all torn, 1 has changed its skin color in patches and almost looks bleached.

He followed everything the instructions said about temperature, conditioning and care and yet all 4 are ruined
I have a hard time believing that. My tbleague doll looks as good as when I purchased it 5 years ago.
>buy a figure so you can turn it into a statue
Do seamlessfags really?
I swear I thought I wrote that and autocorrect fucked me.
Not even real women do, except for maybe Mia Malkova.
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>Small tits
I actually like Cammy with small breast and here's why I think they're superior
Not wrong.
Anon when I dress up it's best to have big tits and a big ass. That way you get something in your face whilst also grabbing a big butt
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As I said before, anon, ive never used discord once in my life specifically BECAUSE a lot of peds get caught on it. Dont need that drama in my life man.

Also, merry christmas to you, fren. What toys did you get? Would LOVE to see them!
You're not going to change my opinion, you can still believe what you want even if you're wrong
How much does she usually go for? Hopefully not over $100 because that painting is sloppy as fuck
So if seamless figures have an expiry date, why are they so expensive?
Retail? I assume like 50 or so. She's a few years old.
6,000 JPY on release in August of 2017, which was when 1 yen was equal to about 0.0092 of a dollar, compared to the 0.0064 of a dollar it is now.
So like >>11274815 said, about $55.
Because the shitty material is expensive.
Because lemmings will buy it anyway.
Correct. Flat is justice.
Wait until you find out about real women. They cost a fortune, and can hit the wall at a moment's notice.
>Wait until you find out about real women. They cost a fortune, and can hit the wall at a moment's notice.
My gf and I both work. We have a joint account for basic necessities and for non essential things, we pay for own stuff.
It's weird that adult women can have flat chests, but your brain went straight to thinking about fucking kids. Says more about you than anything.
I was mostly joking, but time is also an expenditure, and the wall is inevitable. Still, some of us like to invest into real women when time will eventually decay them like a phicen. Trust me, menopause can be more stressful than some cracked silicone.
>Trust me, menopause can be more stressful than some cracked silicone.
Lol, how fucking old are you that we should trust you on this
The whole point of life is to mate and procreate. Our bodies were literally designed for this one purpose. Anything else was just artificially constructed to delay the inevitable. Toys are great, but they will never be a substitute for proper companionship and intimacy. My new year's wish will be for you to find your soulmate. Not even being ironic or something else, I want everyone to be find purpose and be happy.
*to find purpose
I'm not that old, but I'm at the age where doctors tell you to test for prostate and colon cancer regularly, and my back is constantly sore. A bit past what people would consider middle aged.
Thanks, but the girl I thought was my soulmate went through extremely early menopause, and well, sometimes life just deals you a shitty hand and you have to make the most of it.
And without turning this into a blog post, I'm coming up on two years since I literally faced the grim reaper and stared him down, and he blinked. I've heard the phrase "you are lucky to be alive" pretty often these last two years. And this thread has been one of the things that I look forward to. Not as a permanent replacement for a real woman, but it makes me smile, I can make lewd jokes, and in all honesty, I wouldn't exactly have been in the right place mentally for a relationship while I recovered. I'm glad I didn't have to drag someone through this shitshow as I rebuild myself, but maybe if I had found my soulmate the whole thing could have been avoided in the first place.
So thanks for the sentiment.
And Merry Christmas.
NTA, but my wife is 63. I met her when she was going through menopause. Its all a depressing sexless downhill from there. Still love her, though. The fact that im allowed to still be my fully fucked up degenerate autistic self (and bang anyone else that I want) helps A LOT.
>thread is nothing but made up blog posting
Let me join. I was at a party, a girl I thought was cute in the friend group got drunk, I took advantage, then proceeded to avoid her because I was scared she would snitch. Some time later she turned out to be pregnant, I freaked even more because people will find out what I did. She proceeded to never snitch and somehow we were married 3 years later.

None of this is true, I just wanted to participate
Was her name Angie?
Haha N-No..
Still kinda want her, despite the seamless bodies cons. That headsculpt alone makes me jizz.
Shes definitely one of the nicer looking seamless trash dolls.
She looks great though
>Small tits
You say that like it's a bad thing. Besides, everyone knows the thigh game is where it's at.
So did anyone get anything good for Christmas?

I didnt. Perhaps the most pointless shit I've ever had this year. Why cant people just give you money when you specifically ask for it
got 50 bucks
didn't even ask for anything since we don't celebrate christmas tho
Nah, don't really celebrate it
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Got myself chocolate Aileen and some pretty nice non-toy-related stuff (skincare, booze and gaming) from family etc. I had to specify exactly what I wanted though, nobody around me is an xmas overplanner like myself and would just buy funkos or something if left to their own devices.
The normie brain would just interpret that as ‘I’ll get them this different ugly vinyl figure instead’ and not as ‘I see anon likes import figures and hates funkos and this probably everything similar, perhaps I should get them something they collect instead’.
I'm a middle aged man, the only person in my life that would even think about getting me something is a broke first year art major.
She made me some beef jerky just the way I like it, extra spicey and hard enough to break your teeth if you tried to bite through it.
I gotchu.
>"He likes anime"
>They buy manga of series you got no interest in
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Homemade jerky just the way you like it? A tasty gift with thought put into it is the best.
My dad bought me Figma Kiara. He wanted to buy me a waifu for my plastic harem, but he didn't want it to be too degenerate like Lisbeth or something, so I showed him a shortlist and that was the one he picked for me.
>a broke first year art major
Daughter or...?
I genuinely would of been happy to have gotten 50 bucks. Everything I got was garbage. I asked for money because that way I could get what I actually wanted.
Didn't get what I asked for, instead heres some random shit, socks, shirts, trash.
Seriously ffs what's the point in people asking but then just not listening
Where can I still find that brown bunny girl this late? My local shop canceled my PO due to their fuckup, and now I'm left hanging with my pants down. Preferably not from chink sites.
Did you too resize dildo and print them in 3d ?
>preordered Aileen feet back in July on HLJ
>says release date was 12/16
>no charge
>still have the order
>item page says discontinued
Did HLJ fuck me?
HA, someone noticed finally! Nah, it came in one of those packs of 1/12 scale sex toys you can get on ali/ebay.
It's possible, sometimes they accept more orders than they can fulfill and just never tell you or cancel it. They expect you to just cancel it yourself or wait in hopes they get more
They didn't charge you so they didn't fuck you
>Preferably not from chink sites
You are pretty much shit out of luck.
Your best bet will be to keep an eye on Amiami for a sealed second hand one, or the same on Mandarake.
Biological niece but effectively daughter because my wasteoid older sister ditched her on me when she was two weeks old.
Ask for gift cards to Amazon/Walmart/restaurants instead.
BBTS has some cooma figma on sale.

Sophia F. Shirring (first version) - $60.00

Genshin Impact Mona - $68.99
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Thoughts on her? She's not seamless btw.
Regardless of seamless or jointed, why do 1/6 scale figures pose so... rigidly(?) I guess I wanna say? They really only look good in A pose or maybe some light gestures or something. 1/6 never looks good in dynamic poses.
clothing and base body

a lot of the clothing made for 1/6 are just usually made of non strecthable material, usually like pleather. so it restrict movements.

as for the base body, i can only account for non-seamless bodies, but 1/6 female bodies are not built for articulation. they're built to look nice, with as little gaps or seams visible as possible and that restrict movement a lot.

that's why I am hoping for the Snail Shell 1/6 body, I am hoping that they are putting the articulation of 1/12 action figures they have on that 1/6
she doesnt have her cameo paint
Nice Rebecca and Jill. How's the sillicone holding up?
>still have the order
>item page says discontinued
It's a gamble with HLJ always accepting more orders than stock.
How do I resist the temptation to buy seamless crap? No matter how hard I try, I can't find exposed joints attractive. Please don't kill me.
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A few gundam kits, some games from friends online, and a coffee maker that takes those weird tiny cups.

These two did arrive just a few days before Christmas as well so I'm sort of counting them.
I mean, anon, if you don't like one style or the other then you just don't. While I think people who get buggered over visible joints are literally retarded I don't actually fault them for having aesthetic preferences. Buy whatever the hell you like the looks of.
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Can someone please confirm if this is genuine? It's a review photo from a customer on Aliexpress
It's fake
How can you tell?
Thats KO
>he can't tell
That ...is ....fake
Why are you samefagging?
It says K.O. right there!
Nah, no friends and family is hours away so aside from the $100 mom sent no real gifts or gift giving. I donated some food and a bag full of final faction figures instead.
Are you a NEET?
There is no pointing making ko for a $25 figure that are plenty avialable in the market right now
leotard not tight enough to show cameltoe
You buy one and experience the joints ripping first hand.
Damn. You are right.>>11275630
It's real
It's 100% fake. Get the shf instead
I dont use any of that shit. Everything on Amazon is a 3rd more expensive than what it is on ebay with less protection for both sellers/buyers.
I've only ever seen 1 item on amazon cheaper than Ebay in the past 20 years.

I did get 1 amazon voucher which is useless because I dont use amazon and wtf can I buy for 20 bucks when everything I'm interested in starts at 90
real. there's literally no point in KOing a 25 dollar figure.
It also has the telltale boob sculpt crack that the officials have.
Thats fake bludd
Even if that IS real, that bitch suffering from downs face.
yeah, we know she got bimbo face
Why does anyone even want jada trash in the first place?

I'll admit M.Bison looks dope. Chun-li, Cammy and various others look absolutely terrible though. How can anyone invest in a line were its 10% good and 90% awful?

It's the special EX edition figures that bother me the most. 80 bucks for pink chun-li variant and yet for that price they dont fix the messed up face
Because they're the best figures (for the price).
Best figures
For the price

For 20-30 bucks if this is jadas "best" then your better keeping your money.
There are many better ko figmas out there for 14 bucks which blow away anything jada do
There is no line in that price range that is nearly as good.
Having said that, I'm more of a "I'd rather pay extra to get the best version I can get" owner, so Jada doesn't appeal to me as hard as it does others.
Not for toys silly, but for life essentials.
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yay or nay? chances she is a fun figure? dont care about the movie
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I’m praying to every god ever conceived for Snail Shell to make a GaGaGa Girl figure. Silent Magician would be great too.
>How can anyone invest in a line were its 10% good and 90% awful?
To be fair, there is plenty of people buying Hasbro, McFarlane, NECA and Storm Collectibles...
If people are gay enough to be buying this shit then they'll be the same sort of individual who'll have funkopop or warhammer in their room.

Shit company that's been giving fans less for years whilst hiking prices. Fuck Hasbro. All this company does is make me realise what we've lost from Takara.

Let's be honest here - their 90s turtles stuff is based and they genuinely care about it.

Mk stuff is based but retarded prices. No idea why a ko company hasnt come along and done any of their stuff.
Great company in the beginning but you can see from the latest stuff their cutting corners while raising prices.
Morrigan (darkstalkers) being the worst they've put out in years. The prototype looked better than the final diaper design
Sorry for the late response, but for the obvious reasons of potential tearing, and the skin tends to look a little wonky/thick where the skeleton bends, like at the elbows. (That Cammy did good by making hers natural looking). Also seamless figs usually are OCs or characters I don't care for and usually 1/6. But kudos if you like em, I don't think seamless fans should be bullied, just move on folks.
Probably because they usually only come with one neutral face expression that just doesn't look the greatest in more active poses.
>discovered those old DGP gashapon mini figures
Man.. coomer merch just isnt what it used to be. There was a time you could just go up to a public gashapon machine and pull for some random mini half naked loli figure? Imagine if that was a thing today
Teenagers, but yeah there's no tits-out gachapon like that anymore.
Look up the DGP hajimete no orusuban set
She’s probably fun but I would wait for release since she’s a mafex
I never watched the movie though so I’m not interested
>Storm Collectibles
Only with females figures, although Juri looks good to me.
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I gave in....
im not super excited but thats a maybe i guess
Oh my...
Hrmm, Revoltechs are true 1/10 so even though figma is starting to grow to that scale they're currently probably around 1/11 so she'll be too big for the figmas.
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>since it's a coom thread
Only if she's cast-off'able nekkid.
Are they doing other characters? Will this blow Figma out of the water?
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Articulation/accessories yes, aesthetics big no.
Idk, I'm not sure where on her they can put weird, unaesthetic articulation points but they'll probably manage somehow. Overall I think revoltechs still look better than figma though, since they have better sculpts, faces, and paintwork.
Huh? No? My revoltechs sure aren't oversized.
In fact, the most recent "true revoltech" is considered slightly undersized.
It depends on who does what now.
Revoltechs no longer seem to be heavily Yamaguchi Katsuhisa focused, since he has his own line now (Amazing Yamaguchi).
Not sure if it'll apply to all Revoltechs going forward, but the most recent one felt more like a Figma of sorts (Ochako Uraraka), whereas the crazy articulation cuts and schemes seem to be an Amazing Yamaguchi thing.
Your just making me wish my bunny girls were real
Didnt snail shell just put out an apology tweet because they claimed they "didnt know" that the last one of these they posted was AI?

Def lost points in my book for apologizing for it. Fuck the anti AI "artist" crowd, if they cant learn to use it for what it is (a tool), then they dont deserve to be called "artists". I wouldnt be surprised if the same types were bitching with all the same talking points when people started making art on computers versus just drawing/painting/whatever on paper.
Ah wait looking at the graphic again I didn't realize she won't be an Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltech. Yes the standard Revos are 1/12, usually bishoujo characters. But if she were an Amazing Yamaguchi she'd be about 1/10. Ex: Revoltech One Punch Man, Marvel, MHA are always taller than the same characters as figmas.
Thats a child
Which recent releases come with soft boobs?
*lolibaba android
You had better not look into the NECA life sized M3gan and why it exists.
If only NECA had made a life size D.A.R.Y.L. then one of their designers wouldn't have given in to temptation.
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Oh ok, never see them on ali, the search is pretty shitty, never found a 1:12 arcade cabinet on it per exemple
So I bought a cheap 3D printer and made a bunch of stuff
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Does anyone like collecting those unpainted kits based on real women? I have a Petrification fetish and this is right up my alley.
Merry Christmas and the best of wishes anon. Glad you stuck around.
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I preordered her from aliexpress, china’s the way to go since she’s from there and you’ll get upcharged less.
Sometimes they are like that, I’m waiting for backordered stock from them too and it’s holding up a big order from them so they’re only screwing themselves and their warehouse space by over ordering stock. The figure also has to come from China, so they do have to get their stock imported and might start distributing her in January.
Damn, I thought this was a rule34 screenshot from the thumbnail.
Why would snail shell have to apologise for this? Its obviously AI. You can tell 2 seconds in by the feet.
Why apologise for using a tool? Its art fags fault for not learning something that's available to them.

Then again these people are insane to begin with. It's like you see them harassing that guy who drew that marvel's rivals image yet then praise other artists practically drawing cp
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Snail Shell are a team with real artists, they probably don’t love corpos trying to slop them out of their jobs with AI.
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Are you ready for bootleg Frieren?
Pretty cute, might buy.
After the shitty shf I'll take anything honestly but I might just wait for a figma first
no elf ears no buy
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Bottom left is close enough to "that face" that I am already sold. The smile could be wider, but it's still better than what Bandai gave us
Sailing mega close to the sun here
Insta buy
Frieren and Fern post fusion dance looks pretty good.
If she fused with Fern, she would be carrying a lot more burger weight.
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Even the staff is a bootleg of the original lmao. Still, it looks nice and I won't say no to more sexy mages.
It balances out Fern's chest and Frieren's lack of chest.
No elf ears means 50% less sexo
Nah, they made it sound like they got HOUNDED by "fans" bitching that they used an AI video. It was one of those multi paragraph "so solly, prease unerstan....." type posts.
TBF, the first one was INCREDIBLE AI. Every part of its movement was fucking smooth, no parts "melting" into each other like it usually is. When I saw that video I was fucking SHOCKED by how good it was. This second one is maybe about 89% as good as that first one was.
Rabid anti-aisloppers are real insufferable.
I was considering one as a kitschy statue for my figures and just giving it a marbley statue.
I have 0 paint skills.
Thats probably the guy who got buttstretched by bakichad
Who makes these? I might be interested if they made one of someone that would otherwise be unlikely to get an action figure.
I have nothing against AI in principle, but I don't trust that a dozen corporations and the government are giving it to you for free.
>t. constantly cooms to aislop
Nah, only on occasion.
Wish they'd make some based on Anri Okita and Hitomi Tanaka... buuuuuut they just recently (read: years back) retired so I dunno if they'd be amenable to someone using their likenesses for coomer figures.

Last I checked, Good Smile's plamax did it in their Naked Angels imprint. All 1/20th scales, mind. Kinda wish they'd have articulation, but at this point I'd be better off 3D-printing scans of their faces... which has several ethical issues to boot.
worse is the absence of elf ears and big eyebrows
this is just an uguu cosplay slut
Need to see the ass first
just be aware I believe shes a non-scale release because shes listed at having a 140mm height, which is barely smaller than the Mafex Spider-Man
Scalefags are becoming insufferable. They don't actually collect toys
Caring about scale makes you a real collector.
People who don't, and just toss random shit together that makes no sense are just hapless consumers addicted to the thrill of buying and owning new shit.
>t. Fag that hates toys
Post your collection right now
>no counterargument
>no toys
Just ignore the troll. He's a bitch who doesn't own toys.
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What's the deal with these 'Mad Hands' garage kits? Are the originals hand cast resin or 3D printed parts? Face plate details always done by the included decals and never pre-made? Do these type of kits use the Figma styled Hobby Base joints that are easier to get now days or the rounder Revoltech styled ones?
Post your toys.
Someone drop a discord invite
As far as I know, they're cast resin, the faceplate decals never come pre-applied and it's all Hobbybase joints
What figure is this?
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I just found it listed on Mercari. I think the series is called 'Azur Lane' and the specific fig is called 'Pola'

Thank you! I was wondering if they used the Hobby Base "Ball Shape" / Revoltech type, of the Hobby Base "Ball Shape Joint Slim" / Figma type. Both are hard to find in the US but the Slim/Figma ones are even harder to find, especially in flesh tones
Regarding the joint type, I think there may actually be a mix. I think there's Revo-type flesh tone ones for the arms, and Figma-type white ones for the legs, but I can't be sure, the pics are unclear even on MyFigureCollection
the decals are never pre-applied on these, you will always need to do them yourself. the decals they provide can be hit or miss because the ones on my barghest didnt want to separate from the paper even after placing them on a moist paper towel for 15 seconds like the instructions stated so I had to get replacements made. didn't run into that issue with the anis and summer anis kits they released though. joint-wise they recommend hobby based joints and even tell you which ones you will need in the instruction papers.
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Why is this nearly $90 on gundamit? That's a lot more then the bunny girl etc?
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And why does she have two near-identical faceplates?
There apparently raising prices on everything just before new years (according to rumblings online) it's also due to the brand (I think) plus the company themselves just being greedy.

I'd rather they focus on releasing shit on schedule and working on fixing their mistakes because so far we have snapping wrist pegs, bunny ears breaking in transit, missing accessories and now the company has had to issue a warning/apology because it turns out the neck joints are warping and breaking due to the plastic being shit quality on an important part.
For $90 I dont expect any of that shit
Bunny girl isn't licensed?
Because licensed nikkeshit.
Licensed I.P.
Because babu
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this up for preorder anywhere ?
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They come as decals that you have to apply yourself
Murvelous butt
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AY Psylocke has a great body sculpt (those titties). Too bad about the potato face.
Anyone ever tried these?
Haribo fried eggs?
Nipple addons
If she gets a 2.0, they don't need to change a thing except for the face and hair. Hair especially, that shit made her hard to pose.
I kinda like her face, it looks like girl from work, I once rejected (because I'm autistic).
lmao is that toothpaste? miniature snow paint?
weird place to put hot glue
Liquid hand soap or moisturizer.
I'm sure her feet just need moisturizing.
Yeah, that's handsoap. I recently find out that soap is even better than any silicon that oil I tried, to fix tight joints. Like balljoints even. You apply it into socket, apply it to a peg and when it dry it moves smooth as.
great tip! I'll give it a shot next time
These are great. Which AI generator is it? No Hailuo watermark.
Yeah! Little clarification - after apply I usually straighaway assemble joint and then wait 24h for soup to dry.
Does anyone remember anon who posted Lustia with wings? I'm trying to recall what the wings were from
Sucks that the Archive hates giving /toy/ some functionality.
She's priced higher to begin with, but I'd check out other stores. She's around $60 pre-shipping from Japanese sites. Gundamit's also charging $80 for Muse for whatever reason.

If this is the pic you mean, that was me. But I found it on Weibo and was asking where the wings were from myself.
Yes that's the pic. I want those wings too
You think that's bad? She's $150 on BBTS
BBTS is in a league of their own.
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Does anyone have the KO of this? If so, is it okay quality? And is there a preferable seller between amazon/ebay/aliexpress?
Last time I heard, it was getting hard to find the KOs.
There are some on those 3 sites for around $40. Just not sure if there are different bootlegs or they're all the same
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Been wanting to get some black devil wings for Rias, those are kinda close but not quite. Also thought about getting Lustia for a devilish body. Maybe they'll do an actual devil girl one day.
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Anyone know what that church window is from ?
SHEEEEIT, count me in on wanting a set of those wings. Also kind of sad she didnt come with a proper long devil tail, they kind of dropped the ball on that part of her overall design....
I have two of them, theyre in the "ok tier" for sure. Joints are a little loose, paints a little shit and her wrist joints are microscopic, but WAY easier to work with than the current snail shell offerings wrist joints are.
Heard that hand soap is not the best solution for tight joints, might interact poorly with some plastics.
I know what figure those are from but I'm brainfarting on the name of it. All I can say is that it was a chink figure that went up for po around the same time she did.
Isn't there a way to take this image, select the wings and it'll tell you what it's from?

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