Toys are hereby declared illegal, immoral, unlawful AND anyone found with a toy in his possession will be placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON. No kidding!
>>11274258For you.
>>11274258b-b-but Burgermeister Meisterburger- YOU are a toy!Oh, also this bigass Russian just pulled up on a mechanical horse and said if we didn't give him all our gold, he'd have his army of robot knights burn down the town with us in it.
>>11274258well shitttt.....
Anyone have the thread of anons making a version of the song here
>>11274258Go fuck yourself
>>11274548(almost forgot this year!)>I have a job for you to do! Now take this down!>It's a difficult responsibility>That you accept from the number-one janitor, me>Have it known throughout the site from /a/ to /v/>There'll be no /toy/-posting for the king!>All Sonico figures -- melt them down>Let every shelf dive to the ground>Each ball-jointed doll -- unstring it>Do it properly! Don’t wing it!>The Transformers and Bandai kits>Arrest their jointed parts>Outlaw Glyos and Figuarts!>They make my moods so dark!>It's a difficult responsibility>That you accept from the number-one janitor, me>Have it known throughout the site from /a/ to /v/>There'll be no /toy/-posting for the king!>Every Frame Arms Girl be sealed>Till my wounded pride be healed>Stuffed animals -- unstuff them!>When a manchild objects -- rebuff 'em!>No Revoltechs who =CLICK CLICK CLICK=>No Marvel Legends, Black Series>Don't let me see another toy>Or you'll get no mercy!
>>11274474imagine your dad walking on these with work boots and telling you to get a fucking job and move out
>>11274890>It's... a... difficult responsibility>That he extract from the number-two janitor, me>Be it known throughout the site from /a/ to /v/
>>11274900>/toys/ are hereby declared illegal, immoral, unlawful>And anyone found with a toy in his possession>Will be range-banned and thrown in the dungeon!
>>11274901>There'll be no /toy/-posting for the king!