these fucks that came since 2020 with their brain cooked on TikTok are the cringiest fucks I've seen in my life, the same level as some die-hard Star Wars retards, after literal decades I once again feel ashamed of being part of the toy collector community due to these fucks.You can easily spot them using the word "bro, blud, skull emojis, aura" over and over again, the only shit that these fucks care about is how much a figure can bend like a pretzel and "heckin epic action posing" ACBA wasn't this cringe even at its worst,fuck this community
Just posted this in the Marvel General but this is as good a place as any to bring it up. Is it just me, or does it seem like the posting here is getting more unhinged, sexually deviant, and just outright lower quality the past couple of days or so? Maybe it's winter break and it's just zoomers and their fried brains but holy shit it's getting really bad. I can't be the only one that noticed this right?
>>11274638>does it seem like the posting here is getting more unhinged, sexually deviant, and just outright lower quality the past couple of days or so?that's how I feel in the last months, zoomers' humor is purely sexual faggotry and male asses, there's almost no safe places besides some facebook ML groups sadly these groups are also filled with literal 40yo+ boomers
>>11274642It's getting so bad that /toy/ is starting to feel like /b/ 2.0.
>>11274591>>11274594>>11274629>>11274638>>11274642Are toy all aware of lego general?
>>11274638>>11274642Days, months? Try fucking years.
>>11274642Aw, is the old man feeling uncomfortable?
>>11274662kys faggot
>>11274591yeah it's pretty annoying to seethat's why i mostly stick to following accounts who post custom figures or make stop motion skitsI never really cared for videos that are about posing figures, if i wanted to see them i'd just pose the figure myself or look at promo pictures since i get the same amount of enjoyment from both
say sorry ACBA, who would've known that something even worse would come
>>11274591Post examples of such zoomers so I can understand and laugh at.
>>11274591Which toy communities are you apart of? Is there one that you are talking about specifically?Besides /toy/, there's only one other forum I go to that has an active enough community for a specific toy line I like. I've tried more general toy related forums online, but they all seem either too unfocused or very 'casual' (for lack of a better term, like they can't tell what they just bought). Both of of those are fine, just not for me.>>11274638>just outright lower quality the past couple of days or so? Maybe it's winter breakYeah that is all boards during Christmas time I noticed during the years. The spamming and post quality drops bad during early Christmas time. The more trollish anons go nuts because they have more free time, while the more level headed anons are busy with families and events. There becomes a noticeable imbalance.
>>11274638You sound like a prude.
>>11274822Porn has outright obliterated your entire generation.
>>11274651what do some of the things you are group replying to have to with LEGO?
>>11274899Lego General is the reason /toy/ sucks so much lately
>>11274902Care to explain? I don't ever go to those threads.
>>11274902nah SLT is
Congratulations, you have become the angry old guy complaining about them damn kids these days
>>11275017We all get there one day. Each generations humor being more retarded than the previous.
>>11274591I'm already able to tune out the generational garbage as long it's vital toy information. I watch (muted) youtube reviews because not everyone does pictorial reviews anymore. I also dont go to tiktok because all i hear about it are the dangerous fatal hacks and pranks that keep popping up on the news
There is a faggot in a toy server on Discord that continuously harps on about a topic for a week, then finds a new topic to talk about for the next week. On paper, it doesn’t sound bad. The thing is, if the topic shifts to something else because other people don’t give a fuck about whatever that cunt is talking about, he just continues to talk to himself basically. It’s fucking stupid. And MY GOD does he use the FUCK out of “bro” and “mf”. I suspect he’s not black because otherwise he would just say “nigga”, which is effectively what his usage of “mf” conveys.R. Hunter, kill yourself.
>>11274591Who cares, they all collect Dragonball and Shonen slop.
>>11275095discord sounds like a terrible place, and being a mod is used as an insult to me. What makes that place relevant anyway? At least here I can hide or ignore
>>11274591And now you know how I've felt since kids born post-2000 started reeking this place up - a sentiment that continues to this day. Now it's your turn.
>>11275101NTA but you can do almost anything communation-wise and be a part of a community. It also has a bunch of features for music and gaming and shit, and every server is invite-only so you can pick who gets it but that's mostly irrelevant with how any retard can get into most of any server.I tried a Naruto one so I could maybe try talking about the lore but most of them are twitter zoomers who can't have a real conversation. The loss of forums isn't the issue. This generation is literally unable to hold a real conversation about anything.
>>11274591blud needs to chill out fr fr no cap on god
I fucking told you people years ago that instagram hand-posing was gonna ruin this hobby.
>>11275149>This generation is literally unable to hold a real conversation about anything.Zoomers aren't just stupid, they're genuinely unintelligent. They don't know anything about anything and when you try to have an actual discussion with them, it's clear that they're incapable of anything but the most basic, surface level thought. It's all emotion, no logic. And if you try to make them think, they'll just say "it's not that serious" and shut down. It's pointless to talk to them.
>>11274638This place has gone to complete shit but it’s over the span of years, not days.
>>11275017>>11275026The difference is that toy collectors back then knew we were uncool, if you attempted to talk like some dudebro or g, people would call you out as a retard.Zoomer toy collectors are really self-conscious about not wanting to be fuckless nerds, so they try and imitate blackspeak and it comes off as ridiculous.
>>11275149sounds like a perfect place for me if i just liked talking, but im no quick-thinker
>>11275211you clearly talk to people dumber than you. How embarrassing
>>11275166>I fucking told you people years ago that instagram hand-posing was gonna ruin this hobby.inded and Mafex Spidershit was the last nail in the coffin,now every thing zoomerstalka bout is "POSTING POSING POSING!" they don't give a flying fuck about sculpt paint style aesthetics etc, they just want their shit being able to bend like play doh even if it looks like nauseating shit like this thing>>11274662 his butt is made of 4 fucking pieces, Mattel DC Universe tier
>>11275100>they all collect Dragonball and Shonen slop.Nah they only buy SpiderMan SHF shit and Mafex turds and Spiderman MLs to hand pose POSING ACTION with some song, every fucking zoomer has a Miles Morales figure
>>11274902I don't go to LEGO, and I checked out the new one and it seems okay but was just created.The DC and Marble are just a lot of shit posting and idiots with crappy images stolen from EBAY. The same political and other crap that exists on the rest of the site can happen and I've seen it on the threads I do visit. Even a LETS TALK ABOUT TOYS or TOY PHOTOGRAPHY thread can be infected with that since I've seen that happen this year in both.
>>11274591>the only shit that these fucks care about is how much a figure can bend like a pretzel and "heckin epic action posing"I'm someone who collects scale figures too so the last thing on my mind is articulation. If something has great sculpt and paint then I can accept less than stellar articulation. HOWEVER, that doesn't excuse companies using poor engineering that costs the same amount of money to do. There is no excuse for laughably bad range when it's not even improving the sculpt quality. Just as cut up and ugly but with terribly designed joints that get no range for no reason.So yeah, articulation isn't the end all but we need to stop excusing bad engineering choices. The cost of these figures is only going up and the budget of the figure is not increased by placing the joint in the proper location or using the proper type of joints. I know this isn't the entirety of your argument, just saying.
>>11275570>So yeah, articulation isn't the end all but we need to stop excusing bad engineering choices.ironically the most posable figures are the ones with a vomiting engineering like the whole SHF Spider-Man line, every figure has the worst hips that I've seen in my life, lanky arms and atrocious proportions like the TASM2 Spidey, same goes for the latest super articulated Marvel Legends body, which has some of the worst engineering I've seen too, but he's super posable!Jada Toys is easily the golden ratio for aesthetics and posability, and ironically zoomers don't buy them, they would rather get shit like Sentinel figures, I have Sentinel Noir and his engineering is a joke in every sense of the word, completely over engineered floppy mess, somehow Zoomers love that piece of shit because it bends like Play-Doh
>Unironically using -oomerismsFake oldfag thread.
>>11275708Your mom has fucksniggersism
>>11274591Wait, you people are going on the internet and actually engaging with the fandoms you are a part of?lol wtf, I didn't think you were actually supposed to do that. Like yeah, if you're afucking retard or a child, but over 18? Just keep it to yourselfdf
Maybe the board should be deleted
>>11274591Nigga you are collecting TOYS
Where do you even encounter these people?From my experience toy collecting is a hobby where it's really easy to continue to partake in the hobby without ever actually having to interact with other fans of the hobby.
>>11275822>maybe 4chan should be deletedFTFY
>>11274662>i am not like the other zoomers i would never do this cringey stuff>see spodermen presenting his bussy>immediately dying of laughteris it over for me?
>>11274591>GenZ toy community is making me feel ashamed of being a collectorBut you're supposed to be ashamed of being a toy collector. If you ever didn't feel at least a little shame there's something wrong with you. This is a mental illness at worst and a guilty pleasure at best.
>>11275309Don't generalize, fagboat. It doesn't help anyone. I'm sure it must feel nice to believe something as dumb as "Anyone who likes the literal most popular superhero of the last fifty years running" and "anyone who wants more pose options" is part of some secret brand new kabal, but that is genuinely as insane as it sounds.Although this faggot>>11274662Doesn't help matters.
>>11275095Blacks don't actually use nigga all that much in verbal speech, generally. It's an end of statement (not sentence) emphasis word, and code-switching means they don't use it with whites very often either.Additionally, the risk of getting in trouble online for using it means it's not a good signifier at all in any context with moderation, which discord is generally known for having.
>>11278526What's the matter Ronald-kun?
>>11278683Fukkin' who? What's with /toy/ and /ck/ recently assuming every other poster is a secret board schizo? Are there really that few posters or has everyone gone nuts?
>>11278712>he doesn't get the referenceGod, are you like, 12?
>>11275309>individually articulated ass cheeks>badStick to Marvel legends or buy statues, poselet.
>>11278741SHF ass tech peaked with Harley Quinn, the new Spider-Man figures look so vomiting that only a brain damaged zoomer like you would like them, go back to ChinkTok you'll see thousands of videos with the HECKIN epic SHF Spideys
>>11278713Look man, even at 28 or however old I am I just don't know every meme or catch all of em. My best guess is either the clown or this season's old man in charge, but maybe I'm just jaded or flat-out missed a meme somewhere.For what it's worth, you posting an actual toy is worth more than most of the complaints getting posted. >>11278521Appreciate your ability to find small things funny while you can, anon. You won't be happier if it ever goes away. I wish I could pull up the king saying DINNER and still nearly choke out laughing. It's a bit hypocritical of me to say, but honestly, fuck shitting on any generation based on what the worst parts of them are known for. No generation is perfect and it's a bit disgusting when the previous one refuses to take any responsibility for how the next turned out. Please have a very nice new year, everyone.
>>11278683>>11274662these are hilarious anon, keep on keeping on.
>>11275249great way of putting it
>>11274591>>11274729What's wrong with ACBA? Don't watch his videos but I liked it when he called Dan Yun's shit.
>>11275590Latest ML bodies are far from "super posable" lmao, and I see zoomers are the most attracted to that piece of shit excuse of a toy line.
>>11279138Really weird how you hate good things
>>11278521No, you see this guy is just spideyposting and OP is a raging newfag.
>>11279154You're a loser
>>11274662>feels like I'm wearing nothing at all…nothing at all…nothing at allStupid sexy Spidey.
I also find it weird how they feel the need to be the ultimate contrarians. If something is even remotely popular they have to take the opposite approach. I mean we have weirdos in the DC thread shilling Fischer Price toys.
>>11283676What's going on in the Lego threads? I don't go there.
>>11283676>Need I remind you og Goanon?The chad that buckbroke the /tfg/? How can I forget?
>>11283858Hes still here why do you think there are 20 lego threads
>>11283911Thats based
>>11283911Goanon doesn't post in the Lego threads.>t. Goanon
>>11283921I am goanon
>>11283922No you aren't. I am.Or maybe we both are? Brother!
>>11274665Go to church, Faggotome
>>11274829Says the chomo enabler religitard
>>11283934Nice projection Diosoth, you cat-killing pedo.
>>11283934Dead cats calling DioSlob