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File: 20241220_202052.jpg (3.79 MB, 4128x2580)
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Anyone else here likes to play with clay/plastiline? As in not doing anything too complex just messing around doing basic figurines and stuff. I made these with Play-Doh but I wasn't aware this type of plastiline cracks up when dried.
When I was younger, yes... James May built a garden with the stuff some time ago. It is on YouTube.
I actually always thought it was relaxing.
Like those stress balls or crap like that, for while you are at work, or doing something that you need to calm down from.
Every time I wonder into a Ross, I see some discounted and one of these days, I'll probably grab some.

You need a better, snazzier picture to get people to even look at your thread and a better OP post to get some responses.
>You need a better, snazzier picture to get people to even look at your thread and a better OP post to get some responses
But how? It's just cheap clay. How do you even make it more atractive to other anons?
the picture is soulful
they look delicious, anon
Thank you!
I have some silly putty I keep on my desk in a plastic egg. It's fun to mess with and I like to sometimes mess with my toys with it and pretend they're stuck or make them leave footprints.

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